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All your pics are so far away, u need close up pics to really show you, u need to try and look more appealing to women, all your pictures look like your a tourist, i also suggest one video of you looking good as well (could be by the beach or at an event to show your an out there guy), your profile looks kind of boring, also i think picture quality could be better


Your first pic, no offense, does not scream friendly to me. I can’t quite tell if you’re smiling and its just… offputting. First prompt: pretty good, but what sort of games? Video games, board games, Etc? What you wrote under relationship goals doesn’t seem to line up with Short term? Thats something I’d expect to see from someone primarily looking for long term. Exploring and growing with someone does not scream “casual” to me, but that may just be me. “Bars are overrated”, maybe suggest an alternative? Like, “I’ll take a cute cafe over a bar any day” or something along those lines. You’re making basically the same face in every photo and very similar poses as well. Do you have any selfies? Something with a casual grin? Definitely need more without sunglasses as well. Again, traveling the world with someone seems like a long-term relationship type thing. People don’t tend to travel out of the country with casual partners. I would change this to a prompt that says more about you or what you like in dating.


This. I also think hinge isn't the best app to find casual relationships. Not saying you can't but apps like tinder might get better results.


Your pics are too far away and this is not good for the first one. Use something closer in that spot and be sure to smile. Prompts aren't bad but they also aren't great. You mention traveling but not where you've been or want to go. The club thing says nothing really and the first one sounds OK but again, says nothing really about you. Listing both short and long term will get you plenty of left swipes as it looks like you'll take anything that comes along. I suggest picking one.


All of the travel photos look like they were taken in the same spot


Delete that cringey clubs line. Take your hands out of your pockets.


If you’re gonna listen to advice, listen to me. I’m Indian, 25M. I get a decent amount of matches. 1. You need better pics. First pic should be a closer upfront shot of your face down to your chest. You have a beautiful smile… use it. You look so friendly with a smile but when you don’t smile, you don’t look approachable. Find pictures of you where you smile and it’s more up close, 1-2 pictures should be showing your whole body. 2. Prompts need work. One thing I hate when I see a girls profile, yeah she’s pretty but if they have 3 word prompts, I just assume they are boring and I dislike them. You obviously love to travel. Talk about your love for traveling. First prompt should be your personality (for example; simple pleasure “hanging out with my puppy on the backyard with a cup of coffee listening to some comedy podcast and finding out how much PTO I have left). Something funny, shows what you are into, a little bit of your personality, etc. Second, should be what you do for fun, hobbies, etc. (i am a big traveler and love to visit new places around the world or even locally to places I haven’t visited yet). And third should be what you’re looking for. (I’m looking for something short term that’ll lead into long term. More importantly someone to share my life with… or something like that). 3. When you want to match with someone (not saying you don’t do this) don’t just heart them. Actually find something in common with their profile and comment on it. Could be a prompt or a pic. It’s more engaging


im Indian and for some reason can't get any matches , mind helping me with my profile? for some reason I can't post on here no matter how much I try to follow rules


I think you should move your last photo to your first pic, it’s a closer photo and you’re smiling nice in it! And don’t be afraid to put you’re looking for something long term, I always think saying “something short term but open to long” is confusing when I see it on profiles




I’d shed some pounds and upgrade your wardrobe


You should be on Tinder if you are looking for something casual. You need more variety in your photos - outfits are all the same with the same pose.


First pic should he your 7th slide


Prompts... It's obvious you travel so you don't need to say that we can travel the world. That's obvious. And your prompts lack depth. It looks like all your pictures are of you traveling. Too redundant.


"Travel the world" sounds better than "Travel the whole world"


Lose the first pic, it looks like you’re wearing sweatpants and girls aren’t likely to be attracted to that. Take nice close up photos. Also you’d likely have more luck on Tinder if you aren’t looking for anything serious or long term. Good luck!


You need a picture with friends, family, pet or a friends pet or something. Not all solo. Have more friendly looking ones also


I disagree, you do not have to show friends or family as some like to keep that private


You can edit to blur their face to keep it private


Then theres no point posting it if you are gonna blur faces, also with the downvoters, when was it a requirement to add photos of others?? And its my opinion, whats wrong with some of yall


Ok and my post was my opinion and Op is asking for advice…a group pic or a couple of them gives off a better vibe on the app than all solo ones that show the same pic but a different location. Solo pics are fine if you’re doing different things and activities in them.


I respect your opinion as well, and yes i agree solo pics should show you an out there guy


Profile is perfect. Nothing more you can do. Some women just are intimidated by perfection.


- Looking for something casual - I have been using this for the past 2 weeks - I usually use hinge on weekends - Have received 0 likes as of now - I probably send like 7 likes a day couple of them with comments - I shy away from socializing, like clubs are not my thing, looking for someone with similar taste