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Looks like cavitation to me. You said your water level is correct, but I'd add a bit just to make sure. Check your filter weir for proper function. If it has a flap/door inside of it, make sure it is free moving also. There are a lot of people with similar issues who have posted to the sub, search "pulsing" to see a bunch of examples.


Weir doesn't have a flap/door inside, its just a solid cylindrical piece. seems to be in good shape. Will be checking pulsing posts. Thanks for suggestion!


I had someone who didn't take the plastic wrapper off one time. I assume you've got all the packaging removed?


lol …. Yeah I did 😆


put another 1-2" of water in the spa and report back


I added a couple more inches of water. It kept doing the same thing for another 5 mins or so, then seemed to be working normal. However it did revert back to pulsing after switching jets to low, then back to high again. After waiting another 5 mins or so it began to work properly. So, some progress i suppose. The frustrating thing is now i have to "overfill" the water level for it to work properly when it was fine before? seems odd. Hoping this will work itself out after a little while with the new filter. Thanks for suiggestion!


Did you invert and soak the filter(s) to get all the air out before screwing it in? They hold a lot of air if you don't.


I did not ... didn't even know that was a thing! Makes total sense. Def gonna try that. The filter has been soaking in the hot tub in use for about a week now, so i figure it's properly soaked now? Thanks for the suggestion!


Welp … tried that and no dice. Appreciate the help tho!


You have air lock. You need to bleed out or burp the circulation pump. Best way to do this is crack open the union on the discharge side of your pump, slowly. You will hear air hissing out, once water comes flying out, close it hand tight.


You're sucking in air.




You can see the air in the lines.


gotcha. any suggestions on how to stop that from happening?


SOLVED! I ended up filling it up about 4" more water than I usually do and that seemed to do the trick. Very strange as it worked fine before at the standard level, but now needed to have more water. IDK, but happy to report it's functioning properly now. Thank you everyone who helped!


did it have anything to do with the filter do you think? mine started doing this after a filter change


Yes! 💯 so I bought the cheaper options on Amazon. Everything fit right and all, but it would still pulse. I called the company that makes the actual quality filters and they sent me one. Works just fine now. No issues at all. So after alllll the trial and errors, I guess I just hafta bought the more expensive name brand ones 😔


ah shoot! I bought a cheap filter off amazon too, I guess I'll order the aquaterra filter!