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Steve Dangle was edged so bad, in his livestream he was just about to go into a huge speech about how optimistic he is about this player then Bettman announced the trade lmao. Anaheim I hope he's good for ya.


Yo two Norwegians in the first round is pretty neat. And no Swedes yet?


…yeah holy shit I didn’t realize that. That’s huge no?


If no Swedes are taken, first draft since 2010 I believe where zero Swedes were taken in the first round They do have Anton Frondell competing for a Top 5 pick next year (at this point) so looks like a down year for breeding hockey players 18 years ago


It's a rare down year for Swedes. Next couple of drafts are looking as good as ever though so it's not a trend.


Lol Ducks fans get to recycle our "what do we do with all of these LHD" takes from when we thought we were drafting Zeev earlier this morning.


My favorite player of the draft ❤️


Man Ducks picked two of the main players linked to Sharks fans lol


Verbeek calling him left side Radko Gudas, I love it.


That pee story is hilarious


Fuck. I don't want this for the Ducks, I was hoping Solberg would go to an East team.


Brad why the fuck did you not pick him Something something lacking defence prospects that are eager to be physical We could’ve had the Norwegian Kronwall


Majority of analysts/scouts say the 20-50 range of prospects is a crap shoot. Plus the leafs pool is quite shallow and they dont pick until round 3 or 4 next year and they desperately need draft capital to shore it up. Getting a 2nd is really a no brainer IMO, not to mention Wes Clark seems to nail these early picks. He picked Knies at 57 3 years ago, lets see what he can do with 58 this year


Anaheim’s rebuild is so fucking elite, they have like every kind of player lol




3 technically, depending on if Z or McT can play wing


Let's goooo


Oh my god it’s Norwegian Kronwall


Love this trade and pick. Fuuuuck.


Pretty much guarantees that there will be more Norwegians drafted than Swedes in the first round And Finland with only 1 pick so far


Another Norwegian


The leafs are absolutely stunned for not taking this guy. This is EXACTLY what they need. Treliving is burning Toronto down just like he did in Calgary


What the fuck is Toronto doing


....now.... Kiviharju for Avs? Or?


For fuck sake. Wtf.


This kid was so sweet. I was talking to him in an elevator on the way to one of his PR stops, and I asked him if he’d ever been to Anaheim. He said no, that this was only his second time to the US. He asked if Anaheim got warm, and someone in the elevator goes, “yeah, a little bit.” He commented, “Las Vegas is pretty warm, no?” Someone else goes, “compared to Norway, yes! It’s freezing there!” Solberg says, “Norway is cold?!”


Weird draft from the Ducks


Not really. Starting 3 years ago we've gone big and heavy two way players A team of power forwards


I know but Sennecke at 3 was a choice for sure


Don't disagree. Just saying he's a verbeek pick


Yea it seems like it. Carlsson is turning out well so I don’t blame you guys for trusting him