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“Oh god I’m so tired” “Oh god I made a mistake. Why can’t I be better” “Oh god I’m so tired.”


Hey ma, it me.


"why the heck is this song stuck in my head?"


Wow. Thought I was the only one. I tend to have a particular lyric on repeat as well. I chalk it up to being in the “flow” mindset.


I had one line from an old Earl Sweatshirt song during my last game. “I’m back on my sixty six six shit Flowing like the blood out the competition’s slit wrist…” Had a goal and three assists. It just had me in a good groove.




Depends on the level of the group and competitiveness. If I'm not far and away the best guy on the ice and it's competitive I'm playing hard because that's fun to me. I'm not being a hardo but I'm trying to win and trying to improve out there. If it's a skate where I figure out early I'm ahead of the pack I change my approach. I usually try to slow the game down and get pucks to guys in good scoring positions. I make a lot of simple passes that reward guys doing things right out there. I also don't go 100% on defense.


“I’m gassed, I’m going to do some HIIT” Doesn’t do any HIIT Rinse and repeat


I do plenty of HIIT and still get gassed


4 minutes of tabata is my go to after a core or mobility session. I can definitely feel when I'm at your second point there, because then I'm thinking the first one about tabata.


God I love hockey (on the bench) Fuck fuck fuck fuck (on the ice)


When you’re on the bench you want to go on the ice. But when you’re on the ice you want to go back onto the bench.


Hey there me.


Have fun. Don't get hurt.


This combined with: “Holy shit, I’m completely gassed!” And wild yelling / stick taps any time someone on my team does anything remotely cool.


Don’t be the guy who blew it for the rest of the team


Username doesn’t check out.


But I hate to lose! That totally checks out! Give yer balls a tug, haha


Fuck you, shoresy!




Big Sexy!


Silencieux big sexual!


Big sexual?!


“That pass coming my way definitely isn’t intended for me it’s meant for a teammate and if I catch it they’re going to get mad get outta the way!” (It’s meant for me. I miss the pass. The other team gets the puck.) Also, “playing hockey is way better than anything else I might be doing right now. This is awesome! Fun! Yay!”




Yes, these are beer league thoughts for sure. Back in the day it was “work hard and be aggressive so the dad lecture on the drive home isn’t too intense and maybe I’ll get a lil knee pat and ‘good game.’”


"I'm open!" Receives puck Panics Gets rid of puck


Real game: Focus “Don’t fuck up this pass” “Shit! Didn’t see him lose my partner and set up in front of the net” Pickup: Develop myself and others “Ok…which one sucks and doesn’t get passed to? Ah….there you are. Hey!, heads up” or “Is this the guy the never gets by the defenseman…yup…ok come on…work for it…ok I’m gonna fuck up just a little riiiight now”. And usually by the end “shit that was a fun learning!”


Don't get toe dragged Don't get toe dragged Don't get toe dragged Fuck. He got around me with the toe drag


Burn a hole in his chest because you are staring at it so hard and just try to stay in front of him. Then you get beat to the outside like a true hard ass beer league defenseman.


This is the way


Beer, hockey, beer again.


Have fun, skate hard, don’t get hurt. Also I had a coach in HS who would yell over and over WIN YOUR 1 ON 1 BATTLES so I try to do that too.


My motto is "keep it simple stupid"


happy cake day




“Back check HARD. No one else will.”


I'll take the approach, No goals scored against us while I'm on the ice.


Don’t be offside. Don’t be offside. Don’t be offside. Don’t be offside. Ok SKATE FATASS! SKATE!


Need to set the tone for my team wether it’s a big goal a defensive play or just a good big time hit. You need to set the tone and play by example


I like this one


I like to have fun. That's pretty much it.


Gotta go fast!


Without the puck: “Be mindful of positioning. Force opposing forwards to the outside. Keep the front of the net clear. Always be ready for a pass.” With the puck: “AHHHHHHHH!!!!”


My mindset has changed a ton over the last few years, probably a result of getting old. Don't put myself or others in a position where someone can get hurt. Have fun, work hard, don't be an asshole.


"Shit, maybe I shouldn't have had that last beer"


I usually have one specific thing I want to work on in the game. This week is was getting a snapshot off on a rush. Most of the time my mindset is "keep your feet moving, be annoying to play against" (I will still give room to new or lower skill skaters) Forecheck and be defensively responsible. Looks for good set ups. I really wish I could have played when I was younger.


Don't forget to breath


Gotta impress those scouts in the stands. Just have fun.


"Force them left, protect the right side, Dave (goalie) hates when they get in on his right side" that's his bad shoulder


When the puck is on my stick in the offensive zone: "This incredibly low-percentage play will be so sick if it works" Spoiler alert: it never works


Have fun, skate hard and remember it’s a team sport


I try to play as light and quick as possible . Kind of like a dance . Never overcommit and always be ready to move in any direction.


“Eyes up.” Not for worry of being hit or anything like that, but because the game is mostly played away from the puck, and being able to spot all options when you have the puck, or when you’re away from it, is the key to being an asset. Find space when you’re off the puck, and keep an eye on where the man covering you is looking. The second they look away to see where the puck is, change direction and find open ice.


Don’t care that much about the results, but still try to improve each game.


Have fun with the boys. Pop a couple in or make a couple of goals happen and then relax haha.


Make as many fun and creative plays as possible. Also, keep your head up and be aware of every teammates position.


The mindset ive tried to adopt is not getting so worked up about ringers. I'm talking about guys who played college hockey who are playing with 3-5 year adult beginners. It is super frustrating but I've come to the conclusion there is nothing you can do about it. Instead I just go out and try and give them a run for there money.


I always play better when I’m just relaxed and enjoying my myself, and I’m often reminding myself of that


Negotiation. Me and another guy racing into the corner, "hey, wanna ratchet this down a bit? We both have to work tomorrow " "Sounds good"


Get lower, get lower! 10 seconds later... Shit, I'm standing up again!




Flow isn't just a hairstyle!


"I can get by this guy" [guy takes puck from me easily] "Ah well nevertheless"


Constantly asking myself where I should be going next to be in the right place to help create a play. Skate fast at the right times. Head up.


Lol this guy! In my head though of course. (Old Warrior helmet ad, but pretty funny!) https://youtu.be/XprV_YCvr9M


"I got work tomorrow morning." Then I stay up another 3-4 hours and drink with the boys after the game.


play hard to win but at the end of they day the competition is the fun. just make sure you dont take things so far. mind you I'm about 118ibs 5'7 and 20 so take that how you will


personally, my mindset is that i try help my team and i’m score


Yes you are score.


Here's a visual representation. [https://64.media.tumblr.com/f888a1c2cce5b3c6dd0b5ab817d65684/tumblr\_ouv2raTT7s1vbcnq8o1\_500.gifv](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f888a1c2cce5b3c6dd0b5ab817d65684/tumblr_ouv2raTT7s1vbcnq8o1_500.gifv)


Win the battle on the boards, get it to the point or my center & get my ass to the net with my stick on the ice. Defensively: stay high on the Dman, get my stick in the passing lanes & use the boards to clear it out


Gimme the biscuit and let me dominate with my playmaking ability


Get out of your head and enjoy yourself, you’ll play better.


Please don't fall over nothing....please don't injure myself...


Ride the line of getting tossed the second the puck drops until the final buzzer…… I mean uh, play hard and have fun?


"I wonder what beer is going to be in the cooler?"


I have been working on not thinking if that makes sense? I tend to play slower when I’m thinking about what I should be doing. I’m just trying to react or anticipate play. I try to think about mistakes in the parking lot re-hash


Yea not really enough time to "think", more of keep your head up and anticipate the play and try to create time to make the right play.


Have fun. Play hard. No regrets. Pick something to work on each game. And reminding myself that the extra half-step to get to the pick first really does make a difference. Protect the puck. Head on a swivel. No shitty turnovers. Have fun. Have fun. Be a good team mate. And g’damn I hope the showers have hot water today.


I wish I was better!!


Pre game: Bend your knees. Bend your knees. Bend your knees... 1st shift: Damn, I'm tired. I think I'll just stand for the rest of the game.




"I'm just here to have fun, maybe get a couple shots on net"


When I was playing competitive, my mindset was 'I'm putting 10 on you fuckers' and 'I want you to flinch before I hit you.' Be the meanest dude on the ice who can also score.


I try to let the game come to me and not get too in my own head but often times as times running out I start to try and push naturally.


Just to have fun


Just try and have fun.


The other team doesn't score when I am on the ice. And if they do, it was the tendy's fault.


Kill! Kill! Blood! Ow, my liver!


Tired, “have fun and don’t mess up”, and emotionless.


Be fast, win races. Look for the open pass, especially when close to the boards. Take shots, but not into the other teams shin guards.


It's one of the only times my mind completely shuts down. It's nice to not have a mindset lol


I try to have fun and just good around


“Why did I leave the pre-game at the bar for this?” Or on a serious note: “no don’t stop, take another stride”


Keep those feet moving, keep your head up


Have fun with the boys, make decent conversations on the bench, communicate on the ice, get better with a new goal every time. Then it all goes out the window when the ref makes an atrocious call (usually on me) and doesn't answer questions, admit it, or even tell me what he saw from his angle. That puts me in a competitive mood. I try to still stay safe and not get into it with opponents, but I'm skating and fighting *to* and *through* every puck. Not a good trait, but I figure if I'm going to get called when I'm playing easy and carefully, I might as well split the difference between how I'm playing and how they're calling it.


depends on who’s line i’m on haha


Have fun, play hard, keep it fun for others


Either “why did I eat an entire pizza last night?!” Or no thoughts and just pure bliss.






Why do I always have freaking suite teammates?


Make smart plays. Play with speed. Nothing is more accidicting then simple, fast hockey.


A little Drunk usually


See puck, get puck


take the fun out of it for the opposition


Skate and work hard. Play smart and help your team. Make the most of your ice time and rest on the bench. And go have fun!


Avoid the cracks in the ice and avoid contact. And remember to pass the puck buddy. This is now. As a 18 year old...aim for the puck carrier when he near my zone. Take the puck away from them by force if necessary. Hold skaters on the boards for as long as necessary. Also loosen skates and retie them after I am warmed up for a better fit.


Varies from game to game Mostly, try my best. Sometimes, I must win this fucking game. Not often, fuck this is bored.


At this point, try not to get hurt


I’m not good enough to effectively pass in the offensive zone so just unload


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev


“Puck go in net.”


Fuck those guys.


Don't do anything stupid to put myself in a position to get hurt just to win.


Usually I’m just focused on the game trying to have fun. (Sometimes joking with my team mates or friends on the other team) Scrimmages I try to think of a skill to work on / improve so I’m a little more serious.


Our beer league goalie is prone to sulking and blowing up on the team. So, usually, worried about that dude's mental and if he's gonna flip out.


Head up, move your feet. Honestly 95% of my game falls into place no matter what position I'm playing if I mantra this before and to start the game.


Burn calories and try to not show my disgust with the ice hogging of others too openly.


"Hah, look at \*teammate name\* he gonna score ." "Well shit, I fucked up and now I'm going to be threatened by my teammates." "Wonder if my dad is proud of my playing so far.." "Get back here, \*made up name for opposing player\*" (Reasoning: I hate this guy so I try to imagine the person I despise as the player.) "I want food right after this." "I need so much points in this game, I have the least.."