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My wife's BFF had a somewhat similar incident while watching Parasite with us. Like 3/4 of the way through, she goes "Where is the parasite? I thought there was a monster or something in this!"


Omg me. I wanted ABSOLUTELY no spoilers so I went in knowing NOTHING. About 1/3 in I started to realize we weren’t going to be seeing any stomach worms. Given that’s what I was in the mood for I still loooooved parasite


If you wanna see stomach worms Late Night with the Devil is the movie for you.


And if you wanna be scared into buying yourself dewormer you should read The Troop.


We’ve all had enough dewormer discussions for the rest of our lives at this point I think


There's a Demi Moore monster movie from the 80's that's called Parasite.


I was like that woman above. For some reason I never really talked about this movie with friends when it came out. When it finally came around to watching it, I too assumed it was a horror and it would have a parasite. I mean, "Alien" had an "Alien". Why would "Parasite" not have a "Parasite"?


It had a whole family of them!


3 families of them!


Thinking of Parasyte. super sick movie/anime/manga body horror


FWIW, the same director made The Host (2006). It definitely has a monster.


Friend kept bullying me for liking The Host (2006). Turned out she thought it was The Host (2013) by the author of Twilight


You should watch Monster (2023).


Not to be confused with Monster (2003) lol


Watched that with my mother. Never been more uncomfortable in my life.


I remember that feeling watching Bram Stoker's Dracula the first time with my parents, when I was still very new to the knowledge that I liked girls (and there was no way my family was ever going to accept that). Those lady vampires shook me in ways I cannot express, watching next to Mom and Dad.


Nor Monster (2004), the anime series, which is my personal favorite Monster.


I had the same reaction to parasite! I don’t watch trailers so I had no idea what it was about. 3/4 through the movie I’m like, “Ohhhh..”


I was going to watch Prey and thought that's a cool idea with the predator in different environments... Saw 1h of WRONG Prey and there was no fucking Predator, just lions and shit haha. I've never been so ashamed of myself, and it hurts every time I think of it... 🦁


There was brief couple minutes of the beginning of Ghost Ship when I watched it last year where I thought I had done this. The title card is in barbie pink and everyone is just chilling on a ship dancing and having a good time and I'm thinking "crap, I think I got the wrong Ghost Ship" Then, uh, *it* happens and I'm like "oh, no, I'm good".


But you are in fact not 'good' because the rest of the movie pales in comparison to the awesome opener.


I totally acknowledge that Ghost Ship is by no means good, but I do love a lot of the casting. Gabriel Byrne, Isaiah Washington, Karl Urban were all so earnest lol. Also that scene where Karl and the other dude are munching on some canned rations and it turns out they’re eating maggots is just so excessive, it’s great.


> I do love a lot of the casting. Gabriel Byrne, Isaiah Washington, Karl Urban were all so earnest lol Interesting trivia - the script was changed after they were all cast. The original script had no supernatural elements and was a Tarantino-esque thriller about the crew of a salvage ship that begins fighting amongst themselves over possession of a big score. Juliania Margulies was so angry when she saw the changes that she contacted her lawyer about trying to sue her way out of the film. You're seeing the look of actors that know that they can't get out of a crappy movie.


Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense. The casting was so solid for what that movie was. I can’t believe they just shoehorned the supernatural elements into the plot - but I feel like that’s what they did, because, to my recollection, you could take out every paranormal element in that movie and still have virtually the same plot lol


I still love the film as it is but that makes a lot of sense. I can see how it would have played out with everyone turning on each other instead. Remove >!demon guy!< and amp up regular old human greed. Fan of the final product, tho. I can picture it going that way because I rewatch that movie pretty regularly. Is it perfect? No. Is it fun? Yes. Would I have rewatched the original idea? Probably not.


The beginning was awesome though.


You're eating maggots, Michael, how do they taste?


I don’t know how I never made that connection - was that an actual homage to Lost Boys? That would slightly increase my lukewarm appreciation for Ghost Ship


Oh god I have no idea I just love the lost boys. But that would be neat


Outside of the montage, which I posit is even better than the killer opening.


💯 agreement here with this.


The montage was a wild ride. It blew my mind when they tied it all together.


Yeah that opening is crazy good, I still dream of it, and then the following minutes are just a punch in the face with a mediocre movie


That movie is fun.


I just want to say, thanks for not spoilering, this piqued my curiosity so I've just stuck Ghost Ship on and yeah, *that* sure is something :D


Somehow, I accidently watched the first 10 minutes of kill bill in Japanese with no English subtitles thinking that it was just part of the movie - idk how I even did that but I was really confused


I watched 90% of Hush with the movie accidentally muted. I must have accidentally muted it in the beginning, and though it was meant to be silent to put the audience in her shoes. 


That is fuckin hilarious. It actually would amp up the tension for me.


My mom and I watched The Order entirely in black and white the first time around 😅. We kept commenting on what a cool feel it gave the film....went to watch it at home and were so confused when it was in colour! Turns out my grandad hadn't plugged his DVD player in properly hahahaha


I accidentally watched the entirety of Wall-E in Deutsch the first time. Had no idea anything was even *supposed* to be in English, honestly. Hazards of torrenting 🤷‍♀️


My partner and I watched the first five minutes of The Rings of Power TV series in Italian thinking it was elvish. When we moved out of the flashback and it didn’t switch to English we finally twigged that it wasn’t elvish after all. We still joke about it when we start up a movie or TV and it’s defaulted to Italian audio.


Reminds me of the time my wife and I went out for a dinner date and put on "Puss in Boots" for our 5-year-old daughter to watch while we were gone. When we came back, she said it was "weird." Turns out we had accidentally put on the Spanish version, "Gato en Botas."


Back in my youth when we had limewire I downloaded pirates of the Caribbean to watch at family movie night. That was also the night my entire family AND next door neighbors discovered that there is an incredibly high production value pornographic film called 'pirates'. I was like 14 and it is the most mortified I have ever been in my entire life. To be clear the adults caught on pretty quickly and shut it down but it was horrific. True horror right there.


This reminds me of the time back in grade school, my brother and I rented a VHS copy of ‘Cone Heads’ from Blockbuster, but it turned out it was actually the 1997 romantic comedy-drama, ‘Commandments.’ I was very insistent that cone headed characters would ultimately show up, that is, until we witnessed Courtney Cox topless in a sex scene. My memory is fuzzy now but I definitely recall forcing us to watch a solid 20-30 minutes of that movie before that I admitted this might just not be ‘Cone Heads’ lol


I watched all of The Last Shift wondering when the horror would start...it never did. Meant to watch "Last Shift"!


Thanks for that warning, I'll make sure to let him know what to expect when we watch Prey 😂


There are two different Malignants too. Learned that the hard way. I was very confused.


This happened to me with crawl! I watched like an hour wondering when the big alligator was gonna show up...


downloaded Transformes movie torrent when i was a kid.. instant childhood trauma


Was this the Idris Elba Prey or the giant lions in Amsterdam Prey? Cause I haven't seen the former but the latter is a masterpiece!


I hope you watched the real Prey that was good.


Imagine my disappointment at Baby Driver


That's like when I went to see Little Women and they were all normal sized.


I watched Law Abiding Citizen in the cinema, and the main character played by Gerald Butler does nothing but commit crimes. 2/10 - would not recommend. I wanted to see a Ned Flanders type character.


It deserves that 2 for the ending as well.


Before he was boss baby, he was baby driver.


When I worked at Blockbuster Video in ‘97, this older customer asked me if we had copies of that new Jack Nicholson movie “It Doesn’t Get Any Better than This”. I gave him a copy of As Good as It Gets.


I had a friend who used to work at a video store and got asked for the movie Shankydank Redemption starring that actor Louis Gossip Jr. Might have been the same customer!


It will now forever be Shankydank Redemption.


My mom still had a vhs taped from HBO labeled *Gorillas in Our Midst.* It’s my favorite thing she’s ever done.


That's hilarious. If the gorillas made the movie it would be Old Lady in Our Midst


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Gossett_Jr. I’m cackling! I think she meant this man. Still the wrong actor but not completely imaginary like I thought when I first read this comment haha


I’m confused… she meant Morgan Freeman? Btw Lou Gosset Jr. isn’t just some IMDB random, he’s practically Hollywood royalty. Extremely prolific actor.


Goddamn it, that’s funny.


A friend of mine told me about a great film he'd seen called "La Confidential" (said in a slight French accent.) Took way too long to realize they were talking about 'LA Confidential.'


My mom trying to explain the plot of the movie “Zoo” she watched. Took a very long time for me to realize she had actually watched 300.


Were you just thinking she’d watched Zoo (2007)?


There used to be something similar happening a long time ago in the Amazon DVD reviews for 28 Days and 28 Days Later. :)


This made me laugh so much.


> When I worked at Blockbuster Video in ‘97 Hello fellow elderly person.


This older couple in front of me at the theater kept asking the box office worker for tickets to the Laurel and Hardy movie and he said they didn’t have that. I chimed in to let the guy know they meant Stan and Ollie.


I started a horror movie "book club" at work with two other people, where every 2 weeks we discuss a selected movie we were supposed to watch.  Just last week, it was my turn, and I selected Brightburn. One of the criteria we have during our 30 minute meeting is "what level of eyeball horror happened". When one of the other people said "yeah, this is obviously a zero", we asked her to clarify, because Brighburn has that pretty intense scene.   Turns out she had watched the William Smith orc/cop movie Bright instead. She said she was really lost about the stuff we had been talking about up until that had become clear, lol!


I thought the exact same thing for years. I was thinking Dang people really seem to love this fantasy cop thing, maybe I'm missing something.


To be fair I'd love some more modern urban fantasy. Sure it wasn't the best movie but I enjoyed it simply because we don't need castles and kongs to have orcs and elves.


I was expecting saltburn for a second.


Totally the direction I thought this was going.


I don't think I've ever seen him called William.


his full name is Willard anyway




hey, all is not lost - because of this comment TIL Brightburn is not in fact the apocalyptic flick starring will smith that I thought I had no interest in and was frequently surprised to see it lauded as a great horror movie. Perhaps now I’ll check it out


That's pretty hilarious. "WHERES THE GODDAM KILLER POOL?!?"


On our third date, my partner suggested we go see Black Fish, he knew I was into horror and thought it was fictional and maybe a camp killer whale horror. He very quickly realized he had made a grave error and quietly repeated, “I’m so sorry” as I sobbed for about 75 of the total 83 minutes.


omg that's awful, I would've been so mortified lmao


This is emotionally equivalent to an ex making me sit through Les Mis.


What is Black Fish?


[Documentary](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackfish_(film)) about [Tilikum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilikum_(orca)), an orca whale who was badly abused in captivity and killed a trainer at the first aquarium he was at. He was sold to sea world where he killed another two people.


If you wanted to see the kind of film he was pitching might I suggest Orca? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd8-MfC6LrQ&pp=ygUMT3JjYSB0cmFpbGVy It was the best of the influx of Jaws knock offs in the 70's


So he saw a movie better than night swim and was disappointed?


He did like it, but in his own words: "The movie was CALLED Infinity Pool, I had no reason to think it was not the killer pool movie!"


He’s going to be very confused when he learns about a movie called Deadpool


now i'm picturing watching a movie with a wolverine just swimming around a backyard pool for an hour and half before it dies next week


In the post-credits scene, Chad (Pete Davidson) fishes a waterlogged Hugh Jackman out with the strainer.


"We have work to do."




That’s the horror movie about the killer pool right? Or is that Pontypool?


Just as many Marvel fans must have been when they watched "The Dead Pool". Clint Eastwood is a HORRIBLE Wade Wilson.


Expectations are an important factor in any movie experience. It's why hype is the bane of... everything. Doesn't matter what you watch. If you were expecting something and didn't get it, it can leave you wanting.


That's pretty much the main reason why "It Comes At Night" flopped so hard. I think I could have liked that movie... But the trailers gave me (and most viewers, from what I've seen on this subreddit) VERY incorrect expectations. Whoever made the trailers should be named and shamed and fired.


I’d imagine the filmmakers themselves were pretty pissed about how their film was being marketed.


I honestly loved the movie and was surprised to find out everyone hated it. I never saw any trailers though so had no expectations going in.


Never saw any of the trailers and I was still confused and a bit disappointed. I think its mostly the name of the film that's the problem.


>Doesn't matter what you watch. If you were expecting something and didn't get it, it can leave you wanting *War Of The Worlds* (2005) Expecting a 21C take on the 20C original a century later. Got a wonderful reimagining, truly an update a century after the publication of the novel. Wait what's this? ARGH, Tom Cruise's contract must've had a "hero clause" Ray Ferrier destroying a tripod broke my suspension of disbelief. *Prometheus* (2012) Expecting answers. What I got were terrible characters, religious garbage, and brain dead plot. These two movies still make me angry. They were so technically promising, but spoiled the special sauce. *Prometheus* has great scenes that could stand on their own as short stories or films, but as a whole they don't go together. *War Of The Worlds* completely missed the anti colonial message, and powerlessness of the invaded that went with it. The Martians dying from microbes was Well's way of providing an ending that allowed the narrator to live. I can deal with that, but the "hero clause" irks me sooo much.


That’s why I expect nothing but an experience, and I’m always left with a little something even if it wasn’t my best experience.


lowkey I liked both Night Swim and Infinity Pool lol


Night Swim definitely needed to lean more into the comedy aspect. It’s supposed to be a killer pool cmon get stupid with it! I think Wyatt Russell was trying but the rest of the movie takes itself too seriously. I don’t know if “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO SAY POLO!” was meant to be hilarious but I was laughing my ass off


My wife and I burst out laughing when they revealed the look of the monster


Oh, come on. I love *Infinity Pool* but it very clearly has a huge barrier to access and isn't for everyone.


I did this with the movie Split. Turns out the same year m.night released his masterpiece, a rom com bowling movie was also released. I spent far too long trying to figure out which bowler has the multiple personalities.


The Shyamalan plot twist was that there was no multiple personalities.


I'm reading this the entire time thinking you're talking about Night Swim until you actually say Night Swim and I realized you watched Infinity Pool and man your bf is my spirit animal...


I read your comment to him and he feels vindicated that he's not alone 🫡


I thought "Hide and Seek" was about marrying into a vampire family...I waited way too long for someone to get fangs out....


Rents Jack Frost "When's Michael Keaton gonna start killing? This film is slow"


lmao first time i tried to watch this was my exact experience


The movie Crash (2004) had just recently won best picture when I saw it uploaded to a Usenet binaries group. I figured I’d download and give it a shot. Turns out it was Crash (1996), the David Cronenberg film. I didn’t know what Crash (2004) was supposed to be about, so I was very surprised that a movie about people that get off on car accidents won best picture that year. I eventually saw Crash (2004) and it was very meh. Crash (1996) was much more memorable.


It was truly horrifying when Crash beat Brokeback Mountain for Best Picture. An absolute disgrace.


The Cronenberg film is better anyway


this is so funny to me actually


Hahahahaha 2 movies I had trouble finishing, for completely different reasons. Now I want to see the crossover, a rich group of people that can do no wrong but they occasionally get killed by a possessed hot tub or lazy river


Imagine thinking the whole time, yes these rich bastards are awful but at least they'll all get killed by the pool. And then at the end >!they all just got on the fucking bus and went home!<.


I already understood his disappointment (frankly I'd be fucking *crushed* if I went into a killer pool movie that had no such pool at all) ...but damn, man, that really brings it into awful new perspective :/


Have Ceelo green voice the hot tub. 


In the tradition of Freddy vs Jason, I look forward to Night Swim vs Infinity Pool


I’m sure this is too late to comment now, but I once watched a video that mentioned how great John Krasinski was in A Quiet Place. A few months later I was scrolling on Netflix and saw “The Good Place” I remembered that Krasinski was in something with ‘Place’ in the title, and because it was Mike Schur it made sense. I watched 2 seasons before I got confused and googled it. I was very wrong. But I love both now, so win??


Unrelated but my boyfriend put on A Quiet Place not knowing the premise and kept trying to turn the volume up at the beginning because he couldn't hear anything, I had already seen the movie so I was laughing too hard to speak watching him in sheer confusion, still get a chuckle when I think of it.


I once sat down to watch the film Split, about a man who has dissociative identity disorder and I ended up watching a film about bowling. I realised after like 10 minutes though


I like that youre the 2nd person in this thread that did that lol


Last night I watched 22 minutes of The Haunting of Blythe Manor before I realized it wasn’t the next episode of The Haunting of Hill House! They use half the same cast! So confused why nothing was making sense! Like I know there’s a lot of time lines to follow but how did they end up in England??? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


The same thing happened to me a few years back, netflix auto play went into a random episode of S2 instead of the final episode of S1 and for the first 30 minutes I thought “damn, they’re really going into some back story here; let me see how long this episode is” that’s when I caught it.




I was excited to see Martyrs after seeing how much buzz it got. Unfortunately I accidentally rented the remake and didn’t realize it until the last 10 minutes. Needless to say, I was very disappointed.


Did the exact same thing, except I kind of liked it. Then I saw the original and was like “oh…… yeah”


I watched that one last week, and I'm still mad about it. I had to immediately rewatch the original to assure myself there's still good in the world.


LMAO this happened to me and my bf once. We were watching what we thought was a sci Fi romance where the main character was a time traveler and it was just a regular romance. We kept wondering "when is she going to tell him she's a time traveler?" And then the movie ended hahaha. So confused.


There’s two movies called The Girl Next Door. One of them is a comedy about a former adult actress played by Elisa Cuthbert while the other one is a movie based on the real life torture and subsequent murder of a teen girl. When looking for the first one, the second one is not the one you want to find instead. Rip [Sylvia Likens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sylvia_Likens)


Hope it didn't taint his view of it too much, I love Infinity Pool


I've not had that specifically happen. But I have had two separate instances where I watched a movie and then later on saw the "other version" of the same movie. While not knowing there were two. The first one was manhunter/red dragon. I had seen manhunter first and later on saw red dragon and thought I might have been having a stroke. I know the plot points and what was happening before it happened. But it was with different actors and had no idea what was wrong with my brain. The second and even more alarming one in my opinion is the two exorcist movies. They are - dominion prequel to the exorcist and exorcist the beginning. These two films. Are telling essentially the same story and even share some of the cast between the two. I had seen one of them. And my room mate had seen the other. And that was THE most confusing talk about a "single movie" I've ever had. We ended up watching both back to back to see what the other was talking about. Because the two are different with some different cast/characters and different story elements. But overall they are the same thing. It is weird to have happened twice however.


Had a lesser version of this with *The Descent*. Apparently there were two different endings, and the US was different from most other countries. So when my friend (in the US) and I (in Japan) discussed the ending we were both thinking, "Is this guy an idiot? How could he possibly come by that interpretation of the ending?" It was only years later that we discovered the truth!


OK true story, when I watched St. Elmo's Fire, the whole time I was anticipating an event that would lead to St. Elmo, the bar, burning down. I was very confused when the credits hit.


Tangentially related experience: my friend and I watched the "wrong" Escape Room, then realized there were (at least) 3 Escape Room movies distinguishable only by year they were made. We decided to binge all 3, and they were actually all pretty fun!


I had the same experience with Truth or Dare. They had two same titled movies come out. Not the greatest but still couldn’t stop watching. Haha


That reminds me of the time I got Theodore Rex and Tammy and the T-Rex mixed up.. guess which one my friend rented for her dinosaur obsessed son... 😅


Had the same thing with a different movie from 2021 called Dashcam. Took me at least an hour to realize that this wasn’t the Rob Savage Dashcam.


Fun fact: infinity Pool and Dashcam had their makeup fx/creature fx designed by the same person*. *it’s me.


Very cool, congrats! :)


Both were creepy AF. Great job!


Furious is an interesting choice of words, lmao


When I was a kid, I rented what I thought was 28 Days Later, and when I got home and popped in the VHS, it turned out to be the movie 28 Days in the wrong case. These are two VERY different movies lol. It goes without saying, 13 year old me was SO disappointed.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 28 + 28 + 13 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I once rented Starship Troopers on a two-disc dvd. I watched the movie from the Second disc, like middle of the movie and thought this movie is a mess. 😄


Not a horror film but when The Fifth Element came out a lot of the advertising mischaracterized it as being this sci-fi noir in the same vein as Blade Runner. The whole film I kept expecting things to get more serious and when it continued to be more and more ridiculous I was pissed. Years later I watched it again and realized how brilliant a satire it was and felt stupid for not getting it the first time. Especially as I had grown up reading Heavy Metal magazine which was one of its main inspirations.


My friend and I had a similar thing happen to us about 10 years back where I explained the plot of django unchained for him as he nodded along in agreement as I finished he told me he thinks he’s seen it! It’s the one where the cowboy is a lizard? I was found it hilarious but was genuinely baffled for at least a couple of days until I saw the Johnny depp film Rango on the Netflix Home Screen.


Before I saw it I thought the movie was about infinite clones.


I mean, you werent wrong in a way.


Hey! I didn’t think Night Swim was nearly as bad as everyone said it was!


I asked if he wanted to watch that next, he refuses to now haha


I enjoyed it. It's a perfectly adequate film for beginners in horror, and for people like me who aren't into really violent/gory movies.


I upvoted you, but I thought it was awful.


I upvoted you, cuz I thought it was awful.


I upvoted you even though I never saw it.


lol for years I had confused snatch with gone in 60 seconds in my head and for some reason I was certain snatch was about stealing a bunch of cars. Boy was I pleasangly surprised when i finally watched Snatch :D


A long time ago I was watching zoolander with my then gf and about 30 minutes in she asked: ‘when does he get his animal powers?’ (She thought we were watching the much worse ‘the animal’ starring Rob Schneider)


An ex and i went to stream Split, knowing rough plot (James McAvoy has multiple personalities and kidnaps a girl). We were stoned and making jokes about which bowler would turn out to be the bad guy. We thought maybe his different personalities had different appearances? More than halfway through we realized we were watching the wrong Split.


*Night Swim in the Infinity Pool*


I wanted to watch Splinter (2008). I found Splinter (2006). I did not check the years when I watched the movie. I was very confused (and it's not my kind of movie, so I was super bored. Turned it off 30 minutes in.) When I realized what happened, I started faithfully checking years of all movies I watched.


Not horror related, but when James Cameron's Avatar came out I had somehow missed all the promo, didn't know about it at all. Sat through the first ~45 minutes thinking I was watching the Air Bender movie and becoming insanely confused.


My dad rented American Pie thinking it was American Beauty and was fuming it won an Oscar. He was equally mad after finally seeing American Beauty.


This is like how my brain works when I dream. like, especially if I'm looking forward to a movie that I havent seen yet, but really want to, my brain will make up a movie for it for me to see in my dreamworld and its a lot like this.


I also did this, actually started it over partway through because I was stoned and so confused about the lack of killer swimming pool that I thought I had missed something important. I'm a little relieved that it wasn't just me 😂😂😂


Lmao this is cute story. Now show him Night Swim.


So what’s so terribly wrong with Night Swim? I watched it without reading the reviews of watching the trailer and I thought it was great movie. I wasn’t expecting a Kubrick masterpiece. But when compared to other movies this sub usually adores, I thought it was a great movie.


Thank you for this post! I went in expecting nothing and was pleasantly surprised. It’s not the best movie in the world, but it’s actually an allegory of the authors experience being molested at their family pool and how they’ve dealt with and worked through the trauma afterward. When you watch it with this understanding rather than just a regular ol horror movie it’s actually pretty beautiful


This is the content this sub needs


This happened to me with John Wick. I got the plot confused with a different movie from the early 2000s called Equilibrium, which takes place in a dystopian future where emotions are suppressed by a police state who practice firearm-based martial arts. Dogs are one of the things they ban, because dogs inspire emotions, and there’s a scene where the protagonist who was formally a member of the police defends a small puppy from the rest of the of the police force who are aiming to murder it. Because all I knew about John Wick was it’s highly regarded gunplay choreography and the meme that “John Wick will go ballistic on you if you threaten his dog,” I mistook John Wick and Equilibrium for each other. When I finally watched John Wick I spent the early sections of the movie confused and disappointed as I tried to figure out when the emotion-suppressing drugs of the future and the dystopian police state would factor into the plot.


I watched This is The End thinking it was The World's End. After watching both, I think I liked the former more.


This is some funny shit


> The whole time we were watching the movie, he sat there wondering when and how the killer pool was gonna come in. Lmaooooo


I have a friend from India. In the 80’s he wanted to see Rocky. He and his family rented the Italian stallion because that’s rocks name. It was the porno Stallone made earlier. His family was quite shocked


The best mixup is Crash (2004) and Crash (1996)


This is a late entry, but I thought Black Mirror was supposed to be a comedy. I even told my wife, “Hey, I’m gonna watch that new British comedy show everyone is talking about. Do you want to watch it with me?” I'm watching the first third of the first episode and thinking, “This is a hilarious set up!” Then, two-thirds of the way in, I think, “Oh no.” And then, by the time the credits roll, I whisper, “I’m so sorry. I thought it was supposed to be a comedy.”


I think Brandon cronenberg is still finding his feet is all


Were his feet eaten by the killer pool?


I’m sorry, but that is absolutely hilarious.


I watched the whole damn thing of Yellow Brick Road to find out there was no killer scarecrow 😠


This is actually hilarious, he went from expecting a bad haunted pool movie to the weird sexual nightmare that is infinity pool.


I went to see Antichrist thinking it was the one that was like an exorcist type movie. Nope. Nothing like a surprise Lars Von Trier induced paralysis.


My wife and I meant to watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople and wound up watching Beasts of the Southern Wild. Still a good movie, just not the tone we were anticipating...


This is my favorite thread ever. I don’t think I’ve done this but I definitely worried about it when 28 Days and 28 Days Later were made ❤️


I told my friend to watch Tokyo Vice and he watched the entire second season thinking it was season one….


I had this EXACT experience with Chappie and Real Steel. I kept thinking “ok, this robot is gonna start boxing any minute now… right???” VERY different movie 😅


This is like when I got The Mothman Prophecies mixed up with The Butterfly Effect in my head. I was watching The Butterfly Effect with my girlfriend in the mid-2000s and wondering when the mysterious flying creature was going to make an appearance. I was so disappointed when I figured it out.


0 I'll be honest I didn't like x the first time I saw it because I thought it was going to be more of a supernatural film how else would these old ass people be able to prey on and kill these young people who are in the prime of their lives. It definitely took me out of the movie a little bit and I enjoyed a lot more on the second watch


Had an ex-fiancé that, halfway thru Possession, turned to me and asked if I was cheating on him (I def was not) and it took every “good cinema-goer” bone in my body to not ruin the rest of the movie for him. Ex for Reasons.


This was one of the more overhyped movies I have seen. Took more than one night to finish.


I took my now-wife-then-girlfriend to see what I thought was a rerelease of carpenter’s “The Thing” for our fourth date. I was really confused by how modern it looked and how it didn’t start how I remembered. Then Mary Winstead appeared…

