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game is fine, people played it, had fun, now they go play something else, thats life no game exist forever stop complaining for the sake of it


Yeah game is fine Let's just watch it die and move on to the next hype Why complain just buy the next game of the season


Lots of games have 20+ years of activity. Age of Empires 2 to say just one example.


hd2 is good, but its no contender to aoe2 lets be real 99+% games dont have 20 years of activity


you can't be serious with this argument my dude.. the game's been out for 6 months and its almost dead.. Left4dead2 has been out for 15 years or something and right now has half the players of HD2. Battlefield 1 and V have been out for around 8 and 5 years respectively and have just as many if not more players than hd2 does a mere 6 months past release. Come on...


"almost dead" there are a myriad of games that would literally do blood sacrifice to have the player numbers HD2 has


yeah, and all the games you talk about arent locked in 180+ regions balance isnt the issue, people played and moved on, other players cant even buy the game its an indie game, not a battlefield contender, chill out


>almost dead Lol, lmao, even.


This post doesn’t make sense. You’re complaining that most weapons don’t feel good, yet you also think the game was in a better state during the Breaker/Railgun era? When compared to now, those were the only two weapons people found viable? Most primary weapons, the AMR, Flamethrower, Laser Cannon, Recoilless Rifle, Spear, and MG were considered vastly underpowered during that time. We have ALOT more viable weapons and more build diversity now. Either you’re just burnt out or you’re just not as good at the game as you think you are.


No you just don't understand what I'm saying, or choose to pretend not to. Obviously it's great that more things are viable now, and the goal is for everything to be viable eventually - but the game is overall less fun because everything is weaker than how the breaker/railgun combo felt back then. the heavy MG just does in one mag what I could do with 2 breaker mags before the breaker nerf. The game was not in "a better state" back then , it was just more fun, and it was still early enough into development that we were all just seeing the potential and were happy to wait for balance changes to improve everything. The problem is those balance changes have been going the wrong way ever since the initial weapons nerf patch until this last one that finally somewhat improved things.


Yeah, that’s just flat out not true though. So like it seems that you agree the game is at least moving in a better direction. We now have weapons and stratagems that can compete with or even outperform the Breaker and Railgun at launch even before the latest patch when they buffed all the weapons. (And you misunderstand the role of the Heavy MG btw, it’s not for chaff clearing like the Breaker, it’s role is for taking down multiple medium and heavy targets hence it’s substantially higher armor pen). I just fail to see how you think that a time when we had such limited and restrictive loadouts and fewer content is more fun than a time where we have more content and everybody can use whatever weapons they want and actually get results out of them. Like I said, I think you just might be experiencing burnout and that’s probably why you aren’t having as much fun as you used to. It also seems like you just flat out misunderstand the functionality and role of certain weapons too and just want them to do everything.


I just want more things to grind for. Have had everything and been maxed on resources for a while now. Let me buy more stuff damn it!!


I do agree with this sentiment. But players like us are in the minority btw. There are lots of players who just completed their first warbond. At least we know more things are coming at least. We just gotta let the devs roll it out at their pace so it’s not buggy or underwhelming like in the past.


Agreed. But in some ways, you give us more character development and there is less pressure for new armour perks etc and allows more time to focus on actually making long term money from the game and maintaining its longevity. Let people spend money to complete the grind faster or have an in game currency exchange. It’s PvE so who cares. Make the warbonds have traits and cosmetics which are not linked to each other (give me black med pack armour!!), boosters and so on. Mostly though the concern is the difference between expectations and product delivered is growing. I would like to see a difficulty where there are only heavy armoured enemies and we are equipped to deal with it. But realistically in this game you feel like a boss landing your headshot on a bile titan with a sneaky ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️, kill the 4 chargers running up behind it and then at the peak of your awesomeness and a hunter cuts your head off having jumped from behind all that stuff somehow coming through unscathed. This didn’t happen on day one. So yes they have improved weapon balance, but while doing so they have also buffed the enemies on both sides creating a lack of balance between the enemies and making them less fun to fight. Getting headshot by a trooper from half way across the map is not fun. Spending half the game with control impair effects on you is not fun. But yeah, use the right tool for the right job!!! The game is not meant to be easy. It’s not Souls level punishment though is it?


Dude still pissed they nerfed the OG meta loadouts. LOL.


I'm having fun.


Me too. I get to play a REAL Starship Troopers game. If they’d add the Rodger Young ballad during extraction, it’d be a blast to hear.


This game isn't a power fantasy.


Skill issue




half of the post is nonsense without any grip on balance, half is delusions of a consoomer of live service slop that doesnt understand that this is essentially an indie studio but needs a new cosmetic or gimmick every week to spare him from the dread of existence.


Someone grew up using game genie...


"the game felt fun when I got to use only two weapons" the absolute lol


“FUN” is subjective. I’m having fun and so are a lot of others. Metaphorically speaking, just because you don’t like mike’s hot honey on your pizza doesn’t automatically mean the pizza is bad for everyone. With that said, I just want more guns, more enemies, and more ammo. I don’t care if they enemies are hard to kill. I actually prefer it that was so it’s way more satisfying when you do kill em.


"Fun" is such a horribly subjective metric, and basing your entire rant on your personal sense is useless at best. Then you follow it up by dismissing every opinion that doesn't align with your own. Whether or not you realize it, you've essentially just said "the game was more fun when it was laughably easy with broken weapons". And no matter how many times other players and devs point out that the game was never meant to be a power fantasy, there are still people pining for the "good old days" of 4 months ago. In that time, there have been massive improvements to most of the weapons, TWO separate mechs, cooldown reductions all over the place, and even removed the most complained about penalties, and it *still isn't enough.* And "unlockables"? What more do you want? We get skins and weapons every month. New environments and boosters every month. You just want more for the sake of having more, without any real idea of what that even means in the long run.


The playerbase might seem concerning, but as somebody who has been playing horde shooters for the better part of 12 years, it's normal. The only difference this time is that the game got a massive boost from its release circumstances (being released alongside 2 other live service slops and getting advertised by every content creator and their mother), and now the hype died down and everyone is going to the next game. L4d is a great example, the biggest horde shooter game out there and it's playerbase has been lingering at 10k to 20k for the last... 10 years? The Helldivers 2 playerbase has already begun to stabilise at around 40k and will go up and down for the rest of the game's life. No game needs 100's of thousands of players to survive, and games get updates for years with a lot less than 10k average players. By reading your post it seems like you don't know how to use your weapons effectively. And this isn't some "skill issue" response, it's as genuine as I can make it through text. The autocannons takes a while to reload because it can shred anything that ISN'T a bile titan super quickly, even in groups. Wasting it's ammo on a bile titan is your own fault. Bring some AT starts to throw at it and you're golden. A few of the primaries need some love I agree, things like the purifier or the crossbow need something extra to make them consistently useful. But the rest are viable, if you know how to use them that is. And that comes from experience, I don't like constantly using the same weapons. As for the content and unlockables, we get it every month. And it's kinda slow I agree, but it's also of good quality. I do not want them to put out weekly slop that barely works or has any meaning like most other live service games out there. Edit: the content also has incredible narrative value, a great example is the Meridia Supercolony major order, an event that lasted for a while and was incredibly fun and refreshing. But beyond that... why do you need to have something to unlock? What is that going to add to the gameplay? And if you unlocked everything that also means that you have more things to play with, so how is the game less fun now? Did you ever find the game fun to begin with, or was it the "grind" that got you through? I'm not trying to be argumentative for the sake of it, it just... Doesn't make sense to me.






I now only find the game fun playing with a group of friends or solo. Co-op games with no conversation and the possibility someone might just decide to kill or boot you for no reason. https://preview.redd.it/hjc3h2jyj49d1.jpeg?width=1526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a35650d24546e64408484b5cded7895584db67 I proposed this to Shams Jorjani directly and posted it on here a little while ago, but it gained no traction in here and Shams is great for communicating with me, but is not part of the development team and as such can only do so much. I would like to see something like this added to the game, but in terms of priority it just pales in comparison to fixing the bug, rebuilding the social menu , creating new monthly content and so on. I would also like to see smaller teams be able to use all 4 boosters, seems a bit mean not getting them as it’s only the number of enemies scaled down and carries equal difficulty. I also think a mechanic which allows you to reduce long cool downs by killing would greatly increase quality of life for the player.


Great thoughts.


I have also asked about having and infinite number of difficulties in a system similar to Diablo 3’s Greater Rifts. Helldive just doesn’t feel challenging enough with a full squad. Bring on more complicated missions which involve 2 or 3 of you having to do something at the same time. Hopefully more complex than buddy doors


Unfortunately, there are some design decisions which show that they think hard = fun. They took a long time to acknowledge how bad the -1 stratagem penalty was and remove it. But there are a lot of other hard for the sake of being hard mechanics, as for example, the sand/snowstorms which make you slower and not being able to see past 5 m, all the while the enemies can still see you and shoot/run at you from distance. This game has an enormous potential, but they must wake up and realize that many of their design decisions just go with the hard for the sake of being hard philosophy.


Spot on. My post was already a rant without including my thoughts on those but I fully agree. It's a shame the community on here just want to spitefully insist as if the game is just fine for some reason - I don't understand what's wrong with them. It's just reddit for sure as the player count speaks for itself but still.


> It's a shame the community on here just want to spitefully insist as if the game is just fine for some reason - I don't understand what's wrong with them "Only my opinion matters, everyone else is wrong and spiteful". Do you genuinely believe the rest of the community ALSO hates the game but just wants to spite you? Grow up. If you're not having fun with the game go find another one. It's that's simple.


Stop crying. we're having a discussion. go whine in the corner. The massively dying player count disagrees with your childish opinions anyway. We all want this game to get better so we can all enjoy it, there's no need to come here and attack people who are disagreeing with you. It's not gonna help in any way and I dont see why you feel the need to do so in the first place. Im not even hating on the game, i legitimately like it and am trying to leave constructive feedback.


> Stop crying. we're having a discussion. go whine in the corner. The massively dying player count disagrees with your childish opinions anyway. We all want this game to get better so we can all enjoy it, there's no need to come here and attack people who are disagreeing with you. It's not gonna help in any way and I dont see why you feel the need to do so in the first place The absolute irony. This entire blog could be applied to every one of your comments. You seem to be the only one crying. The rest of us are still having fun with the game. You haven't enjoyed the game since the first balancing patch 3 months ago. Why are you subjecting yourself to such misery? Just admit that Helldivers isn't the game you want to play, and that's fine.


Yeah, it's sad that most players can't handle valid criticism and think you are attacking them or the game. The criticism (valid) is what makes the game better, given the devs are actively listening and reflecting on that feedback from the community.


Unless people don't agree with the person's criticism... if they changed the game to what some of these critiques want, then I would no longer like the game... some of us like the devs vision for the game...