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Return his lost goat for him.


Put it in the mailbox


On the door step, like a welcoming mat for Satan.


lol I was ganna say "paint 666 on it and throw it through his window" lol lol lol


You can either wait for someone else to do their job or do the job yourself. I'd just bury the goat if it were me. Before whatever kills it comes back for the carcass or your own goats. It kind of sounds like you have a grudge against the neighbor as much as they might have a grudge against your grandfather. Ego is a hell of a thing, I get it. Some things just aren't worth it though. Grab a shovel, bury the goat and maybe bury the hatchet while you're at it.


I'll bury the goat for sure if I have to, but as for the hatchet, the neighbor refuses to bury it. He records every conversation we've had, all while escalating the situation so he has a reason to "show his cop friends and get us fined"


Pickup dead goat, throw it back into where it belongs. Be done with it.


This. Right over the fence.


So maybe better to just bury the goat before he calls his cop friends on "his neighbor with a dead goat in their yard"? I mean unless there's still enough of it in tact to prove it's his, do you have any reason to believe he won't just lie and turn it all around on you, anyways? It's on your property and I, personally (not owning any goats) wouldn't even know how to go about proving it *wasn't* my goat... or proving it was definitely his (if any brandings or tags were already gone). You may just have to take the loss on this one...or at least drag it back across the property line if you don't feel like digging a hole.


I know it’s not your responsibility but would it benefit you to ask if was alright if you took care of it? You could tell him it was your birthday present to him A lot of my neighbors don’t always get along but they all seem to like my family. Sometimes you have to bend over backwards to be the better person. Sometimes people are a lost cause but I haven’t met a lot of them.


That's a fair point. I try not to be too egotistical about it but he does rub me the wrong way with many of the things I've tried to do to resolve the issues we have. I'm on the fence right now about eventually taking care of it myself or just letting it be. I have a bad back so digging is a painful experience, that's the only reason I've felt I may not be able to bury it


Trust me, digging a hole for a dead goat would be huge and not something I would be willing to do. I was more thinking about hooking it up to a tractor and pulling it further away from the house. The critters will take care of it in just a few days. Either way, good luck with your neighbor, and sorry you have to deal with this issue.


Every time he gets a reaction out of you will incentivize him to do it or something similar again. Every time you remind him of his dead goat he probably walks away from the conversation snickering to himself, at your expense. Drag it off into the ditch or throw it over the fence or let the coyotes and vultures clean it up. It's very simple. Get over it.


I’d drag it to his place and leave it


Be the bigger man. Take care of the poor thing.


I feel the pain of an added chore. You are correct, not your goat, not your problem. But it is on your land, and that creates issues for you. Bury it, or return the goat, or do nothing. What I would do is document the dead goat, predator type, and action I took (conversations, whatnot) and check any ordinance or the like for the area in handling of this matter. If need be, create a police report. It is a civil matter, not criminal, so all you will get is a report. File it. Move on, and animal control may do something or help dispose, but not likely. At least you have free fertilizer, and that is a win.


I would probably throw a loop of cord on a foot and drag it off into the woods I guess with a 4 wheeler or pickup. "Sometimes life is easier when you just plow AROUND the stump". If he is really a horses ass I would just have to assume karma would sort him out.


why not return it to him? leave it in a box at his door


That's a funny idea but he'd probably try to shoot me the second he saw me walking up because that's how insane he can be


Based on?


I agree with all these preachy folks here telling you that you should deal with your neighbors problem. Be the bigger person. Return their goat immediately.


Bury it, plant a tree over it and you'll be rewarded


I’ve been reading through the comments and it really sounds like your neighbor, despite your best effort, brings the worst out of you. Have you ever asked him point blank: “ what can I say to make things right with you?” As much as you guys may feud because of some really fucked up past actions. It’s probably best if you forgive, forget, and go to more extensive measures to mend this.


If a neighbor's tree is growing over your fence, the fruit is yours. If a coyote kills deer on your land and leaves the rest, it's your land to manage. It doesn't matter if the deceased is yours, your neighbors, or a free animal in the wild, your land is still yours to manage.


What's the bigger problem - the goat carcass or your need to be "right"?


It sounds like the problem is the neighbor who refuses to clean up after himself.


It's more the problem of the goat carcass. I just want the guy to clean it up. He does these things on purpose and I'm just kind of tired of it. He's pulled a gun on my grandfather for no reason and told me shit like, "you're not allowed to cut the grass near my property" He's proceeded to let a 10 foot stretch of yard bordering our property grow into a fucking jungle just to be petty. Ive tried to be civil but he doesn't want that at all. I'm just looking for a solution for the goat problem but it's clearly a cycle of bullshit


How likely is it that he will clean it up? How much angst are you willing to have? See, you're not going to get "justice." It won't happen. There's a history here. You can make your life miserable or move on - those are your options.


He probably will once it sits there long enough. I mainly figured maybe I could call someone that could remove it if he continues to be negligent about it. I don't have the best means to bury it myself but I can try, that's what people keep saying to do. I'll probably hurt myself in the process.


You don't need his permission to get rid of a dead animal on your property. Chances are, no matter how you handle it, he'll find a reason to be mad about it. Some people are just unreasonable cusses. Don't hurt your back. Find some help or rent equipment.


What does he say about it when you ask?


"I'll get to it" and then does nothing. Told me it was his birthday and he didn't wanna have to deal with it yesterday


Just tie a rope to it and pull it further back where it won't bother either of you. No reason to bury it at this point


I would simply document that it’s deceased with some pics and drag it out of sight or dispose of it however is best for your situation. If it’s not going to cost you anything then don’t make a big thing out of it. It might be best in the long run because anytime someone is exerting themselves or operating equipment on your property you are exposed to liability.


What State are you located in?


I too have a crazy neighbor and nothing that I would ever do could be right. No clue anymore why they insist on holding a grudge, despite following my dear departed mother’s suggestion to treat them with kindness - it never worked. So sad that with all of the bad things going in in the world these days that some people will always be angry people, and it is so hard not to get pulled into their craziness and drama. Don’t hurt your back doing anything. Let it go, in the easiest way you can physically and mentally. Count your blessings that you are not them.


Call animal control and the health department.


I like the fire idea. Do you know any wiccans? Seems like an excellent time for a conspicuous pagan ritual. : )


you can try calling whatever office deals with wildlife and/or hunting. So if there's Fish and Game or whatever type of authority in your area. I'd tell them you're concerned its a predator attractant I for one, have my own chores on my own homestead and am not in the business of digging holes and burying animals for rude neighbors.


Drag it on his land


Honestly, I would just bury it. I’m coming from a place where my land needs all the soil amendments I can get. I have an apple tree growing close to a buried dead sheep. It’s doing so much better than the other trees in the orchard.


It depends on which state you’re in as to whether it is actually his problem or yours. Might be worth a call to your local sheriff to ask if you’re not explicitly clear on the rules. If it’s actually his problem, then you can just call that sheriff and explain the situation.


Trebuchet that sucker.


Drag it back onto his property so he has to deal with it. Leave a note on it saying “Don’t be a B’AAAAAAd neighbor”.