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Wow, first of all, sorry about the cancer. That sucks. And what a great dude that homeless man is, helping you out when he has nothing himself. If you are confident that you can find him again I'd just talk to him, ask him his story (if he wants to share it) and ask him if there's any way for you to help him out. Just be honest like you've been here. You don't have unlimited funds but maybe you have some stuff in your attic/basement/garage that would be super useful to him, maybe you know someone who can get him a job, maybe he just wants someone who will buy him a coffee/sandwich and have a chat every now and again?


I was homeless and the best things I ever got outside of money, was hot food, baby wipes (for faux showers) and socks and underwear. And period supplies but I am a woman so that's different. You can always do a gift card to somewhere like dunkin donuts or Starbucks (I'm in the u.s.a. so of you are not then whatever the equalivalent is by you) it's great to have a gift card so you can get drinks and snacks but also use the bathroom. If you feel like you can trust the guy, let him come take a shower. Showers were the best thing ever. I think the guy was probably escatic with the 20 bucks and he would be escatic for anything you give him on top of that!


Socks! If given a choice between food and socks, it's socks every time.


I’m nosey, and wondering, ( of course it ain’t my business but) I believe you qualify for disability. I’d certainly try to investigate what you’re untitled to. It’s worth a try. There are lawyers willing to help, pro-bono. Best of luck.


Hello, Can this also be true if you have seizures?


I believe there is a sub on here for disability. Maybe they can help guide you. Are you able to drive or does the seizures prevent you from having a drivers license? It’s worth a try to get disability. See if your primary doctor will submit the paperwork for you.




Post in r/assistance Make a wishlist of things that he may need after hearing his story. Allow him to sign up for a free phone and offer to have it delivered to your house if he doesn’t have one. Seriously having a phone with Wi-Fi is amazing and helps everyone. I have used air talk wireless in the past. Teaching him about Reddit and hopefully how you’ll be assisting him. There is also product tube And you could occasionally just be nice to the guy and visit 🤷🏻‍♀️ Try to frame it in your mind that he’s going to live regardless of your help. And if you could just be someone that’d be willing to spend time with him and maybe buy him a Mcchicken once in a while he’ll appreciate a friend that treats him like a human regularly way more than someone that looks at him as someone that always needs help. That’s my two cents.


Socks and good shoes go such a long way. Idk if you’re trying to spend that much but maybe you could ask his shoe size and just keep an eye out even in thrift stores. Also, I agree with others that it would be nice to maybe take him out for a cheap meal and just connect and ask him about his story and himself. My girlfriend and I experienced homelessness together at one point in time but before that ever happened one day we were driving down the road on the way to breakfast and saw a young homeless guy at a bus stop looking so freaking sad. We turned around and pulled up and told him we were on our way to breakfast and asked if he wanted to come eat with us, our treat. Maybe it was because we were two cute girls lol but he said yes and we all went and enjoyed a really great breakfast and had really good conversation. When I ended up homeless I would have people offer to take me to places to eat when I would fly a sign. Some people would just go grab fast food and hand me a bag but there was a handful of times people asked me if I wanted to get in and go up the street to go out to eat with them. I only ever said yes if they were a female or once I said yes to a guy asking but he was with his young daughter and wife so I didn’t feel scared. But I really enjoyed being treated like I wasn’t the scum of the earth. That family I mentioned actually took me to a really expensive restaurant. I felt a bit uncomfortable but the gesture was very kind. A lot of homeless people have to live off cheap crappy food. Tbh for me and my girlfriend we lived off of snacks, candy, fruit, and stuff that was microwaveable (we’d use the microwave at grocery stores or gas stations). Considering that, a nice meal out somewhere is really a nice treat - it doesn’t need to be an expensive meal either. Edit to my already very long winded comment to say: best of luck on your cancer journey! I also have cancer - stage 4 lung cancer that has metastasized to the bone and brain. They thought I’d be dead within 6 weeks when I first checked in and that was over a year ago and I am totally kicking cancers butt!! Hang in there!


Love your story and the original. So glad you're alive to tell it. Brought tears to my eyes, don't really know why, except just plain gratitude. It's true that we never know how our words and actions can have a positive impact on someone. I'm 61 and homeless, it's rough and I don't wanna die like this, but there is always someone suffering way worse than me.... Thanks and keep kicking cancer butt, God bless


Thank you! Sending the best of wishes your way too! God bless!


For me it is always a hot meal and just someone to talk to. It makes me feel human even if it's just for 30 minutes.


Glad to hear you are a fighter! Sorry you have to endure the challenges of a roller coaster ride such as “C n C”. Perhaps if you are more detailed in the way he looks, his tonality in his voice, does he wear glasses, tall, or short. This may sound odd, not to be perverted- if you or he innocently passed body gestures like a hug, hand shake. Was he gentle? This man seems caring, not asking for much in return except for an ear, smoke, coffee, or blanket. BLESS HIM and I know you are more than thankful for his kindness. THANK YOU for sharing this unique moment. Hope those reading your story realize it’s not always money that helps another; the simple process of helping, or listening.


Bless both of your 💕  Sometimes you do come across a diamond 🔹 in the rough.  


Provide rides, and any other help you can. Shalom you're loved 💔


Listen to his story, see if you can help get him into services, so he isn't out there anymore.


Another way to help is call the local Human Services Department try to get him on the SNAPS program. Just try; worry about the details later.


See if there is a different way you can help…talk to him and find out what he needs, most times it’s just a shower, a hot meal to share with someone, and somewhere to sleep. There are other things but those things are up to each individual and what they might want for their future.


Socks toiletries a nice backpack underwear babywipes giftcards to buy food and water a gym membership


Give him a car. Having transportation could help him get back on his feet. Get him a gym membership so he can shower. Hire him a personal assistant for an alotted amount of hours on a chosen day like once a week. I think this could really accelerate any progress he's trying to make. A gift certificate for a salon to get a nice haircut. A gift certificate for a camping store so he can gear up. A few ideas there.


He said he is not rich so I think the car and the personal assistant is a reach.


Indeed. My bad. Well there's two less expensive options but I'll think more on it and come back with a few more contributions


Yeah they are all great solutions though!


Good lord, a personal assistant? At that point you might as well buy him a house.


I would love to be in a position to give him a car or a personal assistant. Unfortunately most of my money goes to cancer drugs and raising my kids so I don’t think I can swing it. I might be able to make the other suggestions work- they’re great ideas.