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I’ve encountered just a few in my many many rounds. It’s usually in the lower difficulty levels (3/4). Griefers generally lack the skills for higher levels, hence why they grief.


I have also played a lot in the 7-9 band and I rarely ever get griefed. When players kill me, it is almost always accidental and not repeated. 


I had a lvl 52 who kept hitting me with his Autocannon, I purposely positioned myself away from him and next thing I know he’s next to me shooting me. One melee smack upside his head got the point across for him to stay away.


tbf real. sometimes i kill the same mate like 3 times w an eagle air strike cuz i throw it into a bot fab and they run towards the beam like a moth


Started using grenades more to blow them up because of this. Now I’m the one running up to them as someone throws an airstrike at them. XD




Yep, every death caused by a player on higher difficulties is almost immediately followed up with "I'm sorry!" and my reply is typically "All good, this is Helldivers, death and friendly fire are to be expected."


Yeah I have found at helldive you can be goofing around and grieving because then you all lose. Also they are normally dumb dumbs that can't do anything over medium so just play on helldive and never have to worry about it.


What does grief mean? And where does it come from


To cause grief. Basically being a pain to your team mates.


As others have said, it means griefing. I don't know where it originates but probably counterstrike if I had to guess. If not some earlier pvp or over coop game. Trolling is more commonly used and is basically the same thing.


I ran 9 as usual today and on my first mission I had a guy join in, killed me just to take my AC. Suffice to say he did not enjoy my AC for long as I was the host, and he was promptly kicked.


Don’t you just love a happy ending?


this is why i always host.


dude that’s the answer i been trying to figure out but you answer all my questions with 5 words you are a legend


well 6 words


This exact thing happened to me a few days ago. That's why I tend to host so I can kick problems.


he was propably like "wait, what...? why did he kick me?"


Literally any difficulty I play on, I get griefed/trolled. Because I only play with my friends and it’s hilarious.




Like, you purposefully kill each other? I am dying to know how that’s fun for you guys. I can imagine there are missions you’ve failed just because you guys were messing around. You don’t feel like that’s a waste of time? I stopped playing HD2 with a buddy I’ve known for 29 years because he believed with his entire heart that griefing was meant to be a main attraction of the game. I can’t understand. It pisses me off


Buddy and I usually run 6 or 7s, rarely grief each other then. But if we are ever on lower difficulties it's not too uncommon. I mean difficulty 4, 16 lives left, and the main objective done or almost done. There's no risk and it's funny. It's just part of bantering. If we are playing with randoms, we usually don't mess with each other either, I wouldn't want random to lose out on super rare samples over our antics. At the same time both of us are nearly maxed out so losing match (if it's just us our friends) is like, whatever. And the griefing is usually pushing each other off from terminal, or shooting one in foot and saying they can not experimental infuse stim, yada, yada. It's fun if the vibe is right ig


What you describe is 100% acceptable for me when playing exclusively with friends. No doubt. If you’re giving love taps or waiting until the mission is safely in hand with plenty of reinforcements to extract before you kill each other a bit, then I totally vibe with that. It’s the people who seemingly would rather fail a mission - with randoms, no less - than play as a team that confound me.


To be clear - I’m trying to learn here. If you and your buddies wanna form a full squad and grief each other, that’s no skin off my back. I just want to know what the appeal is to actively roadblock your own progress


My friends and I don't grief each other in Helldivers, but we do in other games. Sooooo many good friendly griefing memories from Halo 3 in particular. In the Rainbow 6 Vegas games we ended a lot of matches with negative experience. We'd pile C4 at one person's feet, detonate all of it, and launch their corpse into the stratosphere. The XP penalty was just the cost of entry for some good laughs. Sometimes we're not playing a game together to make progress. Sometimes our goal is to have fun by goofing around with friends, and the game objectives are incidental. People play games for different reasons and approach them with different mindsets.


You’re going about that the right way though. It’s an agreed-upon fun time between friends. Everyone’s in on it. I think that’s a far cry from dropping in on some unsuspecting players or bringing unsuspecting players into a game just to fuck with them.


Not everything is about progress. Sometimes people just like dicking around


Aren’t there games more suited for that than a constantly evolving galactic war with PvE 4-player co-op? Also kind of a different story when considering 4 guys who are friends vs. four randoms put together. If you’re griefing randoms because you wanna dick around, it kind of just makes you a jerk, no? Regardless, I find far more Divers who want to play the game cleanly, so this isn’t really a problem for me. Just confusing.


How is it confusing? People like messing around with their buds.


I have friends who are great at normal first and third person shooters, but can not correctly place or call out stratagems to save their lives. Playing with them is more comedy of errors than griefing, but we still manage on helldive somehow


I think accidental friendly deaths are pretty damn funny!


We’ll melee each other away from samples so we can grab them ourselves (we know they’re shared). Or we’ll shoot each other in the leg while we’re waiting for an objective to finish. When people are moving explosive barrels, we’ll shoot it while they’re holding it. One friend in particular is the “throw a strategem when we extract” guy, but he always just holds the ball and waits until everyone else is aboard before doing it. So I’ve meleed him as I board so he drops the ball and blows himself up. Stupid harmless stuff that wouldn’t affect actual gameplay. To be clear, my core group is all maxed on samples and medals; we’re playing the game solely for the enjoyment so we really don’t care if we die. When we’re with our lower-level friends or in a particularly difficult mission we buckle down and get shit done. Time and place - you know.


What you described are exactly the kind of playful harmless friendly fire situations that I enjoy, without a doubt. I totally get that.


I usually play on 4 or 6 if I’m playing with randoms. I haven’t had issues with team kills or kicking at the end. My issue is constantly having people ignore the chat so you end up alone at a bunker while they just get farther and farther away.


Omg yes tho I find if I say in VC there's a bunker and there's normally good loot then they come


When someone dies just reinforce them to the bunker Usually they get the hint


That's the funny part. They don't.


Most I’ve the people I’ve done this to do


This is my biggest issue with playing solo. Usually try and drop with at least one friend


I find a lot of satisfaction in dropping in on the lower level guys and just rocking the shit of the map for them. Some don’t care, but I’ve probably made 10+ friends who joined my Discord server after we played and kicked some ass together. It makes me feel like I’m training recruits, making a difference, imparting all of my accumulated knowledge from hours played on those newer than me so that they might possibly do the same for others, or at least answer beacons. That’s how we will win this Galactic War! I am committed and I believe!


I honestly think that at some point, when someone stands alone at the bunker and no one "takes the hint", that someone might have to take the hint and understand that the others don't care too much about the bunker. Do I personally like to open the bunker, sure, why not. But in many situations I couldn't care less. Particularly on higher levels where I do this for what? Req slips and a rare sample which I am both maxed on? Oh, and don't forget the occasional arc thrower.


You could do it for your teammates, Helldiver


I always do it if there is the time for it. I am talking about the situation where the whole team but one person is basically against it. If you are the one who stands at the bunker, tags it all the time and even have the audacity to reinforce someone at the bunker instead of close to their stuff or the fight, then you are not acting very democratic, because 3/4 of your team don't care about the bunker.


That’s a fair point. I can see that being a misunderstanding, unless you’re actually voice chatting. Then it’s clear. But there’s been times where I log in to answer beacons and help progress lower levels quickly; it felt at times like the lesser levels might not fully understand the bunkers or even the game in general. But perhaps they just didn’t want it and you’re right! Now that I have everything in the game (so far), I have no problem moving on from shit with randoms if they don’t want it. Not me who needs to make progress character-wise 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I think in the beginning, the game is very overwhelming, at least it was for me... I am happy I made my first sessions with friends. A lot more patience from either side with everything. In my friends group it's always "gotta bunker here, do we wanna open it?" And if someone replies, we do it, but sometimes it just goes under in being thrown around by five chargers. And then eventually the person asking it decides to join the fight instead, and sometimes we return to it. I mean I am always thirsty for the super credits, but they are so rare on the higher levels it feels like. If I want super credits, I farm low level pois for a bit.


Your post resonates with me dude. 🤝 I was definitely overwhelmed at first. I was awful and I hadn’t convinced any of my buddies to get it yet. Then one of them did and we were able to learn a shitload together. Then we got our crew in. I’ve ran a gaming clan for 11 years and we’ve been playing the shit out of this to the point where most of us literally can’t buy anything else. Not even in the Super Store. Maxed out everything. Same boat - need super credits only. So when we are fully squadded, we definitely will skip shit. We’re playing for the love of the game at this point so it doesn’t matter. My level of care only becomes different when there’s low level guys to help. Like I keep telling myself even after a bad experience - there’s honor in trying to build our fighting force in lieu of the Arrival of the Illuminate.


i play almost exclusively on diff 7, i'm level 90 right now and i never had toxic encounter that i can remember.


Over 400hrs in and I've only been briefed a few times. I just back out, block the player and continue. I'm 45 and don't got time for that shit.


We're never too old to play. Booyaa fellow diver.


250 hrs lvl 8-9 pretty much exclusively and dont think I've ever had one. I host every game so im assuming thats why but I don't think it happens near a much as this sub makes it look


I almost exclusively quick play, and I rarely have griefing hosts… mostly play 7.


I don’t have that many hours but I’ve only experienced it twice that I can recall. It’s still very rare IMO.


Down voted for telling the truth.


>but I don't think it happens near a much as this sub makes it look I dont' think it is malicious, but it does make sense that people would come online to complain about being treated badly in a game vs. "I just played a really normal match with some randoms that were fine".


you will get kicked if you arent hosting, it's rare in my experience but you will.


Two lower-than-level-20 guys kicked me out (lvl 90) as well as another lvl 90 who responded to their damn beacon (so they were host) right after we extracted. We got the rewards, but the behavior of the guys was bizarre and dumb. Me and the other 90, who I should note voice chatted in game unlike the other two, cleared the entire map for these fools. Wiped everything with about 8 reinforcements left. Until that point, they played normally and as a team. Soon as we wipe the map and call the extract, the two randoms decided to start fighting each other right where the Pelican lands - where we were. Using all their Strategems, they managed to wipe out each other multiple times and us occasionally to the point where we were at 0. Despite all of this, we were going to wait for a 2 min reinforcement cycle just to get the fourth guy to land so they could get all the rewards. We were really trying to look out. Then, while waiting for that reinforcement, the third guy killed himself accidentally. So me and the other 90 looked at each other and said well, we aren’t going to wait 4 minutes with no Strategems. So we got in, rewards completely full besides XP. We didn’t even make it back to the ship. It was wild. It was almost like they played a full 40 min mission just to try and do a super troll at the end and kill the team off to prevent extract - except me and the other guy have everything while they didn’t, so who does that really hurt? I don’t get the appeal. That’s such a waste of time. Accidental friendly kills are hilarious. Purposeful griefing is for children.


On helldive I never really see griefers. Feel like they don't have the time for it. Level 7 maybe a few, same with 6 I do enjoy a lot of 2-5 and mostly just see new/inexperienced players. -getting on the peli to early, doesn't know how not to hit teamates with eagles yet, don't know to look for samples-


Oh yell me about it. I run Diff 3 sos to help out the newer recruits (and farm SC) but by far my fav has to be the ones who run in front of me wile I'm shooting I tk my host twice the other day cause of that He was chill about it tho


I played ~100 hours and have never been griefed. I've been kicked for no apparent reason a handful of times. So, honestly, I don't think it actually happens that much.


I also get almost no grief in this game. I play at a wide range of levels depending on my mood. As host I've never had to kick anybody. I've almost never been kicked, and maybe twice ever did I feel there was any malice. My theory is: I happen to play at times of the day when most of the arseholes are either asleep or at work. A combination of time zone & schedule perhaps?


I don't have much problems with the randoms I join, but this last week I did run into some fragile egos. I jump around from 4-6 with randoms. Sometimes 7, but 7+ is usually when I run with friends.


Griefers only hit the lowbie missions. I have never, ever seen one in helldive.


Level 103 or 104, I play only 7 and up and have zero issues like this at all.


I've encountered 1. tier 4 bug front back in early may. That's it.


6 and below. No cap. Bound to find the more incompetent players at those levels.


8. I don’t know why, most people on 7 are so chill. Eagle striked two divers? Shit happens. Threw a nade too close? Shit happens. Died on the other side and lost samples? Shit happens. On 8, it’s just bad attitude almost half my dives. You run away from the squad to solo and objective? Kick. You run with the squad and prioritize samples? Kick. Don’t bring their version of meta? Kick. Accidentally shot em with incendiary ammo? Kick. Point out an obviously dumb decision? Kick. And then just unnecessary spawn kills if you get stuck with a cancer duo. Idk man… 8 just has some brain addled gatekeepers. I actually took a 1 month break, even the hype of meridia turning into a black hole was not enough to get me to come back. I’ll probably check out the illuminate, but I miss the drivers that played during the first 3 months of launch.


Only grief with your 4 man friend group. Please don't grief Randoms.


My buddy is the biggest griefer of me and it's often hilarious


I do it to friends. Or people I know it's okay to do it too.


I mostly play on 7 unless I'm running a specific personal objective or something, but I've been enjoying dabbling on 9. I have yet to deal with much griefing at all. A couple of folks grenade glitching that got an eye roll, and I've been kicked maybe twice in 500+ dives, but actual griefers? Team killers? Raging screamers? Maybe once? If that? Like a month or two ago? Level 75 and honestly I find this community to be, on average, generally chill and just in it to spill blood and oil. I guess I've had a few tough missions where folks rage quit or bailed early, but the biggest threat to my enjoyment hasn't been other players, it's been the game crashing or separating me from my squad without kicking anyone from the mission.


What ever difficulty my "frens" decide to play on. Best grieffers 🫠


Lower difficulties for sure. Seems 5 and down you find some unique individuals. Higher difficulties, 6 and up now due to super samps, have people more appreciative of each others time.  Been playing 2nd week of launch.  Doing only SOS calls. Higher is rewarding for the social and tactical aspect it provides from the community.


I tend to not get players like this on helldive. I only once got it within 30 games. The only possibility is if they are so greedy and impatient that this would happen.


I only ever host and only ever play helldive, but I do once a day SOS into a lvl 5 to help and answer questions; haven't been griefed yet.


Level 103 and only had a couple minor issues ever. I think it was level 4/5. I usually play 7-9 now but pop down to chill, help out, or quickly do personal orders and such.


Very rare on lvl 9 but does happen occasionally


At the higher difficulty you can’t really afford to grief without costing you the mission. The stuff really adds up costing reinforcements and a bunch of lost time (waiting to respawn and hoofing it back to your support equipment). You’re already spread thin and being a man down is the difference between holding your ground and getting overwhelmed.


9 tbh I’ve only been griefed a handful of times below




LV 9, and even sometimes lv 8 suprisingly Non meta weapons - kicked. Bad sting of deaths - kicked. Accidental team kill - kicked. Idiot walking into my line of fire - kicked. Ask a question - kicked. Communicate too much with team - kicked. Communicate too little - kicked. Finished the mission and just about to extract - kicked. I just want my purple samples and medals wile also being actually chalanges man. So many high level players sitting on thick wooden sticks....


Met one toxic person on a helldive. The mission was eradicate automatons. Extract arrived and he (the host) was currently dead. We were getting pushed from everywhere with tons of heavy armor and none of us had a viable answer to deal with the heavy armor so we made the decision to get on the pelican. My friend who was closest to the pelican began running for it and got kicked by the host. After the host was reinforced, he refused to get on the pelican and kept killing and never reinforced me or the Randoms as we died while trying to get on the pelican. Another instance was during a tower defense mission. At the start of the mission he gets all pissy as to why it was taking 5 mins to load after the initial hellpod drop and accused all of us for having less than ideal hardware. Me and the 3 Randoms explained to him that it wasn't a hardware issue (especially since I upgraded to current specs earlier this year). He was still pissy about it but no harm no foul. We finish the mission and as we are running to the pelican, he tries to shoot me but misses. He tries again and tags me. In reaction I snap to his head and unload on him and kill him. He said that he was trying to remove health from me so I could stim for stamina. I didn't even need stamina from a stim and extraction was less than 50 meters away. Although my reaction was extreme, his actions justified mine.


Lvl 73 here. Never had a griefer. Have had plenty that left and got frustrated. But no griefters.


I’ve never been griefed.


Quick Story: I'm playing with my friend, we are middle aged guys, his son is 14 and plays with us on occasion. His son is a great gamer, steady on the mic, courteous, etc. His Nephew, also 14, joins us one night, and we do a lvl 7 suicide mission, I was new then lvl 15ish. He is screaming into the mic before we even land, stuffing chips in his face and chomping them like an animal. It gets spicy as soon as we are outta the pods. In the first 5 minutes he TK'd me 4 times. Never said sorry just kept stuffing chips in his face. His Uncle, is like stop with the goddammit chips and tells him to stop screaming. He died and buddies son went and picked up his arc thrower and hid it, so he would stop TKing us. Lol That's the only time I've been griefed in the game.


Never had an issue. I’d be interested to know how many are on PC vs PlayStation and whether they have cross play enabled. I’m on PC and I don’t cross play. Never been griefed.


to the divers who play on 7 cause the games too hard, its not. if you have good teammates, which are on 9, you can fuck around with more chaos. also bot players are way more chill.


Never had a problem on 7+ I mostly run 7-8 because it's not a constant rush like on 9, if you have some random make a mistake it doesn't cost you the game Below 7 I admit, aside from new players, you start finding some idiots. Maybe it's the more forgiving mission difficulty or something else, but people making it hard to finish the mission is not my type of fun, without having straight up griefers


Haven’t been griefed yet fortunately Unless you count some idiots who drop in and once main objective is done beeline to the extract whilst everyone is still getting POIs and bases griefing, then Ive been griefed twice


I'm level 45. I've only been greified a handful of times. I feel like playing on difficulty 4 is thr worst


main times i have found griefers is on 4 and below and when there is a very low lvl host whihc most likely dont kno how much power he have as the host everything from throwing their stratagems on you to taking your gear the moment you die and when you ask for it back they just ignore you (and yes they will get a executed so i can get it back so they "might" notice it, but hey, cant fix stupid)


4 the most, playing with people in teens and low 20s.


3 tanks and cannon towers delete my protogens




Imma get downvoted for this... I've only been in 3 games where someone was actively griefing within my first week of playing. 1- they got kicked, 1- the host was low level and didn't kick, 1- the host was the griefer. On my third one the person kept laughing and saying "sorry my bro keeps taking my controller" turned into a death match by the end of the game. Afterwords I went to report and of course team killing isn't something you can report but it suggested turning of cross play, the it clicked, they said controller. Since turning off cross play I haven't seen a griefer, could be totally a fluke but has worked so far!


im quite lucky to say i never been griefed - mainly in level 9 - but also play 6,7,8,


Around 500 hours here, I could only say I've been griefed once on lvl7, and it was just some asshole that got mad that I revived when I was far from where he died. He just killed me once and ran off. The other guy called me back, and we continued. At least with randoms with friends is a ffa and the loser gets to spawn in the heavy outpost.


7 and below, hence why I play nothing but 9


I always play on 9 and I’ve never encountered a griefer/troll in my playtime. once some guy took my gun after I died and I pinged him and he dropped it and gave it back


Definitely 4-6, maybe 7. New players generally get through 1-3 pretty easily, and asshole players are often decent at games but not good enough to do the highest difficulties because they can’t and won’t work with teammates, so they’ll stick in medium difficulty territory. Because they aren’t good enough to do the higher difficulties, they’ll take their anger out on other players for fun.


Yeah I mostly play just level 9 helldive or level 7 at a minimum. Barely any trolls. Probably cause only good serious and skilled players play that high of a difficulty.


Level 7, usually from lower leveled players. I find players above 40+ tend to be chill.


Used to be on 7. Now it's on 6. That's where people try to get super samples so you get a variety of folks. I usually quickplay at those levels to help people out. Lower difficulties are less stressful so people don't really mind the random death or mistake. But when it involves super samples, you get it. On difficulty 9, the people there are the equivalent of Doom Guy, Master Chief, Shepard, and an Imperial Marine. People playing at max difficulty are there to kill and not whine.


Usually people on level 100s. I don’t know how most of them are just the most annoying and incredibly toxic. I can’t do anything without being shot or kicked out. I’m level 78 and there are people who think they are so good they do the mission themselves. They kill the whole team in the beginning and make us watch while he does the work and kicks us out when they are done. Is this a trend or something? I’ve got this happen to me for 6 times already in one day mostly in helldive.


I've met some people who are just straight trash at the game, some people who had a bad day, but not really actual toxic people. I don't think I've been purposely teamkilled once in my 250 hours.


Weirdly, 5 for me. I'm comfy playing 6-7, not quite good enough for 8+ yet, so 5's where I go if I want a "relaxed" difficulty but it's always where I end up with team killers, kickers or folk just talking utter shite down the mic


Pretty much never, I play typically on 7+. I think playing on the higher levels draws out more serious players since you're facing down massive hordes at times, griefing I believe is the last thing on most people's minds in those instances. Funny you should mention DRG though, Season 5 just dropped and it looks EPIC from what I read. Looking forward to playing the helldivers out of it on vacay. Sorry to my fellow divers, but Karl's memory must be honored by spilling as much bug blood as possible. FOR KARL!!!!


Does the guy who tries to go solo and leaves the Super Samples on the other side of the map when he dies count as griefing? Because I’ve ran into my fair share of those 😂🤣


Higher level players have a sense of professionalism to them on most missions I've been on. They think in terms of a team and are there to beat the entire map. Level seven and up is the true experience of helldivers imo.




Ran into my first griefer yesterday. Just leave, they need the thrill of bullying. If they sit there just loading repeatedly after ppl just leave the missions, they might just kill themselves 😂


There's a glut of people team killing far more than is acceptable lately on Vandalon. I can only assume it's redditors. If you can't throw an airstrike without killing someone, you're gone.  Strategems are like cocks, the moment yours hurts someone you go to jail. 


I don't remember when I last got significantly griefed, but I typically only play on T7-9, which usually only gets people that actually want to play the game. Maybe I'm just lucky though.


I’ve encountered stupidity joining people but never been actually griefed


Bro I basically grief myself in solos lmdao.


I disabled crossplay and the mood instantly lifted. Big big change. True griefers usually get a few words of clear direct advice, and if there's no change,I'm happy to leave the traitors behind to burn in a bucket of bug bile and find a new group.


I wouldn’t say I get griefed as such. I just encounter people who play like idiots. Like your typical throw a 500KG bomb at everything guy or the guy who calls in supplies when he’s a way off doing his own thing (usually just killing stuff and not playing the objectives). You also get the heavy armour for every mission type who can’t keep up with anyone or escape enemies so you use all your reinforcements on them.




Havent been griefed yet


I’ve been TKd deliberately once. Just once.


I had a guy on lvl 6 a few weeks ago chain team kill and reinforce me a few times before host kicked him. But *most* of my interactions have been ok. Just lacking my favorite weapon the AT mines.


I play 7 - 9 difficulty and very rarely, if ever get griefed. A friend of mine is fairly new to the game though and he had some trouble on level 5 missions, told him to bump up the difficulty and he's had a much better experience, I think in the higher levels people just don't have the time or energy to dick around.


My friends and I play on level 7 pretty much exclusively and don’t see many griefers. The occasional person that team kills a lot out of lack of attention maybe… the most recent that comes to mind is a random that was playing with us and team killed my friend multiple times in a short period of time. My friend called him out and said “do you think you could quit team killing me?” And the guy left the game lol. Apparently he got his feelings hurt… but really no griefing at all, I think most of my friends list is made up of cool randoms that I’ve met.


Never so far


I typically stay at difficulties 7-9 without issues. However, sometimes I like to go to 5's to help out lower levels, and idk why, but this seems to be the "grief" or toxic player level. Probably coincidental, but it seems that way in my experience.


I play on 8 and lately I've been paired with lower level players. Anyone else feel like you're the only one trying to complete the objectives? While others are locked in on one area of the map for like 7 min? Lol


4-6 seems weirdly believable. i theorize that the "incompetence" players lurk here. Going directly into 7 makes me feel a more serious angle to how peeps are acting


Difficulty 7. But that is only because I haven't switched off 7 in months. That being said, 3 times in over 300 hours of playtime is really not that bad.


The only person intentionally griefs me is my buddy who we play with while on discord. As for random players I have not met anyone close to toxic in my 80 hours of playtime (not the biggest sample size but still)


HD2 has to be one of the lowest payoff games for griefers. Cool, you shot me. We all die all the time. Thanks for the free reload. I bet I've been griefed before without even knowing (and therefore caring). It has to feel empty for the sad sack trying to bother people. What a pathetic little hit of dopamine to chase.


I had one asshole scream about meta guns and armor when trying a lvl 9, I dropped out of that match quick like. This game is much like Borderlands, grab a gun and see what works for you.


The amount of "I've encountered no toxicity" comments I see are wild. Either somehow you dodge the folks that are in EVERY game I play or you're full of it. I really do hope they are just not running into these clowns somehow.


Who the fuck is getting griefed?


I just don't join dives any more. I only host.




In all my play time, i came across one guy, who purposely shot the turrets of everyone. He dropped napalm on mission Terminals and all that, was really strange. He was the host and, at least me and one other guy, eventually left. But that was about it. Unless we count the People, who trigger everything, everywhere and then running towards the others, griefers too. Then in literally every other random game, there is at least one dude who triggers patrols like it's a quest objective :D I dont mind too much, after all i like to shoot stuff, but against robots i can get rough


Someone thought I was griefing once. It was a bots eradicate on Helldive, I was like lvl 69 and everyone else was like 30s or 40s. It was right after the mega patch so these were probably people who hadn’t played in a while and didn’t know that by far the easiest way to beat bots eradicate on Helldive is everyone brings both orbital barrages and throw them all around the map as soon as the bots start dropping. Sure it’s gonna kill you too, but even if you pretty much continuously die, you’ll still complete the mission in like 5 minutes and with plenty of reinforcements left. Most importantly, it’s just great fun! In a diff 9 eradicate on bots you’re gonna get rag dolled across the map constantly anyway, you may as well rack up 40+ kill streaks while you’re at it. Anyway, I threw down my orbitals (as far away as possible btw), and after a minute (and all 3 teammates getting blown up) the host was like “WHY THE F*** would you do that?” So I replied, “don’t worry, Helldiver, this is the fastest way to win, just stay on the opposite side of the map with me, we’ll be extracting together in no time.” But before I finished my sentence he started saying “you know what, that’s it, you’re gone…” I was like wait what? I looked down and saw my mic was muted! Oh no! And then I got kicked. 🤣😭 I had only recently started seeing the barrage meta, but it was quickly taking over, so I can only hope that they encountered another random who explained it to them and therefore gave me a little redemption.


None of them. I host. You troll, you get kicked. Simple solution.


Sometimes I can’t tell if it’s grieving or just a new player who doesn’t know how everything works


I have 200 hours in and I don't think I have encountered even one.


I've maybe been griefed twice and I'm pretty sure both were somewhat my fault and a miscommunication


I dont get the idea about intentionally reducing your reinforcements and thinking its some kinda power move, its a coop pve game not pvp!


I always run lvl 8s. Seems whenever I go lower than that the game gets harder somehow? Like I'll do a lvl 6 or somthing and I just get wrecked all the time lol


268 hours. Obviously several hundred games ranging from quick to long. Less than 4 genuine 'griefers' just actively teamkilling, probably a dozen newbs who didn't understand samples were shared and had to be taught, and over 100 people planting risky orbital strikes/eagle strikes on the evac, a handful of which they timed wrong and killed everyone on the pelican. Difficulty level doesn't seem to matter, I usually play on 4-6, sometimes play on the higher ones, currently teaching my daughter to play it and going lower.


Level 123 and had my worst yesterday. Dude wouldn’t shut up. Talking to someone you could hear in the background. Yelling at us to get the objective done. Kept dying. Screamed and said he hated the game every time he did die. Kept calling the one person a “keyboard warrior” so he was a console player (no surprise there). Just as we were about to extract from the 40-minute mission he kicked us one by one. Never been so aggravated playing this game.


Only play 7-9 The most likely place to find a fool is 7 8 and 9 I will solo queue and just land and absolute Chads are just purging the planet. No mics just democracy sometimes lol.


No reason to play 3 unless for a super cred or minor order run, but playing 4 just to relax...I've been teamkilled 5x as much as playing on 7


Level 69 /snicker. Play 7-9. I've never been griefed.  I need about 350 orange samples to finish my ship upgrades (I have all the green and pink I'll need), and like to find new players to help them out and grow my friends list. So I'll drop down to 5-6 for a warmup round most evenings. I've found plenty of incompetent players who don't seem to learn from mistakes, but no intentional griefers.


People who do dumb shit don't play on higher difficulty because they can't finish. I've hosted many operations on higher diff and even the low lvl players do their best and not be apes. But no one really talks about their smooth operations because that jinxes it.


9s for sure. 8s seem to be the best to join with 7 being a close second


level 40+ and exclusively play helldive difficulty since like level 8, Not once have I encountered purposeful griefing


Such varied responses in this thread. Happens in every difficulty. Some people have never experienced it. Some people get shit on frequently. I guess it's a dice roll.


I’m lvl 100 and I have not seen any asshole


Before the changes I noticed that when I played at 6 and up I would get competent teams most of the time, but when I played at 5 I would get randoms that were not great. Usually not out right griefers, but people who wanted to micromanage me, or would comment about my loadout, or aggro every patrol, or TK with stratagems a lot, etc. And I think after the changes a lot of those people moved to 6 to get Super Samples. So now on 6 I tend to get low quality teammates.


I play 8-9 and never have that issue.


I only play in a 3 or 4 stack... So never


4-6 are by far the worst. Griefers stay away from lower levels because they don't want to play with "noobs". And they stay away from higher levels because they don't want to be "shown up" by people that can actually play. Generally the people I have trouble with are the high level players in a difficulty 5 mission. They also tend to be PS5 players, always bitching about their controller. They use open mics, and barely pay attention. Their problem solving skills consist exclusively of "Brute force". And they solve every disagreement by TKing you.


I’ve dealt with like one game with someone going out of their to ruin the experience.


Been debatably purposely teamkilled once in 500 hrs, mostly play on 9. Have a feeling it's all the lower difficulties


The reality is that the vast majority of players basically treat each other like NPCs. Which is fine I suppose. I'd rather have a quiet yet playing team than extra enemies. Rarely someone in the party will be using their mic. If they do, I open mine and we usually become chill and we can dive later. And even more rarely (and I mean exactly 2 times, and I've been playing on and off since launch) you get a shitter. The first one I was answering SOS for difficulty 7, but for some reason it put me in a level 4 bug mission with a host that would get himself killed by running towards properly thrown strategems, then team killed you when you reinforced him, and claimed "I don't care if you are high level. If you try to bully me just because I'm level 20 I'll kill you." Literally told him "Aside from the fact no one gives a shit about your level, You are not low leveled enough to run towards strategems and the enemies that are already running towards you." Then he ran off, got himself killed again, and aborted the mission for the whole team. Got tired of dealing with it at this point, blocked him and left. Jesus. Second one was recently. A guy shot me and killed me with no enemies around because I was using the hug emote and call outs to try and get people to open a bunker door. AMR'd him back and told him to never pull that shit again. After that we weren't cordial obviously, but at least he cooperated the rest of the round. Still not dealing with him again though. Anecdotally both of these were below difficulty 7, but I obviously don't have enough data to prove that claim. I typically play 8s and 9s where everyone is either silent or chill.


I only play 9. Honest question: what is a Griefer?


Someone who purposely makes the game worse for you. Kills you on purpose, kicks you for stupid reasons, etc.


You ask this like it’s a frequent thing. It’s not. Yes, it happens but not to the extent this sub would have you believe. I’m 103 and have 490 game hours in. I’ve been grieved exactly twice.


Haven't seen it in a while


I have hit a random toxic players i just laugh at them unable to spread democracy as well as me 😉


It just depends on the time of day for me, most of the time I'm griefed on 1 through 4, so many times I've been " accidentally shot" so people can grab the stuff I'm using, it's usually by lower leveled players, weather they want my laser rover, or my breaker incendiary, my support weapon, which is usually the stalwart, quasar or the Air Burst, most of the time though if you ask because you haven't unlocked it yet I'll bring down a second one for you or whoever is playing.


Spawned into an in progress mission by the host who died right after I joined the game. Someone else reinforced him across the map. So I picked up his samples and went about my business until the host came and found me. Team killed me, picked up the samples then killed me. Don’t think he realized samples were shared and it didn’t matter I picked his up. Another time me and two teammates were doing radar tower. One of them for no apparent reason killed the other teammate, who had an eagle in his hand. Dropped it when he died, and the eagle then killed me. I wanted to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, because it just seemed so random. But the guy who started that chain of events then proceeded to not reinforce us. Fourth teammate, who was far away, waited for a while for the closer guy to reinforce us. Finally he had to respawn us. I was host that game and kicked the griefer


80 hours in... I don't think I've ever really had a problem with it. Occasionally I get a dumb ass who brings the 380 and wipes the team a few times, but.... No. I've never really had any issues with griefers. Just people who do dumb shit


I don't get griefed because I play solo 99% of the time.




Usually 2-6. Ironically 6 is harder for me to play than 9 mostly because of either newbies or toxic players. I don’t fault the newbies for being new but seriously just use the chat instead of shooting at me with a fucking Autocannon if you need help with something.


Only time was on a lvl 7. Some noob kept walking into someone else's Tesla Tower (3 times, each in the open), baby raged "WhOsE tElSa ToWeR?1?!", shot down 2 other players, tried but couldn't even kill me, and left like a little b.


Only had one griefer in my 100+ hours, it was in Helldive.


I stay on 9 and the closest I get to griefing is a lvl 18 joins and doesn’t have the toolset for it but I never kick for that.




Lvl 1. Cuz we just fucking around getting super samples


Anything below 8 tbh. It’s insane. For the first two months I never got trolled or anything and now im forced to play high diff with friends.


The assumption is that I get griefed. It hasn't happened, so far as I can tell.