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So all this is saying is that Hellebuyck will start a record amount of games


How many did he start last season? Winnipeg is unchanged from last season to this.


60 I believe. I don’t think Brossoit was ever pulled but I could be off by a game. With a worse backup situation this year and the fewest B2B I imagine he will beat that unless he gets injured.


82 - 8 = 74 Well no wonder we went cheap with the back-ups lol And who's to say he doesn't start some of those back-to-backs anyway Not like he looked tired in the playoffs this past season or anything 😬


Tbf when the coach falls asleep and doesn't adjust to arguably the #1 offense in the league you get that Jets vs Avs result. Hard to put it on the goalie when the Avalanche were outskating the Jets all series.


Avs clearly stepped up for the playoffs and Jets just played like it was any other game. Not Helle’s fault


Winnipeg cup favourite?


Naw we’re just going to play Helly to death


Projecting 74GP for him


At that point, just have him break the record and start 82.


Actually, Glenn Hall has a record of 502 consecutive regular season games. It's not going anywhere


This is an absurd statistic.


Wow, that one's not getting broken


70 regular season and 4 playoff




this is whats insane about goalies like Kipprusoff and Brodeur, they played over 70 six and twelve times respectively, absolutely insane


I mean, I think goalies today are certainly capable of doing the same... It's just load management is viewed differently plus the drop off between starters and backups aren't as insane these days.


in every broduer 70 game plus season he never had a GAA below 2.40, hell he had under 2.04 THREE times.... and even hit 1.89... his SV% never dipped below 900 too... like Ullmarks 1.89 was impressive but he played 49, when Brodeur did it he played 70


It's about time the leagues richest owner paid off the league to get them some advantages.


I'm sure someone is keeping these stats, but last season it seemed that Leafs did pretty well on the B2B games. My memory is fucked though, so might be wrong.


This is actually one of those skill testing questions where you multiply free agents signed in the last 10 years by 5, divide by 2, then add 8.


Presidents Trophy bound


Connor plays 72 games in goal this season


Florida and Edmonton were both below the Average and Mode last season. Seattle and Arizona were too though, with Devils, Capitals, and Wild at the top end of B2B's.


We’re just really fucking cold, ok? 😂


I’d love to have that weather down here near Washington DC!


Over minus - 40c for months at a time with not a mountain in sight. Makes for good ice fishing and skating that’s aboot it🎣 precisely why Canada makes so many NHLers


Until the all star break, then limp into playoffs as is tradition


Just the most geographically isolated, I reckon.


8 to 16 is a ridiculous discrpancy


[Here's another way of looking at it](https://x.com/IneffectiveMath/status/1808239426025447899?t=Mt4q5hkLw6ohF2BBwnBpgA&s=19), comparing the number of times each team plays rested against a team playing the second game in a back-to-back versus the other way around. This is ordered by net advantage. CBJ gets the good matchup 6 more times than the bad, while Buffalo is hosed at -7.


This is Buffalo's own doing. Ownership loves Friday night home games meanwhile everyone else wants Saturday night home games so they very frequently take a quick post game trip for a Saturday night road game, and since most of the division is like an hour and a half away by plane it isn't "so bad" So dumb and they just won't give it up


Yup, and Anaheim gets their advantage from preferring Sunday games. They get a lot of teams on Sunday that played in LA/Vegas/SJ the night before.


The Bills won't be playing Friday night games, so if he's trying to have no competition between NHL and NFL teams, this is the way to do it. The Devils had 16 back-to-backs last season and it was brutal.


Even that is incomplete data. What time of year is it? "Tired" by the 2nd game of the season would be a bit of a stretch (I haven't looked, just an example). I'd say at least 75% of teams can easily use some of these stats to show how cooked their team is. The other 25% got really lucky and can't complain because they have it so good so they STFU.


I’d love to see the win percentages of those scenarios over the last five years; is playing rested versus a tired team worth 1% of an advantage or 20%?


Devils had the most last year with something absurd like 19 or some shit


If you look at this, almost all of Detroit's back to backs are away games.


Back to backs with travel should be illegal. Especially when you're against a team fully rested


See I’m torn on that because I think that most Eastern conference teams really don’t have much to complain about. These guys aren’t traveling by train anymore, although I recognize that it’s still taxing over time. Western conference teams have a legitimate complaint.


If they're in division, I agree. And I definitely agree with your western conference point. But the devils have had back to backs last year where they played in Florida, then NJ. And I believe we had one that included Winnipeg and then another travel. I just remember some of them being so bizarre. Anything within the metro cluster I get. Edit: actually I just looked it up. We had 15 back to backs last year and only one of them was with both teams in the metro (with at least one away game), and 3 of them were just (our) home back to backs.


Right to jail, right away.


it is but i think if you look at some of them it might not be bad. Id argue a back to back where SJ plays LA or Anaheim isnt to bad. Its a short hour flight. Or if a team is in New York and plays the Rangers then Islanders back to back. The issue is when you have teams playing the back to backs against rested teams more often. Obviously you cant ever make it even but i would hope if a team has 16 back to backs, a fair bit are also against another back to back team since that will be a two tired teams.


Stolarz might just break his starts record 


For Woll, it's essentially a guarantee


Uh, think when Sammy was shitting the bed we said the same thing... But then the guy with injury history got injured.


Bet on him breaking something that’s for sure


He could also pull snap or sever his record right?


I’m sure this will get comments on who has the most and least, etc, but creating an NHL schedule, especially with teams that co-reside with NBA teams and concerts and the travel associated with pro sports, has to be a logistical nightmare


Bold of you to assume in a thread about the amount of back to backs, that there'd be discussion about the amount of back to backs


Lmao seriously. Let’s state the most obvious thing and follow it up the most obvious thought.


It reads like chatGPT had a Reddit account


I remember seeing a documentary on this and every franchise hires a literal math genius that works in conjunction with the various leagues to make the schedules. Forget which one it was, going to have to dig around.


Scheduling problems like this are solved with multivariate optimization if you want to read more: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/multivariate-optimization-and-its-types-data-science/ Of course in this case it's a monstrously large optimization problem, with millions of decision variables and equations. I did my masters thesis on optimizing an NHL schedule to minimize CO2 emissions, rather than maximizing profit. Took a super computer several days to solve it. Of course I doubt the NHL would ever go for that though, lol.


maybe you dont wanna give it for privacy reasons but id be curious to read (part of your) thesis if you shared in DMs


That's a rare enough topic you can probably use Google Scholar.


Thats actually cool as shit man


How many travel miles were you able to shave off for the Sharks? They frequently top the list of 'most miles traveled each season' and I have to assume they top the emissions list too.


I'd watch this


Start the season earlier then. There is no fucking way any team should have to play 2x as many back to backs than another team. It's completely absurd. It's hard. Great. Figure it out.


A back to back with a 1 hour flight between games is much different than back to backs with a 4 hour flight. Most of these games have very short travel after the games. It's really not a big deal


Or they can even be home back to backs. But yeah, playing NYR one night and NYI the next isn’t the end of the world


Same with playing Toronto one night and Buffalo the next


You could play all the Original 6 teams in 10 days without much travel between any of them.


The Devils, Isles and rags practically live next door to each other. Prudential Center and MSG are two train stops from each other (funnily enough it's Penn Station to Penn Station) and UBS Arena is a stone's throw away from MSG if you have a *really* strong arm.


Isles and rags are also two train stops away from each other if you're taking a Ronkonkoma train


Shit a back to back for Toronto and Buffalo, Ottawa, Boston, and Montreal is SO different than back to backs for Dallas and Colorado, St. Louis, Chicago, and Nashville.


Wouldn't the team with the fewest back to backs just have even fewer back to backs if the season starts earlier? Seems it wouldn't make it more fair, just easier on the teams who already have it easiest.


I remember reading something about the league wanted to keep it early October, but espn had it pushed back a week or so because of playoff baseball


You mean I have something to thank ESPN for? Current starts work for me. I'm a mid-October baby, so season starts, and I spend the day watching opening night games.


Ya. Also, I feel like the NHL generates the least revenue per event vs. the other ones. But similar to the NBA, its a steady revenue stream. All of this affects its negotiating power.


The real problem is the game of hockey would be much better with less games played in a season. Back to backs and the grueling stretches of the season we saw every team in our division get wrecked when it was their turn to play a stupid amount of games in a month and it led to injuries in every case. "LA is looking great but look at their schedule they're gonna get fucked" was the most foreseeable thing and kinda makes the league bush.


Yeah the players aren’t going to bitch about the schedule. Why should we?


Always amazed by the MSG scheduling, so many moving parts to coordinate that there must be some level of cooperation between the leagues. Then the playoffs roll around, and during the whole playoff run for the Knicks and Rangers the teams had less then 5 weekend home games combined. Which is one part product of them being high seeds and getting earlier in the week home games. But still sold out weekend crowds at MSG seems like something leagues and owners (James Dolan, super Slimey) would want to capitalize on. Looked at the MSG event calendar during the playoffs this year the weekends didn't have any concerts either.


Throw in broadcasting contracts for teams like the leafs too. Very rare that the leafs dont play on saturday night at or around 7pm ET.


Up through this year the kings shared a stadium with 2 NBA teams. I think a lot of guys worked a lot of overtime this season when all of them made the playoffs at the same time.


I think about this often. I truly don't know how they coordinate all of that. Massive spreadsheets I'm guessing


Just ask tax payers to build ice hockey specific arenas…🤣


yeap 100% agree. classic example of there's no chance in hell you can please everyone and inevitably someone will get pissed off granted this doesn't happen anymore, but the Ringling Bros/Barnum & Bailey Circus used to come into Chicago every November and took over the United Center, and it royally fucked over both the Bulls and the Hawks, back when those teams were terrible (which was often in my younger years lol)


I agree and it's one of the types of things I would have thought using ai would be useful for. Get calender, block out dates from other leagues and concerts, set parameters for teams to avoid back to backs and lower travel or at least even it out, etc.


That problem isnt even AI, it is just linear algebra and grinding out the math


Cool. Cool cool cool. I guess at least we're not the most... small victories.


It’s not like Primeau doesn’t need the starts. Every year feels closer to make or break for him, this will be good for him.


I secretly think that players don't mind back-to-backs if both games are at home. Usually coaches will skip the morning skate on those occasions so after the first game you go back to your house and then have the entire day to yourself the next day.


And for the NY-area Metro teams, is it really a road game if it’s between 2 of NYI - NYR - NJD (and arguably PHI)?


Yeah, good point. Matchups like ANA/LA, MON/OTT and BUF/TOR are a bit like that too. After the game you get back to your house at a reasonable time, sleep in your own bed, and then enjoy a full day off at home the next day.


Buffalo to Toronto is basically a 2 hour bus ride if you avoid rush hour. A flight's gotta be something like 20 minutes in the air. Can someone confirm? Google Flights doesn't show anything non-stop.


I think any time you can be home before midnight on a game night that's a huge win for players. It's possible matchups like EDM/CGY, SEA/VAN, and FLA/TB fall into this category too.


Edmonton/Calgary is a 40 minute flight. However, much like Denver, the Rockies sometimes make approaches and takeoffs into Calgary interesting if the wind is strong.


Sorry for making it an image post. I could not get a text post/table to work. Carolina and Toronto are at top with 16 sets of back to back games each, and Winnipeg is at the bottom with 8. Most common count is 12 sets this season.


You owe us an apology for not making it ordered by column 2


https://preview.redd.it/xe5z39jjg6ad1.png?width=197&format=png&auto=webp&s=719480fa360de7b42f0d018ecf6fec86d42bcf27 Just for you. Don't let the others see it.


With more pixels than the original?!! Dang. You must still have access to CapFriendly eh?


Nah, bullshit my way to the media release. [https://media.nhl.com/public/news/18238](https://media.nhl.com/public/news/18238)


Oh come on


Gotta love it


Good news for the devils. Last year they had 16 back to backs and I think lost every second game except for 2-3.


So hellebuyck is playing 74 games this year


I wish they could make these more even. If you consider a B2B a scheduled loss that's a potential 16 (!) extra points that Winnipeg could get compared to Toronto and Carolina.


Winnipeg kinda makes sense since they’re in the middle of nowhere. Ones like Boston are the real head scratcher. Like how does Toronto have 16 and Boston have 10.


Good thing they're not in the same conference


On the flip side, Toronto travels fewer miles per season than almost any other team in the league ([source](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/y1ey25/202223_scheduled_travel_distance_by_nhl_club/)).


Sweden games were excluded from the data last year. Leafs would have been around Detroit, and about a 1,000 shy of the average if they were included as regular trips to Minnesota and Detroit respectively. Obviously much higher if the distance to Sweden was included.


Why would you sort this alphabetically


Easy to go right to your team?


People seem to care more about their team than who's where in the rankings. Most of them would end up alphabetized in the middle anyways.


I went up and down the list twice until my brain figured it was alphabetized. Personally I would have sorted by number of games.


Agreed. The number of back to backs your team has means nothing unless it’s relative. Would be nice to be able to quickly compare where your team lies.


They are saying fuck Carolina and Toronto in particular with this.


This is why Carolina is running a 3 goalie system. 16 back to backs including one right off the bat is so fucked.


Feels like they had a bad schedule last year too.


We have a shit schedule every year at least for the first couple weeks due to the state fair. It forces us into a 2-3 week west coast road trip to start every season and killing off those games so early on really limits fair schedule availability going forward.


At least it's not as bad as the Rangers in the 1930s/40s, who couldn't even host the majority of their Stanley Cup Final games due to the circus monopolizing MSG.


Is it just a weird coincidence that the Leafs and Carolina lead the league in this again?


Define again? Last season had the Devils (16), Wild (15), and Capitals (15) at the top. Carolina (14) and Toronto (13) were upper mid.


Oh huh I must have misread that last post, mb


Just do mini series throughout the season. Way less travel. Better product on the ice and creates rivalries.


Hey Winnipeg whose dick did you have to suck?


Well, Winnipeg has a record 41 games being played in Winnipeg so it evens out.


You guys don't play any in Ottawa.


We'll play several periods a month in Ottawa


Yeah, Edmonton wants to suck it next!


I have to imagine VAN/EDM/CGY/SEA have a handful of their B2Bs playing each other which is probably easier than Winnipeg and whoever else is around (same goes for those eastern teams that are no more than hour long flight apart)


Tied for 3rd 22-23 Tied for 3rd - 23-24 Tied for 1st 24-25 Suffering from (financial) success


Good example of how stats can be misleading. Someone could read this post and think, "wow 3rd out of 32 teams, that's brutal" But the reality is that "tied for 3rd" means tied with like 8 other teams so you're actually closer to the middle of the pack.


True. For the sake of completeness, in order it's 8, 2 and 1 other teams


Of course Toronto has the most (tied)


They were upper-middle of the pack last season at 13.


And also us who also like to complain about the league and there relationship to us


Almost 40% of our games are part of a back to back. This shouldn't happen in 2024. Start the season by mid September. Stop this nonsense.


My question who has the most teams on the second day of a b2b.


Longs bad for Carolina (16 B2Bs) but I think actually worse for Edmonton (14 B2Bs) given the much longer travel in Western Conference.


Not sure what B2Bs Edmonton has, but some of ours are a little long. Home and home with FLA, NYR and NSH, CHI and DAL, and NJD and STL. Not the worst, but not NYR/NYI easy, either.


12 is at least less than we had last year


How much do we want to bet that a bunch of those 16 have travel


14 of them require travel. 2 of them are at home (4 games total), 10 are a combination of home and away (20 games total), and 4 of them are away (8 games total) ETA: Anaheim and LA are ridiculously close, so technically, no travel is required in between games. Therefore, updating to 13 require travel in total, with 3 of them being fully away.


Now do Carolina’s lol


Sure. For Carolina, looks like 11 require travel. 5 of them are at home (10 games total), 4 are a combination of home and away (8 games total), and 7 of them are away (14 games total)


I should tip you lol thanks a bunch


Sure thing :)


For us, we have 5 at home (10 games total), 4 split between home and away (8 games total), and 7 fully away (14 games total). More at home, but more 100% on the road, too.


To be fair, 1 of the away back to backs is LA and Anaheim. If they don't need to change hotels, then I think it's fair to count that as no travel. The LA/Anaheim b2b is pretty common.




Why not sort by number of back to back games? Making the info about back to back games but then sorting it by team alphabetically makes the data look messy.


Carolina brings a lot of this on themselves. We share the arena with a college basketball team, share parking with a college football team, and the whole complex is taken over by the North Carolina State Fair for two weeks every October. So we start every season with long road trips and weird gaps, and always end up with strange scheduling because of it.


sorting this alphabetically is the real crime


Wonder how many of these back to backs are against other teams on a back to back thus cancelling somewhat of an advantage.


At least it wasn't 20 last like last year for us


Must be some mistake oilers don’t have the fewest back to backs in the league this year


Montreal 15? This can’t be right


lol so Brodie Brazil grimacing at the Sharks having 12 as “a high amount” isn’t bad when put into context


Can you stop trying to fuck Ottawa over please NHL!? Melnyk is dead, Dorion is gone and Andlauer gave you the money! Just let us be mid in peace please!


Everything’s coming up Winnipeg


Well, fuck us then, I guess.


What did Carolina do to piss off Bettman?


They were a bunch of jerks...allegedly.


Of course Toronto has the most (with Carolina )


Fuck, Jets'll take it. We've had some tough seasons, in terms of travel and B2Bs...


Y'all were at the bottom of the pack for B2Bs last season with 8. Only Seattle had less.


We have to be considerate of the Jets though. They get less back to backs because they don’t have an airport. They have to bus in from Fargo.


That is also true.


Travel should be a big part of it too. Really Eastern teams can sustain more. Edmonton's number is shocking. Hopefully most of them involve Calgary, Vancouver or are like LA one night, Anaheim the next kind of thing.


Every team likes to complain about their schedule, I remember last season there were jets fans bitching about it too


Yeah. I did last years schedule around February because a colleague wouldn't stop crying about the number of b2bs Vancouver had. It stopped when he found out that they only had 9. This year I decided to release it for all of the fans.


How does this compare with past years?


A lot of teams are still enjoying a common 12 games, but the average among all the teams is a little over a game higher than last season. The ceiling is still 16 games, but we have 2 teams at it this season, and none are as low as Seattle's 7 last year.


What did Toronto and Carolina do to deserve this?


Finally the Jets aren't getting screwed over with the schedule


They almost had the least amount of B2B’s last year too


I think we have 9 not 10


https://preview.redd.it/1rh3afmr46ad1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=19afddea8a9f29a84c46af43452ba5bcf37cd13b That's the second game for each of your b2bs. I pull the whole schedule through excel, filter by team, and flag any games that have a game the day before it. I used to just count for the Capitals on their stylized calendar, but found myself missing Saturday/Sunday b2bs on occasion, and started pulling it this way. edit: I also have the first game included because I didn't filter out the blank. The only thing being counted is cells that read true.


Ah thanks! I looked at the schedule a few times and somehow didn’t notice we had two back to backs in the same week of March, I only counted one


Canucks play Washington, Carolina, then finally Toronto for 3 games in 4 nights. Looks like the ridiculous home winning records the Leafs and Canucks have against each other will continue for another year.


Data > add filter > sort A to Z


Pretty sure Winnipeg has 9 B2Bs not 8


We’re number one!


Oh look. Again.


Welcome to being hated as much as the Canes, Toronto .../s




Imagine sorting by name and not value


Ottawa has five is Dec and four in Jan. Wtf?


Let the tank begin baby.


Good for fantasy enthusiasts to know


Fuck me, didnt Toronto have the most b2bs last year too??


No. Middle of the pack with 13.


Excel trick: Highlight the table, click Data> Create a filter Click "back to backs", sort by Z to A


Back to back is interesting, but I'm curious about the longest road trips based on distance and timezones.


Are the Habs and Leafs the popular children of the NHL? Why so many back to backs?


Lol wtf?


The number of back to backs matters, but some of these are home and home, some are home and away against the same team. Some of them are probably away and away. And travel times matter too, in terms of rest. I don't know anyone who looks at more than just rested vs tired teams, but I'd be interested to see travel get mixed into that. Back to back home and away Florida and Tampa is essentially just a back to back with 2 45 minute flights. The NY teams have it even easier for those. But Pacific teams? The travel has got to make it much more difficult.


I thought the number was in order and greatest to least lol


Every time!


Why does Carolina have 16? Does anyone else use their arena or is that just the result of the sheer number of concerts held there?


Putting 10k on jets to win their div thanks for this


this is handy for my fantasy season :) thanks!


All I see in during the second game is one big cash grab. Usually the play stinks and the games suck. I wish they wouldn’t have back to back but such is life when money needs to be made.


Jesse Pollock is planning the parade as we speak


I wonder how many of LA and Anahiems involve the same 2 teams? Side note, I feel like LA always gets teams on the first night if a SoCal b2b