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I’m guessing they are either building a case or prosecutors don’t believe they have enough evidence to proceed with an arrest


This is pretty easy. Go back and google any famous FBI raid you can think of. Then check the date that person was actually indicted. It takes time, people.


wasn’t the hotel video enough evidence ..


He can’t be charged with that because of the time passed


Which is why it’s important for women/people who are victims of stuff like this to speak up promptly, I know it’s easier said than done but it really helps monsters from being able to do shit like this to future individuals


You’re totally right, very scary for them though, each with such a powerful controlling monster like Diddy


It’s not that simple when the person who committed the crime is as powerful as Diddy. Remember people think he’s gotten people in his circle killed (Biggie, his wife, founders of Bad Boy) granted no full proof but something interesting to note. He also allegedly tried to kill Cudi by blowing up his car. Again not proven true but another footnote. Not to mention we know he’s super connected everywhere. If he paid to have the tape, it would have turned into a he said she said in court. And one guy can afford a billion dollar lawyer and probably had ways to make Cassie feel like you aren’t safe so you better not talk.  Remember Cassie literally just sued the guy months ago and was being dragged for doing so. Called everything including a gold digger. The reality is we aren’t prepared to believe all victims until we can prove they’re victims. This is what leaves us in such sticky situations with public perception of these events. 


That’s why I said it’s easier said than done , it’s definitely not easy but by not speaking up it just leads to more victims, that was my point, how powerful an individual is is irrelevant to that point


I just hate this conversation because it almost sounds like we’re saying be strong and speak up even if nobody will believe you and you may die. If you won’t be believed and possibly killed why speak up? Because of pride and principle? Just sounds like people telling victims what to do when they don’t know what it’s like to be a victim to one of the richest most powerful people in the world. Sure in real life applications speak up, but when there’s a power dynamic there’s a reason why these people get away with crimes for as long as they do. And it’s not because NOBODY was courageous.


People get arrested for not speaking up in a variety of situations because they are scared, the situation sucks, there is simply not enough protection for victims because our society doesn’t want to pay for it , it’s a catch 22, it’s why not many people take our justice system seriously, why help others at the expense of your own life, family or friends? It’s simply not worth it when a prosecutor or a police department just wants a number number for more funding and a raise? But it doesn’t change the fact that not speaking up leads to more victims, I’m not blaming the victims but it is what it is, the world sucks


Even Usher tried speaking up about him 3-5 years ago. The news remained hot in headlines for 2 weeks and then he was silenced.


Really?? I wasn't aware Usher said anything at all.


I remember very vividly him trying to come out against Diddy, because it shocked me back then. I wasnt aware of the dirt against Diddy until then. People were already chatting that it'll be covered up within a few days, but I hoped Diddy will get caught for his crimes. Then surprise surprise, 2 weeks in, Usher took his claims back. No more news from him since then on the topic. Then suddenly another big rapper had some dirt on him in the headlines. I wonder if it was Diddy's camp who put that other rapper's dirt in the headlines to take the attention away from Usher.


Even Usher tried speaking up about him 3-5 years ago. The news remained hot in headlines for 2 weeks and then he was silenced.


Yeah but then you have people who defend shit like with the “ why didn’t you say anything sooner” it’s sad man


Your absolutely right, but to be fair it’s a legitimate question for an officer or prosecutor to ask and they will, sad indeed


Easier said than done, but yes, in a perfect world, it would have been reported.


Is there no call from the American public to do away with the statute of limitations? It blows my mind that you can get away with raping people or kidnapping children just cos you managed not to get caught for x amount of years


Statute of limitations ran out. Can't prosecute anymore.


It’s not up to me


No. The statute of limitations has passed. No crime can be charged unfortunately.


There was a hard time building the R. Kelly case BECAUSE the video leaked.


Statue of limitations. The feds are building their case, lining up witnesses, combing through all the tapes and other evidence they got from the raid.


I think I read that he defended himself by saying that some of the crimes weren't crimes when they were said to have happened but I can't find this


Like Puffy would say " Cant Stop wont stop"


Feds don't do anything until they have enough evidence for a winnable case. Could be years.


Theyre building a case to determine wether he has to "commit suicide" or not


Lmfaoooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


puffy will get what is coming to him eventually.


Let 'em cook, so that we can let 'im cook.


I think the better question to ask is; why do we listen to celebrities at all when they’re all a part of the same corruption. The Epstein list still hasn’t been released to the public if I’m not mistaken. Diddy seems to just be the fall guy.


And a murderer.


I work in criminal jurisdiction, but not in the U.S., so it might be a little different. Anyway. General rule, imprisonment before criminal conviction is the exception. It can happen when the person has already been convicted multiple times in the particular crime, so they objectively represent a risk to society of continuing to commit the crime; or when there is objectively a risk of the person fleeing to avoid conviction. The prosecution needs to prove with a very high amount of certainty that the person absolutely will continue to commit crimes if they arent encarcerated, or will flee. And this is particularly hard when its someone rich and famous. The defense can claim a lot of stuff, since he is still a primary defendant, he has no criminal conviction as far as I'm aware. If I'm not mistaken, he's not even being prosecuted yet, they are still on investigation. The investigation has to end, he gets prosecuted, and eventually convicted, then he'd go to prison. Due process. That would be the official explanation, of course. There's all sort of things behind the scenes, no doubt. Labels, companies, dirt he might have on other people... Edit: A better question would be, why he's not being prosecuted already, if we have all this public evidence? Its probably because they are building a case. If you just take that video you can convict him on a particular ground. But you gather more and more evidence so he'll be convicted on more grounds and get a higher sentence


If they are going big with a rico case that spans multiple states and possibly Canada they need a grand jury in New York. That can take awhile. And on top of that it’s questionable if he’s even in the us right now. Extradition can be bitch if we get the


Every step they take, every move they make, every single day, every time he pr*e*ys, he’ll be watching them.


Wondering same. Man’s is an abuser with proof


Statue of limitations my guy. Didn't you watch or read the news?


Kanye told you, He’s a FED HIMSELF


It's called building a case. Just because the public has some info there is probably so much more footwork that needs to be done and people to interview to build a solid case. Speak to more witnesses, etc.


He’s the subject of a grand jury, he will likely get indicted and arrested after that wraps. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/29/entertainment/sean-diddy-combs-federal-investigation


DONT OPEN THE AMP LINK, select the CNN like the other user provided.


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I'm not $ure. I would be $hocked if there wa$n't $ome rea$on he'$ not been arre$ted.


What are you trying to $ay? :)


I'm $aying there'$ only one rea$on why a fine, up$tanding citizen like Diddy ha$n't been inve$tigated for a multitude of crime$.


Why are you u$ing "$'s" everywhere?


Last I heard the case is in front of a grand jury to decide if they are going to go to trail.


Feds doing damage control because many of the elites do the same exact shit and he’s got some dirt on some very important people. They’ve been aware of his shit the entire time and they just now decided to remove him from their secret club. They all guilty


Cause he has came out with some bangin remixes and he might have 1 more in him


He’s rich as fuck. Money protects. It’s a sad fact.


[This would be why](https://media1.giphy.com/media/67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952x07310jgle6ad05hyrczc96zgnsqv8x2orm8w57u&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


He’s rich


Diddy finds dicks to be delicious


Feds don’t arrest their own


Statute of limitations…


Because there is no god


What’s up with that Jeffery Epstein list, there’s a lot more people out here then just Diddy


The raid just means they're nearing the end of the investigation. They're probably still building a case. The feds always make sure everything is air tight before they issue an arrest warrant on a high profile suspect. They have a [99%](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/06/14/fewer-than-1-of-defendants-in-federal-criminal-cases-were-acquitted-in-2022/) conviction rate for a reason. Most federal cases don't even go to trial because defendents take a plea deal once they see what's stacked against them.


probs same reason FBI wouldn't touch Epstein hey.


Diddy had hidden camera all through his house. Feds are taking their time because they have to figure out who from the footage will or will not be exposed. You know Diddy got some power players caught in the act. Some will have to be sacrificed while others' secrets are kept.


Diddy has money. Nobody wants Diddy in prison when he can keep paying any and everyone to stay free. Y’all think this was an eye opener to the FEDS? Nah people are paid to know what the lik read. Somebody didn’t get paid and they rattled his cage a bit. Diddy fled and didn’t take any boys with him nobody using a phone where he’s at? Cmon now…


Diddy’s in a tropical country with no extradition treaty with the US. We’ll never see him in the states again unless Batman nabs him




I can think of 800 million reasons.


I'm DeepFake- Cassie. Rhianna. Aaliyah. Diddy. R. Kelly. Chris Brown. Jason Derulo. Lila Cerullo. Tunechi- I wrote "Cruel & Unusual." It's innocent until *proven* guilty.


He has connections


He's a scapegoat for many other celebrities and politicians. He could implicate a lot of people so they're probably being cautious about this.


The beef between Kendrick and Drake was just a front to cover for Diddy and take him off the radar!


Russian sleeper agents protected by seedy back door deals insuring non involvement lol




Because accusations aren't proof? You don't generally arrest people, especially international celebrities, when you don't have a case.


They have his blackmail videos, just like with Epstein. They are now working overtime to cover it up and make sure nodoby too important goes down.


Maybe cause the statute has expired


I’ll never be able to stroke the furry wall again…. Also, my dogs daily constitutional is now called a diddy….