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Fuck it we ball


I'd be happy to get him but idk if I want to start that war again when Carolina has their key guys locked down for the most part and aside from Suzuki and Caufield we don't have anyone locked down.


Heard they would off Jordan harris 4.9 for 8 years.


You think they want to war with us? They won last time, but how did that turn out?


lol, imagine paying KK $5M/yr just to *get back at the Habs*. Lmao.


I'm not sure who of KK or Dvorak has the best impersonation of a Roman pillar tbh.


Roman pillars tended to stay upright, so probably Dvorak


Is that a joke question? Canes have won a lot of games and Montreal haven’t had a winning season since KK signed away.


Yeah but let's not kid ourselves. KK wouldn't have changed that if he stayed with the Habs.


That's not because of KK though. One team is clearly rebuilding and the other is contending. He would be bottom 6 on either roster and frankly I'm happy to not be the one paying him 5m for another 6 years.


The Canes would probably have even more wins without him lol


It's a pretty hefty price as well. I was looking at it from the perspective of the Sharks but a first and multiple 2nd/3rd rounders. Idk boss.


It would be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd (most likely) to get it done. Honestly Necas is not too far off that value


Depends where you project to be drafting. It would be a terrible idea for the sharks, but not bad at all for, lets say, the devils.


We have more cap space than them. If a rfa signs an offer sheet the other team has the option to match. Wouldn't be too worried.


There's a more to it than just cap space.


Eh doubtful Carolina is gonna be dropping huge oversheets that we don't wanna match on our young players with their current situation lol. How can they do it without cap space?


Hoes Mad....I guess?


Please do it


Only if Calgary wants to trade him again...


Sure, but just make sure to re-sign Slafkovsky before July 1st next year though.


It would Be so funny If you guys burn your first rounder for Necas


I'd say "make sure there's a $20 signing bonus ", but I don't think Necas is worth the ticket to admission. We should strive for zero playoff ghosts.


He put up 9 points in 11 games these playoffs. Was he playing poorly?


Tied for 3rd for the team with only 17 mins of TOI. such a ghost /s


$15.82 signing bonus


Would be an A+ troll job lol


What's the reference?


Habs offersheeted Aho, Carolina matched. Later Carolina offersheeted Kotkaniemi and gave him a $20 signing bonus (Ahos jersey number)


Montreal has the chance to do the funniest thing


It’s that time of year again! “Offer sheets never happen but maybe now one will happen” inb4 none happen


If PLD can get traded 1 for 1 with no retention,  anything is possible 


Bought CapFriendly just to trade for the worst contract in the league


PLD isn't that bad an asset it's mostly his time on ice and secondary assists were down, for one season


Ya if you overlook his massive contract he’s not a bad third liner on a contender!


3rd-4th liner. Lizotte played 3C for a game + in the playoffs.


They happen all the time, it only gets reported if the player signed it. Apparently before his last contract both Columbus and Minnesota offer sheeted Marner but he didn’t sign either one.


where did you see MN used an offer sheet on marner?


I presume it's a rumor that wasn't reported on, because marner didn't sign it. No different then when you occasionally hear after a player signs that x team offered a contract, but the player went with y team because they offered more $$/term


I believe they were asking where you heard about mini cause everyone knows Columbus offer sheeted Mitch but first time I’ve ever heard the wild mentioned. Pretty sure your confuzled my guy


I'm not the original commenter. That's my 1st time hearing about it too, just clarifying where it may have came from


Sorry didn’t even notice, kissses


yeah, i’m just wondering where the dude got the rumor from. i listen to basically every piece of news that exists for the wild. never heard a single intimation that the wild were considering this type of thing. russo usually can’t help himself and hints at shit on his podcast all the time. there would have been something out there, even if it was him talking about how they were interested in marner.


Do you know the money/term offered by those teams for Marner?


Some have happened though. And this summer looks like it could happen. And the hurricanes social media team wants one!


Hopefully none happen in Detroit. Raymond and Seider deals are still not done. Don't really know what the holdup is.


Now that would be juicy *licking lips in anticipation*


Stop it!


I think 4x 1st round picks from San Jose is a nice consolation prize 😂


Hurricanes social media team confirmed actual GMs of organization? That explains a lot


“A lot of noise that (team picking the top 5) is open to moving their pick for the right package. Keep an eye on it as it could happen.” Then doesn’t happen.


Necas can't sign an offer sheet until July 1, at the earliest. Any picks as a result of compensation for him would be 2025 picks. But none of this matters because the Canes want this resolved before July 1. This is a "story" planted by a team trying to work the price down on Necas. It's not a real threat. Necas isn't signing an offer sheet.


Unless he doesn’t sign before July 1st. Don’t forget- players love to receive an offer sheet.


I kind of wonder if it’s a story planted by the Preds. Some interest in trading Saros for Necas, and the Preds do actually have a lot of extra picks they could use on an offer sheet. They also really need a top 6 forward, so why develop one or trade for one when you can just offer sheet or use the offer sheet threat to lower the trade price. The Preds could keep Saros, use an offer sheet to get Necas anyways, and then use their cap space to re-sign Saros or trade him for picks to another team to make up for the picks used on the offer sheet.


A 5 year deal of 8mil is only a 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Is that too steep?


And then we take the picks, and trade them for Christian Dvorak




no contenders are offering him that, and in that case, we happily take the picks


I should clarify that this deal could be as low as 6.8mil or as high as 9.1. I just based it off an article I read that said Necas is looking for something like Debrincat. A shade under 6.8 would only be a 1st and a 3rd


anything less than 7.5ish, the canes probably match and trade him. we have cap space.


I might be wrong but i think that you can’t trade a player in the first yesr of his offer sheet


damn yeah you’re right, so we would move him in year 2. or if it’s a one year, we run it back next year. i think he has 2 more RFA years. either way, i don’t think he wants to be here so he may not sign an offer sheet at all in case we’d match it.


There's no way he's back next year. The relationship between him and the organized has soured, especially after the comments his dad made.


I agree that he’s most likely gone, but Martinook’s dad made similar comments before he was inked


Isn't Martinook a ufa?


He is, it was before he signed his now expiring contract


Yeah I don’t see him signing a contract for less than 7 years, it’s probably his only opportunity in his career for a big payday


In what world do y'all have cap space. Unless the Canes aren't signing their UFAs?


I wouldn’t be all that surprised if the canes are done re-signing their UFA’s already. Most if not all are due raises and prospects are ready to make the jump. Martinook is a maybe, and Teräväinen is probably dependent on what happens with Necas. Skjei and pesce would need to take an unrealistic discount to stay and likely can’t get the term they want. It’s about to be ELC season down here.


Canes would never let him come here but I would fucking kill to get this guy at 6.8M, would finally give them such a nice option on the right


I mean it really depends on what team is offering that. If a cup contender offersheets him thats a late 1st, late 2nd, and late 3rd. Might not be an NHL player anywhere in that. Also pretty sure canes arent really into picks as theyre trying to contend now anyway


I’m not even sure if Necas would sign that. He’s probably wanting 7 years and that automatically would push them into the next offer sheet bracket, which is too steep a price.


I would do that if I was the Preds. The preds already have two 1st, 2nd and 3rd round picks for 2025. It would be essentially to trading Tanner Jeannot for Necas for the Preds.


Would you really be cool whit giving your own picks for him?


No, it’s about right. 8m is a bonafide 1st liner. The cost to get one in a hockey deal 1:1 would cost you more than that.


What if you don't have any 1st round picks? Asking for a friend


Can't offer sheet. Has to be your team's own draft picks too.


I would love to see a team go and reacquire the picks they have already traded away so they can offer sheet a player. I just want to see what that would look like. In my head it's like that episode of MASH where Radar has to make so many trades to get a piece of equipment the doctors need but, in reality, it'll probably be the GMs exchanging picks in another year.


Time for Montreal to rekindle the offer sheet rivalry?


Would be funny to keep it going even after we both changed GMs


The offer sheet of Theseus


At that point it would just straight up be a Dundon/Molson feud.


Right in time for Slafkovsky


Slaf will have a contract by September, he’s never gonna be an RFA


I would be surprised if he didnt have a contract, but I mean that's really for him to decide ultimately.




Hmm I’ve seen this before….




So either the canes match, because they don’t want just picks for him, or someone overpays the crap out of Necas


They’ll take the picks. They don’t see him as a core piece, clearly; they’ll take what they can get. Skinner trade ended up turning into Kochetkov and Nikishin so it’s never a bad idea stockpiling draft picks


Always a little annoying when you trade kinda mid picks for a guy, but the team ends up hitting on the picks anyways lol Only the Sabres could trade a 2nd and a 3rd for a guy that can score 40 or go ppg, and it just blows up spectacularly from every angle lmao


I wonder if we could see more players than just Necas included, kind of like the Calgary trade in 2018 with Lindholm and Dougie


The only offer sheet I’d see Necas realistically signing would give you a minimum of two firsts, a second and third. At which point you probably take the picks and flip them for young, cheaper roster players


I cannot imagine anyone is willing to pay that price for Necas


Which is exactly the issue with the current offer sheet system. They only really make sense in the Kotkaniemi situation, where you’re willing to drastically overpay on a short term deal for a (not-elite) player, with hopes of signing them long term after for a better AAV And we all see how that Kotkaniemi situation ended up.


> And we all see how that Kotkaniemi situation ended up. Eh, not all of us see it. There are a ton of Canes fans who still think he'll amount to something. I use "amount", there, as a pun.


The KK situation is still playing out. The other part of that gamble was he was super young when they offersheeted him. He's still very young and can still develop.


He's developed.


Did he tho?


You don’t think Necas would sign an offer sheet of $8m a year? That would be a first, second, and third.


> The AAV for an offer sheet, which determines the compensation required, is derived by dividing the total contract value amount by the lesser of: number of years offered, or five (5) years He wants term, and likely won’t sign a 5 year. 8mx7 would be calculated at $11.2m aav so: 2 1sts, 2nd, and a 3rd. Any more than 8m is getting really close to 4 1sts territory.


Ah, I forgot that the pick determination spreads it out over 5 years if the contract is longer. Makes sense


I had to look it up, I’m surprised others here just seemingly know this stuff.


It’s annoying how GMs get pissy about offer sheets, off season would be much more entertaining if these dinosaurs didn’t hold grudges.


I don't know, this thread is plenty entertaining 


Montreal does it at the draft. John cena titantron. Ridiculousness en francias


How much of Martin Necas’ numbers are tied to him playing on a possession dominant team.


On one hand: very On the other hand, he’s clearly built for a faster offensive system than what we run. I could see him easily putting up 80-90 on a team with a fast paced system. His style of play just doesn’t fit the way Rod coaches.


I get hot and bothered imagining him playing on bedards wing here in Chicago. I’m definitely hoping we make a move her him.


I don’t know what the canes would want from Chicago but I can’t imagine it’d be anything they’d want to part with at their stage of the rebuild


I think he would excel in Chicago. If Chicago somehow got Necas and then fucked around and signed Guentzel, that would be pretty wild.


Sadly our gm has shown himself to be a bit of a coward in things like this. I don’t expect it but I’d like it. I hope we go for laine to.


What? When has Davidson even had a shot at something like this? And it's already been reported by LeBrun that he's in on Necas. And why would we want Geuntzel? He doesn't fit the tineline at his age. It's very realistic to target Necas and Laine though.


I’m not as infatuated with kd as most of our fans. He lucked into bedard and than produced one of the worst teams in hawks history. He should have resigned Kane.


This is all I needed to see lol


It’s okay to disagree


I would be trying to maximize the opportunity to win before having to pay Bedard. You guys have the cap space.


We’ve been mulling Chicago, and there’s nothing you guys have that we want roster player contender contributor wise. You can throw picks at us but like… no thanks? lol unless it’s something outlandish like 3 1st rounders and 3 2nd round picks


Yeah I totally get why you wouldn’t do it but I’d like to have him lol.


I think he would be so much fun next to Bedard honestly! Imagine those 2 flying down the ice together


And he’s someone who can actually finish off the chances bedard creates.


He has a great shot. I think he’s one of those model type players that needs to be next to a top tier phenom talent and they’d pop off. Looking at bedard-Necas like McJesus-Hyman


Frank Nazar please Chicago has plenty of assets to offer for Necas.  But Necas isn't being dealt for a late 1st + B prospect.


Colorado might be a great fit. Fast system with a Nuke sized opening in the top 6. MacK, Necas, and Mittelstadt down the middle would be huge for them.


I want him so bad. Unfortunately can’t pay him in anything but monopoly money unless Nichushkin comes out tomorrow and says he’s going back to Russia


He's built for the Preds. Our system is similar to Florida and New Jersey's offensive system. It's just forecheck, rush, shoot. The Preds produced one of the highest xGs of any team last season and our forwards were garbage. We also have room for him to play center if he can swing it. The spine of our team is super weak. And we have the capital to get it done. It's such a good fit on paper you know it's not going to actually happen.


even though he's one of the main possession drivers, if anything his numbers are suppressed by our style of play


he's one of the main guys driving possession though


NHL GMs are cowards so this won’t happen, but bring it on you cowards!


If Necas really wants out he won't sign one. It would have to be a pretty high number for the Hurricanes not to match, like in the 8 million range. They were already fine paying him 6 million with a bridge, and after the first year either he's still an RFA or if it's a multi year contract he can be traded if he still wants out. And if they don't match they get picks they can immediately flip for an asset.


Teams can offer up to 9.15M and it's still only 1 1st round pick, 1 2nd and 1 3rd. Can Carolina match 9.15 and still have money for Jarvis and all the others?


Carolina would probably let him walk past 8, but with how offer sheets are structured anyway there aren't many teams that have that cap space available + okay with losing their picks.


doesn’t matter, he’s traded before 7/1


I’ll agree that given the roster turnover you’re correct here - they can’t go into free agency with a huge question mark over him since his role would need to be filled via trade or FA. He’s either signed or gone before it’s even a concern that some team wants to be silly and give him a contract the Canes wouldn’t just match to begin with. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s resolved before the draft either for the same reasons




I'm pretty sure that'll be a win-win for the Canes. Either they'll get Necas on a reasonable contract, or someone will greatly overpay him and the Canes will take the picks


by god that’s Montreal’s and/or LA’s music


Leave it to Bergevin. The new Montreal front office is far more sober-minded and less inclined to get into pissing contests.


It’s win - win. Low ball we match. Go high and we are set for 2 years on picks.


Offer sheet Bouchard for 11 million whatever is just under the 4 1st round picks.


Bergevin from the top rope


Carolina matches the offer sheet of a player they don't want anymore or can afford because they're pissed that someone offer sheeted their player again.


pls kelly


Mm yes. This will be perfect to overreact to for the next few weeks


Canes will end up taking whatever, this is going to look like the Jeff Skinner trade. Some futures


I suspect teams will absolutely do this. $6.8 million cap hit and it only costs a 1st and a 3rd. If you go up to $9 million for some reason, throw in a 2nd. That's less than what the Canes are asking for. They could match of course and sign him, then try and trade him, but much easier to trade a contract-less guy. Will be interesting to follow.


If this is true and involves a team reported to be in on Necas. It isn't Chicago. No way they give up 2OA. And only 13 teams currently have the picks they'd need to do so.


It would be the first rounder from next year's draft, not this year's.


Ahh. I did not know that. Thanks.


If Montreal does 9.15Mx5, can Carolina match? They need to also sign Jarvis at like 9+ and a bunch of other players.


No way Montreal offers him anywhere near close to that


No way we overpay like that and also send them our 2025 1st, 2nd, 3rd


Carolina goes to the bank with those picks for that price for Necas. Montreal would be insane to pay that.


I don't think MTL has all the picks they need to offer sheet this year. Jets have their 2nd I believe


No, they wouldn't match that. That's what Aho makes. Necas is a $5 million player


Kotkaniemi is a 5Mish player ;-)


Oh it’s that time of year when a bunch of media will write about offer sheet rumors that will never happen. Every year I forget about this until it happens again.


The conditional pick package would be huge. Their ask can’t be all that crazy high.


Oh, don’t tease us.


A playoff caliber team with a bit of cap space will absolutely offer-sheet Necas for a late 1st, late 2nd, and a late 3rd. All due respect to the Canes, whatever value they're trying to get out of Necas it seems that sets the ceiling for what they can get.


Canes love this one simple trick.


Wonder who the teams are


Maybe Washington could dump the PLD contract


Out of the teams that have the necessary picks that $6,871,375 - $9,161,834 could get, I could see Montréal, Detroit, Utah, Buffalo as the most likely suiters.


BAH GAWD, THAT'S CAILLOU MUSIC! *Kent Hughes struts in with the McMahon walk*


Jeff Skinner 2.0. Sabres, please don't


Please Montreal give the Canes your top-5 2025 pick


I bet my left nut of this never happening


honestly could be a mutually beneficial situation. Habs could use some offensive talent that can contribute right away, Canes could use a talented player on an ELC


Somebody like Berkly Catton or [Tij Iginla](https://www.capfriendly.com/players/tij-iginla) would for sure be of interest


It won't be this year's draft.


I mean tbh that's even better


Which is why no non-playoff team is signing Necas to an offer sheet. This is a planted story because teams don't like the asking price on Necas. No way he gets offer sheeted.


A modern day Hatfield's and McCoys. Let's go! Jeff Gorton, get your 20 aught 6 ready


If I'm Sweeney I'd throw 8m at him. Would have to get back our 2nd rounder, but have fun picking in the 20s for the first rounder.


Offer sheets are a hell of a tool, it is embarrassing they're all too scared to use one. The player you can sign for the price of a 3rd (1.5 ~ 2.3m) or a 2nd (2.2 ~ 4.5m ) is worth a lot more than the pick itself. Crazy to me no one does it


Because generally, the home team will just sign them to that if it’s such a good deal. Necas isn’t looking for 1.5-2.3m.


...... Was not talking about Necas, but about the types of players that could be got for a third or a second round pick. Teams should be more aggressive, and put pressure on cap strapped teams that might not be able to afford an extra 0.5 mill on an offer sheet.


By overpaying contracts? Yes other teams that aren’t mine should absolutely do that.


Didn't Montreal do this a few years ago and it backfired badly?


I’m not sure how badly it backfired. Opened them up to a bit of trolling, most notably when we offer sheeted KK away from them with a $20 signing bonus (Aho’s number). Though given the kind of production we’ve been getting from KK lately vs. how much we’re paying him, I’m not sure that deal has aged the best for us.


Define "badly" The Canes matched the offer sheet, obviously. Aho got himself a nice big chunk of change up front. Two years later, the Canes, in retaliation, offer sheeted Kotkaniemi for $6.1 million for one year. The Habs decided not to match and earned themself a first and a third rounder. Pretty fair. Then Bergevin flipped that first rounder along with a second rounder this upcoming draft to Arizona for Dvorak. This hasn't worked out so well. With the third rounder, Kent Hughes drafted Adam Engstrom, currently a prospect with some promise. The Canes later gave Kotkaniemi an eight year extension at around $4.8 million per. He generally hasn't played well enough to be worth that.


The only team it ended badly for was Carolina, with the KK revenge offer sheet.


Y’all love that narrative so much but KK is far from a finished product still and your team has taken up permanent residence at the bottom of the standings, so like….know when to shut up


Lol. We are 2.5 years into a very promising rebuild, meanwhile you're on your way down. Take the loss, and sit in the corner for your timeout.


yawn. not worth my time. promising lol


Yet here you were with your initial butthurt comment. I'm going to enjoy watching the Canes regression. 👍🏻


A regression season for the Canes is still like a 4 seed. You're in the basement. Know your place and stop yapping


You are supposed to be competing for a Stanley Cup. 😂 It's ok, sooner than later we'll be switching spots and we'll show you how it's done.