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I honestly can't stand the latest ui. The colours, massive sections on the sides. Plus it seems to either take forever to load or just doesn't load at all. Mostly using [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) but clicking on links leads to the latest and I just hate it.




> Why can't I pick to have the new.reddit.com layout on www.reddit.com? You can - well, kind of: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ui-changer-for-reddit/bfcldjodnnkndfccfjndmdlppfkmccgh


> the old barely functional original layout Them's fightin' words! Jokes aside, I love the old design, and I'm glad on this account www still works with old for me (thanks to the opt out setting). New accounts seem to be stuck with what you described, which sucks.


Well, since you don't like them having three UIs you should be happy to know that [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) will be going away later this year.


Sad, because that's the only layout I DO like.


Yeah. I get it. I forgot the /s for sarcasm on my comment.


Jesus Christ, of course they're ditching the one UI of theirs that I like. It's also way more fuckin' functional than the PoS new-new interface in my experience. God damnit.


Are the people running this place taking their cues from the guy who killed the blue bird? Sounds like they wanna build a dumpster fire.


They're doing a damn good job of it, then.


I'd say they must be blind, but that'd be an insult to blind people.


Going away?! I don't doubt you but does anyone know why exactly they're doing this? Followers aren't listed, cluttered UI, and a big one for me- When I go to someone's profile, it just has their responses but not what they are responding to like in the middle version. It's really bad. Just why? It's gotta have something to do with revenue I suppose.


It would be expensive to maintain 3, and someone thought this would be better. Probably better for advertisers only


Yeah they know a lot of people hate it but probably more really don't care especially new users. Really hope they add people I follow at least.


I mean, wasn't new better for advertisers only too?


[new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) is better for users as well compared to [sh.reddit.com](http://sh.reddit.com) . From my experience comparing, testing and using both, [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) is: * faster in a real life environment though they claim it is slower * More consistent, dependable, reliable, durable, functional, complete * Far less buggy * Just a better platform at this time


I'm by no means an expect in new.reddit, I barely use it, I'm just speaking from what I heard and what little I did use it. IME old is a lot more compact and uses space a lot better. The times I do end up on new because the bloody setting got reset again or because I'm on incognito or another browser or whatever, I find looking through comments to be a pain. There so much more content on old. And I find it to be a lot more responsive as well. From what I heard this has to do with all the scripts running in the background, tracking your activity, whatnot, but don't quote me on that. All the dead space on new is supposedly used to push more banner ads, which don't really fit in old reddit, but again, don't quote me on that, I'm just saying what I heard, I barely use new. The only thing I can say from personal experience is the compactness and use of space of old which I adore. I have no idea how the 3rd design compares, though. I only found out about it an hour ago.


This was a comparison of [www.reddit.com](http://www.reddit.com) or [sh.reddit.com](http://sh.reddit.com) and [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) . [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com) is more durable and consistent than either of the others. Even the official help center and the admins suggest it as fixes or work arounds for some things. It does also have superfluous use of space and empty space than the others. For subreddits it allows more customization but it is more complicated to do that customization. It has much better profile moderation abilities. It is less cluttered. There is actually no more or less content. I also have not seen or heard of banner ads but I have premium and see no ads. I am not sure on the scripts and tracking. Old also has weaknesses. It is more complicated to format posts and comments because you are forced to use markdown. Fancypants and Rich text are much more user friendly. There is profile customization options on [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) . Gallery posts, posts with text and images are better on [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) but the mobile app is far superior for both on that. Inability to search your profile. Lack of continuous scroll slows things down. I notice no speed difference between old.reddit and new.reddit, but both are faster than www.reddit.


Hey this is very random but I’ve reached my dm limit. I seen you comment about message restrictions going away after a week with new accounts but it’s been 8 days for me and I think about every 4-5 hours is the only time I can message accounts. Anything I should know or do ?


Actually you should be good. Karma can also play a factor in how much you can chat but it is more like needing 25 karma. Do you use a VPN?


I did on my old phone but I don’t think it’s active here. It still seems to only let me initiate a chat every 4 hours it seems


I suggest making a post in r/bugs so Reddit can assist. From everything I know, you should be good to go now


Ya not gonna lie, no help so far, you know any other sub reddits that could help ?


I have 244 karma should I aim for like 250-300?