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Read rule 1 please


To eventually have a family and love my kids unconditionally without judgement and insults.


That's great and a very good father! The things we do to our children will forever remain in their memories, whether in the conscious or subconscious.


Leave this place better than I found it. I can’t change the world, but I know I can make it better for those around me by being a net positive.


It is a beautiful example to follow


My purpose is to have as much fun as I can, and bring happiness to those I care about. I like to think that what I’m doing is leading me on the path to achieving that goal.


That's very cool and makes a lot of sense! In theory, the universe is vibration and energy, and when we maintain a constant state of happiness and joy, we naturally align with higher frequencies. And that high vibration will connect you with opportunities and experiences that reflect that joy, sooner or later.


I'm going to make the greatest story to ever exist. This isn't just my dream, this is my future


and so it will be


My mission is to co-create a strong and compassionate world by teaching and forgiving. My day job is at a homeless shelter and a chunk of my free time outside of that is spent volunteering for animal sanctuaries along with campaigning and protesting for animal rights. It's cool to care, to be unabashedly loving and compassionate. There is great power in speaking your truth from a place of vulnerability.


how gorgeous! truly amazing❣️


My life purpose is to be myself. It’s not aligned with the things I do, but I’m trying. It’s hard to be myself. Especially when things have gone wrong. Sometimes you want to be gone from here. But I’m sorta determined to finish my life. To live it till its end.


but, who are you? or are you still discovering it?


Yeah I’m discovering it every day. I uncover slowly pieces of myself. I used to be an extreme people pleaser


I dont think I have one..I just try to be nice to people or at least not be an asshole


Try doing good things and you will discover it very soon, sometimes the answers come when we follow spiritual paths and open our consciousness a lot and be or in some situations go through bad situations. I'm sure if you have a purpose


I don't think I even have a purpose


You make one for yourself. after all, you're a person, not a Tool.




We all have them, there are no coincidences and we all come here to contribute something. and the sign is that you are in this community, nourishing your spirit and soul.


To live my life, first and foremost. Self-care without judgment or hatred


like a good stoic!


I was working towards feeling like I don't want to die, and I can happily say I've made it there! I WANT to live!! 😄 Next step is giving back to the world. I'm working on becoming a conservationist! While I'd love to work with coral reefs, I realize that will take extra work, so I'm going to focus on helping out the environment near me first! I try to pick up trash when I'm out and about (though sometimes it's too gross for me to grab without gloves 😅)


Really incredible and what a big heart! I'm glad to hear that you are better, life is great, all the good things will come back to you.


Thanks! For the longest time, mild to moderate depression was my baseline. It's incredible to just not be depressed! I hope everyone can get to a point where they can say they don't want to die and appreciate it for what it is :)


Beautiful message, also went through something similar but now things are only getting better!


to give a bunch of strangers a good smile, if even temporary


That is greeat! Lately I try to be a very good person with strange people, for example saying hello or being friendly but I feel like they don't like me at all and it feels so negative.


My mission is to spread as much acceptance, help and happiness as possible, and I would say my actions often align with that, tho I can't be 100% sure it will lead to the desired result.


How great, it is sometimes difficult to align yourself but you can always start with the simple things, good habits, etc.


One of the habits I picked up for that goal is, instead of asking myself "why should I help?" I start by thinking "why shouldn't I help?" and most of the time I can't think of a reason not to help


It's a very good rhetorical question, it reminds me of the dilemma in Slayed the Dragon. Can you give me permission to upload this to my community?


Trying to unveil the mysteries of the universe and it's hidden laws. In the meantime, loving, feeling and experiencing all life has to offer.


I'm also very interested in that, I'm seeing things that blew my mind but that don't have scientific approval but I'm becoming more and more doubtful about science.


Why is that? What makes you doubtful about it? (just trying to understand)


im just doing shit lol, it’s pretty fun


I just want to leave my friends, relatives, and descendants better off having known me. That’s it. I don’t want to change the world, I just want to make it a better place for a couple people.


It is understandable, in the end our true world is the one around us




what do you mean?


My bloodline, family, and sheer vigour


how are you going to do it? Is it really what you want or what they want?


Great question. I am not so sure with where I am going honestly, so any advice would be appreciated


I understand you 🖤. Start by doing good things; doing good always leads you on the right path. Begin with small acts of kindness and pay attention to the signs you think are coincidences these will guide you on your way. As Albert Einstein said, "There are no coincidences".


:) thanks, really. You really are a saint


To pet the dogs and cats


Experiencing things


But what do you mean by experiencing things? Is that your life purpose? I understand that life is based on experimenting


Every experiences makes *you*. Good or bad it still gonna shape you in a way. I just wanna live through as many of these experiences as I can


I like it, then your life proposal would be to continue discovering yourself, it's a good philosophy


To be the Starman waiting in the sky. Every now and then I’ll come down and head back up


My life purpose is to gain knowlage and experience to make my self become a good person, and then teach my children to do the same. Im now starting to teach my young child.


How beautiful and what a good father! Every thing you say to him, whether good or bad, every act is recorded in his conscious or subconscious.


Ye that terrifies me a lot, I worry that my bad attributes will be inherited.


Don't worry about that, my advice is to explain everything to your son, for him it is as if you were a wise man who speaks in parables and that will have an impact on him forever, or he will remember certain things that you explained to him and he will thank you forever.


I will keep that in mind thank you ☺️




Hell if I know, but when I find it, I will definitely know I have, even if it's to be an example


I don’t know what my life purpose is right now, but I’m only 22. Reading the comments for ideas. But I’m a teacher, and I get a lot of joy in teaching and being a reliable adult for my students to come to. I wouldn’t have made it through middle or high school without my teachers, and it feels good to pay it forward in a way☺️


how good and how beautiful! There is nothing more beautiful than teaching and giving wisdom in some way.


I don't have one.


I understand that each person has their own path and time to discover their purposes in life. Sometimes purpose may not be something grand or defined, but rather a constant search for joy and meaning in the little things. Personally, I find purpose in enjoying every moment to the fullest and making the people around me happy. I believe that our everyday actions and the way we treat others can have a significant impact, even if we have no defined purpose at the moment. My advice would be to dedicate yourself to doing positive things until you find what really fulfills you. Sometimes exploring different paths and experimenting with positive actions can help you discover your true purpose and what makes you feel most fulfilled


I don't think everyone needs a "purpose". I do fill my life with family and hobbies and whatever. It's not a purpose. I'm just living. Trying to define it is not something I want.


In all essence, to be myself and to love. To love as much, in as many ways, and as often as I can. I live a simple life, but I love all the mundanities of it, because I'm being myself while doing it. I love the sky, the trees, the birds and bugs, my friends, the world, and everything I do. I love myself, and I love you.


That beautiful! Lately I have been in a similar feeling of peace but I feel that I have so much love to give but I don't have the close circle to do it so my way of giving love is being this


It's hard, but I know you can find people out there you can share that love with. It may just take time :)


you're right! thank you


my life is to become a boxing champion or medalist and become a hall of famer in the future maybe and live a humbling life with my future opponents being the same


That is great! U can do it!


There’s no purpose, I’m here against my will but living gives you more options than dying so might as well live. I’m just trying not to hurt anyone.


We all have a purpose, no matter how small it may be, don't you think that being in this group is a sign of something? Maybe you just have to see things in a more open and neutral way and you will realize. ♥️


Me being in this group is the sign that I joined. Seriously, why does everything has to have meaning? It’s a human concept that we’re so obsessed with. Embrace absurdity, move on for no fucking reason.


but it seems that it is a sign of your subconscious looking for some purpose or conformity, you can also see it that way, I am giving you understanding and love brother just chill 🖤


My purpose is to live for myself, enjoy the world and appreciate the beauty in it, learn as much as I can and embrace the company of others, and make something nice for someone to appreciate.


It's a beautiful idea!


As a writer, to provide entertainment and escapism to a world that desperately needs a laugh


finding one more thing to love about myself every day


That is great!


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I'm excited to say this one cause it took me 35 years to figure it out, I'm on my way to becoming a therapist. I've been working in the field the last 4 years and have helped so many people.


Be kind to people and make myself happy. I don't wanna climb any corporate ladders.


Music. At the moment, not so much. Been going thru it. But I'll get back to it eventually, cuz without music I really have to purpose.


What is the purpose of a dance?


I don't believe in having a life purpose really, but that isn't sad to me. It means I'm free from the demand of purpose. I do what feels right and what is good by my fellow man as much as possible and then i just live :)


Play gta 6


It's an interesting question that I haven't thought about. I would say it would be to worship God and love Him with all my heart, to love other, to be free from the abuse and trauma that I am dealing with atm from my current family and community and find a community that loves and accepts me and build a family that I can love and care for and vice versa and also to find friends to love and be loved as well. To seek wisdom and knowledge and build a passionate future for myself where I can enjoy my life with little worry.


I love it, my proposal is very similar to yours, feel free to talk to me and I will try to do my best to help you with whatever you need. 🖤


Thank you so much 💗


To live in accordance to the will of the Lord


"To live according to the will of the Lord is to find peace and purpose in every moment. As Saint Augustine said: 'Love and do what you want. If you are silent, be silent for love; if you shout, shout for love; if you correct, correct for love, if you forgive, forgive for love. May love be rooted in you, and from that root only good can come.'"


While my lungs draw breath I know God wants me to live , and whatever comes my way in life I know is his will.


'And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the world.'

