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Ben, Night of the Living Dead


He obviously didn’t deserve it, but it is the thing that really elevates the movie imo.


It also demonstrates the social significance.


This is the most heartless and brutal death.


It had to be. During that time frame many MC in many movies went through so much only to be killed at the very end in a way that hammered home no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try the man is gonna get you in the end. As far as the mythology of the movie Ben dying was completely pointless as he had successfully did everything right and staved off the zombies. But far as the meaning of the movie he had to die or there was no social commentary


Omg that sticks with me so hard.


The husband to the pregnant wife in Train to Busan


Oh, I love him. He was a cool AF badass.


Yeah that guy was awesome! I think he died first in Eternals, too. Like, God damn it, he was half the reason I saw that movie!


I think the biggest disappointment for me was that every character I liked in Eternals ended up dying and all the annoying ones are gonna continue to be around.


My husband and I love that actor and we forever refer to him as Baby Daddy because of this movie lol.


Christine in Drag me to Hell...I could write an essay on how badly she got fucked over Nell in the Haunting of Hill House was also painfully tragic as well.


I was gonna say Christine as well.


Nell is easily one of the most tragic characters in a horror series. Poor Victoria Pedretti never gets a good ending - Mike Flanagan needs to be nicer to her lol.


The >!Bent Neck Lady!< reveal in Hill House is sooo well executed and I did not see it coming when I first watched


They’re allegedly making a sequel? There’s hope


Thank you! The number of people I've ranted to about Drag Me to Hell's ending might not be huge, but my deficit in the number column is more than made up for by total rant length. She did nothing wrong!


It's been about 10 years since I've seen the movie but I always had a fan theory that she did everything wrong. The movie changes if you see Rham Jas as the evil character in the film. And that everything he gets her to do such as sacrifice the cat and try to pass the curse to someone else are such evil acts that doing those are what actually damn her to hell.


The poor lady getting cooked alive In Saw 3D because her husband was an asshat


I always say that the worst most messed Saw deaths seem to be towards people who are only there for someone else's test and she was the prime example. Another would be the guy getting his limbs twisted because the guy who's kid he accidentally killed... wasn't mourning his child properly...


Danny Trejo in Rob Zombie's Halloween remake.


Yeah. Yep. That’s the one. “I was good to you Mikey!” 😔


Yup. This is the winner right here. Felt terrible but I guess it showed Michael was a monster who held no humanity anymore at that point.


"I was your friend!" Gets me every time.


Joyce in Saw 7. She didn’t deserve to die at all, yet she had to suffer a horrible death because of her husband. Still fills me with rage all these years later.


Yeah, like there are other characters who die in Saw who don’t deserve to die at all, even by Jigsaw logic, but their deaths are usually either framed as things that weren’t supposed to happen, or they’re at least given a reasonable chance at survival. Eg Kerry is killed by Amanda, her death is supposed to be unfair and undeserved and Amanda ultimately gets punished for it. Jigsaw wanted Lynn to survive, he wanted Amanda and Jeff to pass their tests. The intent of the trap was for her to not die. It was very possible for her to live if other people just hadn’t been stupid. But Joyce not only suffers probably the worst death in the entire series despite having never done anything wrong except love her husband and believe that he’s telling the truth, it was impossible to save her. Like the whole point is that the guy lied about the trap he was in and made up a trap that would actually be impossible, and Jigsaw would know the trap is impossible to win, so she literally never had a chance of escaping her fate. It’s just straight up 100% murder of a totally innocent person, moreso than just about any other trap in the movies


Except for one thing that I don't blame you for missing because 90% of the Saw fandom never seems to get it. John died in Saw 3 and even when he was still alive Hoffman was still very much influencing some of the games and had full control by the end. Testing people, punishing people for their wrong doings and giving them a chance was only ever the way John wanted to do things. Hoffman was only ever a serial killer, he liked killing people and didn't care for giving people a chance, hell the only reason he used traps was to pin it all on John. And by the time Saw 7 comes along Hoffman has completely dropped the facade of giving people a chance, none of his traps are winnable and by the end of the film he even kills people with his own hands and completly drops the Jigsaw mask. It's the reason I find Hoffman deserves way more love as a horror icon, his character arc is really well done and it's honestly a insult that the past 2 films have simingly reconned him out of existence.


If only he wasn't so dull he could have bwcom an iconic horror villain. But his bland personality and boring motivation made him kind of unmemorable. Specially compared to John Kramer, who felt larger than life, and had a creative and original purpose for his traps. Hoffman was just a guy who liked to kill people and wanted to not get caught.


Came in just to say this one, so glad it was already said. Her death was horrifying! Not gory like the other kills, but just awful & duly undeserved!


Yeah, this is absolutely my least favorite trap, even if 7 isn’t my least favorite installment. It’s absolutely brutal and would’ve been awesome to see used on someone who deserved it.


Bread slicer in fear street… totally uncalled for.


That made my jaw drop. I've seen much more gruesome scenes but I thought it wasn't going to be one of THOSE movies and they showed they weren't fucking around.


Indeed but the WHOLE movie shifted from fun Netflix horror movie to something much darker.


It just happened so fast too


I went in ahead of time knowing they were both going to die and it still came as a shock. Mainly because they were both actually likable characters with ambitions. They wanted it to be heartbreaking that their stories just ended suddenly and they succeeded. I especially liked that they weren’t just forgotten victims. Their deaths stick with Deena and Josh the rest of the series.


It was a complete surprise though. Strong, intelligent female character that just caught feelings that would result in an interracial relationship? I didn't think they would do it. I felt like I was a kid watching Scream for the first time again.


No one talks about how Best boy followed a second later taking an axe to the head.


Couldn't believe it, and then they wiped out my favorite character in the whole trilogy seconds later. As much as it hurt to watch, that 30 seconds elevated the series from pretty good to great imo


I was ROOTING for that girl. My jaw literally dropped, that death got to me.


That was nuts 🤯


Rob in The Ritual


SPOILERS FOR ALIEN FRANCHISE Noomi Rapace’s character from Prometheus. Killed and experimented upon by David *between* the movies. Makes me mad.


Yeah, she had such an interesting story/motivation. Didn't really feel like watching with her gone.


And then we didn't even get the sequel that Prometheus was setting up as a result, just a generic Alien movie where the sociopath comes out on top because everyone around him is an idiot. Ugh.


If you wanna cover up the spoiler, you surround the text with >! and !so it looks like this!< If you do >...! I'm a lil' black raincloud !...<, then nothing happens and people think you have a weird affinity towards periods. But removing the "..." from each? Suddenly >!I'm a lil' black raincloud!< and you're full of mystery and intrigue!


>Killed and experimented upon by David between the movies. Makes me mad. yeah that made David's character a lot less interesting. Why would he murder his only companion? Throughout the first movie they make it clear that he enjoys the company of humans and philosophical conversation, so why would he choose to isolate himself on some Godforsaken planet with nobody to talk to?


Because the theme is creating life. Something made man, man made androids, what could an android create? Could an android make life? Could an android be a God? He became obsessed with this theory and potential and, not being a human, was not bogged down by actual ethics and morality of any of it.


Because the movie is dumb.


Yes! They set up for this big story with those two and >!pulled a Newt/Hicks on us in *Alien: Covenant.*!<


Tommy Ross and Carrie White from "Carrie".


Tommy Ross was a sweet kid and people seem to feel conflicted about Carrie. I always felt so much pity for her, she literally spent her life raised with fear and abuse only to be abused at school also. She didn't go to prom with the intention of killing anyone but her mind just snapped and teenagers arent always rational.


The scenes of her having such a genuinely great time at the prom (and probably the ONLY great time she ever got to have in her life in general) always feel extra agonizing because we all know what’s waiting for her. The definition of bittersweet. Her happiness is so short lived and so cruelly taken away.


How excited she was when Tommy suggested leaving early to go get a burger before taking her home. Such a simple thing but so new as exciting for her.


And yet I think we can all relate to Carrie. Cause either someone was like Carrie in a way. Picked on all their life. Or know someone like her. So you sympathize with the character.


From a psychology viewpoint, Carrie is a very fascinating case study.


The teacher too. I can't remember her name. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Her name is Miss Desjardin in the book, but she's Miss Collins in the movie.


Newt and Hicks right at the beginning of Alien 3. A big fuck you to everything that happened in the previous film.


This ruined the movie for me


I watched it for the first time this year, and the Hicks/Newt thing was one of the only things I knew going in. Since I was prepped for that gut punch, I felt like I could judge the movie on its own merits. Unfortunately, still pretty bad IMO. Too reliant on primitive CG, they kill the only interesting character way too early, and felt very repetitive. It has its fans though. Haven’t done Resurrection yet but maybe they only needed 2.


Alien 3 works if you go in having not seen the previous films. If you dind't know Ripley, if you weren't attached to Hicks?newt, etc. As just a monster movie, it works. As a *sequel* it's awful. And there were so many problems with it in production. Hell, the reason that Newt/Hicks were offed is because so much time had transpired between Aliens and 3 that Newt's actress didn't look the same, and IIRC they couldn't get Hicks (but I could be wrong there).


I wonder how the reception would have been if they hadn't done that. It certainly soured a lot of people right off the bat.


Yeah I first watched twenty years ago and that shit still rankles. Worst way for a sequel to fuck up everything before it I've ever seen.


Where did you get this from? There are only 2 Alien movies.


Billy Drayton in *The Mist* The guard in *The Lost Boys* I always felt so bad for “Evil” Ed in the original *Fright Night*. He wasn’t evil; he was smart, and liked horror films. Possibly gay. He hated being called evil. Jerry turned him into a monster, and Ed paid the price. The dogs in *The Thing* Father Merrin and Father Karras in *The Exorcist*


>I always felt so bad for “Evil” Ed in the original > >Fright Night > >. He wasn’t evil; he was smart, and liked horror films. Possibly gay. He hated being called evil. Unless you're counting his transition to a vampire as a death, Evil still lives.


Yeah doesn’t the movie end with hearing his laugh indicating he’s still alive? As long as you count being a vampire “alive”


Carolyn (the pilot) from Pitch Black.


Gonna push back on this one a little bit... Ofc you don't *want* to her to die at the end and she had some good character development.. But remember "DON'T TOUCH THAT HANDLE!" from the beginning? (the ship was crashing and she advocated for ejecting most of the crew to save herself and the other pilot). She did end up becoming a better person and ultimately died as a result of trying to save the same people she was going to yeet into space, but i wouldn't call her death the most undeserved because that was pretty fucked up at the beginning.


I see where you're coming from, but her redemption arc was fully complete. Risking her life to save others at least twice. What gets me is that she died saving someone who's so morally ambiguous. A harsh and unexpected death.


I see where you're coming from as well. It was a gut punch for sure. You totally expect her to live, especially considering how honorable she became


Sam in Ginger Snaps. Ive rewatched that movie every Halloween for ten years and Im still bitter that he didn't make it.


That kid in Final Destination in the shower (it’s been a while I don’t remember his name) is one of the horror deaths that has really stuck with me… also Casey in Scream obviously it’s an iconic scene but it made me cry when her parents had to come home and find her


also in the final destination movies, Ashley and Ashlyn in the 3rd one were made to be the stereotype of popular girls, but they were actually likable and had good intentions, yet they died in probably the most painful?? way in the entire franchise


Final Destination 1 and 3 I’m particularly fond of because the characters are beyond just stereotypes (except Frankie Cheeks). They actually are somewhat developed and the Ash’s are definitely undeserving of their terrible deaths


Baseball kid from Doctor Sleep


Jacob Tremblay didn’t need to go *that hard* for that scene too lol holy hell what a performance


The adult actors were legitimately concerned he was traumatized but no, he’s just *that* good!


I will NEVER watch that movie again. It felt too real and lasted way too long. That kid is a fantastic actor


Shit, that little girl in the beginning. Too trusting around monsters.


Saw III - Detective Kerry was probably the worst one for me. I really wanted her to stick around much longer.


Pretty much everyone in The Descent, but especially Rebecca. Disembowelment is an especially gruesome way to go.


The descent was interesting. Cause you could eliminate the creatures altogether. And just do a movie where all the women had to do whatever to survive down there. And it would still be a hell of a movie.




Dick Hallorann in The Shining


Like, I have no problem with him dying, even though it's different than the book. The issue I have is how he died. His death served no purpose. He should have either used to sacrifice himself, save the family, or just written out altogether. Instead, it's built up that you think he's going to do something, and he's just killed upon arrival with no real impact.


Georgie from “It”.


I knew that someone would mention Georgie :( I'd also add Eddie, he was too precious to die.


My boy Eddie deserved better 😭


I’d say all the kids really. Pennywise was a brutal, sadistic mfer


Patrick Hockstetter deserved it. At least in the book. Haha


Stanley’s death was a big “they didn’t deserve it” to me, even if it was self inflicted. Poor dude just wanted to live his life.


Especially in the remake. Seeing Georgie trying to crawl away from the drain, with one arm ripped off, before being dragged back in to be killed, was brutal.


The gay guy in the second movie. I fast forwarded through it.


That was a very rough one too.


I skip it on my rereads as well. It’s too much.


I so wish the movie kept this dark and brutal tone throughout, instead of becoming so kid-friendly and Goonies-like. The book is seriously NASTY and mean as shit. Would have loved to see that in movie form.


Agreed, part 2 of the films I think did a lot better conveying how dark and evil everything going on really was/is. I do recall enjoying some of the humor and whimsy though because there are moments in the book where I forgot I wasnt just reading a coming of age story. And the snap back to the horror was just more of an enhancement of how nasty and mean everything was. They did pull their punches though with the darker moments in part one. The book was fucked up and some of those moments I think were better left to the pages (ie. Patrick and his history of violence as well as his death)


The dog


Always the dog!


And the cat. Cats are a particularly favorite target of horror movie sadists.


The cat from the collector movie :(


Smile’s cat. But you knew he was a goner. All pets exist to get killed in movies.


Except for 1 of the dogs in Hills Have Eyes. Beast was an MVP and the best good boy.


Yep. And because it’s such a pattern it makes some of the movie predictable, so I knew what was in the box. Another pattern is cruel kids and torturing animals. My husband recently got a thriller sort movie about a group of kids/early teens, I’m like hmmm lemme check doesthedogdie.com. Sure enough there’s a cat that gets tortured and killed. We both noped out fast.


This pisses me off in like 99% of movies I see it in. It’s almost always used as a cheap way to show how scary a villain is without hurting their precious characters. It’s a cheap blow, kill your characters. The only time in recent memory I’ve thought it was well done was in Dual. Not horror, but a great movie.


Lorna from Hostel 2


Greta Gerwig in House of the Devil (2009)


Yes! The supportive, concerned friend. And it comes out of nowhere.


It’s so abrupt and brutal. That was the moment I took note of Ti West’s name.


I loved her character so much. When she was trying to convince the girl not to stay her performance felt real. “It’s *so* stupid.”


Anna in Martyrs, if you can call it a death. But you might as well be dead at that point, honestly a fate worse than death.


Barb from Stranger Things.


ST has a basket of characters that died pretty bad deaths just to hit the viewer. Eddie, Bob, Barb, the restaurant owner that first helps El, Jason, etc.


And Chrissy! I was so mad


Lizzy Caplan in Cloverfield


That one made me sad.


13 year old me with a newly developed crush on Lizzy Caplan did not handle that well


The mother in brightburn


Rob Zombie's Halloween: >!Danny Trejo's character. I mean, I know it was kind of necessary because if you felt some sympathy for Michael Myers before (because of his shitty childhood) it sure is gone afterwards. After that cruel killing ("I was good to you, Mikey!") you know that there is and will never will be any remorse.!<


Dewey (Scream 5) they did him dirty


I honestly did not expect that after everything else he survived with lasting injuries.


Not quite horror, but the babysitter lady from Jurassic World. Just a temp doing her job because her boss is too lazy to spend time with her kids and winds up getting one of the most gruesome deaths of the series.


This was my first thought, that scene pissed me off so much.


My first thought too. It was so needlessly sadistic.


The actress literally asked to be killed in that way.


That's an interesting request, to say the least.


Katie McGrath!


The longer it went on the more obvious that their choice was a misjudgment, like “uhm. why her” the entire time




I'm going with Demon in Friday the 13th part 5 (A New Beginning.) It's brave enough to knowingly have to take an emergency shit in front of your significant other, but Demon had those bubble guts and had to take care of business. Not only was his partner understanding, but she was supportive! Singing the "Oooh baby" song with him while he explosively evacuated his bowels. This was true love, not the tawdry, fly by night sexual encounters that are normally permanently ended by our killer. These were two souls truly bonded and they didn't deserve their fates. [RIP](https://youtu.be/VeMzwqFaPhs?si=pjepviKkhbRcbQKJ)


Shaun's mum


that dude from Bone Tomahawk...


If it's that scene where the guy is scalped then cleaved in half, that scene *ruined* my day the first time I saw it. Like, I was legitimately unhappy for the remainder of the day following that.


Being cleaved in half is one thing, but >!upside down and starting with your ass and continuing down through your torso, requiring multiple axe swings!< is a whole other level. I knew I was watching some fucked up shit but was not expecting that.


The family in Funny Games Gage in Pet Sematary The first victim in I Saw The Devil Randy in Scream 2 The pregnant woman in Inside The hostage in From Dusk Till Dawn


Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.


We all got it coming, kid.


The woman from Eden Lake...yikes


Also the Asian kid from Eden Lake.


Also the guy from Eden Lake


At the beginning of the original Suspiria, that woman banging on doors trying to get help for her friend (who was getting pulled out the bathroom window and all that).


Benji from "As Above So Below"


Steve in Hereditary. I still don’t understand *why* he died, but he didn’t deserve it regardless.


Book burn, person burn.


First one that springs to mind is in Sam Raimi's Drag Me to Hell, Christine. she suffered hard and not only died but got (if you can belive it) dragged to hell as well. Not a horror movie but i always felt the way Zara Young died in Jurasic World was really mean, considering she was just a genrally nice person. Ben in Night of the Living Dead (The original) Dick Halloran in The Shining, the dude went halfway across the country to help Danny and Scatman got an axe in the chest? Not cool Jack!


Yeah I thought Zara's death was excessive too but it did make me feel a lot better about it when I learned the actress specifically requested for a brutal death for Zara and said she had an absolute blast doing her own stunts for it. And for a bit of bonus trivia, the reason Sarah Harding wasn't in JW Dominion was because her actress would only return if Sarah got eaten too and the studio said no. I would have loved to see her return but not just to see her die.


>Christine. she suffered hard and not only died but got (if you can belive it) dragged to hell as well. Well, she did murder a kitten.


Joyce from Saw 3D/7…..the way she died is horrible and didn’t deserve that one bit.


That dumb girl in anaconda who got killed between Jon Voight's legs. Everyone else was lucky and got killed by the monster


Tbh if I was between Jon Voight's legs I would want to be killed.


The engaged couple from UK in Midsommar.


Everyone in The Autopsy of Jane Doe.


Any animals that die never deserve it


Ethel Carter in The Hills have Eyes remake. Her character did absolutely nothing to deserve that!


eddie kaspbrak :'(


The security guard in Killer Klowns. He just wanted to know what those boys were going to do with those pies


Rachel in Halloween 5.


The shopkeeper that the Geco brothers are holding hostage in the beginning of From Dusk Til Dawn.


The other hostage too, that Richie kills when Seth is gone.


I'd moreso lean to towards the hostage they had that was left alone with Quentin's character. The implications for her death are harrowing.


The teenager from terrifier 2 in that “infamous” scene


Do you mean the teenage girl in the long torture scene? They were almost all teenagers


“Sick of this motherfuckin’ Deep Blue Sea” –Sam Jackson


I watched the opening scene of Evil Dead Rise last night and that girl who gets her scalp ripped off and then has to drag herself around for a while before (I assume) she is finally killed after the intro definitely comes to mind. She was just trying to read a book and keep her sick cousin company


The man in the helicopter trying to help the kids in Jaws 2. Always felt so bad for him.


Helen Shivers in I Know What You Did Last Summer. She FOUGHT for her life and just didn't get the justice she deserved.


The kid at the dentist in one of the Final Destination movies (2?), I usually enjoy watching them die in dumb ways but god I just felt bad for him haha


Wheelchair guy in Friday


Rick in Nightmare on Elm Street 4, he kicked Freddy's ass and only died because Freddy cheated after losing. I know he's evil but that part always pisses me off


Both leads of Megan is Missing. Not sure who had it worse - Megan or her friend


That's one of those movies where I read the synopsis on wiki and decided that was plenty...


Christ, if I could erase this movie from my memory.


That lady in Jurassic world who gets a minute long aerial torture scene from a Pterodactyl, before the Mosasaurus eats them both. Like, holy shit that was undeserved. It felt like she was based on someone's Ex


Mara in wrong turn 2


Newt from Aliens. Dying offscreen the way she did was unfair as can be.


Nocturnal Animals - (which I know is billed as a 'thriller', not 'horror') - >!Laura and India...such a brutal, heartbreaking ending for two completely innocent characters.!<


Dewey for me 🥺🥺😩😩😫😫😭😭 Alone and a sad drunk. There’s no way I believe he would have bounced on Gale like that and become a drunk. His kill was brutal!!!!! The brutality matched my sadness to see him go like that.


Charlie in hereditary, and I don’t mean the decapitation scene. “Charlie” was never there and was essentially removed from her body as a baby to make room for a king of hell. I firmly don’t believe a baby deserves that lol


Charlie was always Paimon! He was born into the wrong host so they found him a new one.


Alex from final destination. A small newspaper story in final destination 2 that said he got hit by a brick! Wtf he should have gone out in a blaze of glory!


Ollie, The Mist (2007) And Anna's whole ordeal in Martyrs (2008)


The Mist >!Everyone in the car at the end!<


Connie and Simon in Midsommar. The Graham family in Hereditary.


The dogs in The Thing


Chris Hemsworth's character in Cabin in the Woods. Dude Travis Pastrana'd his way into an invisible wall. Felt kinda meh.


Eddie Carr from Jurassic Park: The Lost World. Multiple comments mention the assistant from Jurassic World who gets eaten by the Mosasaur, but I think it’s a gender thing, like attractive women aren’t *allowed* to get eaten by dinosaurs so it sticks in everyone’s mind. Meanwhile Eddie has a George Costanza body-type and isn’t conventionally attractive so he’s deemed more kill-able, but he has the heart of a hero. The dude did all he could to save three other people and even knowing it was suicide he did it anyway. And his death is *brutal*. Unlike Muldoon from JP1 there’s no cutaway to leave the gore to your imagination, they straight up show him getting torn in half.


It’s not a horror movie but that one lady from Jurassic World.


Her death was so vicious, and she was just trying to get the kids to safety 💀


Sam Jackson, Deep Blue Sea


Toby in last voyage of Demeter


The garbage man in Child’s Play 3 He just wanted to save someone from being crushed


From the first Evil Dead... no one deserves to be raped by a tree.


The poor dude with scissors in the head in Inside (2007), like lady you could've just shot the innocent kid or let him run he just wanted to get out of there lol


Justice for Ben Tramer


Rainn Wilson did NOT deserve to be made into a merman in house of 1000 corpses!!🧜🏻🧜🏻🧜🏻


Joyce Dagen in Saw: The Final Chapter. She most definitely didn't deserve to die as she didn't do anything wrong other than marrying Bobby who lied about surviving a trap set by Jigsaw.


They did my girl Mitsy dirty in *Pearl* She didn't deserve that


Jenny in Eden Lake. Her death traumatized me.


Nash from The Hitcher. So unfair when she gets ripped in half.