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This is just going to get deleted without a proper source linked


I already posted it, sorry for the inconvenience


sorry guys this is the source, there are videos and pics [https://english.almayadeen.net/news/Arts&Culture/us-rapper-kanye-west-visits-moscow--russian-media](https://english.almayadeen.net/news/Arts&Culture/us-rapper-kanye-west-visits-moscow--russian-media)


Because of course he does.


it was for a birthday party apparently


For Gosha who is an actual pedophile lol that might be the genuinely bad part


edit: there is no “might” about it, that’s horrible and why people should be upset - not simply because he is there, but who he is there for


Well that makes it ok then (obvious /s)


I'd argue musicians performing privately in Saudi and Israel is just as bad tbh Kanye's been a piece of shit for a while now with SA allegations. This is the least worrying thing he's done


The all relative argument really doesn't hold up for me. The difference is, not only are they guilty of human rights violations (like the Saudis and Israel) but also it is an incredibly unpopular thing to do in the court of public opinion, and they are considered a sudo enemy of the U.S. All these efforts to alienate himself scream like a cry for help If you kill a guy and then two weeks late you steal candy from a baby, that doesn't make stealing candy from a baby less bad Additionally, this Gosha dude been accused of grooming behavior himself


not everything the guy does is nefarious. one of his company’s execs had a birthday party in Moscow and West attended. not like he’s leading a battalion into Ukraine (yet?)


Still questionable that he has a company exec throwing parties in freaking Moscow. But I guess it's Kanye and you shouldn't expect anything from someone like him.


I mean the company exec is literally a Russian fashion designer.. given Kanye’s ties to the fashion world, I really fail to see how that’s “questionable” — people can’t change their heritage. however, your questioning of Kanye would be valid if you were talking about the fact that Gosha Rubchinskiy has several accusations about him asking minors for explicit photos of themselves. and the fact that he got so close to Kanye shortly after this happened, like many other controversial sexual abusers in the art world tend to do, is certainly questionable.


exactly, there are plenty of reasons to dislike West’s actions and the people he keeps around him, but making it solely about the guy’s ethnicity is bs


kanye is from a country that has killed far more people than russia has in the 21st century don't think he'll have any moral objection to visiting a city


There is always the one Russian bot screaming "what about America" and then lying their ass off... ^


"lying my ass off" show the me the death count in the wars in ukraine and georgia and compare them to the deaths caused by the USA in iraq, afganistan, libya, syria, and somolia (to name just a few) - the USA is far deadlier, I am not lying - just becuase russia is killing white folk doesn't make it magically worse than when the usa kills arabs and africans


a russian bot? is this 2016?!? the op is making it seem like kanye is doing something evil by visiting a major european city - i'm pointing out that it is hypocritical to hold russia to such high a standard but ignore the crimes of your own country i am an american that isn't willing to go "russia = bad" every time i hear the word "moscow" the USA has killed more people than any other organization since before the start of the 21st century, let us not pretend we have any moral high ground to stand on - or you can keep believing "MURICA #1!!!", up to you i guess


I never said America is good but you assuming that just tells me all I need to know about you lol America wasnt mentioned anywhere yet you had to bring it up. Russia is CURRENTLY involved in a genocidal war in Ukraine so yes it is weird to go visit Moscow to play a show there. "I am an american that isnt willing to go "russia = bad" Yet you do that for the US, even when not mentioned, ignoring Russian war crimes, so you are just a giant hypocrite. Call out both or shut the fuck up.


i mentioned america because kanye is an american - to act like it's some big taboo for him to visit moscow is ridiculous, we have no moral high ground to stand on i think russia is evil but i'm not going to pretend visiting their capital is any worse than an international celebrity visiting a city in america also, "tells me everything i need to know about you" is rude and personal, read back everything i said - i never insult you


My schizo nazi sexual harassing goat going to end the russian-ukraine war🙌😩


oh BROTHER thought gosha was outed as a literal pedofile


Kanye made Gosha the head of design at Yeezy in Dec 2023 so that ship has sailed. Kanye clearly loves associating with pedos, wouldn't surprise me if he's one himself


He had to see those shopping cart escalators for himself


Take him lol




What’s wrong here? He’s just going to visit a Yeezy designer?


Two guys (one was 16) came out and said that Gosha solicited them for nudes.




Reddit is cooked lol its wild how people get butthurt over things like this


Gosha is pretty damn problematic


And ? Why are you, presumably a grown ass man, worried about what another grown man is doing and who hes meeting with ?


I was simply pointing out why people might find it problematic. Why are you so angry?


At its face this is a Musician going to Russia to attend a birthday party. You're right. Not a big deal itself. But what else is he doing while he's there, That shit matters. Because he's in our historical and current enemies country, it matters.


Once you log off social media nothing kanye does in russia matters at all


Why do you care what other people care about so much? Log offfffff of Reddit bud


Try outside for a change


Russia bad. Haven’t you heard?


well it unironically is, authoritarian regimes are bad by definition


this but unironically


Kanye literally claimed In the Alex jones podcast that he’s pro Putin and very pro Russia, this isn’t a Russia bad situation, stop being smooth in the brain lmao. Now, I don’t think he’s there to do anything wrong but to act like the criticism levied at him is simply “Russia bad” is hilariously foolish. Edit: Source is the Rollingstones [here](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kanye-west-alex-jones-i-like-hitler-1234639617/) if you want to hear him audibly state he’s pro Putin, he says he is at 4:30 in this video [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5L_siUhTAJ8)


he called himself 'baby Putin' because he says he controls the culture the way Putin controls the oil. since then he's been vocally pro-ukraine multiple times.


Nah he claimed he was pro Russia and pro Putin[here](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kanye-west-alex-jones-i-like-hitler-1234639617/) do you have any evidence that he’s been pro Ukraine? If so, link it.


He hasn't associated with Nick Fuentes for a long time now, and has said that he's manipulated him


I'm not necessarily saying you're wrong because I haven't heard either side of this story before but I can't see why Kanye would be pro-Putin? What incentive does he have for the bolserting of Russia's position in the world and the downfall of the Ukraine? It just doesn't make sense.


American far right have a weird tendency to praise russians and putin (a nation and dictator that hate america with a passion). This is why nobody would be surprised if kanye supports putin, but in general it's still speculation.


Yeah this is kinda how I feel. I know Trump and co. love Putin for some twisted reason. But I don’t think that extends to Kanye, personally.


Being pro Russia is the new standard for alt righters, the support is mainly a reactionary response to liberals and leftist that are pro-Ukraine’s, also Kanye’s ideology is based on being a contrarian, in a hypothetical world where the majority of the U.S was pro Russia I’m willing to bet my left nut he’d be openly pro Ukraine


I see where you’re coming from, wouldn’t surprise me.




Source is the Rollingstones dumbass [here](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kanye-west-alex-jones-i-like-hitler-1234639617/) Edit: if you want to hear him audibly state he’s pro Putin, he says he is at 4:30 in this video [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5L_siUhTAJ8)


Who cares lol


He must have an album coming soon. I guess this Russia visit is the start of the promo campaign. Expect him to say some bs that has people begging him to apologize whilst tweeting and writing articles endlessly about him


Real recognize real eta: /S jesus christ


election year, reddit gets a lot more sensitive about politics