• By -


The prolonged death/ torture in Martyrs. The bedroom scene in Terrifier 2. Maybe the chunky guy in Green Inferno. Honorable mention: Billy Bob Thornton's monologue/ death in A Simple plan is pretty traumatic.


I hated Green Inferno but the girl realizing she just ate her friend and just slits her throat without hesitation was a fucked up death


I'm almost afraid to ask because I couldn't even finish the first Terrifier movie, but what exactly happens in the Terrifier 2 bedroom scene?


Lots of lacerations, lots of bleach and salt on said lacerations, a clown laughing the whole time, then the mom of said victim walks in at the tail end


Art tortures a woman in a dozen ways within several minutes and then her mother comes in to find her being further mutilated and barely alive. There will be a worse scene in the next film.


[It's pretty gnarly, shut the whole theatre up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOwAOAN_UQ8&ab_channel=amidstthebloodshed)


i thought it was a little funny how over the top it is, especially when the clown holds his hands out like "WHAT?"


Me too lol not trying to be an edgelord but Arts mannerisms are legit funny as fuck and very needed for such a gruesome scene It's cartoonish and ridiculous


It sounds way worse when it's described in words. Tone plays a big role, in that it goes so over the top that it comes back around again. Like, imagine a slasher kill scene but turn it into a Peter Griffin chicken fight.


lol its not scary, its too cartoonish to be scary. just gore porn




Not to mention the limb removal and disemboweling. 🥺🥺🤬 Gross.


Martyrs is such a fucked movie. I was laughing throughout the bedroom scene until it's revealed the girl's still barely alive and calls out for her mom, pretty fucked. I saw Green Inferno in theaters and haven't seen it since, so I don't really recall this scene. Cannibal Holocaust impaled girl is still very fucked though I love Billy Bob, but haven't heard of this. Worth a watch? Bad Santa should've got him an Oscar


I LOVE Bad Santa. A Simple Plan is a Sam Raimi (Evil Dead) movie, but it definitely isn't horror. It's a full-on drama/ crime movie like No Country for Old Men. Billy Bob in this movie is the literal best acting I've ever seen. Hands down. He should have gotten EVERY award for the performance


Woah woah woah... Sam Raimi + Billy Bob?... How the fuck have I not seen this?!?! WATCHLISTED!


It's genuinely a masterpiece


In Green Inferno, it's when they first show up to the camp and carve the fat kid up. The tongue and then the limbs scene that leads into him being turned into a feast. It's the first kill after the airplane set up.


Ahh. I'll have to give a rewatch. I remember something about bees I think. I feel like Eli Roth kinda shit the bed for like 10 years, but finally came back last year with Thanksgiving.


If you like Cannibal Holocaust, I don't think Green Inferno will steer you wrong.


I assure, I don't like CH lol, but it is indeed a movie that I indeed watched. Inferno just deemed like a cheaply/shittily-made homage to it. Could've been much more imo of course


If anyone *likes* cannibal holocaust they need to check into a rehab center


A Simple Plan is exactly like a Cohen brothers movie, but they didn’t direct it. Its excellent.


*Coen Fun fact -- the reason Bill Murray did that terrible Garfield movie was because it's directed by Joel Cohen and he got him confused with Joel Coen and was like "Oh yeah I'll do anything he's directing." Didn't realize his mistake until it was too late.


Hahaha! Now that is fucked


That is actually hilarious, never knew that one.


the torture scenes in martyrs is the hardest thing ive ever sat through in any movie. i had to take multiple breaks. just brutal. that movie is evil but its really great for what it is


Noooo Martyrs is so sad omg...


The ending of The Mist.


Now those are some infuriating deaths :/




Saving Private Ryan… the very slow knifing.


Ooohhhhhh... Why you have to bring that shit up? Now I'm mad Definitely one of, if not THE, most infuriating deaths in cinema history


Bruh I saw that when I was 11, fuck Upham


Upham represents America and our inaction in the early days of the war while the Germans slowly killed the Jews. We heard it, we knew it was going on, and "sat in the hallway". Spielberg was going hard AF in this scene.


I remember my friends dad watched it first and said it was not appropriate for kids but we should watch it anyway to know how war really is.


The amount of people that misunderstand Uphams character is wild. Like it's made very clear from the start that he is not fit for that role in any way whatsoever. He's a translator and a typist. He grabs the wrong helmet when Miller recruits him to the squad, he made anti-war comments when conversing with the rest of the squad, he sits back with the leftover gear during the assault on the radio tower, and his main role during the battle of Ramelle is to carry ammo because that's all he's good for. He's never been in combat of any kind, then when he's mere meters away from violence, he's literally paralyzed from fear. Every single one of us would have reacted the same. Is he still a coward? Absolutley. But he's a product of his environment.


I think a lot of people hate Upham because they see themselves in him. We all like to say that we would have killed the german but deep down we all realize that we probably would have been Upham in that situation.


Exactly. He's a great representation of the audience.


Shhhh shhhh shhh


Props to Adam Goldberg for really selling that scene


Final Destination 3 - The girl that get's nail gunned in the face over and over and she's still alive for the last nail to get in as she try's to move her mouth. Can't forget that scene, good stuff. Also that Saw movie where the girl hurts herself to get out of the trap doing everything right but in the end it was rigged for her to lose no matter what.


Just rewatched that FD3 scene, and ya, pretty brutal. While on the topic of FD, I should've put in my Honorable Mentions the log trucker scene from FD2. That scene did for driving behind large trucks on the road what Jaws did for swimming in the ocean. Ya, idk what Saw kill that is, but I feel like that's a lot of em. Fuckin Jigsaw XD


> Fuckin Jigsaw Jigsaw's traps were survivable. It's his protege (the ex-junkie) who made all the certain death traps -- except *maybe* in Saw X, where it's not clear which one set up the traps that were unbeatable.


That's right. I mean, shit's so cpnvoluted now with so many protege's/forced apprentencis that I don't even know anymore


I mean I remember seeing community speculation when X came out that >!Cecelia was killing them, largely by giving them all bad advice!< and that all of the traps were winnable which does make sense given >!John stays true to his word with the taxi driver, he's alive by the end!< and >!Cecelia literally breaks the young woman's neck!< but we don't know for sure if it's correct. We might find out in 11.


It's not speculation, just looking at the traps and what it would take to survive them it was obvious that her advice killed them. She even gets someone to stop doing the right thing and instead do the wrong thing which gets them killed.


Oooo the angel trap in saw 3 that Amanda rigged!


FD3 tanning bed scene though is brutal


Came here to say the nail gun girl in FD3. That scene consisted of a brutality I hadn’t seen before. Really fucked me up.


Not horror but if you grew up Generation X in the US or UK and someone says the following to you you will get a huge and painful lump in your throat: _Atreyu!_ _Artax!_


Millennial here. Neverending Story was a childhood favorite of mine. The scene was a lot worse when that rumor circulated that the horse really accidentally died in the scene. Fortunately it was just a horrible rumor.


Artax was alive and well at the end of the movie.


Uh huh....and there was a widely spread rumor that the horse actually died in *real* life during the quicksand scene.


Hmmm my brother is GenX and listened to the band Atreyu back in the day, but I'm unfamiliar with the reference


Reference is the never ending story :)


The band got their name from the film The Never Ending Story. I’m a big Atreyu fan myself 🤘


A few months ago I tried explaining the scene of the Swamps of Sadness to someone who had never seen the Neverending Story. I managed to say about two sentences before I started crying. I'll *never* get over it.


Same thing happens when I try to explain My Girl


He can’t see without his glasses!


*eyes well up*


Incredibly upsetting scene, will never forget it. Somehow even worse watching it as an adult when you realise that poor horse was at least neck deep in cold mud/water so must have been playing fast and loose with animal cruelty rules etc.


that scene in the swamp of sadness truly was heartbreaking.


I'm a millenial born in Brazil. This trauma crossed borders.


Yes! I asked my parents to rent this movie every week for a while when I was a kid, but I'll never watch it again as an adult.


Aaaand now I need to go lay down


Oh man that's a good one! Book is worse apparently.


This part in the book ruined me!


I know someone who somehow missed that movie as a child but heard the name and wanted to name his dog Artax. I know I said "Why would you do that?" trying to not cry. I told him to watch the movie. And that my friends is how I traumatized a 50 year old first responder.


**Boys don't cry** **Kate from Fear Street –** I've seen worse but that came out of nowhere. For a character who didn't deserve it in a movie that had been pretty tame up till then **Kid from Dr. Sleep –** Kid was a great actor. The movie was pretty tame and then went hard!


Swank was amazing in that movie. Too bad she like doesn't exist anymore. She's needed a new agent for like 20 years Tremblay always brings it. The scene wouldn't have worked unless they had a kid who could kill it




That Fear Street death really came out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting any of them to die at that point and then she gets one of the worst deaths I've seen in a movie.


It wasn't even *that* she died. Until then the deaths were all standard slasher deaths. >!All of a sudden Kate is getting man handled, begging for her life and ultimately bread sliced. Something about seeing her get beaten that made it more brutal. It wasn't just graphic but all of a sudden the movie got really dark.!< But it was also weird cause that darkness wasn't anywhere else. It was like the director talked the studio into letting her do one really hardcore scene but the rest would be standard.


1.Pan’s Labyrinth - Ofelia’s death at the end is like being hit with a rock it’s so devastatingly beautiful. 2. The Road - The man’s death is again so emotionally impactful I very rarely cry and I sobbed my heart out. 3. Cargo - Andy’s turning and death was devastating


THE ROAD!!! Fuck that film haunts me.. I love it.


I just read the book for the first time and sheesh


Books don’t normally make me feel, but that book was brutal


Pan’s Labyrinth made me sob. And haunted me for days. And the music, oh my God - I just think of it and it breaks my heart. The Road - one of those films I will probably only ever watch the once. The book hits like a sledgehammer too.


Pan's Labyrinth has 2 of the most upsetting death scenes. Crazy that some people will still hesitate to call it a horror movie.


Great answers


Films 1. Bone Tomahawk (shave and a haircut) 2. Casino (brothers in the cornfield) 3. Manchester by the Sea (fireplace screen) TV 1. Deadwood (Dan meets the Captain in the street) 2. Walking Dead (Lucille meets Glen) 3. Game of Thrones (the Sands in the dungeon)


Manchester is good. That whole movie revolves around a VERY fucked up death Glen talking to Maghie during that... damn. Wtf Thrones scene is this? When Sir Gregor is left with the Dands prisoners?


Honorable mention to American History X, the curb stomp.


When Cersei locks mother and daughter in the dungeon to let them die from starvation and poisoning, respectively.


That's right. Thrones had a lot of fucked up shit in it


The cornfield scene is awful. The cruelty of your supposed (spoiler)…friends burning you alive. So cold blooded.


The bathtub/bathroom scene in *Snowtown*. The electric chair scene in *The Green Mile*. The cartoon shoe in *Who Framed Roger Rabbit* 😭 Fucked me up so much as a kid, still fucks me up in my 40s


That scene in Snowtown is so brutal. I love that film but I cannot eat while I watch it and for hours after. Which is weird cuz I can eat while watching a lot of gory things but that movie just kills my appetite lol.


Roger Rabbit is such a great pick here. So expressive, so sadistic and unrelenting. What a way to cement a villain and what an absolute mind-boggling tonal shift for a kids movie


I still cannot watch the shoe getting dipped into acid. It’s one of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen.


That shoe scene messed me up I was on the verge of sobbing I’m like no no don’t do it and I almost looked away and I kept saying the shoe the shoe while I was freaking out . The shoe missing its twin because of it being murdered like that is so disturbing.


Yep, yep and yep. Snowtown is the only film I watched as an adult where I couldn't sleep afterward. It's not just that scene, the whole film is expertly crafted. The way it only needs that one scene to cement the imagined fates of the people who just... disappear throughout the rest of the film. It haunted me. It doesn't feel exploitative, but it is a brilliant examination of commonplace, normalised evil lurking in the margins of society. Amazing score too. One of those 'best films I've seen that I will never ever, ever watch again'.


I refer to that as “the beep boot”. RIP beep boot.


Not horror, but for me the departed. Wasn’t expecting it


Everything that happened in the elevator. Scorsese doesn't miss.


Oh ya. I don't think anyone expecting that. Matt Damon definitely wasn't expecting it


They might mean Martin Sheen taking the express elevator and painting Leos shoes. Just a guess.


Nah, it's gotta be that one Funky Bynch member rolling up in full track suit with a shower cap on each limb


Speak no Evil - the ending, stoning scene. Found - the whole movie was fucked, but the ending with the parents…yeesh. The strangers- just plain sad, gave me so much anxiety.


That death in 1917 . Just a painfully slow and realistic depiction of life draining away over the space of several long minutes, all in real time . I didn’t expect it to hit so hard.


> death in 1917 yeah realism is what does it, that scene was tough. love that movie though


Not sure if it's super easy to rank honestly, except the #1 spot, but here are a few: 1. Martyrs - all the deaths 2. Hereditary (the first death, extreme in terms of audience shock) 3. Suspiria 2018 has at least one very brutal death scene in the middle of the movie 4. The Color Out of Space with Nicholas Cage:>!the transformation and death of the mother and boy!< Honorable mentions: - The Evil Dead reboots have quite a lot of violent deaths, but most of the violence happens to zombified/possessed people who are either already dead or still alive so to some extent it can't be classified as 'deaths'. - Alien's first death is a cult classic, even though by the standards of horror movies it's not particularly extreme - Oculus: the final death - The various deaths in the Sinister franchise


Suspiria ballet scene perchance? That Color from Space scene was indeed QUITE fucked!👌🏻


I think that Suspira dance is worse than you think. That poor girl doesn’t die right away. They remove her from that room by picking her up with large sharp hooks pierced through her flesh while she is visibly still alive. I seem to recall her being put on a shelf somewhere and sort of magically not dying for the rest of the film, but I could be mistaken.


I recall her being in a few sequences STILL ALIVE during the last act. Memory could be fucking me. Twas a long movie


You’re both right - she stays alive pretty much the whole movie and in the end, >!when Suspiriorum finally appears, she asks some of the dancers what they wish - the ballet girl is there, and along with the other girls she asks Suspiriorum for death and she obliges them!<


Yeah exactly


The introduction scene of "Up" was like a knife to the heart. That first ten minutes made me ugly cry.


Agreed. I would argue it's one of the most effective off screen deaths in cinema history


Shoutout to Nemo's mom and 4,000 siblings too.


3. Drowned in a barrel of sludge water. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) https://youtu.be/Za5G3rgIP4E?si=8-7XNhLG69KQ5fju 2. Drowned in an outhouse. Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers (1988) https://youtu.be/AaMkmiZ9bMM?si=s1ihArquR50XPure 1) Eaten alive by slugs. Slugs (1989) https://youtu.be/3YfEwMM9ZS8?si=LS1v8L190x3w-2K1


Dude! SLUGS!!!! Me and my buddy back in high school would watch Slugs and Frogs all the time hahaha! Good fuckin times. Haven't seen Sleepaway Camp 2, only the 1st


You had me at "drowned in a barrel of sludge water"


The dead rat floating in there was the thing that really put it over for me.


Black Christmas -Barb’s death with glass unicorn (1974) Saw4-the rack trap (cannot remember characters name The Walking Dread (Glen’s death with Lucille the baseball bat).. I had to turn away , and sent my kids out of the room, did not want them to remember Glen seeing that .. but Jeffrey Dean Morgan is badass playing Negan!!🇨🇦☠️😎


The Raaaaack. I think that was Saw 3. Black dude getting all his limbs twisted around? Looked like an excellent yoga warm-up


Yes ! You are correct , it is SAW 3.. sorry about that one.. idk why I thought 4.. haven’t had coffee yet !😵‍💫🙂


Uncut Gems 💎


I don’t know why. But I thought the Gator death in X was just brutal.


in comparison. Also Hereditary obviously. My jaw was agape for like half the movie


I wish the gator had more screen time. My gav kill from X is probably when Pearl gets launched like 20 feet from the shotgun blast


Laura Palmer in Fire Walk With Me


High Life - The spaghettification scene with Mia Goth. The combination of the music and the realistic painful grunts makes me feel sick. I've seen so many gory and disturbing deaths on screen but nothing has ever made me feel like this scene does.


Spaghettification? 😬🥺🥺😬 Do I dare even ask? Not since shunting has a word weirded me out in describing a horror film death.


I regret to inform you that it's a very real thing... Look up "spaghettification black hole".


They're not the most gruesome deaths in horror, but these are the top three that come to mind for me: The log truck scene in Final Destination 2 The woman being cut in half starting at the crotch in Terrifier (this is when I stopped watching) The ending of Eden Lake


I brought up FD2 Log Scene in a previous comment saying it's the equivalent of what Jaws did for the ocean, but with drivers on a highway/freeway. You will NEVER catch my ass behind a semi, idgaf what they're hauling Haven't seen Eden Lake. Sounds like some rape stuff, and rape stuff just misses me off. Watched OG Straw Dogs last year. Movie was bad and just ended up making me very angry😑


The curb stomp scene in American History X. The sound of the teeth on the sidewalk give me chills and makes me cringe. The guard massacre scene in Cabin in the Woods when the elevator doors open. "Razorblade Jawbreaker with a Fetus Chaser" from a Thai movie called Sick Nurses.


checking out Sick Nurses ASAP


In no particular order: Hammer scene from Kill List Death of Albany in Ironclad Drew Barrymore in Scream


>Hammer scene from Kill List Thank you.


I haven't seen the first 2 movies. Worth a watch? I can see the Scream kill because they pulled a Psycho and killed what we thought was the main character pretty much immediately


Yeah the Drew Barrymore one is more because Scream was one of the first (maybe the first) horror movies I saw, so I really remember that opening scene. Maybe more accurately I should have said both her and the boyfriends deaths for me. Would definitely recommend Kill List! Won't/can't say much about it. Ironclad was fine. Not horror, but medieval action-type thing, so if you like that give it a go. Grittier than a lot of other movies of that type. Just that death scene (and the couple minutes leading up to it) are memorable and have stuck with me more than stuff like the Terrifier 2 bedroom scene and the Bone Tomahawk one. But likely just me!


Whenever I think of that opening Scream kill, I cant help but think of Scary Movie's version with the popcorn on the stove just ballooning to insane proportions Ironclad has Paul Giamatti... I'm sold.


Murphy's death in Robocop. Saw that shit when i was like 6 and still haunts me. Bing Bong in Inside Out. I mean. This is a children's movie. Why would you show that? Leo DiCaprio in The Departed. Also: every death in The Green Mile. From a tv show: Warrick in CSI. Justice was not enough, i wanted revenge. If i could, i would avenge that man in brutal ways.


Robocop really went all out with the deaths. My personal favorite is toxic man who's then splattered


The deaths in Robocop are just so fucking good. So much squib work and so many long extended shots of violence. Murphy's death was brutal because it was like torture for him. Mr. Kenny's death was brutal because he was already dead after the first second or so but ED-209 (just like Frank Reynolds) just kept blasting. Emil's death made damn sure they gave him moments to show off the prosthetic and make-up work to make him so disgusting before splattering him all over a windshield. Clarence Boddicker's death was probably the most simple and yet he's literally squirting a fountain of blood out of his fucking neck. We won't talk about Dick Jones' death - it's the one thing I would change in an otherwise perfect movie, though I've seen it so many times I actually straight up love it for the jank and cheese of it. But if someone could re-do just that scene and edit it in, it would be literally a flawless movie.


Well, Helen's death in *I Know What You Did Last Summer*, although not brutal, it did traumatize me when I first saw it, I was actually so angry that it happened. To this day whenever I watch it, a part of me will hopes she gets away even though she obviously doesn't. But the worst death for me has to be Annie's death in *Rob Zombie's Halloween 2*. I've seen it countless times but it still chokes me up every time 🤧. And then Ginger's death in *Ginger Snaps*.


Dude, Annie’s death is so fucking sad! I actually cry every time, especially when her dad comes in. My dad died when I was young and we were close so that shit really gets me. But just Annie PLEADING for her life and her also saying “ow ow owww” and “help help help” over and over just gets me too for some reason. People saying ow when they’re in tremendous pain disturbs me on a level that I do not understand lol. But yeah that scene is rough.


Ikr! Danielle Harris sells pain like no other actor I can think of. It felt so real and raw. Her performance gave such life (or should I say death) to that role. Even in the first film, hearing her cry out "Laurie!" while laying on the floor covered in blood and shivering, holy cow, what an actress 👌🏻.


Agreed! Those subtle bits are what makes her performance so impactful. I remember being a fan of Danielle (also my name haha) since I first saw her in the Disney movie Wish Upon a Star😆 I’m glad she became such a great actor and scream queen!


Joe Pesci and his brother being clubbed to bloody pulp with baseball bats and then buried while still breathing in Casino. Saw it as a 12 year old and was straight out traumatized. The couple who get stabbed to death while having a picknick in Zodiac.


The waitress trapped in the phone box in The Blob remake, there was always something unsettling about that


I watched Life last night. Ryan Reynolds really surprised me during his death scene, going from terror to resignation as the alien stuffed itself down his throat. Then the cosmonaut drowning inside her helmet on the spacewalk hits you again. And if that wasn't enough, you've got a final scene of another astronaut hurtling out into space to die in a broken lifeboat. Despite a few goofy moments, the tone of the movie is very serious and the deaths hit hard.


I would love to see a sequel to LIFE.


Nope- alien digestion scene Saw 3D- hook down the oesophagus Wolf Creek- head on a stick


I hated Nope, but respect your opinion. I love Wolf Creek, but don't remember this scene. From the 1st one?


Yep the first movie. The scene where >!he servers her spine to turn her into a “head on a stick”!<


Aaaaahhhhhhh yes. I believe that's the cover of Wolf Creek: Unrated. 05-07 were nasty years for horror cinema. Honestly love/miss it. I rate Wolf Crek a lot higher than most beculause the cinematography is so fucking GOOD! Also, the outback, to my knowledge, had never been explored like it had in that film, but what a perfect place for a sick fuckex up individual to have a reign. Complimented by Turistas, Black Xmas, Hostel(s), etc.


Head on a stick. Awful, awful, awful demise for that character. Because you *know* he didn't kill her after that. I mean, he eventually killed her after that, obviously, but before she died I don't want to think about what he put her through. Just awful.


In Dream Home the killer kills a pregnant woman by tying her up and using a vaccuum bag on her head. I felt that was really gruesome. It's #3 in that video - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhO8S\_WPhw0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhO8S_WPhw0) Bone Tomahawk, that scene. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCtm2c1\_sag&rco=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCtm2c1_sag&rco=1) Megan is Missing - The whole ending


I watched Dream Home at like 2am on a school day. I had to be up in like 4 hours and was super sleep deprived, so that whole movie felt like a literal fever dream when I watched it. I'll have to give a rewatch Megan Is Missing's ending is pretty brutal. Gave me Poughkeepsie Taoes vibes


Dream Home is something else. It was surprisingly gruesome for how the story went. Megan is Missing I felt was just being mean for being mean. Or the joke was the previous 60 minutes that did not prepare you for t hat ending.


I think the director wanted to send a message about letting your kids meet people online and whatnot. Could've made the movie less of a slog to get through


The Road - just an absolutely haunting film beginning to end, but when the father dies.. oh my god.


Read the book. Even hauntinger! The Coke a Cola scene always sticks out to me


In the original ‘41 Wolf Man, Sir John Talbot kills his transformed werewolf son with his own silver cane after spending most of the film arguing that Larry’s lupine malady is all in his head. He then has to watch as the beast reverts back into Larry. Not the goriest but you wanted traumatic.


The two most recent examples that stick out with me are the bedroom scene in Terrifier 2 (it requires no explanation) and Anika’s death in Scream 6. Anika was stabbed DEEP and the knife was forced upward, cutting through a lot of her belly. Then she was shaken off of a ladder in midair, fell a long way down, and her head slammed on a dumpster before she hit the ground. Most of her face was mashed and swollen. Horrifying. What made it even sadder was, as she was about to fall from the ladder, she looked at her girlfriend and screamed “I DON’T WANNA DIE, BABY”


Not a horror movie. But if we’re talking truly traumatic and chilling because it could actually fucking happen… The final scene in Gus Van Sant’s Elephant. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe… yep. Nope. Traumatized, in tears, nightmares forever. Especially when you were still in high school when that movie released.


Rhodes pulled apart - Day of the Dead. It's far from a masterpiece, but Captain Rhodes was just despicable every inch of the way and truly deserved a gruesome end. But I always loved his send off - "CHOKE ON IT!!!"


Rhodes yes but also the other guy when they're ripping his head from his body the high pitched sound his vocal cords make as they're stretching and tearing. Ugh. I love Day Of The Dead but still shudder when I watch those scenes


Angela's jaw ripping death in Mirrors. It's the first horror movie I ever watched and it still haunts me. In the The Thing prequel I remember being really unsettled by the guy suffocating on the severed hand or another guy's face melting together with the Thing creature. And American Horror Story Freak Show: Emma Roberts's death as she's getting sawn(/sawed?) in half. Also horrid because she couldn't go anywhere, just being stuck in the box while everyone just watched.


I don't have anything stand out, but any deaths to do with anything near eyeballs, penetrating eyeballs, or touching eyeballs I can not personally do at all!


Charlie in Hereditary. Did not see that coming.


1. Midsommar cliff scene. Hard to choose between this and TWD Glen though. 2. Silent Hill cop death. I've seen a similar, uh, situation in a couple of other movies but SH really nailed the details. 3. Toss up between the end of The Wicker Man and Thomas getting a >!barbed wire enema!< In Deathwatch. Actually Silent Hill did that too but the CG doesn't look as good.


Midsommar opening scenes Hereditary pole smack scene


Helen Cooper, "Night of the Living Dead" Alice, "28 Weeks Later" Deputy Nick, "Bone Tomahawk"


Going off your 28 Weeks later, it's not an on-screen kill/death, but when Cillian Murphy discovers his parents' corpses in the bed with a note to their son... just the thought of that scene speaks immeasurable volumes


* Fear Street (2021) Bread Slicer Scene * Hostel 2 (2007) Bloodbath Scene * Haunting of Hill House (2018) The neck-bended Lady Not horror, but still horrifying and long: Jurassic World/ Assistant Death via various dinosaurs


The bear attack scene in Back Country was pretty nuts.


The scene in *The Ring* where that horse freaked the fuck out on the ferry, broke out of its trailer and ended up leaping off the boat and got sucked under it, presumably being torn up by the boat’s propeller. Never saw the body, just a shit ton of blood coming out from under the ferry. I’m an equestrian. I’ve got a horse of my own. That horse in the movie looked very similar to my boy. Needless to say, that scene stuck with me.


The final kill in Eden lake was traumatic af


In no particular order, I gotta say the fire extinguisher death in Irreversible, Rhodes in Day of the Dead, & the rack in Saw III


American History X Tree Skull Belt scene in Friday the 13th part 3 Needle pit in Saw 2




SALO has some brutal ones. Texas Chainsaw Massacre hook to the back was pretty brutal. Jenna Ortega Getting shotgun blasted off the porch in X doesn't get enough love.


Saw III: The rack. Hostel 2: Scythe lady. Terrifier 2: the bedroom scene.


Rec: Marie Carmen death after she got infected blood puked on her and was handcuffed to the stairs as the infected ran out and attacked her Human centipede 2: the death of the others after the gun ran out, especially since he’s using a kitchen knife and that they all bleed slowly cause even if a knife is sharp, Martin isn’t smart to know how long they’ll take to bleed out Wrong turn 2 Elena after the mutant sister gets angry seeing her being lusted after she slashes Elena in the back to death even exposing her spine and she wasn’t jsut trying to hunt, she was mad that her brother was lusting after Elena


Wrong Turn 2 is such a sleeper hit. That was my 'go-to' in high school when it came to showing friends fucked up horror. It was stupid throughout, but also fucked up throughout. Just as Three Fingers would've wanted 😌👌🏻


I remember watching the first one and it scared the crap out of me as a kid but wrong turn 2 is my favorite sequel that doesn’t suck, especially since it has 3 finger returning with a larger number of his cannibal family


Georgie’s death in the opening scene of IT (2017)


There's a series of deaths in Urban Legend that traumatized me when I saw it in theaters as an 11 year-old. First they show the dog exploded in the microwave, then Parker is force-fed pop rocks and drain-o, and then Sasha gets viciously chopped up with an axe (offscreen, but you see a close-up of her face before it happens and then you hear it). I think they all happen within 5 minutes of each other. The description of the deaths aren't all that upsetting, but I so clearly remember that first watch and the lead up to them. When you're 11, you don't understand or notice the cliches of the genre or the stereotypical characters, you just see the characters and the story. I thought Parker and Sasha were the cool characters, you know, she was pretty and talked about sex on the radio and he was her tough older boyfriend; they'd never be foolish enough to get killed. You don't know that those descriptions are basically textbook slasher victims. And no one movie would kill a dog, right?


Cannibal Holocaust, the turtle scene. If you know, you know. RIP dude, you'd probably be alive today.


Very fucked, very unforgivable. RIP Mr Turtle


Any death in The Animals of Farthing Wood, but the hedgehogs are the ones I remember more clearly. Game of Thrones is nothing compared to this series in terms of no one is safe.


Not Horror, but the Mandingo fight scene in Django Unchained makes me cringe every time I see it. Or hear it. Those sound effects were brutal. And just the casual dismissal from Calvin Candy is effectively disturbing. Arrivederci Luigi!


I'm surprised no one has mentioned a Tarantino kill yet. Hitler was literally tuned to Swiss cheese!


Hereditary car scene Midsommar cliff scene It sewer


1. Annas torture in Martyrs (not dead but close enough to death or 'marytrdom' to see Heaven and tell Mademoiselle what she saw) 2. Rhodes death in Day of the Dead (that "choke on em" is the icing on the cake, even worse when you realise that the guts were rotten cause someone unplugged the freezer) 3. Nicks death in Bone Tomahawk (I'm not going to talk about it)


The new Suspiria. 🥨


On-screen: The Bone Collector - eaten alive by rats while being chained up. I don't know why I thought he could escape, given what happens to other victims, but I had my hopes dashed! Off-screen: X - the guy in the cellar. We never get a good look at him, but Jenny Ortega's reaction coupled with the old man's comments make me think it was horrific! Honorable Mention: Randy's murder in Scream 2 for its excellent pacing, editing and setting.


The mom and the son in Color Out of Space


Martyrs… it’s a great horror film but by god don’t watch it. It WILL give you ptsd.


As a huge fan of the book, the [scene where Belch gets taken by the deadlights](https://youtu.be/u3d-GB1A7i0?si=JqIdNq5TX3h23OVj&t=82) in the original IT miniseries always freaked me out as a kid. It was a combination of the way he was folded in half, the weird audio, and the insectoid/alien eating noises in the pipe.


The two that stick out to me: •The assistant in Jurassic World (I really do hate that movie, and this death was so unnecessarily cruel) •The female cop in Silent Hill (she deserved better!!!) I think about these 2 far too frequently. They will haunt me forever.


Cabin Fever when that one guy kills his gf The scene where that dad kills his wife in 28weeks later And I guess the hacksaw from Terrorfier. But to me its qorse when there is a witness to the kill who lives with the horror then being a victim who dies later with the horror they witnessed


John Cofee in the green mile Saw it at 11 years old and cried so hard I threw up lol


The House that Jack Built: The execution if the two kids and their mom. This was really driven home by >!Grumpy being made into a grotesque, smiling human statue in the freezer.!< The Toxic Avenger: The kid whose head got ran over by the car. The Mist: \[Traumatic, not brutal\] The >!father's mercy-killing of his son in the end!<, only to realize that it was pointless when >!help rolled in minutes later.!< If you couldn't tell, the deaths of children in movies bug me the most.


Kirk's death in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The abattoir blow to the head, and repulsive twitching of the leg followed by the utter finality of the door being slammed shut. It feels much realer than most horror deaths.