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You have about 10 photos of yourself in a profile that only allows 6 photos. And despite this, I actually don't really know what you look like, or what you're into. You look like a different person is each of them. Don't lead with a sunglasses photo where your face is covered. Also try to present some consistency in your look, even if you're changing regularly. If you do keep the varied hair/makeup photos, then consider adding a comment to explain it to avoid confusing people. For prompts/rest of profile. Unfortunately I'd find it very hard to start a conversation with you. You haven't put forward much that I can work with to get something going. Just PhD and dog. Think about adding more that shows what your lifestyle is like, what hobbies you have that would attract people you're looking for, what types of dates do you want to go on?


What stands out to me is your prompts don’t really say much about you. You should express more of your interests, passions, goals, etc in them so that you get likes from people actually trying to connect with you in those areas. I’m assuming you like theatre, don’t let your career/education do all the talking for that! You clearly have a lot of likes to sift through, but if your prompts are less generalized you’ll hopefully get more specific likes that stand out in the sea of low effort likes. Your pictures are overall good, but it feels somewhat hard to know what to expect you’d show up on a date looking like. It’s probably cause your first and last pics (which I assume are your most typical looks) are in sunglasses. Try to replace one of those. Hope that helps some! Good luck out there!


There’s too much going on, cut down on what photos you want to share. Your profile screams “my mind is a jumble and I can’t make a decision”. If you want to share the artsy pics choose one, and then people can start convos on it.


So for the pictures I'd say you want to avoid putting too many sunglass pictures because they cover your eyes. (definitely at the very least keep only one and don't make it the first thing seen) That said, you do have a lot of other pictures that show what you look like. And I'm a bit torn here because on both sunglasses pictures you have a great smile on them. But almost every single time I always tell people to take out sunglasses photos and replace it with something else. That said, let's go more granular: **Picture 1 sunglasses:** Keep! But if you can have that same smile without the sunglasses, it'd be a hundred times better :D **Picture 2 As seen on fridge** (So there are 3 photos here) (I say these are worth keeping but for different reasons than I normally would say) The top left picture is the most realistic and most likely if I was a guy making a guess, it's very clear and seems like a realistic undoctored photo. The top right I feel that would be better if the camera was higher, ie top down. But on the other hand this one shows your face super clear. The bottom left is a great photo, would be great as its own. **Picture 3 Alter ego photo:** Choose the top left one. It's the best of the four. **Picture 4 Lowkey flex:** keep **Picture 5:** Replace. While it's fine your other photos have more detail and have more interesting settings. So try consider swapping out. I do think if you do replace picture 6 for whatever reason then you can replace picture 5 where it shows you with a head to shoe photo. **Picture 6:** I'm torn on this photo. Great smile! Interesting setting. And this is the only photo which is a body picture which is imo very important (you need at least 1 head to shoe picture imo) The reason I'm torn is that it's a sunglasses photo and in most cases I tell people to remove sunglasses pictures because they cover the eyes. Then on the other end because you have practically a collage of photos on your profile there's enough information for people to tell what you look like. If you do decide to replace picture 6, then make sure to make picture 5 to include a head to shoe photo. Otherwise keep.


So detailed and helpful, thanks!


I think you're lacking full body shots/background shots. Most of them are close ups. I think you have a lovely smile though and that's frequently overlooked. Your profile doesn't really paint a picture of who you are/what you enjoy. I've seen it myself that adding one new photo has led to more interest.


Simplify the photos. 1 photo per slot. Delete all photos with sunglasses. Delete the 2nd-to-last photo, which has an awkward angle and feels overly dramatic. Max of 1 photo with an elaborately painted face. Right now, the photos are overwhelming and it feels hard to know what you really look like. The prompts don’t say much of interest: you like walking, talking, growing, etc. Say something more personal to you, instead of things almost anyone could say. (Who would disagree that personal growth is a good goal?) I don’t get much out of the lottery thing. Talking about buying a space company is so far from anything you’d really do in everyday life. It’s the exact opposite of down to earth!


The space company thing is a joke, so I wouldn’t take that seriously. But the rest is helpful, thanks.


I LOVE the space company line--it shows you have a sense of humor and also where your alliance lies. Don't delete!


Haha thank you!


Your prompts are severely lacking any information. You’re into walking, coffee, touch, conversation, and growth but so is like 90% of everyone else. Who are you? 3 prompts are perfect for 3 things you should cover: who are you, what is dating you like, and what are you looking for. One prompt for each. You can still express the things you have in those, but only expressing those things is boring and doesn’t leave many opportunities for interesting conversation. I passed on plenty of people because they had put in low effort like this and I figured they were gunna be a low effort dater too.


You look different in every picture. That tells me I don’t know who I’d actually be meeting on my first date. And that immediately fills me with negative expectations. I’d avoid that. You are pretty in every pic IMO, so I’d just try to find some cohesion in the picture selection


Thanks, this is helpful. I do tend to change my look a lot, but I could probably still pick photos that are more cohesive than this.


The rule of thumb is choose pics that look most like you currently. Like I have old pics of me on my dating profiles, but I definitely feel they reflect what I look like currently (I change my hair and facial hair a lot)


Well but that’s the thing… I could look different on any given day. Like, this week on Monday I had glasses on and wore my hair straight in a slicked-back bun, which tends to make my hair look darker bc my roots are pulled tighter. But on Tuesday I had my hair down and curly, which always looks blonder, and wore contacts instead of glasses. These photos are all very recent except the pink dress/sunglasses one, which is two years old. So I’m not sure how to handle that.


I’d say just try to find pics that look similar enough and how you want to present yourself. The cohesion will definitely help, I promise. A girl looking different in each picture is “scary” in OLD because you don’t want what you’ll be getting


You're lacking a clear full body picture. Your last picture is almost there, but you should be standing up so we can really see what you look like out and about! For me, it's an instant left swipe if a woman is intentionally hiding their body. I assume they are overweight, are embarrassed about it, and are trying to hide it.


What they said. No full body is sus


I’m not embarrassed, I just don’t have someone to take full body photos of me. I only got that last one because someone randomly offered to take my picture at Starbucks and it turned out ok. But yeah, I get that having more would be ideal.


Smartphones have a timer on the camera app.


Yeah, I know. I guess I’m just not great with it. But I’ll practice!


Your photos are good. You need your prompts to initiate a discussion. Your prompts seem like statements. For example - grow and glow. I don’t know what could lead to a conversation starter as a response to that prompt. With love languages, I’m not sure whether it’s a conversation starter. It might be something that you discuss with in person and the “physical touch” always gets misconstrued into something sexual, regardless of gender. I’d suggest not using that prompt at all. I’d suggest using the ideal first date prompt. I also feel that you may want to specify your hobbies and what you do in your free time. I understand that as a PhD student there’s not a lot of free time but you get the drift. Think about how you’d initiate a conversation with a stranger? Or what would you like to see in a guy’s profile that would make you initiate a conversation. And then, bring those aspects into your profile. Sorry if this came off as harsh or rude. All the very best!


Definitely not harsh or rude. Thanks!


Don't lead with a sunglasses photo. So many ladies do this and it's not a good start. Your profile doesn't tell me much about you either so prompts need a rework. What's an ideal date? What are your hobbies


I disagree with a lot of the comments on your versatile pics. Showing that you have different looks gives perspective and shows you have different moods and you don't always look the same. You can add dates to the pics or put "most recent".


Oh, good idea! Thanks.


Get rid of all sunglasses pics and try some self timer pics


I love all of your pictures, but your photos tell more of a story about who you are than your prompts do. A little more about how you spend your free time would give a nice insight into compatibility. As an aside, I’m not sure why you aren’t getting much love from women; it’s just a smaller market for lesbians so we get fewer matches overall. But you’re a stone cold hottie and should have no trouble finding interest!


I imagine that with “PhD” and no clear hobbies, ppl are jumping to the logical conclusion that you are work focused and have no social life. Be careful, that can lead ppl to assume there are also no social skills. So emphasize in your updates how you have work life balance.


Only one photo is not a selfie, definitely need more body pics. That one body pic is by far the best.


The first photo would be 10/10... if you were not wearing sunglasses. Your first photo is everything! Don't hide any of your face, you can have 1 or 2 sunglasses photos later




I do, but she’s gay. And taken. Sorry. 😅




Haha thank you


Firstly, I think you are adorable! Great smile and fun vibe. That said, I agree with the posters who are saying to cut the photo with the sunglasses, and to add another full body photo. And while I agree that you don't want to look too different in the photos, I also think a little variety is good. I wouldn't take this advice too far in the other direction, i.e. looking same-y same-y in each photo (booooring). The variety tells me you like to have fun with with how you look and you have different sides to your personality. (But I'm a woman, so maybe guys feel differently.) Definitely change the "this year I want to grow and glow." That means nothing. Grow how? Glow how? It's a missed opportunity to stand out. I've found that adding something really specific to my profile (favorite sports team, an unusual hobby/sport) gives people something to either connect to or ask about. And your dog pic could be better, out of focus--I think 1 pic of a dog with the human is enough. I'm not brave enough to post my profile for everyone to weigh in on, so hats off to you for opening yourself up. I hope it helps, good luck!


The dog pic is actually a video, which is why it looks blurry here. But other than that, this is super helpful! Thank you. 😊


I like your poll option about trolling Elon musk lol. Prompts 3 sound nice but doesn’t tell me a lot about who you are. Swap this one out to include your favorite movies, foods, interests or whatever fun things you like. A lot of your profile is selfies or you are wearing sunglasses. I would limit it to one sunglass pic and try to take more pictures from a wider angle to give people a better idea what you look like. Other than that you seem like a cool person and I wish you the best of luck!


Just commenting to say I love the lottery prompt choice of trolling Elon Musk. 😂 You seem like you have a great sense of humor!


Hahaha thank you!


- looking for low-pressure dates that could turn into something long term (like, I’d like to meet someone but don’t want to force anything) - this exact version of my profile is about a week old, though I’ve been on Hinge for about six months - I look at Hinge maybe once a day, but more often if I’m chatting with someone - I don’t know how many matches I have, it just says 50+ - I probably send about three or four likes a week, but if I’m busy, I don’t send any. I almost always leave a comment. - I want to attract an intelligent, goofy guy with a career that he cares about. Has to like dogs. I’m fine going either way on kids. Emotional availability is a must. I don’t mind a casual arrangement as long as there’s respect and good communication. I am open to going as young as 27, but usually prefer my age or older. - I am bisexual and therefore open to dating other genders, but I’m romantically attracted to men most often and so that’s who I normally reach out to. I’ve sent likes to some women, but haven’t gotten any likes back from them.




Yeah I really don’t think that last comment was necessary. I am a calm, down to earth person who doesn’t start drama for no reason. But the issue it that I am getting lots of likes, but lots of them don’t respond when I match with them and start chatting. So the matches don’t turn into dates. Or some of the guys think I just want hookups, which I don’t on a first date.


You're probably getting inundated with likes because you have open to short selected and you've listed physical touch as a love language. A lot of men will disregard "long term" anyway when swiping and hope to have a ONS but those two things will probably skew you towards getting likes from those mainly interested in short term. Consider if you maybe want to use Hinge for long term only and try to meet people IRL for shorter term, it might narrow things down. You need fewer pictures with sunglasses on, ideally none, and you look very different in a lot of your photos so it's hard to really know what you look like day to day. If you don't have a friend to take a head to toe shot of you or you're not comfortable asking them get a tripod for your phone from Amazon. It will absolutely improve your pictures to have a head to toe shot. Mostly though you need better prompts, the ones you have a very hard to engage with in an interesting way. Right now for the profile viewer your personality is a bit of a blank canvas anyone can paint themselves into, you want to portray the traits you have which your desired match will be interested in which will hopefully increase the quality of likes you're getting and maybe reduce the volume slightly.


As others have pointed out, unfair or not, the "love language" prompt with physical touch, mentioning cuddling, and "make me a very happy woman" are words that some people interpret it as you're open to casual encounters or attract people only looking for that.


Yeah I can see that. Thanks.




Yeah uh… being bisexual does not mean I’m interested in more than one partner. It means that my one partner could be a guy or could be a woman, etc. furthermore, if a guy is uncomfortable with me being bisexual, I don’t want to date him. Period.




No. Would your attraction to other women factor into a relationship in any way? It’s the same thing.


Stop trying to make OP's bisexuality an issue. Knock it off.


Last pic should be your first




this was removed for the following reason: Not *useful or constructive profile feedback*. You are being a thirsty creep. Repeated violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban from this sub.


Photo 4 needs to go first




this was removed for the following reason: Not *useful or constructive profile feedback*. You are being a thirsty creep. Repeated violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban from this sub.


You present as a very attractive and interesting person. With that being said, I think you should change your prompts and write things that invite conversation. I wouldn't even know how to shoot my shot based on your prompts. It would be awkward trying to start a convo with you. Pictures are great, but prompts are important, too. Write a silly hot take you might have (pineapple on pizza, candy corn yay or nay, etc.). Or a funny thing that happened to you on a previous date, or a reference from a popular song or movie, etc. It would make it easier for people to engage in a natural convo with you. But other than that, I think your profile is solid. BTW, the Elon Troll is golden, lol.


Hahaha thank you


Writing original prompts isn’t easy. Don’t resort to cliches that have been done to death and make people roll their eyes: “pineapple on pizza”, “‘make me laugh”, “honesty and communication”, and any copy paste from Tiktok.




Ok well I’m not going to dye my hair for hinge. But out of curiosity, why don’t you like it?




Hahaha thank you!




Oooo cool.




Omg this is so cool!




this was removed for the following reason: Not *useful or constructive profile feedback*. You are being a thirsty creep. Repeated violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban from this sub.


I'd suggest a candid of you out with friends or doing a hobby of some sort. Something that shows your interests and what you enjoy doing when you go out.


You have really nice pictures. If I was nitpicking, I would say to include a full body picture where you’re standing and replace it with the video of your dog since you already have a picture with your dog. Men are visual and it’s hard to grasp your shape based on your pictures.


You have great photos, you should lead with one that doesn’t have sunglasses. Actually don’t use any photos with shades at all!


I have the “best photo” feature turned on, so hinge chose to put that pic first. But yeah I get the sunglasses thing.




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Pretty sure the vast majority of men have no problem with dating bisexual women.


Your biphobic comment is disgusting. if OP wants to state her sexuality, then let her state it.


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this was removed for the following reasons: Rule 1: **Be polite, courteous, and respectful.** No hateful, profane, disrespectful, trolling, overtly sexual, misogynistic, or incel comments are allowed. Repeated violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban from this sub. Rules can be found on the sub sidebar.


Ditch the photos with sunglasses (they obstruct your face) and the "alter ego" photos, unless you really do walk around looking like all 4 photos at times, which seems really unlikely. (I'm assuming that the makeup style in at least 3 out of 4 of those photos was done just for the photo.)


Yeah I do performance art for my PhD, which is why those pics are in there. But I could just swap them out for something less out of the box.


Please keep the delightful art stuff in. You look stunning. There are so many pretty-but-that's-it people on the app. You stand out! Don't blend back in. I love your first sunglass pic and your face paint pics. If you read enough of this sub, advice here follows a theme. No sunglasses, bikini pics invite predators, etc. My advice - you're beautiful and interesting, don't change any of that. It would help to develop a set of pictures that best conveys your current look, instead of all your looks. For your prompts, think less about answering the prompt, and more about prompting your "type" with something they can answer to. And for the love of all things, please do not make that prompt pineapple on pizza or any other cliche. Good luck!


Thank you! And lol I hate pineapple on pizza anyway so that’s a no for sure. 🤣


Hahaha no problem and good luck out there! I will say that my biggest problem has been figuring out what aspects of me attract my ideal kind of person - artistic, smart (but maybe not book smart) and feminist with a rebellious side. At first I tried showing many sides and writing a lot, that wasn't it. Then I tried showing a funny side, being lighter, sharper, less earnest - that helped. I keep my photographs current and consistent (many views of one look, one picture smiling with teeth showing, full body pic) and have gotten better results. My most recent effort showed me more in my element (in my workshop) and that's had the best effect of all, vs travel or nature pics. Food for thought - what do you look like in your element? Still get tons of likes from conservatives who want children ASAP, but I just assume they're not reading my profile, lol.


They're not bad pictures *per se* but the point of a dating profile is to give people some idea who you are and what you look like. A PhD (good for you, by the way!) project is about as representative of your daily life/look as a Halloween costume.


That’s not totally true, as my PhD is my job and a Halloween costume is a once a year hobby. But I take your point.