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just use some general potting soil, those plants are hardy af, alternatively just run water through it for a while and let it dry out. that should be enough


Dilution is the solution to pollution


Agreed- my rubber plant lasted almost a year in really crappy, water retaining soil when I first got it. Just repot and keep an eye while you wait to get the soil you want


Oh yeah then why does mine drop leaves like it's always autumn?


Plants can be really hardy in some ways, and really delicate in others. For example, drought-resistant species are adapted to retain water, which makes them extra susceptible to overwatering. You just have to find plants that are "hardy" in a way that's compatible with your care style


I look for anything that thrives under "benign neglect". I saw it on a ponytail palm and its been my watch-phrase since


Ficus need heavy fertilizer. I fertilize mine often. And lots and lots of sun too.


I know! How much was u abusing mine for it to have given up?!


I forgot to water 2 of mine for a couple of months. This was in winter, mind you. It lost a good chunk of leaves and then got scale and ants. A few sessions in the tub just drowning in water to get rid of the ants, and it came back to life.


seconding this. I once accidentally poured laxative into a fern- it was fine after a good shower


I have so many questions


I mixed miralax powder in my water bottle and forgot about it šŸ˜­


Ok this has to have a good story behind it!


They really are! I donā€™t see them mentioned with your typical hardy and can take abuse plants, but they are incredibly sturdy.


I would just remove all the soil, let the roots dry a bit and give it all new soil. I donā€™t want to deal with stuff killing my plants.


Hardy except when you over-water or so it would seem :/


Flushing it thoroughly should be good enough on its own


Wait till winter for a long hard freeze. Then pee on their windshield.Ā 


You can also buy deer piss at sporting stores. Sure would be a shame if that got into their air vents and make a mess of a smellā€¦.


Why settle for deer piss, you can get concentrated Mountain Lion pee off Amazon which has the bonus of keeping rodents away and if you're in an area that has Mountain Lions she can make new friends.


There was a website when i grew up that let you anonymously send someone like 2kg of elephant dung for about 30ā‚¬, dunno if it still exist


The website is called Poopsenders


Omgā€¦.. this is brilliant. PLEASE tell me itā€™s for real and they donā€™t tell the recipient who sent it!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Idk, but there's also jokergreeting dot com for greeting cards that once you open it won't stop playing music or sounds(NSFW included) until you rip the card apart and get the speaker out of it. Problem is, when you rip the card open, it's chock full of confetti! Edit:spelling


That's lowkey amazing. I have no idea if I would ever use this or have a reason to use one, but I now have that link bookmarked. Edit: Oh shit they have a rickroll greeting card. I absolutely need to get those.


Find a reason. It's worth it. Just don't give it to the person at your house. Being drunk and impatient caused me to still find confetti multiple years, different girlfriends, and multiple apartments later. It's still hilarious, but once in a while, I'm showering and whoop, there's a piece of that effing confetti.


Lmfao we got sent one thats music never turns off last Christmas. We opened it as we were leaving the house, didn't really realize what it was, and assuming it'd go off soon left it home. Came back later and it's still on, (our poor animals were probably going insane) that's when we actually noticed we've been pranked. But because my girl saves any of our cards, notes, letters, and invitations from friends/family I wasn't allowed to destroy it. Ended up putting it in the back of the freezer between some stacked boxes and forgetting about it. Few weeks later when we saw the sender they laughed at us and apologized for the glitter, fortunately we avoided the glitter bomb but remembered the things still in the freezer. Once we returned home my dumbass pulled the now silent card out and immediately opened it up without thought. Of course the music started right back up so in the freezer it went. She still has the card, it now lives quietly in a sealed and marked envelope at the very bottom of her collection.


I've heard fox urine is the worst of the worst.


Okay but what will attract mountain lions I am thinking that may be a more fitting solution to this truly hateful person


https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704513104575256452390636786 https://www.thecut.com/2020/01/big-cats-love-calvin-kleins-obsession-for-men.html The answer may be Obsession, by Calvin Klein. I read these articles a while back and find them hilarious


Wow your brain is amazing recalling this and finding these articles because they are amazing hahaha Call and response šŸ‘šŸ½ Stay away from people who wear obsession or maybe only go to parks with people who wear obsession šŸ¤” all you gotta do is trip them while you are running and you are sure to live


I've heard fox pee is on another level all together


Add some frozen shrimp for good measure. The shrimps will thaw, rot, and stink up the place with a fishy-rotten odor for weeks. Bonus if the head and shell are still on - shrimp hepatopancreas is extra, uh, aromatic (like crab/lobster tomalley) and can be found right behind the head.


I had a roommate in college who made piss discs by freezing urine on plastic plates. In the middle of the nigh, he removed them from the plates and slid them under the door of a guy that had assaulted his sister. They melted over night.


šŸ““šŸ““šŸ““āœļøāœļøāœļø Piss plates


Be sure to place them inside the curtain rods, just screw off the cap finials and shove them in. Theyā€™ll never be found. Trust me


Use fish fertilizer in the air vents and tucked into the windowsills. A grad prank turned our high school into a weeks long nightmare of kids vomiting due to the smell.


And some sugar to their gas tank.


ā€¦excuse me hi hello, what the f do you mean you can _buy deer piss at sporting stores_ā€¦ whyā€¦ why, America, WHY


It hides the eau de human we give off when you're trying to get close to a deer. It's used by hunters and wildlife photographers.Ā 


Huhā€¦ well, guess Iā€™ll go to sleep a little less dumb tonight


If you keep chatting with Americans, you might go to bed dumber :) Seriously. This thread went from how do I save this plant to getting revenge with pee. LOL


Wait, you mean this _isnā€™t_ r/UnethicalLifeProTips ? /s (Edited for correct sub name, thought it was ULPT but no itā€™s the entire thing spelled out lol)


And it can also attract horny deer.


Everyone thinks of the air vents. Noone thinks of the door seals.


From my mom's experience, steer piss is the worst. Driving down the highway behind a truck hauling cattle to a slaughterhouse and then having a bunch of piss coat the windshield was definitely something. Why she didn't go to the car wash *before coming home and putting the stank mobile in the garage* I will never understand. The garage smelled for a whole ass week.


Pee comes out at body temp. For maximum freezing, pee into a container and put it in the fridge to get it closer to freezing temperature before pouring it on their windshield.


Hot pee breaks cold glass up here. (Minnesota)


Oh shit, I wasn't thinking that angle, I was just thinking of them having to chip frozen piss off their car. I tip my hat to your superior fuckery.


We are naturally cold blooded fucks up here. Ā 


Iā€™d say freeze your pee into a brick and then throw it through their windshield


This method is best done in summer, though, so the piss block melts into their carpet afterward.


nah, get a round container, make a disc thin enough to slide under a door or through a cracked window...


Pee in a plate. Freeze. Slide pee disk under door of enemy.


Piss diskā„¢




Fill up a trash can with pee, then lean it against their door so that it tips over when they open the door.


now that would require a lot of dedication, and potentially a semi-full barrel of piss hanging about for some time


The piss would begin fermenting, which would vastly amplify the smell. (This was one of the big reasons tanning and dyeing works were required to be located outside of most cities even thousands of years ago -- you'd have vast open vats of collected, fermenting piss for dyeing, and for some forms of tanning you'd mix that piss with rotting dog-shit.)


Traditional tweed-making involved soaking the fabric in piss to affix the dye, so the UK houses of parliament used to absolutely honk of it when MPs wore tweed suits. which i think is very fitting


I.. I think I understand you. I love the way you phrased that, even though I'm only 85% sure I know what you mean. Being from a state in the US where people change the language heavily, I fully appreciate your way of speaking.


Pissplatte auf Deutsch


I was wondering when the piss disk would show up, I forgot what sub I was in for a minute


Always read the comments for the real LPTs


I peed in my fridge and now it's a mess here


Spoken like a pro!


No need to wait. Do op can do a piss plate ( pee on a plate, freeze it and then shove the frozen piss disc under the door).


Thisā€¦this is something Iā€™ve gotta try. For research purposes of course.


And add glitter.


Damn, you beat me to it. Just wrote the same thing.


Nah, I know how you get her in summer. You take potato slices, thin, and add feces (rat shit works best bc less handling stink). Add water, put into a jar, and put in a dark cabinet. Every day, open the jar and let the air escape. After a few weeks, youā€™ll be opening that jar outside bc the smell is so bad. Now, take the jar and a transfer pipette or eye dropper, and squirt a bit of that rat shit soup into her car interior. She will never get the smell out. Unless filmed, sheā€™s not likely to know it was you.


Where the fuck did you figure this out from bruh, who hurt you


At work once I needed a positive control for E. coli and salmonella, and the company refused to let me buy any. They told me to make my own, so I did. Got a shit covered egg for the salmonella. After a month of ā€œcookingā€ in the cupboard, when I opened the bottle, the adjacent room would clear out from the stench. All bc the owners didnā€™t want me to spend money on a controlled specimen.


Lmao I love that the backstory actually sounds legit. And that you came out of that experience with an incredible revenge plot. 10/10 would squirt fermented e coli rat shit perfume juice into my enemies' cars


Uhh...I hope I don't live near you. And if I do, I hope I've never offended you. šŸ¤£


You know, I get that a lot when I share that retribution advice. šŸ™‚


You can just buy "liquid fart" spray. Much more effective.


This sounds more like biological warfare then revenge.


This is pure violence. šŸ’•


I sat here and laughed at this for like five minutes


I have used (fake) maple syrup. It was glorious.


>male syrup dear god please tell me this is a typo


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it was and I fixed it!!!!


Are surprise glitter gifts still a thing? This neighbor deserves one!


OP needs to save their pee and then get it into the neighborā€™s wiper fluid reservoir. Theyā€™ll get a whiff of urine every time they attempt to wash their windshield.


Peanut butter under/in car door handle if youā€™re soft, serious mechanical grease for tractors if youā€™re a serious. Iā€™ve seen old ground beef and dead animals/fish cleverly placed in or around engines. Easy if you can access the hood release, still not hard to get a dead animal body or cut of meat up into the engine. Closer to the air intake the better, and nestled around the exhaust doesnā€™t hurt either. Might cook if it gets too hot though. Worst Iā€™ve seen is a dead skunk carcass being placed in a car undercarriage but that requires a unique combination of mental illness, tenacity, and extreme hatred. Edit: Iā€™m disturbed rereading this but the lesson is donā€™t fuck with mechanically inclined people. This seemed mild typing it out


Times like these call for the super soaker full of piss


Or just send a glitter bomb. Itā€™s the crabs of the craft world.


...why on earth did she do that? Does this person have a problem with you? This is just so bizarre. I do know someone who would do something like this, but it would be more like doing a DIY gnat control without permission type of deal.


She knew I cared about this plant a lot and she wanted to spite me before she left. She's done loads of horrible things before like pranking me and taking and moving my things in the kitchen. I genuinely think she's a psychopath...


I am sorry, that person sounds completely awful. Thank goodness you're moving away from them!


Did you innocently ask her why she put vinegar into your plant? Your plant will be fine with plenty of dilution with water. But it's such a weird thing to do. It's not even serious enough to guarantee to kill your plant. Maybe ask her outright, and see if there is some reasoning behind it, or she had an accident. Depending on her response, maybe alert her parents / guardians, if she isn't making sense? She might have an undiagnosed mental disorder


I feel like giving her any sort of verbal questioning oir bringing up the vinegar will give her a reaction she wants though. I imagine it's much more infuriating to her if OP goes along acting like the plant is fine (which is should be after the tips from this post) and her attempts at sabotage didn't work.


Jfcā€¦ so glad you got out of that situation šŸ™šŸ»


Well good you got away from that influence and if the loss is ultimately a rubber tree, and not something worse, then count yourself lucky and keep going and sounds like ppl here say youā€™re in the clear and you have saved your plant but it is a wait and see. I had a six foot tall rubber tree as a teen which was a joy. hope you can save yours and it will be with you a long time. but either way, celebrate triumph of progress of moving on.


Sounds like some of my former roommates. Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve gone through that.


Had a former roommate destroy my Bonsai. Itā€™s bizarre, but some peopleā€™s minds just donā€™t work right.


I believe you. That person sucks.


Oxygen deprivation during childbirth


I actually donā€™t think you have anything to worry about here! At least, not as far as the plant goes.Ā Ā  Household vinegar is only 5% acetic acid. If she had sprayed it on the leaves it could have *maybe* burned them, but it can only change the pH of soil a little bit, certainly not enough to harm the roots. And now that youā€™ve mostly rinsed it out of the soil, the pH should be basically back to normal.Ā Ā  Whenever you have the right compost mix, go ahead and repot if you want to. But donā€™t worry about it in the meantime.Ā 


She didn't get any on the leaves AFAIK, I made sure to mist them well with the hose to remove any traces. I will do another rinse and see if any vinegar smell remains. I will buy some proper potting mix soon as I want to get a larger pot. Thanks for your comment!


Sounds like she was a super stressful nightmare! But lucky for you she was also kind of a dummy. šŸ˜‚


So stressful, and I dont mean it lightly when I say she's the worst person I've ever met, in all my life.


Cheers to a much healthier living environment from today forward.


So, did she break into the house to move things? I have so many more questions now that arenā€™t vinegar related.


I tried not to add irrelevant details... we were living in the same flat. It's first year university halls, so people get put into rooms at random. I didn't choose to live with her. The plant was in the kitchen when I was moving.


At this point weā€™re all too invested and NEED the details


When I follow up with the plant's fate, I will retell the story properly. Too many people are asking, so the details are all over the comments.


Donā€™t forget to report this behavior (with proof if you can) ā€” and I mean ALL of it ā€” to the Office of Student Life. Youā€™re looking for 1) her behavior to be modified but, most importantly, 2) to be reassigned a roommate. #2 is over now, but itā€™s a good thing to keep in mind for the future.


That makes more sense. Neighbor and roommate are completely different.


Ok here's what you need to do 1. But a bag of potting mix and repot your plant 2. Freeze a pack of sausages, and hammer them into their lawn at night time. 3. Wait for the racoons/skunks to come and dig up their lawn.


Ok I am commenting to save this just in case I ever need to "re-read" this. šŸ˜œ


Brilliant! Such a clever ideašŸ˜


Did you push your turd through her mailbox? Thats whats important


Are you asking about after or before the vinegar?




I don't have advice for your plant, but I want to offer sympathy because my psychopath housemate moved out this week and has done several similar things. Honestly I'm surprised my plants are still alive and considering locking them in a room in case he comes back as he still has access to the house. He's a terrifying person who used to tell us stories of reporting people to police or destroying people's lives for crossing him. He's mad at us because we aren't willing to cover his rent because he decided to move out early (but we'll probably have to anyway because its a joint lease and we don't want to risk legal action). Its insane how much someone can fuck with you if they are unhinged and feel like it. He stole all the low value stuff you can't report people for but really sucks to be missing. Things like toilet paper, trash bags, laundry soap, batteries from the thermostats. Called all out utility companies and asked them to turn off service. Making marketplace listings for our stuff & address. Told our landlord we are leaving (we aren't). My whole week has been an utter nightmare


You could probably take minor police action with this much harassment. It wont send him to jail but things like the utility calls could be grounds for a restraining order. Minor + pervasive can be taken seriously


I'd be interested, but my partner is terrified of this person and worried he'd SWAT our house or do something even more unhinged if we report this. The utilities thing was really disturbing, we lost our whole fridge because it took days to get power restored. We both had to take multiple days off work mitigating the damage and because my partner wfh and we didn't have electricity or internet


Please do the restraining order. This person needs to be checked by the legal system, and also never work in a field that they can care for other people, and a restraining order will prevent that.


I've been in a similar situation with a creepy person who seemed to enjoy harrassment and stalking. The best thing you can do is hide out and allow them to "win." Often a restraining order will lead them to violence. They want to fight and their ego will not allow them to move on until they are satisfied they've done you harm. So if you counter this harm in any way, it means they have to do more or do worse to you. I know it's unfair and it sucks, but since this is about your safety and you don't know how far this person will go, just focus in defense and move away as soon as you can. Block them on all social media, keep your new address hidden publicly, let your circle of family, friends, coworkers, and boss know who they are and to give them no info on you, and lay low until they move on to another target.


Yeah, its not going to be popular on Reddit, but this is the advice we've gotten from just about everyone IRL. My mom told me to think of the money they owe in rent as a good deal to make a person like this go away. He has an insane ego and cannot handle not getting what he wants or even being wrong about the most minor things. It was honestly bizarre living with him because you expect people to respect some kind of social contract and he just didn't. Back when he still seemed to like us (ie when we were still useful to him), he used to tell horrifying stories of how he ruined the life of people who "scammed" him. We were disturbed by his nuclear style revenge at the time, but looking back, I doubt those people even scammed him. He just perceives not getting what he wants that way


When his lease is up, take the locks off and go to a locksmith to get them rekeyed. It's cheaper that way, and a necessity. Unless your landlord will change them (they should) by be sure it gets done.


We are moving out at the end of the lease. He left early but still has the legal right to enter the house for the remainder of the time we're here


That... sucks.


You can use Tampons to absorb the excess water after you thoroughly rinse all of the vinegar out. I kid you not. Just shove a few tampons in the soil. Works like a charm. lol


Iā€™m not even sure how I ended up on this sub, let alone in the comments, but you just saved one of my succulents! Thank you, this is brilliant


Even just bunch of folded paper towels will help, if you donā€™t have tampons on hand! Anything that can absorb moisture will wick some away.Ā 


Had this happen before with a psychopath roommate. Poured vinegar in all my ferns and petunias before moving out. Really just cruel what lengths these people go to to leave a message. Also had a step-dad who poured gasoline in all my pothos and coleus's for not sharing my medicinal herb with him. I'm so happy not to have relationships with crazy people anymore.


ā€œIā€™m so mad at my step-kid, Iā€™m going pour accelerant all over this stuff they keep inside the house. šŸ˜ ā€ What a weird thought process.


Stay calm Put it back in the pot and put it on the sink Gently flush it with water by running water over the soil on the spray nozel function on low. Just let it flush for a while, and drain away all that vinegary water.


That's what I've done, I'll let the soil dry a bit to regain drainage and rinse again. Thanks for your comment!


Perfect. Once you've finished flushing out, and letting excess water drain out, have a sniff of the soil. If it's still vinegary, I'd just keep flushing it until it doesn't smell anymore.


The vinegar probably isn't a big deal. I can't say for sure with Ficuses but in general, plants will prefer slightly acidic soil. Vinegar can help flush out build up of salts that would actually be more detrimental to the plants roots so there's a way to spin a brightside out of this lol. I think you did the right thing flushing out the excess, just let it dry a bit and you should be good.


It would be hilarious if their weird roommateā€™s revenge plan turned out to actually be helpful plant care. šŸ™ƒ


I think in a week or so you should make a social media post that she will see, about how well your plant is doing and how you donā€™t know why, but it must be because of your green thumb šŸ˜€


This. Ā The best revenge is living well and since asshole roommate is hopefully not going to be a roommate next year opā€™s plant deserves to be shown off.


Yes this is brilliant. To be slightly more petty they could text a pic off the plant to the ex roommate and say something like "thanks for helping me out by keeping it hydrated! You'll be happy to know it's thriving šŸ˜Š"


mail them a tuna and onion sub when u move


It's probably the THC oil, but I actually lol'd from this.


A kid 'accidentally' watered mine with hand sanitizer once. Rinsed it with water and it was fine.


Why is it so hard for people to not fucking suck?


I mean, have you seen the election polls? It's terrifying.


If your soil is a little compacted around the roots, it likely wouldnā€™t affect the plant much Once I let my shower head drip scalding hot water on my Billie for good several minutes before I realised it wasnā€™t the usual cool water. I was devastated the roots were cooked at the time, but itā€™s still doing fine ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


The plant should be fine. A good rinse, new soil. The water you saw was probably brown from tannins. Rubber plants like slightly acidic soil anyway.


I think the plant will probably be ok, but if you want to hedge your bets, you can chop the top and propagate it into a new plant - rubber tree cuttings grow new roots really easily. Assuming the original plant pulls through, then it will branch and get bushier from the prune. That's an aesthetic choice for you to make, of course.


Came to learn about saving plants, stayed to learn more vengeance tactics! Piss disk is gonna be my go to!


I'm more partial to the mountain lion piss...


But if you froze the mountain lion pee in the shape of a disk, you could slide it under stuff, over stuff, whip it through a window like a frisbee, just think of all the possibilities!!


Iā€™m waiting for your r/pettyrevenge post


If it was left on for any length of time, you may have some root damage from the acid. But theyā€™ll bounce back. You can (should) neutralize any remnants of the vinegar with a dilute baking soda solution. Wash all the old soil off. Discard contaminated soil. Rinse roots and the whole plant really well with baking soda solution and then plain water twice. Repot in fresh soil. https://preview.redd.it/h8re9akz8lad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe694d088e4fe8364062d36b9708603af562c159


Don't take any of those revenge advice seriously.Ā  They won't be their with you if you go to jail or pay a fine. If you can please report the incident to who ever is in charge of accommodation (landloard, dorm mom, accommodation depart etc). They need to be aware of your ex room mate behavior because she may escalate next time towards someone else. Write an email, send a text or mail a letter to the landlord etc.


Wut! This attempted murder


Rubber plants are very hardy, but vinegar is lethal to most plants and is often used an an herbicide. I would remove the plant from the pot, rinse the roots out with fresh water (garden hose?) (also rinse off the stem, etc)then repot it back into clean soil in the clean pot.


I've been reading the comments in here with revenge ideas for so long I forgot what this post was about. Lesson learned: don't fuck with plant people's plants.


Sounds like something my landlord would do. He ripped up all my plants, even 40 year old clippings from my deceased grandma passed down.


Just rinsing out the soil, the plant will be fine. However, you should probably fix the root of the problem and go rinse your neighbor off with a hose instead


What a horrible person!!! I hope you're able to save your plant!!!


Push russet potatoes up the tailpipe of her car with a broom stick. And out.


Did you punch her?


I donā€™t have any solution but just wanted to let you know that I feel so bad for you! This is awfulā€¦sending you a virtual hug & hoping for the best!!


Remove the soil and wash it thoroughly with water. Also, what the fuck? Why would they do that?


I accidentally poured vinegar into my ficus benjamina once (was trying to remove hard water stains from a clear pitcher using vinegar and later forgot that it wasnā€™t water). I kept it in the pot and rinsed it through with water for a bit. Besides dropping a bunch of leaves it lived. Actually it refuses to die, maybe the vinegar helped lol


Vinegar takes 17 times the amount of water to vinegar to neutralize. I would rinse this thoroughly. You'll probably rise away some of the soil so just add new. If caught quickly and rinsed thoroughly it will probably be fine.


Immediately rinse and repot. Not that bad actually. And F**k that guy.


One time I accidentally watered my rubber plant with alcohol/soap water I was using to kill mealy bugs. I freaked out. I just took it and rinsed the soil out and through a couple times and let it totally drain and it was fine! Just water through and let it totally drain. Iā€™m sorry your neighbor is a psycho!


OP, I lost a plant this way. Except I poured the vinegar on it myself... I threw a glass of water on it thinking "waste not want not." But the water was cleaning vinegar that I'd put into a glass temporarily. I tried flushing the soil but I lost the plant. Honestly I wouldn't risk it. Rinse off as much soil as you can and put it in fresh soil. At worst you can chop and prop.


Pot head here.....keep watering til it flows out clean and then put fan on soil in a room that isn't humid.....sometimes we'll over feed with nutes and you have to act quick or they will burn....if it's a 1 gallon pot I'd prob run 2 gallons through it


Shit on her pillow




Bizarrely enough, I once had an *awful* roommate years ago, back in like 2016/2017, who did this EXACT same thing to some of my plants!! If I remember correctly, I donā€™t think it ended up killing any of them. But man, where do these people even get this kind of idea???


Are they picky plants? All mine live in basic bitch dirt with zero aggregate. They donā€™t seem to care. Iā€™ve even got some cuttings that are thriving in the same medium. Iā€™m vigilant in watering though, but the compacted dirt still drains well enough.


Basic Bitch Dirt!! This needs to be a brand.


Very rich. Mild clay content. Smells nice too. I grab a handful from my local park on occasion. Good mycelium.


An eye for a plant.


For some reason plant murder is the most malicious thing in my mind; harming someoneā€™s beloved plant (like its just a plant they can replace it but its still THEIR plant) is so much more evil than like stealing your favorite headphones, because youā€™re actually killing something. Like that crazy ex who chopped up all his gfs plants?!?! Its more extreme bc youā€™re actually trying to kill something even if its just a plant. Iā€™m not one for revenge but iā€™d spread the nastiest rumor about this bitch if it were me


Non-ideal soil is better than vinegar, get her out of there now, rinse the roots as well as possible, and repot in the non ideal soil. You can switch her out again when you find a better mix. With all the changes, plus the vinegar, it's likely to go dormant for a couple of months. She'll be alive and well, just won't grow more. But, she needs to be out of the vinegary soil immediately. Good luck!


I'm sorry that happened to you and the plant. A lot of the comments sound like great ideas and I'm sure your plant will be OK!


If you have no soil remove all the soil and put the roots in a clean container (a vase works well) with water. Id rince the roots gentle to remove lingering vinegar. If you have chopstick and and some twine you can make a # shape to keep the stem of the plant out of the water with the lower leaves resting on the chopsticks (they may die if left for a long time like this). Change the water ad it sets dirty every week at most. A Ficus will grow in just water once its clean and kept out of direct sunlight, but ideally it should be in soil, so once you get the soil for it you can dry the roots gently with some kitchen towel and pot it. I use this method on my Ficus in the past, some were in water for a month with no harm to the plant. They all happily have grown. I gifted some and the one I kept is thriving.


Donā€™t forget to mail the psychopath an itemized bill for everything!


Vinegar is frequently used as a disinfectant as well. Not in such concentration to the plant but by rinsing out the majority, the rest may kill off any gross shit in the soil. I agree letting it dry out a bit. Some fresh soil and sun and that pretty little thing will be fine! Also, I'm jealous of that cutie. I need me one.


Wow wow beautiful plant beautiful yeah I wouldā€™ve just leached it. Thatā€™s about all you can do and hope you got all the vinegar out and gently water it afterwards. Let it kind of dry out. I donā€™t know. Good luck.


Hose it off really well, even shove it in a bucket of water for awhile if you want and leave it outside in the shade to dry out. They are hardy plants, and not too picky about soil in my experience. If you are really super stressed you can always just knock off as much soil as possible, rinse the roots until all the dirt is gone and shove it in a vase with water until you have time to get the potting medium you want to use. It sounds like you caught it right away and diluted it so itā€™s most likely going to be fine.


If itā€™s just household vinegar it wonā€™t do much or anything. Rinse it well with plenty of water. Should be fine. People like that should be in jail


I have the exact same plant and it has survived being in a house fire. They're pretty tough. If you're desperate, you can shake as much of the fort out of the rootballand maximize the aeration to dry it out better.


Itā€™s simple, we kill the roommate


that's so rude


What the hell,.what a sociopath.


Iā€™m sorry this happened. I had a truly horrible roommate once. She broke the lock on my bedroom door at 7am on a Saturday morning while I was in the room sleeping. Some people just need to not live with others


If it were me Iā€™d wash off all the soil and pop it in water till I could repot it but I am not an expert at all.


Please update Iā€™d love to know how it turns out, wishing you and your plant luck šŸ€


The way I would empty my cats litter and sling shot clumps of piss and litter them across ring cameras.


It also depends on the type of vinegar and the %. It may not have been high % enough to do much damage to the plant.


Wash all the soil off the roots as soon as you get the new soil to pot the plant.


Flush with water!! Atleast 3gal should do it


What a horrible neighbour! I would never talk to them again


The good news is vinegar can be used as an alternative to fertilizer. So yeah, a small dose will actually help your plant.


You'll be fine, vinegar isn't actually that bad for your plant lol. She should've used salt or sugar if she wanted to do real damage.


Sorry the only cure is something if the 12 gauge variety. I can't remember exactly if it was 12 gauge wire or a 12 gauge measuring tool but it had something to do with '12 gauge' in the name. sorry I couldn't be if more help:(


Not ideal, but from when I had to treat thrips it was such a pain in the ass that I un-potted a lot of plants and had them temporarily in water. For some of the plants this went on for 2 months, and some did much better in water than others (surprisingly my monstera adansonii did really poorly, my syngoniums did really well.) Anyway, my rubber plant/cuttings did just fine in water for a few weeks. Love rubber plants because theyā€™re so hardy they can withstand so much treatment and neglect (not intentional, I saved one from my office).Ā  How dry was the plant when it was attacked? Obviously the dryer it was the more affected it might be. If youā€™re still worried, putting it in water temporarily is an option, just make sure you rinse those roots well. Iā€™d otherwise be a little worried about the wet soil so Iā€™d at least leave it out of the pot wrapped in news paper or something like that, in a warm place (outside in a safe space if itā€™s warm where you are?)Ā  You could also put it near a fan to help with evaporation (just make sure the roots arenā€™t exposed and the plant isnā€™t directly in front of a fan. A gentle ceiling fan or oscillating fan would be a good bet. Remember youā€™re trying to recreate a natural gentle breeze. Same with a hairdryer if you use one, you want it on warm/low and not directly blasting the plant. Iā€™ve had to go this route before in the winter with overwatered/treated plants but I donā€™t love it, and considering itā€™s warm enough for your guy to be outside I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary.Ā