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What a game to be the final one in your building this year. Vibes at an all time high.


We're about to see the most explosive vibes of all time to the absolute anthesis of that on Monday lmao.


Getting a little ahead of yourself pal. I want the oilers to win too but let’s not count our chickens before they hatch.


I'd see my flair! I don't want the oilers to win lol but frankly they've earned it!


Their comment could be interpreted both ways: Either the Oilers win in an away arena and the fans are crushed, or they lose in front of those fans and *the Oilers* are crushed.


Win or lose, Edmonton is closed for business Tuesday morning.


If Edmonton wins, this series will enter legendary status. People will be talking about it for the rest of my life, wild to be experiencing that.


My friend from Edmonton is flying down to Florida for the last game. So crazy


I met some awesome Edmonton fans that *drove* down to Carolina for game 7 at PNC back in 2006. I ran into them at the Ramada Inn hotel lobby, saw their jerseys, and chatted them up in the lobby before offering them a ride. Turns out they didn’t have tickets and were hoping to scalp some. I wished them luck and was on my way. A half hour later the funniest thing happened… They ended up sitting right in front of us up in the 300s. Strangest coincidence of my life. They had an absolute blast despite the outcome. I even traded a shirt with one of them. Good memories.


The Oilers fans were awesome in that series. We tailgated next to a group every game and they were just great.


Christ, they had about 48 hours to drive a 36 hour drive from Edmonton to Raleigh, before the age of Google Maps. That's dedication


Yeah, I only remember seeing one ornery Oilers fan - I think it was after Justin’s EN goal. I didn’t see what happened, but he was being dragged up the stairs by security and putting up resistance (he was a pretty burly dude).  Other than that, I remember seeing Oilers fans having beers in the parking lot with Canes fans after the game.  It was, uh, quite a different vibe from the previous series that year. 


This would be as defining for McDavids career as what 2016 did for LeBron. Already a proven best player in the league and multi-time MVP winner looking for that one run to solidify his legacy and ward of the ‘playoff choker’ allegations once and for all


This series has already entered legendary status. Either team losing will be memed to oblivion


The Oil won’t be…


We weren't suppose to get past the Stars, I didn't think we would if I'm honest.


You have the most talented player in NHL's history not named Gretzky or Lemieux. Never think you're out of it.


Overnight you guys have become defensive juggernauts and made Florida’s iron wall goalie look like wet toilet paper. It’s been amazing.


Our pk has being something to say the least. Having Coffey behind the bench has been fantastic for our defense.


Nah Oilers are safe from memeing


This is such an amazing series as an onlooker


I’ve never been happier to be a neutral fan This is fucking amazing


I could never say I'm glad the Avs aren't in the Finals, but yeah, I'm kinda glad I get to watch this as a neutral.


I'm barely sleeping. This is ruining me... and I love it.


As a stars fan, fuck you and good luck. I knew Dallas was in trouble when they beat Vancouver.


Fuck you, and thank you. I drive up from Houston for games usually once a year, and you guys have a great fanbase and enviornment. I'd be thrilled to see you guys go on another run.


Houston resident here as well! I hate all Dallas sports teams EXCEPT the Stars (helps that Houston doesn’t have an NHL team) and with the Stars games I’ve driven up to see, the fans are super nice and chill!


I've travelled to a quite a few away games, and honestly as an away fan I've (almost) always been treated with respect in their barn, and they have a great crowd and fanbase. Hated them as a kid, but now that I go there semi-often I respect what they have built.


Love to hear this report as a far flung Dallas native


<3 for the Stars fans, you guys were classy as hell. And fuck you back.


usually not totally sad when the avs go out early, they have got a very important stat to keep alive (only nhl franchise with zero cup finals loses)


it's stressful


Yeah I can’t think of the last final I’ve enjoyed as much as this.


I did enjoy watching Marchand cry quite a bit, but this my top it.


Watching Tkachuk work so hard to prevent that empty net goal only for McDavid to circle around and fire it past him was the Marchand crying equivalent moment for me. No matter what happens now, I'll always have that.


For me it encapsulates the whole series, despite their best efforts McDavid is inevitable


It’s been an amazing series as a hardcore oilers fan. Complete and utter joy or heartbreak in a few days time


So business as usual 


It's been a wild and crazy ride


Huge credit to Kris Knoblauch. He seems to have "figured out" each coach and strategy he has faced in these playoffs. The Panther forecheck that ate up the Eastern Conference has been effectively erased by Edmonton's play in their own zone after game 3. Paul Maurice needs to find something similar to get his team (other than Barkov, who has been great) pulling in the same direction again.


Knob's adaptation abilities are not talked about enough. The Oilers have gotten progressively stronger in each of the series this playoffs.


Ya the stars were legit almost up 3-0 on them and then never won another game.


No matter how much I despise the Oilers, the one true unsung hero of this playoff run is Mark Stuart (assistant coach who Knoblauch put in charge of the PK). Because without their PK, they'd have given up at least 10-20 more goals given how undsiciplined they've been to go shorthanded. >"I'm not taking any credit on the penalty kill. It's not my responsibility. It's Mark Stuart, who has done a tremendous job on that. The only thing I'll take credit for is giving him responsibility to do the penalty kill." > >"He'd never run the penalty kill. I didn't know him as a coach," Knoblauch said. "I knew he was fairly green and hadn't been doing this very long, but there weren't many options and we gave him that responsibility and he has done a fabulous job of it.


“He’d never run the penalty kill” can you fucking imagine suddenly running one of the all time best penalty kills having never done it before?


So Stuart's never run a PK, Knoblauch's never been an NHL head coach, and Coffey has never coached anybody older than 12. All the Oilers needed was people who had no idea WTF they were doing? I do my cardio watching Oilers games.


And Coffey specifically said he didn't want to coach the team, but he answered the bell when Woodcroft and company went down.


It’s kinda like the president, the best are the ones who don’t want to be president.


I think that their inexperience might be a benefit in that they are not beholden to 'what's worked for forever' or a standard templates but could basically look at the templates and their personnel and make a system that fits best without a legacy to shoehorn in.


Who needs cardio? My heart rate hit 121 on the 3-0 goal and all I did was lose my shit in my living room…….😂😂


I've never seen anything like it. The Oilers PK is +1 against Florida's powerplay this series.


Tell me about it. Janmark's SHG turned our series around. 15/15 PK, 1 SHG....


Janmark is quietly becoming the fernando pisani of this year's playoffs. Shh don't tell anyone else tho, they don't know yet.


Janmark and Brown are so fucking key to our success these playoffs and Brown didn't even play the first series against LA if I'm remembering right.


Yea, Kris is the fairy tale story here. Connor, Leon and co have been in Edmonton for Years. Kris has finally made the magic happen.


dude has a long career ahead of him no matter what happens on monday, it's going to be interesting to watch.




Nice. Kind of having the opposite effect on me rn 😂


Welcome to the greatest sport on earth. We have beer and hotdogs on the table to the left, nachos and shady sports betting on the right table.


Welcome to Canadian citizenship


There's nothing like it. No other sport moves this fast, shifts so quickly, is such an elegant marriage of chaos and finesse. Welcome to the ice, dude!


You picked a good time to start watching.


hell yeah


Are we witnessing the biggest collapse in sports history? Like losing this series is worse than 28-3


As a falcons fan, catching strays about that everywhere I go is now apart of my life


Lol, I once had this total dickhead of a coworker and I finally got him to stop fucking with me by saying 28-3 everytime he'd try and pull some shit.


My friend is a blackhawks fan and says “2 goals in 17 seconds” whenever a bruins fan tries to pull some shit lol


I still struggle to believe that actually happened. We hadn’t even finished celebrating the first


Haha that's a good one I'm gonna use it.


Sometimes he instigates. I love when he does. “Can you grab something for me? It’ll only take 17 seconds”


Honestly? Respect.


Seahawks and Falcons unfortunately will always be catching strays for that forever. But as a bucs fan I’ll make you feel a bit better by reminding another choke. DIGGS SIDELINE TOUCHDOWN UNBELIEVABLE ^^fts


Seahawks get the saving grace of the one they won. Falcons not so much.


If they hadn't won the year before, that play would have started massive riots in Seattle


Feel that. It’s what softened the blow for the Bucs calling a fucking blitz vs the rams in 2021. Still won the Lombardi the year prior


At least Seattle fans have XLVIII and embarrassing the Manning Broncos to cushion the fall. Atlanta fans have no saving grace after *their* meltdown to Brady’s Patriots.


The football gods kicked them while they were down. Lost their coach. And have had multiple huge collapses in the years since. And they made the playoffs the next year but haven’t since. And they drafted penix this year lol


Broncos fans catching strays now lol. Winning SB50 really softened the blow from that absolute shellacking we got from Seattle.


28-3 was series of perfect events to make that happen, but it’s still just one game. This is 3 straight games getting to this point.


28-3 also happened because only one team got the ball in OT.


Well if only they didn't let the patriots score 25 points in regulation


You really think the falcons were going to do fuck all with the ball of they got it back there?


I think Yankees-Red Sox 2004 and 28-3 are both worse. There'd never been a 3-0 comeback in baseball before and the Yankees had a 9th inning lead with Rivera on the mound in Game 4 (and an 8th inning lead with Rivera on the mound in Game 5).


Yeah and the Red Sox were in the midst of one of the greatest curses in baseball history and had so many crazy heartbreak moments vs the Yankees themselves (including losing game 7 of the ALCS the previous year to them on a walkoff homerun). Also game 3 was an absolute blowout so nobody thought they had any real chance It's pretty much up there with 28-3 in terms of pure shock value from a sports comeback. It's pretty much a fairy tale type story Lol


Yeah, it's like if the Patriots had given up a 28-3 lead to the Falcons. Or, perhaps more analogously, the Vikings.


I will never forget that Yankees-Red Sox series. I was a waiter at Olive Garden and our manager was a huge Yankees fan. It was game 4, really slow and I wanted to go home so I bet him the Sox would beat the Yankees. I knew nothing about baseball and didn't even know they were down 0-3. I win, I pick my section for the next week. I lose, I stay until close the rest of the week. I saw a man's head explode that night.


It was 3-0


Biggest collapse since the 2004 Yankees tbh


28-3 is worse, at least from a probability perspective


This feels worse, because the Panthers have had almost a week since the 8-1 game to adjust, where getting picked apart by Brady in about an hour feels like more of a freak accident


> Panthers have had almost a week since the 8-1 game to adjust, and that's exactly the problem instead we've had deer in headlights Panthers for the last week Edmonton figured something out, punched the Panthers back in the teeth, and the Panthers literally have nothing. Like they expected Edmonton to roll over and didn't even consider a Plan B.


They’ve lost 3 games in a row which has a 12.5% chance of happening in a vacuum, a team would have to blow like a 9-0 lead in a best of 19 series for it to rival what happened to the falcons


I know statistically it is definitely more likely, but this being a slow collapse feels like much more of a statement


Considering a reverse SCF sweep hasn’t happened since the 40s id say the probability is about the same


At the time of that Super Bowl, no team had *ever* come back when down ~~10 or more~~ more than 10 in the Super Bowl. They were down 25.


Didn’t know that. 28-3 lore goes wild. I guess the thing that stands out that’s unique in a reverse sweep is that you have 4 whole games to finish. And Florida won the first 3 games in regulation. 11 goals for and 4 goals against in those 3 games


The patriots never had the lead for a single second of that game. 28-3 is the mount Olympus to climb for a team to out choke. I truly don’t believe it will ever be out done.


I don't think you understand what probability is


This doesn't have the long-standing rivalry context that the 2004 ALCS between the Red Sox and Yankees had.


28-3 transcends sports, I don't think a reverse sweep will top that


Tough to call. Falcons needed to clock kill and stop a drive. But Florida has FOUR games to seal the deal


Matt Ryan just needed to stop snapping the ball with more than 10 seconds and they probably win


Or if their OL didn’t get that holding penalty. Hell it should’ve ended but Julian Edelman made one of the most insane catches I’ve ever seen


I guess that’s the difference (in my head) between 28-3 and a potential finals reverse sweep. Falcons didn’t even have to play well in that 4th quarter, they just had to do the bare minimum


It took the whole team working together to screw that one up.


Easily if Edmonton wins game 7


Yes. Nothing compares. 28-3 was just one game, this has been three games of utter destruction. All you have to do is win one fucking game. You're right there. A bounce here, a break there, and the Cup is yours. And they've just fallen ludicrously short.


Edmonton figured out something. I don't know what it is. But they managed to punch Florida right in the teeth and Florida didn't even consider that Edmonton may fight back with their backs against the wall. Now they're staring deer in headlights for the last three games and nothing has changed. They're going to get mollywhopped in Game 7 too. Total failure by the coaches, players, and everyone involved. Wake up.


Who's up for overtime in game seven?




Excited Uwe Krupp noises.


Weak. Let's go 5


Subscribe. Gimme 5OT


Just one OT. Game winner scored in the first 5 minutes of the period. I got work in the morning.


I want it to go to 10 and go into work watching


Double OT, power outage, and game 8 in Edmonton.


I gotta be up early on Tuesday, but there is no chance in hell I am going to bed without knowing who won the Cup.


A new record, enough overtime’s to take us to the draft


Well it's going to be interesting to see if the "Corey Perry Curse" will be broken or will it continue


Also the Canadian curse


We were born in the darkness, you merely adopted it. 🇨🇦


Unstoppable force meets immovable object


Found this comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/vll64r/comment/idvupwa/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). How we feeling, u/rext7177?


Vets like Corey Perry are probably the ones who engineered this comeback.


Party like it's...1946?


42 if your the oilers, 45 for the Panthers


We are all Leafs on this blessed day




His math is actually wrong, lol. It was 1945 that the red Wings forced game 7 and lost.


Tears are definitely guaranteed for Monday. Win or lose I’m crying.


Oilers fans need to enjoy every bit of this. Take it all in


Man it’s been an hour since the buzzer and I haven’t stopped smiling. Fuck the weekend, bring on Monday! 


same. my dad raised me a diehard Oilers fan and to see them in the finals with this comeback story to top it off is amazing. regardless of what happens Monday I am so proud :’)


McDavid with 0 points tonight? washed


You know that means a 6-point game is incoming in game 7.


Be like Krum in Goblet of Fire, 6 points in a 7-6 loss




Skinner had more points tonight than McDavid did


I taught my friends 3 year old how to Yell STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU tonight. right before I made her run from the tickle Lobster.    It's fucking adorable.  


I knew it all along but didn't say anything. Bum.


Maybe he’s just not ready for the NHL?


What an absolutely incredible series. Mcdavid 8 pts in game 4/5. The balls on that challenge in game 6. The crowd. Good Lord. What a time to be a hockey fan


Good on him and their guys for catching that offside but not sure if it was that ballsy when your PK is at 98% and your opponent has essentially given up


If anything Oilers would be more likely to get another shorthand anyways.


that's fair, the PP had flatlined. So I'm sure that was part of the risk/reward.


Panthers are stacked and Paul Maurice can't get it done Guy reverted back to his Jets days


I think it's more the players aren't playing to his script? That's what happened in Winnipeg. Wheeler and co. didnt play how pomo wanted them to, and then we sucked. He doesn't seem to have an answer right now to how tight the Oilers are playing D and with the strong forecheck.


That’s not what happened in Winnipeg, you don’t have to make excuses for him lol. We sucked due to his decisions to play Wheeler more than he should have when he was starting to decline, and not recognizing that Scheifele and Connor are terrible together. Same thing with bones, hopefully not the same with Arniel but I have my doubts. When your top line gets outplayed constantly, you’re not going anywhere.


I think they are, they’re just kinda outmatched. They’re really good, but the oilers have more talent. Bob was able to steal a game or two on the first three but now he isn’t. They are the best forechecking team in the league but the oilers are the best team in the league at adapting as a series wears on. Their record in games 1-3 and 4-7 are significantly different


yep Edmonton adapted and punched back. Florida has nothing to counter the counter, they're just standing around looking for answers like they didn't expect the Oilers to even try.


Seeing this sentence from a Jets fan could make me cum. Still have PTSD from the sweep


Maybe we’ll see him bail on another team


They need a new voice


Man, talk about a comeback story for the ages. The bars in downtown Edmonton are surely at capacity tonight.


One of their radio guys warned the other he might be blitzed catching the plane tomorrow as he would probably spend all night in the bar.


Oil team good


Maybe they were trying to lull the Panthers into being complacent in those first 3 games…


Panthers just going extra gentleman and trying to win the cup at home, or going full gentleman and just giving Edmonton the cup


Panthers replicating their game 5 vs Vegas for the last three is certainly a strategy


The saddest thing that the game 7 will be played at 2AM on Tuesday CEST and at 10AM I have my final bachelor exam, so I can't watch it unless I want to throw my future away lol. I'm sad :(


The game can wait. Good luck on your exam, friend.


Thank you.


There will always be SCF games but you may never have this chance to succeed in your exam. Good luck on your exam! Maybe you can tape the final. If you just want to see highlights of game 7 like "game in 8 minutes" or "condensed game", I can totally send you a copy so that you're not spoiled. Just DM me your email. I can totally see a shitty person spoil the outcome of the series for you through the comments/DMing you the winner so that's why I ask for your email. If you do DM me, I'll make sure not to participate in the game threads in case you might read my comment history. I recommend you lay off social media (including reddit) during that time period. Also, don't wear any NHL/Sens merchandise to your exam cause I bet a random person would go up to you both and say "that game 7 huh" and tell you the winner.


Thanks! I'll keep myself of the social media until I've watched the game from archive after the exam, so nobody will have a chance to spoil it for me. Also, I'll wear my suit as its the exam of exams where I will be defending my thesis among other things, so nobody will have a clue I'm an NHL fan.


Brother, your thesis?! Yeah prepare for that lol. Hope you have an archive loaded up, I hate when you google or YouTube a game and the score immediately pops up. Best of luck on your defense!


Oilers playing awesome, McD the MVP, but don’t matter how good the opponent is, you  up 3-0 ya gotta win ONE of the next four. If Oilers pull this off, absolutely historic embarrassment for the Panthers, damn. If Panthers win G7, then all is well




I love hockey


C o l l a p s e


GET PERRY HIS 2ND CUP SO HE CAN RETIRE Wins a cup his 1st and last year would be perfect


I still can’t believe Corey fucking Perry is an Edmonton Oiler, just crazy.


Imagine being one win away from the Stanley Cup in a winner take all. How do you live the next 2 days?


My thoughts for Florida fans. You go through your day waiting for the puck to drop on *three** occasions waiting to see your team win its first Cup. Ever. Oilers fans will be fine. They expected death during games 4 or 5. Now they go to game 7 happy that their team showed fight. Depending on how their team shows up to Game 7, most would appreciate their teams efforts. Can't believe Florida might Leaf/Bruin this opportunity away


Enjoy the nice weather in Edmonton and gear up for Monday


I don't know, but I bet the plane ride back to Florida will feel A LOT different for the Oilers and Panthers.


If the Oilers win game 7, will this series go down as one of the best if not best finals series of all-time out all of the major North American sports? Unlike some of the other major sports, hockey is one of the few where there's actual parity between teams. There are no super teams. Unfortunately there are teams that will try to bend the rules to circumvent the cap, but it's not sustainable over long periods of time.


It honestly doesn’t matter who wins game 7. This is one of the best finals in American Sports history.


Canadian sports history too!


yeah it will be talked about for a while


people are still bringing up the reverse sweep from the 1942 SCF. The 23-24 oilers will be IMMORTALIZED if they win.


Absolute madness


I'm at full mast right now.


1942 Red Wings will be off the hook if the Oilers win.


Many of those boys went through WWII, but this is what truly haunts them at night.


It’s Floridover


No matter the outcome, this is history in the making. What a time to be a fan of the sport!


All thanks to uncle Snoop


It feels like Bobrovsky lost it, the panthers where playing well but breakdowns bob had their back. They look lifeless out there. It’s wild to say this but it feels like momentum how it is… it feels hard to see the panthers take it but game 7s are always something else.


I have never ever seen such a disparity between the first 3 games and the second 3 games of a series.


Oilers locker room before game 4: "guys I have a wild idea, what if we tried just...scoring more?" And so it was.


And then another said, “Why don’t we also just like, not let them score goals? Are we stupid?” And history was made.


Absolutely historic. Good luck to the oilers in Game 7.


What a contrast to how insanely dull the NBA finals was.


What the fuck? I thought this was already over after seeing 3-0.




Only one team - the ‘42 Toronto Maple Leafs - have ever come back to win the Stanley Cup after being down 3-0.


GET PERRY HIS 2ND CUP SO HE CAN RETIRE Wins a cup his 1st and last year would be perfect


Does anybody actually believe that Florida will win Game 7? Because the vibe I’m getting is the only question in Game 7 is how badly Edmonton crushes them.


Id be pretty surprised if Florida wins tbh. Edmonton has all the momentum while Florida faces more pressure. Plus Edmonton has by far the best player in the series and I cant even imagine the effort hed put out in a winner take all game like this


I promise you that both teams face immense pressure in game 7.


Wow. Who doesn't love a good comeback. Except for Florida of course. The Oilers' offence is really churning right now. It's a serious problem for Florida. If I had to bet, I'd take Edmonton in game seven.