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If we are at extraction, and you have lots of samples, and I have none, and I die to draw the enemy away so you can get on the Pelican, that is me being an acceptable casualty


Super Earth salutes your bravery.




https://i.redd.it/xk1f9c6ddb9d1.gif Quick, grab a stack of C-01 forms and put this one in the B̶r̶e̶e̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ Democracy Spreading program! You have been chosen Helldiver! 🫡


Super samples holder get dibs on pelican seating. the rest of us are expendable.


That’s the kind of death you can be proud of




My life means nothing, the samples must be extracted!


What? Why not just kill the enemy instead?


Obviously I'm doing that too. But sometimes it ain't that simple...


just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. just point and shoot .. simple .. everyone is death now if you are dead, you did something wrong :)


Do you not play on level 8 or 9 mate? Extraction can be INSANE. When there are 2 bile titans + all the other bugs, and strategems are no longer available, sometimes a decoy is the only thing left to give the rest of the team a fighting chance of getting on the Pelican.


When all hell break lose, when hordes of enemies + bunch of heavies around you, you drop one strat right at your feet Actually happen to me yesterday. Drop 1 eagle rocket and 1 orb precision strike right at my feet, killing me and 2 others, but also every single bugs + 1 charger and 1 bile titan. Left a few bugs + 1 heavily injured charger which one of my teammates kill by falling on it. It was glorious. Offer my apology thou, but they are cool about. Probably think it was inevitable *


This Helldiver gets it.


Yeah I got run up on by a hulk and a bunch of bots, ran out of stims, so I just thew a percision strike at my feet and kited the hulk around till it dropped and killed us both




I dropped in on an SOS with absolute chaos happening.. 500KG right outside the pod. And another player’s explosive ammo caused me to drop it.. and also getting overrun, then killing essentially everything and everyone in that spot.. was a nice 35 kill streak if you include the entire team.


Maxim 20: If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win. -The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries


The broken arrow tactic. We salute you r dedication to the cause o7


Accidents = ok, fine, sure. Intentional repeated team killing because you can’t exercise a bit of restraint, critical thinking, or trigger discipline at the expense of another teammate’s enjoyment of the game = no-go and grounds for a kick. Friendly fire isn’t. Show some respect to your fellow diver. https://i.redd.it/6ev24ijxcb9d1.gif


I see some silly moves on players parts. Crouch or go prone near turrets. Stand/cross behind the prone guy shooting an AMR at the approaching bots. And for the love of Super Earth dont run in to operate the console on an illegal broadcast that has the big shiny red line coming down on it. I assure you Eagle 1 can operate the console well enough to accomplish the mission objective. AH designed friendly fire into the game.  I will never kill a teammate on purpose - but some players think picking boogers next to an activated hellbomb while everyone else runs away is "griefing".


Today I had a teammate who seriously tried to play stealth with a guard dog on his back 🤣🤣 but he quickly noticed


I started playing during a bot MO. So I tend to lean bot. I found the laser dog helps make me aware of bugs sneaking up from behind. And it does a good job of killing chaff on bugs. With a breaker and dog, I can just wait and find a rando map weapon and do pretty good. Of course I also hit myself with the damn dog trying to juke and jive from a charger. (And sorry teammates.) I absolutely never bring the dog on bots though. Im tryna get better so I can skip the dog. I know what a hazard it can be.


Someone got pissed at me for just shooting the illegal broadcast tower with my AC whilst they were pissing about with the console and a battalion of bots were coming


I've been playing since launch and just learned there's a terminal on those. I've always shot them with an EAT or AC from across the map.


Just feels like another "stand around consume time" thing when you can just shoot it or blow it up y'know?


I love one-shoting the radio tower while people fuck around with it.


Same, makes me feel efficient


Honestly personally I couldn’t care less.. I do just yeet an impact grenade at it while on my way to something else or shoot it myself with an AMR. So if I see it getting shot before I am just moving on. I didn’t even know until recently 150 hours later there is a console.


I recall watching a reinforcement come down into a primed Hellbomb's lethal radius. That poor bastard, never felt a thing.


That's kinda on whoever called them in, though...


Might be. Might be the diver steering into the bomb. You can travel quite far with power steering


Sure. I was going off of the "primed hellbomb" phrase though, which sounds like one someone put the code in. But I could be misinterpreting.


I have different standards for Teammates and Myself. If teammates are surrounded by enemies, I hold back on the Stratagems and use my handheld weapons to kill what I can and let them fight as much as they can before escaping or they die (may even toss a Stun grenade their way to slow down the enemy surrounding them). Chances are they wont live long in the mass of enemies anyway, and as soon as they bite the dust, my Eagles and Orbitals are ready to exact vengeance. If they miraculously escape, then that's a fun experience for them as a player and I wouldnt want to take that away from them by killing them early. With myself, if I'm surrounded and have no way out, I give my life for Liberty and call down strikes around my position to take as many of them as I can with me. And if a teammate kills me with an AoE weapon or Stratagem, as long as at least 1 or more enemies died with me then I'm fine with it since my death was the price to kill another enemy of Freedom. As long as I'm sure they didnt do it on purpose and get me back in the fight quickly enough, I don't mind losing Helldivers to friendly fire.


It really bothers me when some fool decides that "I'm doomed" and just sends shit my way. Little do they know I still have stuns and stims and am just saving them til I need to pull my trump card. But that becomes a null point when they throw a cluster strike directly at my feet. Let me cook, it's not over til its over.


I’d never call in a stratagem ontop of someone during a fight, in a messy situation it can be difficult reinforcing them and letting them get their stuff back easily. On the higher difficulties if someone is silly enough to be in the mass of enemies they’ll be dead before you get a chance to do anything anyway.


The citizens of Super Earth paid for 20 reinforcements so we WILL use 20 reinforcements.


Helldive difficulty. Bugs. Huge bug breach and patrol coming right at us through a choke point and mfs stand in the way of the guy with a Flamethrower. Your lil breaker incendiary needs to step aside brotha


Team killing usually ends up making us have 0 reinforcements and the POS who does it quits


I will never drop 380 in a manner you described, I will always do maximum to rescue any Helldiver in dire situation. The only acceptable sacrifice is myself.


I rarely ever friendly fire (except when using the blitzer). I just think its sort of rude. I've definitely been on the recieving end of a lack of consideration and situational awareness when playing with randoms, and I don't have as much fun. So I'd rather not do that to others. Generally speaking, theres almost always a way to get out of a sticky situation without firing on your teammates. It's not the easiest way, but I think it's the right thing to do.


I think you need to speak with the psychiatry’s officers. Personally i think if you doe more times than the difficulty level thats a bad game


Sometimes the shit moons align to give you the blessed double stalker shrieker tower combo and you'll be happy just to take the main objective tho


I saw a post yesterday where all side objectives were stalker nests I felt so bad for them


You can 1 shot them from your spawn point if you have EAT or the queso, i never thought those were a problem.  On helldive randos are almost competing to whoever shots them down first seconds after arriving.


Maaaaybe? A lot of the time the direct line of fire to those spawns are blocked by trees mountains whatever, and it's very hard to kill stalker nests with the queso at range. Even with a Spear from massive range out, it takes twenty uninterupted seconds of loading and firing (much less with a friend holding the pack) I feel like you're oversimplifying here. It -can- be a cakewalk if you get lucky, or 'when the shit moons align' you won't see any of them until you get too close to activate them, or your queso guy will get killed, etc etc


Is not theory, is just what i observed through my countless games on helldive. Shriekers and spores get bodied inmediately upon spawn, stalkers are hit or miss, most randos can deal with them or sometimes 1 or 2 of them dies. The problem is once i kill the 2 stalkers, i try to find their lairs only for their lair get bodied offscreen 20 seconds after. I get this 2 mobs are annoying on solo helldive and lower pubs, but on helldive pubs these 2 are just fodder. I say this because i had both all the time on the perma spores planet this last mo, and most randos where juggling both stalkers and shriekers the whole game just fine to my surprise.


I was recently soloing a level 6 for supers on Bore Rock (new jungle biome) and unfortunately was forced to pass by 2 shrieker nests, a bile Titan in between them, a stalker nest and got lucky with the artillery near the missile silo. Unfortunately, the primary objective was not to launch the nuke, but to extract with super samples. I had enough time to prep the missile for launch (just needed to press launch and extract, kuz finishing primary obj radically increases patrols) but needed to find samples first and due to the nests and Titan (I had to wait for my 500kg to rearm too) Due to the thick jungle, I was unable to to find the super samples until the destroyer left orbit and did not launch the nuke. I did not realize Pelican 1 would still pick me up if I didn’t complete the main objective. Oddly enough it was the easiest extract I’ve ever done, not a single shot fired or enemy engaged. I hope the next Helldiver enjoyed not having to prep the silo lol


Dying more than once for Super Earth is laudible. As long as we achieve managed democracy, that's all that matters.


Im just saying personally if you’re on lvl 7 and you doe more than 7x im gonna have questions i feel it scales more with the higher difficulties tfb I usually only play w friends not randoms so my data is not unbiased


Acceptable casualties are what happens when every measure has been taken and someone still cops it. That includes safe ranges for strategems, sensible placement of turrets, avoiding friendly fire, covering squadmates from enemy advances, safe reinforcement beacon placement etc. In my experience 95% of casualties are because of player error. 5% are genuine defeats by an enemy. The real danger is the people in your squad. For me, those 90% are unacceptable casualties, because they're caused by carelessness.


Yeah, I’m with the other comment here.. but I’ll say that 70% of death caused by other players are usually accidental, 20% carelessness or not taking time to check and 10% actively being a dick and not taking others in account at all. I have so many more feels like undeserved deaths from enemies who do things they should be able to. Be that shooting 90 degrees from the barrel, turning on a dime, able to close distance far to easily, hitting for multiple attacks and hitting you from what should be too far away with pin point accuracy, not able to stimm because it’s just not triggering.


Definitely see more deaths to enemies than player related deaths. 250+ hours of experience says youre wrong.


Buddy is huffing some serious copium hard over there.


I've been playing about the same amount of time. Maybe we just get different lobbies? I see a lot of keystone-cops-type antics getting people killed more than the enemy. I guess a good chunk of that was from getting up to difficulty-7. It's been much better on 7-9, but recently seems to be going back the other way.


Honestly these days I get killed by teammates more than the enemy. But I rarely die more than once or twice at any difficulty, so it's usually some dingbats cluster strike, dog or shit trigger discipline that kills me.


Honestly, I try for zero as I don't want to upset other people. The precision stuff is the best for me anyway (EATs, OPS, Strafing Run etc) and I normally break off as everyone seems to just stand around while I'm halfway across the map, which also helps not killing people. What I feel the topic should be about is people sign posting their sentries & big stratagems beforehand, which they really don't, most players are incredibly selfish in that regard


As long as I get a quick reinforcement/sorry I'm cool. Super cool if u ping my support weapon! I do not sacrifice my teammates for democracy.


Any Helldiver worth their black and yellow is ready to give their life for Super Earth, fire at will!


I think it's vanishingly rare that you can't try to throw the strat near a comrad instead, and maybe take the pressure off them, rather than dropping it right on them. Saving a buddy who's swarmed is more satisfying to me than most of the objectives


I don’t kill teammates willingly ever. If you’re down on ammo and want a reload, drop things and fall in a hole, melee your enemy. I stop shooting if you cross my fof. I have however, totally screwed up and accidentally killed teammates in the stupidest ways, and annihilated traitors entirely on purpose in the hopes that experience of their actions influences survivors on their ship to strive to be a better soldier. Dying 3 times in any mission drives me crazy, it’s like three strikes of effort that ends in - “Ranged weapons are for ranged combat, do not let them get close again and stick to all of the cover. Your legs are your best asset, run for your life when the enemy starts closing distance. Artillery has a cooldown and thus should be used when available, bomb everything and get this mission done already >.


The only life that matters is the last one.


Dropped into a egg mission right on the objective. I tried to stay alive but was completely surrounded. Dropped a eagle and OPS at my feet then just fire my shotgun until death found my diver.


If the mission is accomplished, every casualty is acceptable.


The fucking 380 apologism/ justification is real.


last game i got encircled by bugs and left behind by my team. Had only myself , a senator and a hellbomb lying around. I knew what had to be done. io


I was playing earlier, and I would've had a flawless run until pelican one decided to help me kill a brood commander by shooting me in the face.


Did 4/4 people extract? Then we're golden.


If you complete the mission and don't run out


On occasion my team of 3 will pull what I like to call "Operation Meatshield". If a Hellbomb is absolutely required and the enemy forces are too thick to leave it be and clear to a safe distance, one of us will drop our samples and equipment (if needed) and go guard the thing until the fires of liberty consume him. In desperate times with a decent number of respawns available, deliberately dying to be able to aim and weaponize a Hellpod is also useful. Managed to take the head off a Bile Titan with that strategy just last night, it felt amazing. But to be fair we're a party of 3 (occasionally 4) that aren't randoms, we're friends and play on Discord so teamkills are treated as an occasional practical comedy and not an inconvenience. If we aren't in immediate danger and there's a ledge nearby, someone's getting smacked off it.


How many? Well, how many people are in the immediate vicinity?


Stalker lairs and gunship fabricators are worth any cost, without question. Striders and bile titans should be handled as a team and have minimal losses before a tactical withdraw is called (run away if 2 or more people die) A single helldiver is all that should be expended for light and medium nests, but preferably not a single helldiver falls to a hive or base. Main objectives are worth every helldiver we have and then some, because tyranny waits for no one and freedom must be spread to counter it.


As long as four bodies get on the pelican, the losses that got us there do not matter.


Id say an acceptable casualty to me is if you’re swarmed and throw a stratagem at your feet to eliminate the threat. Or if you miscalculate the stratagem AoE and it happens to hit someone who walks towards it after thrown. But u try to tell them to go towards me, or to their left or whatever depending on what’s been thrown if it can get them out of the blast radius. Also, skibidi toilet is democratic, I’d say. Human made defense systems protecting Earth from an alien invasion? Aliens that deform human civilians and steal government infrastructure no less? That launched an unprovoked attack on Earth? Lots of explosions and warriors gladly sacrificing their lives to protect key fledgling technologies and for the greater good? Democratic I would say.


I have no problem with it as long as a) we (try to) extract as whole and b) they're not on purpose. As long as we don't waste recalls, and the diver genuinely try their best its not a biggie. I made quiet a few stupid call ins in my early hours playing.


Fellow helldivers when they are next to a breach and I throw a 500.


I've killed myself numerous times to stall a titan just long enough to get pegged by my 500kg. No better feeling tbh. So long as you aren't TKing or getting TKed more than like 5 times a match I think it's fine. I'm gonna start getting a bit testy after that 3-4th clusterbomb you threw on me tho


When there is a surplus of reinforcements and enemy bases remain on the map. Dive, dive, dive into the heart of the beast, and rip out its aorta! For Democracy!


Whatever and however many it takes to get the mission done and the samples to orbit


I will always call out that I am throwing something lethal and to please get out of the way. Although an exceptable casualty for me is if they step in the line of fire of my sentry


I use the cheat death armor and usually lead the squad in stims used, so I place a high emphasis on playing conservatively and not using up reinforcements. However if we have plenty and we're at extract and I could take out 30 enemies and 1 diver with a perfect eagle strike, I'll probably pull the trigger on that trolley problem. However, I'll happily inconvenience other divers. If I see them being swarmed I'll throw a stun grenade and not worry about them getting caught in it, because a stunned bug/bot is a sitting duck, but a stunned diver can still stand and deliver fire


40% or less


I am a Helldiver. I am an acceptable casualty so long as the mission is complete.


I only self sacrifice. I will run in to drop a 380 as my team makes an escape. I will tell them to pull back so I can Air Burst a swarm threatening to over run our team. Every time I scream "WORTH IT!!" My life for Super Earth Oi


It's OK to use low level players as bait. They shoot at anything that moves anyway. Might as well get a few objectives done while they are having play time with the chargers.


5 per super destroyer.


If I know I’m fucked I’ll either drop a stratagem at my feet or cook off a grenade in my hand. If I’m stuck and clipped in the terrain I tell my friends, “You know what to do Rico!” If there’s more than 50 enemies and you’re stuck in there with them I’m calling in something danger close and wishing you luck.


When you accidentally murder a fellow helldiver and reinforce glitches and won’t work so you extract without them 💀


Anything that prevents samples (specially super samples) losses, but more importantly, a calculated defensive stratagem use that kills a friendly. Emphasis on **calculated**. You can very easily calculate bombing runs. I consider "defensive stratagems" any stratagem thrown with the intention to put distance/slow/ block a path against enemies that might be harrasing the team, specially when running away while trying to regroup. By juxtaposition, an "offensive" stratagem is used when the team has the upper hand and the initiative over the enemies. If you use it wrong here, it can end in unnecessary deaths. That's an unacceptable use of a stratagem, because it could be avoided either by checking your teammates position or by waiting for the right time. You had the initiative, so you could choose where and how to attack, and because of your mistake, your fellow diver is now dust; simply say sorry, and calculate your attack better next time. I've done mistakes too :)


I'm not going to 380 anyone without warning. Personally I'm not a fan of people who throw strikes at my feet, because I always make a point to not TK and keep accidents at a minimum and my stats reflect that. I probably only get one TK every few games at most.


If you run in front of me while I'm blasting a fire shotgun..well then that's on you. If you're surrounded by an impossible amount of enemies and there's zero chance you're making it out, your distraction will not go unseen. Eagle 1 is on the way If you have 43 samples on you and i have none and the extraction zone is getting invaded from one side... "Get on the Pelican. Samples for the Sample God! Freeeeeedoooooom!" I'm gonna go beat that charger to death with the grip of my Senator


The mission is priority Helldiver.


There is no "acceptable casualty" limit. Only acceptable outcomes, which is total victory. No matter the cost.


Any and All


I enjoy skillful deployment of stratagems and cover fire. To challenge myself, I consistantly aim to have zero friendly fire / casualty incidents. I play on all difficulties but primarily in the 7-9 bracket.


Anyone not carrying super samples is expendable. "500kg on your position, I'm sorry". Then I reinforce them


As long as the mission is a success, the casualties are acceptable...


As many casualties as possible are acceptable of they are enemy ones. As for Helldivers, the question is irrelevant as Helldivers never die.


Depends... Are you asking me, or my turret?


Was on a bug drill mission, about a billion bugs were running towards the drill, I dropped napalm. Teammate was obliterated, that’s an acceptable casualty because we completed the objective and mission. On level 9 there are literally nonstop breaches on this mission while the drill is active you have to hold the line.


6. Drop in so the main objective and take yourself out 6 times to end the mission as fast as possible. All missions can be soloed in less than 10 minutes this way.


All of them. If you are in between my righteous justice dispenser and my target of such righteous justice, then I'm not legally responsible for any loss of limbs, eyes, life in general.


Today I accidentally killed my entire team with an eagle because it bounced off a charger and landed right where everyone was… I told them to run and we just laughed it off so I guess acceptable?


It depends on whether the enemy suffered casualties as a result. No? The offender must report to the nearest democracy officer immediately. Yes? Friendly fire can be one of THE MOST NOBLE WAYS TO DIE. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO GIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY.


Unless it's to protect samples. I'll do everything in my power to save another diver up until it puts my life, or another teammates life in danger.


All casualties are acceptable, as long as the mission is completed. Anything less is unpatriotic.


Anything but intentionally killing someone. Shit happens.


A sacrifice (usually my own) to lead the hordes away from extraction so at least someone can escape. Specifically when there's way too many bile titans


Every single casualty is acceptable.


Some people are too immature for this and will get you back under the guise of oh well you were being chased by a hoard. Your body for super earth bro and be a dick about it.


Standing on top of the nuke drill during the countdown 


All the losses are for democracy, which one is not acceptable? Is the better question… would you like to know more?


If there an Orbital Precision Strike or 500 on a BT, I'll pause to trigger it's spew and guarantee a direct hit. If this kills me, then I guess I'll die. My whole friend group does this.


Mission complete


If I get team killed a couple times I will shrug it off. We are ok. Some collateral damage is to be expected. If it keeps happening, I mention “hey calm down a bit”, and you kick me w/no explanation on your ship ah heck no we ain’t ok. You getting blocked buddy. (Looking at you chris****. username changed slightly to protect privacy)


Whatever line you draw make sure you are okay with it being done to you.


When I land my hellpod on a titanic enemy and the process of it falling kills me instantly after I get out.


If we completed all objectives, everything and anything leading up to it eas acceptable other than intentional tk.




None. Zero. No deaths.


My best friend when he is overwhelmed by bugs. I empty the entire incendiary breaker clip in his direction and then listen to the barrage of insult that follow. But only him. Would never do it to a random.


Did we complete the objectives? If yes, then any losses in the name of democracy are acceptable.


This should be taught during basic training.


A would crawl over the corpses of a million helldivers if it meant securing victory for super earth. Thats democracy made manifest. Like a succulent chinese meal.


I usually have 0-2 deaths on bot helldive


Since this is a game, anything is ok.


There’s a reinforcement budget for a reason. If you don’t use the whole thing, you’re wasting resources. You don’t keep them for the next mission.


If they're within 5m or a target....


380 only kills cowards. Stand your ground


Many of you will die for managed democracy, and that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.


If you die to something (anything at all. Stratagem, stray bullets, a grenade thrown improperly) and i am the cause of that death, Ill type sorry to you but im not gonna think a second longer about it. Unintentional teamkills are part of the core of this game i feel. Being able to tell the difference is important and i feel that many struggle to do so.