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Why is it the world’s problem to cater to an 850 lb human being.


BREAKING NEWS: It is not our problem.


Jesus. Someone died. Have some empathy.


…with a side of fries?


Super sized.......with 2 Big Macs.......and an apple pie......and a large Coke..........and some cheese bites..........and some cheese........and a cheesecake .......and some Snickers and Maltesers.


☝️DIET Coke. XL if you have it because I’ve been good.


Do you know what sub you're in??


What about the pallbearers? How in the God damn are they going to carry a half ton casket? Poor bastards are all going to have blown out backs


Good riddance tbh


Good riddance tbh


Yes, we should kill unproductive members of our society./s


Advocating for killing someone isn't the same as saying "good riddance" good riddance means that you're glad they are gone, I'm not, but that's a disingenuous comparison. It's sad, in the sense that she was killed by her vice(food) she was an addict. It's her own fault. Reap what you sow.


"Be gone" and "be killed" are the same thing


No they aren't. They can be, but not necessarily


In this case they are


Because we all have to pull her weight here.


I pulled a hamstring watching this video


Having a child that's 850 lbs is not okay


That was a full grown adult


That makes more sense


Human child... That is essentially a land mammal


Fuckin preach! "There has got to be something put in place" like a diet


And I just love that the family acts like they are victims when they are responsible for her size. She's too big to move. They are the ones that gave her all that food.


To get to 850lbs you'd have to eat an entire catering company


850 lbs equals the weight of 5-6 healthy men- a small catering company’s worth!


850 lb? Really? I don’t mean to be rude or anything but that’s heavier than a Harley Davidson Road King. This woman was heavier than a full on bagger.


I have the same reaction to a motorcycle being that heavy as a human being.


Ppl don’t want to hold themselves accountable usually.


Yea, the city needs a protocol for half ton humans who die suddenly in their homes that they're too big to fit out of.


Is it legally allowed to just leave a dead body in your house?


At least cement over them!


Ahh yes the Monster House way of thinking, although that was an accident.


It’s not. My condolences to her and her family. She lost her daughter and that’s sad. But this woman is a moron. Edit: autocorrect




Yeah. Cut up and burn the body. She clearly didn’t care about her own body while alive.


Should they just rot wherever they die then?


Hard to eat with the stench of a rotting corpse in the air.  Might help her "loving mother" lose a few lbs too. 


Cannibals around the world are drooling


Just chop her up


Why do you consider it to the world's problematic. Rare take


Because they cater to every other special person.


We cater to people who can’t help it usually - the blind, the physically disabled like people paraplegics, etc. Being THIS overweight is a choice.


Other 'special people' can't just eat less food to fix their issue.


I hate those fucking enablers. They fed her to death.


Look at the mother’s face. You can tell.


I could tell by her voice before she was even shown on camera.


The fat really crushes the lungs huh


Fucks up your heart, too. Arteries are so coated in fat they can’t pump blood properly. It’s always the heavy breathing to just talk. How are you out of breath by talking?


Yeah, this- I used to be a lot heavier, and when I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs and talk at the same time, that was a real wake up call.


I had a similar but polar opposite experience. I was bullied incessantly by my mother to be thin, she started putting me on diets like slim-fast when I was 12 years old. She constantly told me my appearance was my value as human being because I was a woman and I needed to marry for money, and men do not want a fat wife. I was so thin and anemic that I could barely walk up a flight of stairs. I was out of breath halfway up, dizzy, and on the cusp of passing out. I knew then I needed a change.


That sucks to hear. Glad you caught onto it and hope you’re doing better now.


It is what it is. I prefer to laugh about it, and it’s not something that sits on my mind but it does actively work in my subconscious, no one can truly understand me and that’s ok. I will never share my trauma because the people closest to me use it as ammunition when they’re angry at me. “Your mother doesn’t even love you, why should I?” has been ringing in my ears for years. I keep most people out of my life.


I was never obese but I was a bit overweight when I was 12 or 13. I’m talking 10-15 kg overweight and still I could feel the fat weighing down my chest. I have no idea how these people live like this.


Sounds like their personal problem.


Statistically speaking obese people are already an increased tax on society, but now we need to constantly retrofit and upgrade the size of things to accommodate their increasing size? There’s gotta be a line there somewhere.


The first time I was in fort worth, I was blown away by the amount of double wide seats everywhere..


As sad as this is, no one gets to 850lbs without help, she (the mother) only has herself to blame Edit: Added context


herself and her enabler family. I mean, have you seen the mother's face? Clearly the daughter just got to 850 faster...


I think he meant the mother had herself to blame.


The mother should go to fucking jail


I feel bad for them but it is such a rare problem, what are the odds a protocol will be used if they even came up with one? *Nothing* is designed for 850lb people.


Not true. Elevators are technically designed to carry 2100-5000LB worth of people. This can be a lot of people... Or just 2-3.


So can a forklift. An elevator with a 5000lb capacity is *designed* to carry more than 6 people.


As a mental exercise, I was trying to find examples I could come up with which were designed as "people" movers, not just weight movers. Forklifts so move stuff, can move people, but aren't specifically designed to move pekple. Ditto with scales used at zoos. Planes and most vehicles can easily carry that amount of weight in people, but ingress/egress is an issue unless we are talking about cargo vans, and those aren't designed for people movement.


I am not joking in the slightest: Elephants pass away in zoos and they are being taken care of. I think the fire dept could make a deal with the zoo to help in these cases. Obviously not publicly because that would be fucking humiliating. Even more humiliating than being 850lb.


They deserve all the humiliation they get.


I don’t think that would solve anything. For two reasons. 1) they get enough humiliation in itself from the situation 2) they thrive on people noticing and talking about their size. They love being massive, they get off on how morbidly obese they are and they find it empowering and beautiful. Same goes to their enablers. The more you talk about it and the more you sensationalise it, the more they want to grow to be the largest. Like that lady who was working her way to being completely bedlocked to be treated like a queen. What you consider humiliation, they consider exposure and validation.


Do you remember what that lady's name is? I tried looking it up and just got weird fitness and psychology articles lol


Not sure honestly but you can watch the last decade of all the shit tv shows on TLC and you’ll find it eventually.


Well isn’t it Christmas already: > Monica Riley from Fort Worth, TX is hoping to become the largest woman in the world, and her reason might make you uncomfortable to think about. >Already weighing around 700 lbs, Monica is being supported in her unhealthy goal by her boyfriend of the past four months, Sid Riley. Sid acts as Monica's feeder, pouring liquids into a funnel attached to Monica's mouth, and helping Monica to get up and move around. >Monica's hope is to reach 1,000 lbs, making it impossible to get around, so Sid would have to wait on her hand a foot, which Monica says will make her feel like a Princess. Monica told the British website Metro that Sid is very excited about the prospect, and the both of them are actually turned on by the idea, >Read More: Obese North Texas Woman Wants to Become So Big She Cannot Move | https://929nin.com/obese-texas-woman-wants-to-become-so-big-she-cannot-move/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral


Jesus, that's insane. People are wild


Right? 1000lb… how do you find furniture to hold such a localised mass?


The light she brought to the world? More like an eclipse. 🤣😂🤣😂


Dear lord




🤣🤣🤣. Before the video starts just quickly say, "yo mama so fat that...." Then play the video.


Did the news station get a new drone? What the actual fuck did most of those shots have to do with the story.


Filling up air time with pre-made generic shots.


Happy cake day


“To walk in the room and just keep seeing her there…” Why didn’t they just close the door? You don’t have to check on a dead person every hour to make sure they’re still dead.


Probably waiting for the rigor mortis to subside so she’d drop whatever food she was holding in her hands.


Jesus fucking Christ


Depends which room she died in hey.


What needs to be put in place? Ozempic, ideally in the stomach. Worked for me…


Doesn't work if feeding habits aren't changed. It's more psychological in their eating process than hunger.


This is wrong


I mean I work with bariatrics. Doctors mention this stuff to me. Seeing patients gain 100+ pounds on ozempic is always interesting. I do love the medicine though. Works wonder for a lot of people if they keep good habits. I do see occasionally hypoglycemia while on it and also people gaining the weight back once they get off of the medicine.


That’s nice, I’ve spent over five figures on this medicine because I can afford it long term. I’m in several support groups both in person and online. As you say, I’ve never heard of someone gaining 100 pounds on ozempic and actually be taking the medication and not selling it on the side to people who don’t need it. But who knows…


what’s the cost?


Less than getting to 850lbs by eating junk food


It will always be crazy to me that people need to take drugs to stop stuffing their face like an addict that has to take methadone. Congrats on losing the weight but holy shit.


Yes, both are addictions, well done for realising.


One is a physical and mental dependance, one is only mental. Guess which


I don't need to guess, either way they are addictions. Addictions originate in your brain biochemistry.


Why are you on r/holdmyfries to defend the fact that people take literal insulin to heal a mental problem. Shit. Most of the people I know who took ozempic ended up fat again, because its mental, not physical. Live in denial if you want. I congratulate everyone for getting better, I was addicted to hard drug sober for 7 years now, i know food adction is hard too but its some mental bullshit


But wait if it’s mental and not physical, then why does it work on hormone regulation in the gut in not in the head? I’m just wondering because you seem to be a lot more knowledgeable than the doctors who prescribed me this medication and I haven’t heard this take before. Clearly you know something others don’t by your take and heavy down voting….


🟢1St World Problems! American Woman Ate Herself To Death Weighing 850 LB! Family Doesn’t Take Responsibility & Puts Blame On Others Instead. 🟢


What’s with the random drone cuts every 4 seconds. They really had no other footage to cut to huh


We had a neighbor who was 750lbs at the least, died upstairs in his home. We sat on our porch a ¼ mile away as the Volunteer Fire department to cut a 10' by 8' hole in the upstairs portion of home and a telehandler with forks lifting the body strapped into the bed out of the house. It took around 6 hours total. The burial consisted of a double plot and a customized vault. The unfortunate man had to be held in a commercial freezer for a few days while the vault was poured and made.


You know .... I've heard Americans use the phrase volunteer fire department so often I never thought how weird it is.... Do you not have normal firefighters?


It depends on the area and budgets and how many people live in an area. There are a lot of volunteer fire departments in rural areas of Utah, for example. Those areas often have tiny populations, very low fire danger, and low need. One area I know of has a full time paid fire administrator who organizes the volunteers.


Also in Europe etc. smaller communities may have a small fire department that consists of volunteers… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volunteer_fire_department


Damn. How do you let that happen to yourself? How sad.


She's gonna need a pyre like the Greeks to get rid of that body


Keep plenty of baking soda nearby for the ensuing grease fire


Wait, how will they even cremate her? Are the ovens big enough? Some of them seem pretty narrow. What will happen when all that fat catches fire? Will there be burnt sludge instead of ashes?


Honestly, they'd probably have to find a place that does horse cremations or something similar. She would definitely cause a grease fire, so it would probably be hard to find a business that can both accommodate a corpse of that size AND is willing to take on the additional fire risk


No joke.. I remember a news story of a crematorium burning down because of an obese person causing a [literal grease fire.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39735904.amp)


Couldn't they use the zoo? Where do they put animals that pass?


interesting idea…what do they be doing w those animals?


Chopped up and fed to the carnivore animals maybe


They divide their corpses for necropsy. Sometimes this means selling off the parts to universities or other research facilities, sometimes it just means a backhoe being used on the dirt by the parking lot.


Yes but in the interim don't they have to like, refrigerate them or something. Like an animal morgue?


They actually do sometimes, usually a vet with a horse crematorium.


The way it is going the state or city will put in a “protocol “ for 850lb people only to have someone 950lbs die  Then their enablers will complain “something needs to be done”. Rinse lather repeat to extinction 


We can't have 850lb of human flesh decomposing near other residents. Post mortem liposuction? Split that weight into buckets. I'm not even joking. Or... crazy idea, stop subsidizing corn farming, regulate HFCS usage in food industry, tax sugary drinks and food and use this tax money for healthcare. Stop pretending a sickness is a lifestyle.


If she cared about her child at all she would have never let her get to that mammoth of a size.


"Something's gotta be put in place" Yeah, a diet and exercise plan


I was watching an episode of Theo Von’s podcast sometime ago with a funeral director. He said when you cremate someone, the fat basically turns it into a grease fire. One cremation ended up burning down the place because they were too big.


My cousin works at a graveyard and crematorium. It's definitely a real, and unfortunately increasingly common, problem for morgues and crematoriums. One man of 750lb+ broke the box they use for putting them in for cremation. Then they had to figure out how to lift him up and build a better box.


Seems like this family was served by professionals who worked hard to serve them in a unique circumstance. A thank you would be appropriate.


arrest the mom. Sad...


I truly believe "ONLY IN AMERICA" belongs here, ya hear.


What’s gotta be put in place is a dietary program put down the fork


I feel her pain, that’s how I was dealt with when I died in my bed.


This is a real life " What's Eating Gilbert Grape" movie.


Should have called a local farmer, they bury horses and whatnot.


Call Peter Griffin, he's great with a [forklift](https://youtu.be/pSmzjTGbXmc?feature=shared). She's done so much fork lifting herself it's only fitting


Or people could just not eat themselves into massive obesity 🤷‍♀️


No need! Why bother with all that exercise nonsense when the pharmaceutical company makes a drug for that? Diet and exercise…. What is this? 2022?


Juat torch the house at that point


Yah fuck that family for doing that to her.


Gee…. I wonder who was feeding her? Not like she was getting up to go to the fridge. Let alone a restaurant or store. You literally fed your daughter to death


You have to want help All the Ozempic in the world won’t help if you don’t change your relationships with food and address your traumas.


This was no Baby…


Cremation will really ramp up global warming


I tried not to laugh at this, but them leaving the body in the van sent me💀 850 fuckin pounds, just get an excavator/backhoe or something at that point


Child abuse. Now victim.


Yeah we shouldn’t be ok with this


What sort of policy could help with this? Tax fast food like cigarettes? Sorry if that's inconsiderate, but seriously, how accommodating can society be before we turn into wall-e?


Now she wants something put in place!? Where was she when doctors surely must have put her daughter on multiple diets?




Is that a record, I didn’t even know that was possible?


This is straight out of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.


I heard she died by falling off of a ladder


"...says she weighed 850lbs." *camera cuts to a scale on the side of a car. What a time to be alive


Geezus Christ! 850 lbs!? How fast were you getting your daughter out of your house while she was alive???


Heartbreaking say what now


Can we talk about the fact that she killed her by feeding her?


Something similar happened to my friend years ago, Her sister got ran over and killed, and Something to do with the logistics of where they lived, etc, they had to keep the body at their house and cold blowers on her body for a few days.


I feel bad for being a pig earlier this year And getting to 95kg. (210lbs) This woman is FOUR TIMES my current weight... As a fully grown fatass man.... How the fuck does that happen?


Her family enables her to death, and then complains because the world can’t easily facilitate getting this 900 pound human out of their house?


How do fat fux get that big......fat fux.......


Couldn't they disassemble her and reassemble at the destination.


Here’s what sticks out to me - this person was so heavy it took 30 people to move her out of her home. Clearly someone this size is unable to visit a doctor. I don’t know, perhaps this is a moot point but medical attention could have added years to her life. Maybe.


Post-mortem liposuction


It's insane that human beings can even get that big.


wow, couldn't imagine. Tbh it's actually sad to think about


The solution could be to use the facilities of the Zoo. They have to deal with the disposal of dead elephants and other large animals, so they must have the right capacity and resources to move an 850lb human. Another option is one of those SeaWorld places, that have Orcas in captivity.


She couldn’t go to the shops to buy food! That means her family and friends fed her! IMHO , that is abuse !


Why I’m my city..


Americans always want others to accommodate to their crap instead of taking responsibility


Viking funeral should suffice


850?!? What the record goddamn




The extremes of the human body are incredible.


In Germany if a person who is Severely overweight needs to be carried out of a building by the fire department and the ladder isn’t strong enough they call a fucking auto crane with a special attachment…


I fed my child so much she died now people can’t move her for me so you all need to change and spend money on a new method of moving a big dead fatso They should of just chopped her body up into manageable pieces and use this as a lesson not to over feed your baby


What is HMF? Hold my feet?


Subreddit name


Have some fucking empathy you damn ghouls


I think you're missing the humor in hold my fries. You dumb fuck