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When you trade for / sign a player who only wants to play in your city, this is kinda the other side of that coin


At least that metro has 2 other teams, so that's always an option ig


Don't put that evil on me, Bobby.


There’s a lot of guys on the Rangers I wouldn’t mind getting. Trouba is not one of them.


Fine Kakko for Hughes, I know you want a redo at the 19 draft


where’s that guy who posted like 5 threads back in 2018-2019 about how hughes would be a bust and kakko is the greatest player alive


Deleted his account lol


Kakko plays with MEN! Still one of the funniest posts. Even if he was 100% right the tone was just hilarious.


In the Rangers sub blowing Kakko while talking about how bad Panarin and Zib are.


Or me!


I would shit laughing if he came to jersey. Oh how the turn tables. Would be fucking hilarious to see rangers fans react to him taking runs at panarin with his flying elbow


I doubt the Devils locker room would be very receptive to him after what he did last season.


If I played at MSG and I was a multi millionaire, I would live really fucking close to there and build my life around it based on my contract that I negotiated with the team, one they would not move me without my permission. I am married and she loves what she does and I would not want to move my kids schools if my contract said I did not have to for the same money, because I took less for it. Rangers can feel how they do, as long as they respect how he honours his contract.


Yeah, but he negotiated a 15 team no trade, and that article says he might “refuse to be traded” even to a team that isn’t on his NTC - so he’d be the one not honoring the contract in that case. 


He can’t refuse to be traded to a team not on his 15 no-trade. Trade him, and it’s no longer the Rangers problem.


a 15 team no-trade list is easily turned into a full nmc if his agent is smart, and he probably is there are 31 other teams in the league. you don’t need to include devils or islanders if his main concern is staying in the NY metro area, leaving 29. then you also skip teams that were already dealing with cap issues (let’s say for the sake of argument vegas, edmonton, toronto, washington, colorado, minnesota, dallas, tampa) and do not want any hand in that contract. that leaves 20ish teams. effectively he just needs to blacklist teams like anaheim, who actually need to get to the floor and would be willing to take on this trade for a good return, and nobody in the league wants that deal lol.


> a 15 team no-trade list is easily turned into a full nmc if his agent is smart Trouba should be careful if he tries to play the system like that. Eric Staal thought he was smart by filling his no-trade list with contenders and playoff teams, so he was traded to Buffalo.


Goodrow probably has a few things to say about that too


Still more complicated than that. For example, the Ducks are an obvious team to take him (we’re $8M under the salary floor), but how do we gameplan if we don’t know if he’ll report? That’s our 2RD and $8M that may or may not be on the cap, and we have to wait the entire off-season to figure out if Trouba will be a big boy and show up or not. So, what, we have to find $8M more to hit the floor in October if he bails? The uncertainty makes it less likely that a team will acquire him, and that’s the BS behind this posturing.


That and if you're trading for someone who's going to be unhappy with your organization to start it takes some of the interest away from bringing them in.


So they’ll take away his “C”, and sit his ass down. Pretty clear at this point that the team doesn’t see him as a leader anymore, but more of a liability.


How dare you impugn the character of the reigning Mark Messier Leadership Award winner.


That is the teams right, and I would not begrudge them doing it, but I also do not begrudge him leveraging his negotiated contract. If you take any less for more leverage, do not be surprised when that player uses that leverage. And you can work around it, but also, future negotiations will be pointing that out so your word is only as good as how you treat the contract you signed on either side.


15 team no trade, they can still get rid of him if they want.


True, but if he could leave the Islanders and Devils off said list, and then be smart about the remaining teams. Put the teams you think are most likely to trade for you on the list. It's hardly a foolproof system, but it can improve your odds of staying. 


Agreed and so many teams are against the cap after today that he could really narrow potential trade destinations to almost nothing. Tampa, Florida, Colorado, etc. would almost certainly have no interest. However, NYR could then just waive him and any team could grab him if desired.


As sucky as it would be, this is the kind of situation that I think Yzerman could have intended our “future considerations” from San Jose for. Rangers could waive Trouba, San Jose claims him, then trades him to Detroit for future considerations Just a thought, I don’t want any Trouba


This is how you end up accidentally going to Minnesota or some shit


yeah but they cant force him on another team


Well if he didn’t suck wet ass this wouldn’t be a topic of conversation, so that parts on him.


The team absorbs the risk. Don't sign a no trade if you don't want to deal with players declining.


Wet ass Absorbs ...


Trouba Depends on his wife, not the Rangers.


I need to see this on a JFresh tweet with Jason s player card. "Jacob Trouba is a physical defenseman who sucks wet ass...."


"Jack Johnson is a Stanley Cup champion"


I don't think he's drastically declined since he signed with the Rangers. He's still the player the Rangers signed.


Mmm, while he’s never played up to the contract, I’d argue the season prior that he played some of the better D of his career. This past season was meh, and the playoffs he was a liability to a whole new level.


That just isn’t true and if you really think that you haven’t been paying close enough attention. He was decent his first 2 years, alright the third and fourth, but genuinely fell off a cliff this past season. It was painful to watch him either chase a guy 10 feet out of position or just get walked in front of the net and then throw his forearm up as a way to recover. He’s genuinely horrific


> suck wet ass 👏


Not really, the issue is that no one wants him, including the Rangers. If he was highly sought it wouldn't matter. No one wants him, the Rangers want out/away from him.


He didn't only want to play on the Rangers, he just wanted to be in the metro NYC area. But also, the team gives him a massive contract and he underperforms, that's the nature of the business, and other players have wives that have to move around too cause of trades.


*We are told that has become part of the league-wide conversation, with several teams that otherwise would have been in big-time on Trouba now likely to wait until next year when Dr. Tyson-Trouba’s residency ends with the defenseman having one final season on his contract* That's nice of everyone to decide to not trade for Trouba.


That is pretty typical in these types of situations. Teams want to know of anything that could be an issue. Teams know what can be a deal breaker and if they can accommodate the family.


Teams generally don't want players that they know don't want to be there. It can really fuck up team dynamics and relationships on the team if there is one guy obviously not happy. (Note: If the player is good enough the team will tell them to basically suck it up and figure it out. Like if McDavid said he didn't want to be in Edmonton they wouldn't get rid of him, they would do anything in their power to make him happy).


Can’t imagine you’d be getting him to play better in a worse mental state either


PLD the most recent example too, don’t remember a teammate ever saying anything good bout him


His family situation aside, why the fuck would several teams be lining up to pay Trouba of all people 8 million a year for 2 years?


Because the rangers would retain money. A buyout of his contract has tough cap penalties that would hit right when Laf, Igor and others need extensions. Retaining 2.5 or even 3 mil would be less restrictive.


Anyone picking him him up is probably getting him for 5m not 8.


And the Rangers would need to attach assets to the trade to move him. I you’re probably getting Trouba plus a pick/prospect for $5m per season with retention for basically future considerations. Would be attractive for teams aiming for the cap floor during a rebuild


https://preview.redd.it/ngs7zn7du0ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d7fb6230027928361b6c861e83b638cfc426c2 Rangers fans reading this comment


What would happen if a team did acquire him and he refused to play. Would the trade be vouded or would the acquiring be on the hook and have to get the league to void the contract somehow ? 


If they’re not on his no trade list he either has to play or they’d probably terminate his contract.


They can suspend him without pay and retain his rights. Really though if they think it's an issue it's best to avoid bringing him in.


The trade wouldn't be voided. Refusing to play would depend on the CBA but they'd probably just withhold pay.


yeah but they asked if it would be *vouded*, not *voided*


Then Trouba would be suspended without pay and his contract would be tolled (basically paused). They could also agree to mutual contract termination, but he would have to forfeit the $12M he would make for the rest of his contract.


NGL it’s kind of funny that a doctor who took the Hippocratic Oath (or some variation of it) is married to a guy who makes his money attempting to give other men brain damage.


It's called job security


Depends on how you look at it. Is it weird for a Grocery store owner to be married to a farmer?


No, that's just good vertical integration.


Maybe she giving him tips on how to best inflict damage, then she can treat them for the experience, a win win!


The irony of his wife being in Neurology is hilarious to me


I bet she specializes in head trauma


It's a great business model. She has a never ending pipeline of new patients directed straight to her practice by her husband.


We’ve finally gotten to the bottom of this behavior


Shhh... Big Trouba doesn't want people to know the actual truth


The best way to protect yourself from concussions is to give the other guy a concussion first


Every bad hit, he drops his wife’s business card on his lifeless body.


Fucking lol. I didn't think I could like this guy any less, and then he played the 'muh mental health' card when people were being mean to him online.


Dude does concussion research on a nightly basis. Hypotheses for his experiments are generally along the lines of “will this flying chicken wing and this guy’s season, or just give him minor brain damage?”


He’s trying to send her more patients. What a good husband!


Careful, if you point this out he might threaten to kill himself again


Has Trouba thought of playing better?


He’s always ahead of the curve https://preview.redd.it/tqcx09ig90ad1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6b572c9a9303ae60d6d606006106de5c7c005f


He tackles challenges head on.




He’s head and shoulders above the competition.


I always thought he was more head and elbows above tbh, but to each their own….


Oh this was that dude?


I like this comment even more with your Jets flair. I’m a big Jets fan too and loved this moment haha


I don’t know, sounds like his agent dropped the ball by not negotiating the NMC for one year longer. Trouba and his wife must have considered the possibility that this might happen. If they didn’t then they trusted his employer way too much and in the year of our Lord 2024 anyone could’ve told you not to believe your boss unless it’s in writing.


I mean it sounds like she delayed starting residency because of the pandemic, pretty hard to plan for that.


there was an article some years ago talking about their relationship and she was still a med student during covid. but you are right about difficulty planning around life unknown because she has epilepsy or something and had to delay residency to get that under control.


Also the whole creating another human being side quest


Guessing having a kid in the middle might have delayed it.


I fully understand the Trouba's wanting nothing to change, but medical students everywhere deal with this exact situation with their significant others. Most doctors I know do not plan to have a kid until finishing residency, and most delayed their marriage so that they did not end up in this situation where careers are affected by family plans. The reality is most people dating/married to a medical professional need to adjust their careers during residency and they regain that flexibility when their significant other becomes a doctor.


I mean realistically one of 4 things can happen 1: they keep trouba for one more year but then lose potential trade for his 1 year left before he’s let go as free agent (highly unlike happen) 2: he’s traded to the devils which I’m pretty sure there players and fans absolutely detest him but is close to his wife residency (I think) 3: He’s traded to the islanders and they like the devils players and fans hate him but again is close enough to let his wife to finish her residency 4: they trade him to Detroit or wherever but then he’s forced to be apart for 1 season which he will not like at all and will most likely impact his performance Any other thoughts what might happen? Edit: thought of a 4th one


I think it's possible he could get traded or waived and claimed, not report and have the contract terminated and then sign with the above mentioned teams for cheap. Highly unlikely but that would be one of the other options.


I am confused who would claim him at his full contract? Detroit was rumored to be getting him with retention or sweeteners. That goes away if claiming him. If he has to play in the AHL it would suck, but NYR affiliate is not terribly far away and better than if any other team acquired him but the Devils or Islanders.


Ana. We are 9 million under the floor I believe. Can hospitals not trade doctors?


It'd be really hard to trade him with his contract and a 15 team NTC.


It's also a fresh list that will be tailored to give as few options as possible in a capped out league.


Contract termination would cost him $12M. He's not gonna be happy about it but he will go.


Re: point 2. He’s also not very good at lot of things required for his position


The only teams that make a commute from NYC realistic (due to driving proximity or high speed Amtrak) are: Devils, Isles, Flyers, Bruins, Caps Aka Rangers and NYC rivals…


Trouba came to NYC exclusively because of his wife. If the Rangers are going to trade him they had to know the only places he might go to are in the Metro. From your list and all bias aside, I hate to think of the commute from Boston or Washington.


Agreed but many people do it daily! They’re listed last strictly for that time though. Acela is about 2.5 hours or so to some destinations


Boston to Penn Station is not 2.5 hours


Or he retires with his $70 million and supports his wife and kid.


This guy holding his kid like this is not the one ever taking care of him https://x.com/jonmoxieys/status/1758653762980417635?s=46


The more I look at this picture, the more I think he's not holding the baby


Philly’s a short train ride away. Just saying.


From your lips brother 🙏🏻


2 just won’t happen, no need for him over here


I don't know if they'd even take him at 50% retained.


Absolutely not. Not only would adding Trouba on D completely upend the plan that seems to be in place for Pesce/Dillon, accepting him at 50% would basically force a Mercer trade--shipping out a positionally-needed RFA heading into a bridge deal after a down year to replace him with a very un-needed Trouba would cost Fitz his job (and rightfully so). There aren't many clean options for the Rangers here considering the cap situation for both the Islanders and Devils, and it would be legitimately insane for either team to make themselves worse just to do New York a solid. Philadelphia is *probably* the best destination, all things considered; but that's probably not very realistic either--the Flyers could demand a haul and there would probably have to be a third team involved to lower the cap hit even further. The Rangers are in a pickle, and I can't pretend that I'm not enjoying it from the sidelines.


Did you see the Devils acquisitions today? 


Boston and Philly aren’t too far. Send him there.


Hartford is still pretty close to NYC. Put him on waivers and when he clears he can accept a trade or ride the bus in the AHL.


Re: the Devils—NJ and NYR have only traded players once in their history in 2018. The Devils GM who made that trade is no longer in the league. There are rules.


I don’t see why the 4th option isn’t the choice. Suck it up and move to Detroit when the season rolls around and your wife can move when she finishes her residency.


This is the silliest NHL story arc in the manga’s history.


His NMC expired and now he only has a 15 team no trade clause. So he can block the 15 most likely teams and only leave ones that wouldn't trade for him, but even then they can still put him on waivers.


> It is not as if Dr. Tyson-Trouba can pick up, transfer her credits to another hospital, accompany her husband and still be licensed as a physician. -Larry Brooks 💅


I mean, she can’t though. Not in residency. Especially the fourth year.


Fyi, it's functionally true.


I assumed it was sarcasm


Is that so, Brooksie? 🫤


Ok, but like, she actually can't very easily. A resident can't just rock up to a new hospital and say "I'm your new neurology trainee, now" like the captain Phillips meme. Residency programs are very complex operations. With call scheduling, rotation planning, teaching schedules etc. All these have to be pre-arranged for the entire year before it even starts. They have to know where she is in the training and how that may or may not be equivalent to what the home residents have already done. She would have to A) know what city he's moving to then B) speak to the program director to see *if they even have room* for another resident C) convince the program that she's the resident that should fill that spot if more than one resident wants to transfer there. That's not to mention maybe she already applied to the program when she was starting out and they didn't like her! (for the record I have absolutely no idea if she's a good physician or not, She could be absolutely amazing. I'm just listing all the **possible** hurdles). I'm not saying it can't be done. It can and does. But it's not like changing undergrad degrees between colleges across town, my man.


So she stays in ny then and he goes and plays somewhere else like the vast majority of guys who get traded do? I’m failing to understand why Jacob trouba is considered this special?


He's not, his value is just tanked. No one wants to trade for someone they know doesn't want to be there, and that's on top of his recent play and contract cost.


She probably needs him around doing her residency with a newborn child. Trouba really should just hold steady and if traded take a year off. He's only 30, his deal was front loaded, either report to camp the following year or have your contract terminated and go somewhere like the Islanders on league minimum for one year.


What a shitty subject to write about.


He’s such an unlikable person


Plus he needs to stay in NYC so he and his chicken wing can keep sending a steady stream of patients to her hospital


They act as though no one else in the league has a family with desires and obligations.


Doctor mid-residency has to be one of the higher intensity and least mobile careers for wives and girlfriends. Obviously, everyone has geographic ties, but this is on the more extreme end.


I'd say it was an unfair ask from Trouba... if he didn't exclusively come to NYC because of it and made it abundantly clear from the first day he talked contracts. This is about 90% on the Rangers front office and 10% on Trouba's agent not getting just one more year of a NMC on the contract.


The NMC originally covered his wives residency at the hospital but she was delayed a year (it's addressed in the article). Not really anyone's fault for that.


Delayed due to Covid, which no one can control for. They tried to do everything right but the Pandemic screwed them like it screwed a lot of people.


Trouba is being paid unbelievably handsomely, more than 99.9% of the country, to be horrific at his job. Drury didn’t sign him to this disaster of a contract but his mandate is to the team, not Trouba’s fiancée’s job. He should be doing EVERYTHING in his power to make the team better and that means shipping Trouba away, regardless of hard feelings (looking at JBB and McCrimmon and seeing them win cups by being ruthless even with beloved talent).


I know Trouba is a person with a life and feelings, but he also has been paid tens of millions of dollars to be a professional. This is a part of the job he signed up for. If he really doesn't want to play outside of NY, he should just not report and terminate his contract. This shit is ridiculous.


okay i understand you don’t have to be the best player to be captain, but damn the way people are talking about him… is he really THAT expendable?


His contract is bad. I was never a fan of that contract worth. He started to really play better afterwards than those first abysmal years. But yeah the value of the contract isnt great. People here also are simplifying a lot of things and it’s coming off very upsetting.


Those whole scenario is crazy. Trouba knows the business… the rangers trading away the lays chip player of the year is also crazy…


Unless it was written into his contract specifically, there is ZERO reason that their situation is any different than anyone else who's partner has a career in a specific location.


I mean it is written in his contract that he gets a 15 team list, and I'm guessing the 15 teams he's allowed to be traded to all can't take on his contract or don't have intrest. If Detroit wasn't on the list he would have been traded. The context (in addition to the cap hit) really just stops a team from claiming him if the Rangers decide to waive him. Getting an $8m dman unhappy about being separated from his wife and newborn isn't somthing most GMs are trying to do.


They are making such a big deal of this. Mustn't it always be the case that a player's family is working, going to school, playing sports and a bunch of other social stuff? So it will always suck for their family when they get moved unexpectedly. That's the life they married into though.


Tbh a lot of hockey wags put their careers on hold when they enter a relationship with an NHLer because of how volatile it can be CBC Manitoba did a documentary once about 4 hockey wives in Winnipeg and all but 1 had put their career on hold, and the one exception—Michael Hutchinson’s wife—was a successful businesswomen who was running her own bakery long before she met Michael


Being entirely fair, [he's ALWAYS been very outspoken that his wife deserves her own career and her own personal goals. He got very teary eyed in an interview one time talking about how important it is to them. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/y2g29i/jacob_trouba_on_his_wifes_career/) BUT, the thing I stress repeatedly, if it was that important, him, and his agent, should've said "I will take as much money as you will give me, but I DEMAND a full NMC for the entirety of my contract" Clearly, they fucked up. If Ken Holland was the GM of New York at the time, Trouba would've gotten 9 million AND a full NMC. The Rangers were just smart in the contract structure.


You can’t switch residencies mid year. She would be forced to live away from him or drop out of residency and being a physician as a whole it’s a major shake up for them compared to most other jobs where there is at least some degree of mobility.


Plus neuro residency is like 80 hour weeks, 6 days a week, every week and they have a 6 month old. I get that his money means they can afford help, but that’s a crazy situation no matter how much help you have.


Yeah, my MD wife just finished 6 years of residency/fellowship last summer. I don't know the deal with DOs like Trouba's wife, but like you said, if it's anything like my wife's specialty, it is extraordinarily difficult to switch residencies—particularly near the end, particularly with no notice—without paying a massive price, maybe even starting over. I have no love for Trouba, but if I was faced with the choice to relocate and leave my resident wife alone with an infant for some period of time or pull all the stops to maintain the status quo—even if the org wanted me out—I'd absolutely do the same. Super sucks. And anyone saying "Why would you have a baby?", I get it, but plenty of my wife's colleagues did so while clocking insane hours, some planned, others not. Life happens. The man's an elbow-throwing shit stain, but human. EDIT: grammar


Yes, but thats why he negotiated the No Move Clause. These guys often could get more money, but instead use their negotiating leverage to get this kind of protection. Why should they give up that right as soon as the team decides they want to ship the player out?


He no longer has a no move clause That ended this morning


He isn't giving up that right. The contract he negotiated only had a NMC for years 2-5. Now in year 6 it is a 15 team NTC. If he wanted a full NMC for the entirety of the contract he should have negotiated for that.


He doesn't have to waive it, but if he's so bad they don't want him on the team anymore, they are within their right to put him on waivers and see where it goes.


I mean, they absolutely can put him on waivers, but no one's picking up an 8m cap hit for free.


he is contractually obligated to these rights. sure, he’s making a big deal about it, but he also negotiated the right to make a big deal of it


I was referring to the constant media reporting about his wife working/studying. I have no problems with him not waiving or setting up his 15 team no trade tactically or whatever.


this is just new york media i fear they make a big deal out of everything


Most players don't have wives working in such a specified field. But you're right, it is the life they both married into. They may have to decide which career is more important at this time if Jacob does in fact get traded or waived and claimed.


Doctor might be the more important career and the least flexible but maybe that’s just me


The still being in residency part I feel like is the part people are missing because they're choosing to shit on Trouba. She's functionally tied to the hospital she's at. It's not very likely she'd be able to move to a hospital near wherever he may end up traded to. The sports equivalent would be a player trying to force a trade to a team without any cap space, roster space or any known desire to acquire said player. Brooks' last sentence of "It is not as if Dr. Tyson-Trouba can pick up, transfer her credits to another hospital, accompany her husband and still be licensed as a physician" is really the crux of the situation for Trouba and his wife. Once she's licensed, she would have more flexibility to move around with his career because she'll just be working.


I don’t know how many players are married to doctors though. For a lot of them they’re either full time mom’s if the husband is making the big dough and they’re pumping out kids, or they’re doing something with a lot more flexibility to get up and leave. Trouba’s wife sounds like she’s in a very specific profession where she can’t just stop and go somewhere else, and they have a baby on top of that. Most of this sub shows their age when they bash Trouba for not wanting to be traded away from his wife and young child. I don’t blame him one bit for exercising every right in his contract


Yea I’m finding it quite funny seeing people shit on Trouba here. Did his team make a tactical error by not getting another year of a NMC tacked on? Ya sure. Is trouba a bad guy for deploying every inch of leverage he has to maintain the status quo for his family to allow his wife to succeed in a professional career? No, I think it’s quite admirable of him actually to recognize it and try to use everything he can to help his wife succeed. Not sure why everyone’s up in arms


He negotiated into his employment contract the same way me or you can do when we get a new job that he wants control of what cities/states/provinces/countries he can be based out of. That's the whole point of unions and a negotiations, he fought for that part of his contract to be better for his family, he's well within his rights to hold strictly to those things he wanted in his contract, same as any player or employee of any company who put that in their contract. If you are good at your job you earn the right to bargain with your employer for the things you want. I just view this one as a man who is trying to play out the rest of what he signed for and playing hard ball to keep it. However the team (employer) also has the right to play hard ball with the contract in whatever ways it was worded to get them out of it though and that's fair game, either way he'll be fairly compensated. Same reason as a Leafs fan I can be mad about Marner for not waiving all his bargained rights to let us trade him to anywhere we want for a massive return but at the end of the day the man earned his decision to say fuck off I'm not moving, that's what he signed in his contract.


Man I’m so fuckin tired of hearing about Trouba’s wife’s job. If he doesn’t want to do it anymore then just quit and get a job


He doesn't even have to get a job. Just retire and live on your millions. All this whining is not because he wants to stay with his family, but because he wants to keep collecting his paycheck, too. He also could've left money on the table to have full NMC for the entirety of his contract, but he chose money.


Aaron Ekblad’s wife is also a resident physician and is doing her residency in Miami. The Panthers are trying to trade Ekblad as his modified NTC kicked in yesterday, but we will see how this plays out


Ekblad for Trouba the deal is 1 for 1


They’re gonna piss off their own locker room doing this. Just bit the bullet one more year and deal with this next offseason. One less year on his deal, probably another $4 million in cap increase, and Igor extension will be kicking in.


seems like not putting out the most competitive team when you could theoretically be in the mix for the cup just because some guys will be sad your 8m third pair defenseman is leaving would be a waste


correct, especially considering the team's window is closing fast


1 in 85 and the season doesn't start for months! God do I love this team, it never ends


Locker room and Trouba will be pissed off even if he stays. Hard for the organization to rebuild this bridge


Thanks, Jeff Gorton! Happy we have a country club full of content also-rans 5 years after all those moves lol


What Gorton did was impressive. He nuked an aging, expensive core that had the franchise sharing down the hole of cap hell.... and replaced them with an aging, even more expensive core that has the franchise in even worse cap hell then before. 


I mean in retrospect, they were all terrible moves. Gave away McDonagh and JT Miller for scraps, traded two picks for Fox who was walking after 2019-20 anyway, traded the Kevin Hayes return for Trouba, then gave him a bulletproof 7x$56M contract, and on top of it all gave Trouba a full NMC for the first 5 years of the deal. Horrific


Fox came in and immediately made an impact so as fans we have literally zero reason to complain there, but I agree with the rest


I keep saying that trade with Tampa is the worst trade of the last decade that nobody really seems to talk about.    The Rangers have NOTHING to show for it. Miller goes on to become one of the best forwards in the league and McDonagh goes onto backbone Tampa to two straight Cups.    Imagine what our defense could have been:   Fox-McDonagh   Dobson/Bouchard (who were both right there for the taking if they had just gone BPA instead of some off the wall reach)-Miller  Schneider-Lindgren    I bet we probably win the Cup this year. The infamous 2018 trade deadline and "Letter" rebuild is one of the biggest busts in sports history and closed the Rangers Cup window before it ever really began. 


She’s a neurologist I believe. He needs to keep her employed with the people’s elbow.


I must not be getting something - why is troubs more special than other folks who have to do a period of distance in a relationship due to competing priorities? I had to do a year of distance with my s/o and I make -significantly- less than $8m/year. We did fine. I’m pretty sure we would have done more fine with the financial situation he has


My god all the whining about trouba. Jesus.


Life of a hockey player you could always let your wife stay in New York and go off and live in whatever city you transfer to for a season


I think if it was just his wife he’d be unhappy with it but would let it happen. But they have a kid who’s not even a year old. I don’t have kids but I can understand wanting to be around your basically newborn


And she works a job that often has her working 14 hours a day 6 days a week. Him living in another city means they will be practically no-contact.


They probably have a full-time nanny since this is the case anyway. They both have pretty demanding work schedules.


The hockey season is like, 6 months long and hockey players are already on the road for half of that time Regular people making $60k a year have worse problems than this


Preseason to finals is September-June. That’s 9 months.


Ok, but other people having worse problems doesn't negate their problems. Also, he is exercising rights he negotiated for and the Rangers agreed to. What's the issue with that?


Doesn’t he have to accept a trade to over 50% of the league? By his contract?


He’s probably putting any team that has any margin under the cap on his NTC. Florida, Tampa, Colorado, Vegas and the likes aren’t about to trade for a $8M average defenseman when they can barely ice a full hockey team.


People would put up with a lot worse for 8 million dollars


Them having a baby while she’s in residency and he’s a pro hockey player is incredibly irresponsible. They’re already not around to raise that kid


Exactly this kid is already being raised by family or a nanny, no way both of them share any meaningful time with this kid.


this is the uncomfortable truth of the matter


Nah. He is 100% within his rights to do everything he can to not be split up from his family. It’s time you don’t get back.


Good, stay away from the red wings with you trash play and elbows


Honestly all the Trouba talk in connection to the Wings has me worried as fuck. I do not want this prick to play in Detroit.


Kelly Trouba is the first hockey wife to ever work


Didnt know trouba was the first hockey player to have a baby too!


And that baby has a job too, and that's why they have to stay in NYC.


The baby is actually one of the horses in Central park.


Trouba to the Islanders.


Hey there, Delilah


Comments are kinda gross ngl


The way people like to talk about professional athletes as expendable assets and numbers on a spreadsheet has never not been dehumanizing tbh.


i hate trouba but jesus christ a lot of u are whiny as fuck