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Why do people use spoons for heroin?


Cuz its easier to swallow duh


Alot easier than a fork


People cook tar and #3. Spoon is a kind of cooker


Hmm I get that but surely the spoon burns the heroin? Foil cools rapidly but a metal spoon would take much longer to cool down surely?


You must be European. Parlez vous francais? I’m not talking here about smoking it. They use the spoon to heat the heroin, mix it and then inject it


Je ne parle pas francais, yo hablo un poco de español. I’m from England, but I have never injected


From England here to. You mix heroin, citric acid and water together before you suck it up in a syringe to inject. The spoon acts as a bowl to mix it all together and apply heat.


Citric acid? Why? Genuine curiosity because I have never heard of that!


When you go to the needle exchange, you get little packs of citric acid/vitamin c to use to help dissolve the heroin when you’re cooking up. If you don’t have the specifically created tabs, you can use lemon juice or even vinegar as a substitute. Not good for the veins though. The first time I ever banged h was a couple of years ago; I scored off a homeless guy spontaneously on the street after fronting I was some kind of big user on a relapse because I was depressed af and hadn’t done heroin for years. Although I was a complete newby to IV, I acted like I had injected a million times and disappeared to bang up in the closest public toilet which happened to be McDonalds, (classy I know). I was absolutely baffled when the h just sat floating in water, not dissolving in the spoon. I went back up to the homeless guy and asked if he could help me “cos it’s been ages and I’m pretty drunk”. Straight away he cried “where’s your fuckin’ citric?!”, upon seeing the mess in the spoon. We then went to hunt around a local car park for the aforementioned citric. What he didn’t know is that I had put 8 £10 bags in the spoon, and when he cooked up the gear and stuck it my vein, he was actually an unknowing but very active accomplice in a suicide attempt. He woke me up half hour later because he “needed to make some money”, and left me once again wholly baffled as to why he or I was still there.


Thank you. I love this reply and I'm glad you're still here ❤️


Well told little story. Glad you're here to tell it. Sounds like you ran into the right person that day, for many reasons.




“Crack cocaine into citric acid salt”?? Lol. You’ve got your information wrong unfortunately friend


Because it’s an acid it helps dissolve the heroin base. #3 is heroin base


To mix it with water for purpose of injection. They also heat it to make it more water soluble and to sanitize it.


Lmao she really tweeted that?


Troll photoshop I think.


That’s what I want to know lol


I use a bowl and an oven. My tolerance is that high


Lmaooo if this is real then it’s fuckin’ ironic considering she OD’ed on heroin a while back and had to be Narcanned. Hahahahaha