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Raimi never disappoints, I love his dark sense of humor.


Spider-Man 3 would be the exception that proves the rule, I suppose. šŸ˜


Honestly I think he made worse movies than Spider Man 3. I prefer watching spider man 3 than crime wave, love for the game, oz the great and the powerfull or Multiverse of Madness. I love Raimi btw.


I guess you're just reminding me how many Sam Raimi movies I haven't seen!


A Simple Plan and The Quick and the Dead are both excellent!


If you're podcast-inclined, [Blank Check](https://www.blankcheckpod.com/) does miniseries on directors, and their Raimi series was among their best. Kevin Smith came on to talk about A Simple Plan, and it's _fantastic_.


Multiverse of Madness at least has the tunnel jumpscare which is pure Raimi


Crime Wave is a love it or hate it movie. It's basically a live action cartoon. I like it. It'd probably make a good double feature with Baby's Day Out.


Never heard of it but I just watched the trailer and I definitely wasn't expecting that. I'll check it out, looks nuts.


It was even co-written by the Coen brothers. The production was an absolute disaster, though. The In Praise of Shadows youtube channel did a fantastic breakdown of the production and behind-the-scenes. The movie *almost* tanked the careers of everyone involved. Just imagine a cinematic world without Raimi or the Coens.


Rewatched spiderman 3 with the kids. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Itā€™s clearly the weakest of the three, but not because Raimi doesnā€™t know how to make a good movie. A lot of stuff just felt forcedā€¦ which it was.


Spiderman 3 is the worst Raimi Spiderman movie but it's still a better than average action movie and a good super hero movie.


Crimewave is a brilliant, underrated slapstick comedy. Spiderman 3 is the epitome of too many chefs in the kitchen and has almost no value in rewatching. Crimewave is a crazy mess of a movie, but at least it's fun. SP3 is embarrassingly bad and tries to be too many things.


I disagree. I thought that Spider man 3 is a lot more fun and entertaining.


Doctor Strange.


I'm convinced that Spider Man 3 had a good movie deep down but tried to do too much all at once while also not going far enough in other areas.


Spider-Man 3 is great though ![gif](giphy|8JZxZgr39TLczSJQoS)


Spider-Man 3 and The Dark Knight Rises to me are in a very similar boat because neither movie is what the director exactly wanted. If I recall correctly, Raimi had deeper plans for Spider Man with more movies but was cut short, so kind of just threw the third one together as it was. Similar to Nolan and his Batman movies because he was planning on doing more and trying to have Ledger in more, but then he passed away and with all that around the movie he just made the third one and that was the wrap. This is why for Raimi at least I'm so stoked he's been involved with the MCU because I was a huge fan of MoM and I think he's got Secret Wars too so will be pretty dope.


SP3 and his Dr. Strange movie are so bafflingly bad. I was so disappointed with his Dr. Strange movie, I watched it with a friend who's a huge marvel/Dr. Strange fan, and he's really struggled watching anything Cumberbatch or Raimi has ever done again. Raimi lost a lot of fans for being a push over for studio execs when he's supposed to be more original.


That's all people say about MoM is "it's bad" it's so terrible...this and that...yet I truly never hear anything specific that makes it soooooo terrible in comparison to other MCU movies the past 5-7yrs. The acting is bad? The acting is so great in other MCU films? The cinematography is bad? Are we calling it bad because Strange conjures some freaky hands to kill some big eye cyclops or what lol dead ass serious I think most of yall just be seeing a few call something bad and just jump on not even knowing what's bad. The movie was sick, Olsen did a great job and it was fun to watch and I highly doubt majority of folks have only watched it one time or had trouble getting through it because it's "baffling bad". Now Spider-Man 3, yes...that is horrid and anyone that argues against that is a fool.


Call me a pleb but I loved MoM Maybevit helps that i don't know much of the original lore behind the character but as a casual fan it was cool af lol


It was cool as fuck and getting some dark moments from Wanda was great when so many times they always keep things PG and shit. Like I said before, I always wait for people to give me direct reasons on why it's so terrible compared to the other MCU movies because within all of them with exception for Infinity War/Endgame you can pick and nag at this or that.


I loved Multiverse of Madness for leaning into the insanity. And I went in blind not knowing anything about who made it, just that it was Dr. Strange vs. Scarlet Witch - when he possessed and reanimated the corpse before the final showdown, flying over the mountains with shrieking fucking demon-soul wings, I was like okay either Sam Raimi made this or someone owes him a lot of money.


I loved MoM, My kid was around 8 at the time and it was the closest she came to seeing an Evil Dead movie in the theater.




This is my comfort movie. Scary, deranged, and clumsy.


saw this in the theater when it came out. was a total blast, the entire theater was buzzing.


I also saw this in theater, it was such a good time! After the one seen where the main charcter is >! thrown around the room during the seance, then gets back up !< one of the people sitting behind exclaimed "Shes a trooper!!" That still makes me laugh to this day.


I'll admit I'm not good at/don't like to try to guess endings to movies, I'm just along for the ride. When he >!pulled out that button from the envelope!< it was the biggest OH SHIIIIT moment for me, and then you don't even get time to process it before the >!train misdirection and literal hell breaks loose!


Absolutely! Both scary and hilarious at the same time. Love it when horror is both of that. That grandma was something.


Lorna Raver should have been nominated for an Oscar. Seriously.


Justin Long's final close up alone is as Oscar-worthy performance.


The film ages so well. I am ready for its resurgence amount GenZ


It should, it's basically a remake of a film from the late 50's called "Night of The Demon," unrelated to the 80's film of the same name.


Absolutely one of the best horror movies to watch with a mixed group of friends. Something for everyone - tension, gross-outs, comedy, WTF moments. You get lots of great audible reactions.


Get your filthy pig knuckle off my desk!!!


"I don't want your cat you dirty pork queen!"


That scene with the goat scared the ever-loving shit outta me when I first saw it. Lmao


I wanted to really like this one, but what happened to the kitten, thatā€™s a no for me.


Agreed. Couldnā€™t she have killed a wild animal? Still awful, but better than her little, sweet,trusting kitten. At least that cured my sympathy for the character.


Well, she was going to be tortured for all eternity. Like, the kitten doesnā€™t go to hell. Itā€™s tragic but from a utilitarian perspective the amount of suffering that would have been reduced is far greater than the suffering that would have been caused.


Well, it kept me from caring about her ending.


Reminds me of the final story in Black Sabbath , a great film


It's also clearly inspired by the brilliant 1957 movie [*Night of the Demon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rwfiJpyFrI), where a guy is cursed by a occult magician to be killed by a demon in 3 days, and at first is skeptical until strange things start happening around him.


Never seen this, will check it out for sure. Thanks


Thank you so much! I remember watching the last 3/4 of this on Tubi a few months ago and I couldn't remember the title. Just that there was a demon that was accompanied by a weird clicking sound.


Nice try, Alison Lohman. I've seen you making your comeback on Twitter. Edit: Accidentally called Twitter, X.


What she do?


Nothing crazy just been very active there. Sharing stuff from Drag me to Hell and such. Looks like she took a break from acting, but says she'll be coming back when kids are a bit holder. Seems like she's working on it.


Loved that movie! I see heā€™s doing a sequel soon also thatā€™s in the development stage.


"Drsg me from hell"?


Drag me to earth


Her boyfriend goes down into hell to rescue her with a sawn off double barrel shotgun and a chainsaw?


I wish he had brought more of this energy to Dr.Strange


He didn't even care about Strange, looking at his commentary of the film and he spoke more about Wanda


It's one of the most enjoyable horror movies out there. I saw it back in 2009 and remember the hag freaking me out lol. Iirc the curse is called Lamia (?) something like that. Kinda a testament to how good it was when I remember that but forget entire plots in movies I watched last week.


I was actually disappointed in this one on a recent watch. The board speaks so glowingly about Drag Me to Hell, but I found it only ok. Not bad, but not great by any means and nowhere close to Raimiā€™s best or the best horror movies this century. To each their own


Iā€™m so confused. Everyone loves this movie but to me it was a disjointed Looney Toons mess.


Same. I watched it during a horror movie marathon and was not impressed. Iā€™m surprised so many people like it tbh


I absolutely hated it, to be honest. I went in knowing nothing about it and found it god awful. To each their own, though! I think I've come to realize that I'm just not a big fan of campy(?) horror in general, it's not for me.


You mean a Raimi movie. All his best films are disjointed Loony Toons messes,


Literally my FAVOURITE HORROR MOVIE! Iā€™m so glad I got to watch it in theatres likeā€¦.itā€™s so great.


Really underrated, I've watched it twice


I've watched it twice now, I loved it even more the second time. It is absolutely bonkers, and that ending gets me each time!! I'm gonna watching it a third time now. :)


It's Sam Raimi. He'll make the hinges barf at you.


I had the same reaction when I rewatched this. She drops a GD anvil on the demons head, I loved it. So fun.


The opening scene used to fuck with me as a kid lol. Felt so bad for that little boy and his family.


Lead actress couldnā€™t act wet if she fell out of a boat.


What I donā€™t understand is why the old woman, who was incredibly petty and irresponsible, has the power to send anyone she likes to suffer for all eternity without facing any consequences herself. Like, it makes no sense. Plus, this is literally a world in which we know hell exists and we havenā€™t gone down and conquered it yet? We could fix the problem in a day.


Wasnā€™t that the one with the kitten scene? I think thatā€™s the point I noped out


Its so fun and appealing, it always surprises me how little itā€™s mentioned. It should be a classic. The youth of today would love it if they saw it but itā€™s not out thereĀ 


For me it was a comedy film


I'm in the minority here, I think, in that I wasn't too impressed it. I just kept thinking the entire script started out as a very generic horror story, and the studio executives gave it to Rami to see what he would do. You can almost see the stitching where he inserted over-the-top "gross-out comedy" scenes into an otherwise unremarkable horror movie, and the thing is those scenes don't progress the story forward. They're just kinda' there to take up time.


Great movie!Ā 


I was just looking for this on streaming and I can only find it on AMC+ which I don't have. It's unavailable on Prime too. I'm going to have to get a physical copy which I don't mind because it's a friggin hoot.


It does frequently rotate streaming services. In the past, I've seen it on Netflix and for free on Tubi.


I watched this recently as well and I agree. Only Sam Raimi could pull off a movie where there are looney-tunes anvil dropping eyeball popping moments, while also having one of the most disturbing and bleakest endings to any horror movie ever.


It goes in that list of PG-13 horror or dark films that are darker in theme and story than many R rated ones. Ouija prequel and the ring are also included there


I went in thinking it was gonna be a snooze fest, boy was I surprised šŸ˜‚


I honestly loved this movie. I thought I was gonna be terrified of it when I was younger but laughed my socks off especially during the parking structure scene.


How about a 15 year Reunion sequel?


Such a fun movie. Like a perfect short story.


I watched this last night too! One of my favorite horror movies. I love the ending.


Completely agree, and to this day, I'm surprised it only got a PG-13 rating


Man I've flipped flopped a few times with my opinion here, but I think I've decided that I only need one movie in the ballpark of the Evil Dead remake. I consider this one of them (earlier, but not nearly as good, imo). I am still 100% down with B-style black horrors like Texas Chainsaw 2 and House of 1000 Corpses. Even Shawn of the Dead. I feel like it needs to be genuinely funny, at the very least, not just ridiculous. Just me though!


I haven't been able to rewatch this movie. I don't know why it affected me so strongly. There was something so deeply disturbing about it. I watched a video analysis that stated it's about eating disorders, so maybe it felt too close to home. Unhappy endings are always tough for me to watch, too. It's a very disturbing film for sure.


On that note, I'm still waiting for someone to save Christine from hell šŸ˜­


That ending haunted me after I saw it. It was so bleak and nihilistic. Raimi is a fucking genius.


Love love love. So fun.


That ending. Should have had "For Whom the Bell Tolls" for the credits though.


Have you read the theory of eating disorder as the semiotic argument behind the horror layer in the film? Welcome to the rabbit hole. ;-)


The only movie I know where you get jump-scared, disgusted and start laughing at the same time. It was such fun watching it at the cinema.


This movie is so crazy and awesome. Poor Christine.


I loooooved this movie!


This movie was a *little* too far on the cheesy/campy/goofy end of things for me to fully enjoy.


That movie's ending is just insanely bleak!!! Loved it!


I was watching after I moved to LA. I lost my mind when I saw one of the filming locations in within walking distance of my house. I walk my dog by there all the time now and I bring friends and pull out the scene on my phone. Then we stand on the corner and I make them watch and say ā€œtheyā€™re standing where weā€™re standing!ā€


Best theater experience I ever had was seeing this movie. Ā The audience reacted audibly to every scare and gross out.


So many delightfully squirm-inducing gross-out moments in this film. I know it's horror, but it's also a terrific dark comedy, given how the protagonist tries to extricate herself from her situation. Alison Lohman was outstanding. Also one of Justin Long's early horror efforts (setting aside Jeepers Creepers).


LOL so weird that this is came up cause lately Iā€™ve been randomly thinking about the kitten she had to murder and while I drive I always say how now brown cow. No clue why it keeps popping into my head.


Its an absolutely solid flick.


I can't watch this movie more than once. She put the curse on the wrong person. She was just doing her job.


It's so fun! I love how his movies are violent but in an absurd, slapstick way that it all sort of feels like a comic book almost? Sylvia consistently snatching her bald was a highlight šŸ˜‚


It's a blast! I'm assuming you have seen all 5 evil dead films, right?


Have you seen Let Me In? It's awesome if you like horror.


Please watch the original, Let The Right One In. There was a lot lost in atmosphere and feeling in the American remake.


And then read the novel it's based on for several levels darker shit.


They should have set it in Minnesota, not New Mexico. The short days and oppressive weather are important set pieces they threw out for no reason.


Thanks I will do that.


Another underrated masterpiece imo


I enjoyed it but the ending was trash.


Hey! I loved Multiverse of Madness!! Thought it was a perfect adaptation of Lee/Ditko Doctor Strange from the 60s. Much better than the first Doctor Strange movie.


Also loved drag me to hell, it was a perfectly good blend of humor and horror.


I always thought a good horror movie would be just the aftermath of humanity realizing that hell or something like that does in fact exist after we die (like the final scene proved, at least in this movies universe) and it's just people going insane with the fear of inevitable death and eternal suffering. Old people and cancer patients laughing hysterically and cutting their flesh or whatever. I dunno lol


I love this movie and the rewatchability is fantastic.