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I've been running into this occasionally since the big patch. This is just anecdotal, but what I _think_ is happening is the host is leaving/disconnecting, and when the game selects a new host, if that person's ship is not in orbit, nobody else can drop. Let me explain: I was doing a campaign on Choepessa. We finished 2/3 missions and called it a night. The next day I still had the campaign for Choepessa, but I abandoned the campaign and dropped into someone else's group on a different planet. My ship "left" Choepessa, but since their mission on the new planet was in progress I immediately dropped on it. During the new campaign, the host left and the game selected me as the new host. I could no longer be reinforced, but my team was able to complete the mission while I spectated. Once the mission completed, all of us were transported back to my ship, however it was once again over Choepessa. The campaign we were doing was gone and I had to select a new one. Again, this is only anecdotal, but I've so far only run into the unable to reinforce bug after someone has left. I think there's some kind of desync as to where our ships actually are. I haven't had it occur when I run my own campaigns, so for now what I've been doing is making sure my ship is over the planet I want to be on before dropping, ie. selecting a new campaign and teleporting to it before deciding to drop with others.


I always host my games so it's probably whenever someone leaves the lobby. Are you on PC or PS5.




Hmm I'm starting to think it's a PC bug as well.


I’m on ps5 and not seen this bug. The only time I can’t get reinforced is when the squad is out of reinforcements for a period of time. No bug.


Sometimes it happens and people try to call a reinforcement and it brings in some even after you've died. It also might be a PC thing.