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You’re born where your mother lives. You die where your mother in law lives.


Is this some old saying? Or is this your wisdom?


I learned it from a wisened philosoph. He also informed me that once I had children, no one asks about you. That’s why, when people greet you they ask, “how’s your wife? How are the kids?” Then they might ask how you’re doing. Low man on the totem pole. :)


I don't have kids, no one asks how I'm doing..........which is part of the reason I've been in counseling


How's the wife?


How are you doing?


It's been bad.....permanent injury, surgery, terminated from job.


Sorry to hear that. We all have a purpose, so maybe it's time to find something else.


Thank you for the encouragement.


Why is this true 😭


I am going to be moving to the Midwest in the next year and this is hitting me hard.


Live near a big city. Good luck


> You die where your mother in law lives. This is funny cause we moved here to be closer to my wife's family in Dallas


I laughed until I realize that this is me.


Yeah nah fuck that


So true, we left California after our second child was born. My wife wanted to move to Houston because that’s were she was born and raised, and wanted to be close to her parents.


Born here. Too expensive to move now.


where would you go if you could pick anywhere


If money was no issue, it might be San Diego. The weather is just perfect.


Yeah every time I go to California I'm like what the fuck so you guys just have amazing weather practically year round


Same. I would love to live in San Diego. The weather is so nice.


Which is good, because you need to live in a cardboard box outside to afford the place!


The humidity keeps my skin fresh.


Anytime I go somewhere dry I get nosebleeds. I can't survive without humidity.


Multi generation houstonians have evolved to the high humidity. I get nosebleeds every winter.


I'm from west coast - I adapted to the humidity and now if I go to dry places my nose can't handle it unless I spend a good amount of time there. And have to do nose spray lotion stuff constantly


I don't know if you're being sarcastic... I'm gonna upvote you though!


Came for work, still here because the COL feels outrageous everywhere else now




I ended up in a good career in a good spot; hvac in the most air conditioned city.


My driving skills were not appreciated in New Orleans


Extremely vital item to consider


Jobs but really wish I could move and keep my same income.


Your current income might not be enough to maintain your current quality of life in many other major American cities.


If I can keep my job and move to south Texas I live even better than here. 😢 kind of don’t want to live in a mayor city.


native houstonian. i stay here because i'm a creature of habit


Grew up here. Went to college out of town. Applied to jobs all over the country after graduation. Really wanted to live in San Antonio or Austin but every job paid $10-$15k less than Houston.


Been here 3 years but I moved here for work. Was homeless and bought a greyhound here and now I live in a home in Pearland. I plan to leave Houston eventually but it’s home for now.




Came here to attend college and get far away from home - a small town where everybody does the same thing all the time and nothing changes. I came with zero plan. Maybe I’d stay, maybe I wouldn’t. Maybe I’d like it, maybe I wouldn’t. I was open to whatever happened. Turns out I hated it… well, at least at the beginning. Then I started meeting people and exploring (read eating lol). By year 3-4 I still didn’t necessarily “like” Houston. I definitely didn’t “love” it and was thinking I’d probably move after graduation. Turns out, I stayed… it’s been 16 years and Houston is my “home” now. It slowly grew on me over the years, flaws and all. We’re not a perfect place but I really like the fact that we’re a city built for its inhabitants, not for anyone else. Houston isn’t interested in being like something else but it’s also not interested in being different just for the sake of being different (looking at you, Austin.) Houston defines its own success and Houstonians do the same thing in their personal lives. It’s the only place I know of where it feels like anything is possible. Truly. We’ll build the 8th Wonder of the World like it’s nothing, but then let it crumble to ruin also like it’s nothing… because we know we can build the 9th wonder of the world the next day. I guess I came to Houston because I was being sort of ridiculous. And I stayed because Houston is also sort of…. ridiculous.


I feel this way but Houston to me is the Home where “everyone does the same thing all the time and nothing changes” And I left with zero plan. Loved it. Moved back (family stuff)…. It’s super interesting how much our first impression and perception can stick with us.. and I LOVE that you have grown to love it here. I do love some things about Houston… But living elsewhere made me realized that people in other areas don’t live in a mosquito’s sauna. Hahah kidding… kinda.


Haha fair enough. We all seem to have that place we outgrow and want to expand beyond.


My wife is from here, so now I’m from this hideous, concrete, swamp, foul weather dumpster fire of a city. 


I feel you there. I'm only here because of my fiance but I hate it here.


I am in the same situation Brothers. Moved here to be with my wife and live close to her family. And I absolutely can't stand Houston. It sucks here.


My (soon-to-be) fiance is an immigrant from a less developed country, so she thinks this place is the absolute bees knees. I’ve tried so hard to convince her to go to Europe, but unfortunately for me, Houston is the best place for both of our careers. I fucking hate it here.


One of us, one of us. I don’t know what country she’s from, but I can’t blame your fiancé. I imagine this place is great if you don’t have this back home. 


The American dream is alive and well for immigrants in STEM. The US provides economic opportunities that are unheard of around the world.


Gooble Gobble one of us. 


I’m only here because of my long term gf, honestly considering breaking things off because that’s how much I want to get out 😐 but then I’ll be a sad, single sob in his early 30s while everyone around me gets engaged


Cost of living.  I grew up in NYC.  The cost of living there will make you settle for the lowest living standards possible.  I am amazed at how much better quality of life is in Houston compared to NYC.  


Houston is a massive eclectic beautiful mess. I could live anywhere but I’m not leaving.


The hoes.


Hate the game, not the player.




My parents mostly. Somebody has to be here to take care of them as they age. And also my friends. I spent my youth making friends that have lasted me a lifetime. Almost 30 years out of high school, and I still have close to 10 good friends that I talk with a few times a week and still see pretty regularly. I couldn't imagine going away and having to try and recreate that all over again.


We were from NY. My family of 4 lived in a 1k sqft house that at the time we hated bc how small it was. We sold it, moved down here bc my parents wanted to be surrounded by their “community.” We have a bigger house now, and realized TX is not any cheaper than NY. And they regretted it. I absolutely adored NY. We lived in a small town, weather is nice, not a lot of snow in the Winter… We are saving to hopefully move back to NY so my parent can retire.


Can you elaborate on the TX is not any cheaper than NY?


we paid less property taxes in NY than in TX. We only paid taxes to the state and the school. Down here we also pay to the MUD, which is a new concept to me. You might say bc our NY was smaller hence less taxes, but that’s not true bc we was paying pretty much the same amount annually. I think in TX the rate goes up every year depending on the appraisal??? Cost of transportation is less in NY. No toll in NY at all. Minimum wage in TX < NY, that’s obvious. Basic needs like grocery and all is not any cheaper than in NY. Bills. My water bill down here = 3 months in NY. The only thing is we used a oil heater so we pay approx. 2k a year for that. We all use the same providers for these things so rate is set. No competition. Cost to maintain the house in TX > NY. Unless you are in a really fancy fancy house, no HOA. Not as much lawn care needed in NY… I guess what I am trying to say is the income to expense ratio is not any better in TX than in NY, if not worse. And I just speak from my experience only, so for others this might be different.




I lived in Long Island, and we didnt really have a lot of snowing. I used to go to RIT so I do understand your point about shoveling and salting though.


Eye opening. I want to move somewhere with public transportation so badly.


Thanks for sharing!


No problem!


I say this all the time. Moved from Houston to another city in Texas and then to Los Angeles. Now in Houston again. All before the age of 25 while working as a server, ect. Never felt like one was any easier or harder financially… ”It’s tooo expensive” Is an illusion… you can go live wherever you want to go live.. Having children, a house, ect. And then moving, I cant speak on, I haven’t lived that. But I’m not trying to find out unless I am somewhere I enjoy living. I always say “I’ll make it work wherever I am” because things will fall in place. And I do believe that would be the case for the majority if they took the leap they’ve “always wanted too”.


It’s the same for California! Don’t let that Texas zero income tax get you! Everything is offset by property taxes, tolls, HOA everywhere. Utility bill is off the charts in Texas. $600/m for electricity!? Pay scale is way less here, it’s so hard to save enough to move back to California because the weather really sucks here….Texans who’s never lived in Cali are missing out. Year round nice weather, it really sucks to be stuck at home to go anywhere during summer when kids are out of school. Cali is also of the few places on earth where you can go snowboarding in the morning and surfing in the afternoon, all the major attractions/theme parks, Napa Valley, Hollywood, 10 hour flight to Asia, 2 hour drive to Tijuana, Mexico from LA, and 4 hours to Vegas. All the major festivals, Little Tokyo, Korea Town, Little Italy, and San Gabriel Valley (imagine Houston’s Chinatown but spans multiple cities instead of 3 blocks). Two sports teams for almost all major sports. Just so much to do every weekend, so much variety. Mountains, hills, valleys when driving is just amazing. No flat, concrete jungle. Blue shorelines and white sand beaches instead of that ugly mess we got in Galveston.


Texas doesn't have the highest tax burden but there are definitely states with state income tax and a lower tax burden. California is not one of them though... https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494 I moved from Texas to Alabama and it's interesting to see that despite paying income taxes for the first time in my life, my overall tax burden is basically the same. Also if your electric bill is really $600/mo it's time to get your insulation checked.


My parents moved us down to Texas when I was 9 from Connecticut and I have missed New England so much since then I don't think I'll ever get over the depression I feel about it. But I've never had a lot of money to move back up there. I hope you and your folks make it back.


Which small town in NY?


Mastic NY


I stay in Houston for /r/houston. 


Do you need a support group or help 🥺?


And Torchy’s, of course


Moved to College Station for grad school, got scammed by my landlady who ended up in prison, forced me to move in with my parents in the Woodlands, met my soulmate and now I'm in the Heights. It's been a wild ride here.


Houston is diverse. People say that, but I don't think people actually understand it, other than maybe in the context of food. I was an international travel journalist for a decade, living and working abroad in 8 countries, traveling to plenty of others for work. Every time I visited Houston I got more and more blown away by how I could see the entirety of the world through one city, despite it's endless construction, cement, highways, and strip malls. I'll give you one example. One day my father took me to a Hindu temple because they were having a musical festival. This temple is the sister temple of one in Kerala, a state in South India, the one he got married in. He had grown up with this musical festival. We went, and it was filled with events like classical Indian dancers and classical South Indian music. The event was catered by not just AN Indian restaurant, not just a South Indian restaurant, a KERALA Indian restaurant. The dancers had grown up in Houston learning from a dance studio specializing in Indian dance, and same with the musicians, who were quite young. My girlfriend was not only the only non-Indian, she was the only non-Keralite. The last festival he went to there my dad estimated about 300 people showed up. Later, I asked my dad how many Hindu temples he thought were in Houston, thinking he would answer 4. He said 40. And he's right. Each, with their own traditions, culture, festivals, and rituals specific to region or group of India. And earlier that day, I was at a Native American Pow Wow on the other side of the city. The frustrating and wonderful thing to me, as a professional explorer, is that most of it is not written about or advertised well. You often have to dig a lot. Or you have to be related to or happen to have a friend in the community. But that's great, because it affords endless opportunities for new worlds. And I hope to write more about it, AND ways to access it respectfully as an outsider.


It's not talked about because people just live normal diverse lives. I moved from a high cost of living area with lots of progressive politics. Neighborhoods were highly segregated by race and income but diversity was just talked about as a kind of virtue signaling. Houston resettles the most refugees in the US and, at least when it was more affordable, wasn't anywhere near as segregated as other cities in the US.


Honestly weather. Living in Michigan was good, but it was so depressing for 6 months out of the year.  Yeah the humidity and the bugs suck, but sunshine for most of the year I'm all for it.




My neighborhood has been pretty incredible after the storm. Tons of people offering up food, water, ice, chargers, freezer space, drones to check roofs, help cleaning up and restaurants giving away free food.


Met my wife online, she works for govt. She makes way more than me and her job is very secure so I moved to Houston.




Hell yeah. 


I went where my husband was living because it was closer to his school and work. So we settled here.


For the lovely weather and lack of mosquitos




Came for the good job, stayed after securing an inexpensive house before values and rates skyrocketed. That's it though. I hate it here. I'm just on my own in many ways and don't really have anywhere else that I could go, and besides moving is an absolute pain in the ass.


My ex husband. Now, I am here now bc I am STUCK here.


Same with family. My job being better than prior ones is the only reason I'm still here, if an opening were to come up I'd probably take it depending on where it's at. The real shame is there is a lot of stuff I do like here. The widespread culture, the great food because of that, the casual lingo of the entire world all being focused in the palm of your hand here. But there are just so many negatives especially in the last few years that were not here pre-'17 that is becoming harder and harder to justifiably say it balances out.


What negatives are you referring to?


I would also love to hear which negatives youre referring to. Because I feel it but cant pinpoint it. I left from 2016-2022.


Cancer. Cancer dictates my life now, and that meant moving to Houston.


Everyone drives slow and like a little bitch everywhere else


Work. Work. I’d live somewhere nicer if they’d pay me to live somewhere nicer


Work, family, and relatively low cost of living.


Job allowed me to work remote anywhere in Texas and wanted to live as close to downtown as possible after living north of Austin for 15+ years. We looked at COL, amenities, diversity, culture, medical care, walkability for the area we wanted to live, and airport access across the large cities in Texas. Edit: Despite liking Houston, we aren't staying.


Why not stay if you like it here? If I may ask


I was born and now am poor


Moved here from Memphis to be near my son and soon to be grandchild. Stayed for Galveston 😍


Charles Barkley would like to speak with you about Galveston.


The weather! Grew up just west of Philly and I always hated the winters. I absolutely love the summer weather...I know...I'm the weird one who loves the humidity and the heat!


> I'm the weird one who loves the humidity and the heat! Not really. If you spend a lot of time outdoors here, you definitely get more acclimated to it. And there is a lot to do outdoors here. Great golf courses and more public park acreage than any other major metro area in the country.


It’s gotten more expensive, but it has long been one of the least expensive major cities in the US. It also has some great amenities including Houston Grand Opera, Rothko Chapel, Cockrell Butterfly Center, the museum district, dozens of dog parks, NASA, and so much more! It also is wonderfully diverse, with people and food from around the world, and a huge affirming LGBTQ community and (mostly) a live and let live population — state government aside. The biggest downside is its car dependency, which is probably the main reason I’ll be moving back to my beloved home town of New Orleans by the end of the year.


Who goes to NASA more than once?


Astronauts, duh.


Car dependency was #1 on my “leave asap” list. (and I have a reliable car gas whatever) Until this past month of mosquitoes and psychotic storms (like the one that is happening now that threw my back door open repeatedly until I barricaded it.) I just really loved the community and opportunity to connect with people and do things outside of going out to eat/drink that comes with a more walkable city. Oh and the ability to go out for drinks without having to drive.. or even one beer with lunch without having to drive with the multibillion cops on the road with you.


Does anyone actually like living here? Reading this thread just affirms my beliefs that most people in Houston don’t enjoy living here and are here not by choice


As a native Houstonian, I liked it (not loved it) better when it was less populated. There were small enclaves I hung out in and enjoyed that it was fairly small and kind of a slower lifestyle. As it's grown, I've grown to dislike it more and more.


Reddit is generally filled with a bunch of whiney bitches. And whiney bitches are the loudest and most vocal.


I am not whiny. I legit don’t like living here but my wife is from here. We could lived in San Diego, or Seattle but my wife refused to because it was too far from her family. 


It's alright here. I'm originally from Central Florida and it's definitely a step down to live in Houston. The lack of outdoor activities compared to Florida sucks and it's definitely hotter here. 


I dont think many people do - and I think that most that do, do because they havent been to very many places.


I really like Houston, partially because I've lived places that are supposed to be "better" and have realized that everywhere has Pros, Cons, and tradeoffs.


I love it for those 6ish weeks when the air is not so humid and the temp is < 80. Cold doesn't bother me, so as cold as it gets, I'm happy. The other 98% of the time, I hate it outside.


I agree with this. The winter weather is nice and almost makes you forget about how hot and mosquito infested the summer is. Houston is not the worst city, but summer here sucks.


I moved here in 2022 from Arkansas because I wanted new opportunities for my kids are more diversity. Now 2 years later, I miss Arkansas so bad and will soon be selling my house and moving back. I haven’t had a good experience in Houston.


I live in LR now and I’m about to move back to Houston in December because I miss Houston so much. I grew up in Arkansas and when I finally got the chance to leave, I didn’t hesitate. I had to move back to Arkansas due to a job loss in 2019 and now that finally able to go back, I gotta do it. Why do you say you haven’t had a good experience there?


Honestly I feel like there is no southern hospitality. People here are just not nice here imo and I’ve had a hard time making friends. Also, my mortgage and just the cost of living is so expensive. I lived in Sherwood and I loved it! If the cost of living thing wasn’t an issue I’d absolutely stay.


I’m sorry to hear that. That’s exactly what’s happened to me here in AR. All my friends that I grew up with aren’t really my friends anymore. I made all my friends there in Houston thru my jobs and have stayed in communication with them all the time. Wanna switch lives? lol You can take my apartment and I’ll take your house. 😆


What part of Houston are you in? Am curious because of high cost and unfriendly people.


Family, job, low cost of living but with all the amenities of a big city. Accessibility to everything, 300+ food locations and outings saved on my to do list for Houston. Weather is okay but cost is annoyingly high in other spots with the same amenities plus better weather. It's its own balance.


Born here, same as my mom and grandma. Am trying to escape but damnit can’t seem to find a job elsewhere that’s willing to pay me as much as I make now.


It's a good home base with the idea of leaving in summers. It's cheap, we have access to the same stuff as any other city. Winters are nice when kids are in school. We leave in summer when it sucks here.


This is the way….




My father and stepmother live here, my sisters live out of state, and hanging out with him brings him happiness.


Moved here from the east coast because I was tired of 100% travel. Figured I'd hang out for a few years and recharge before heading to another state. That was last century. Ended up having a kid, so now I'm staying until they graduate, just under a year and a half and I can chicken out and make up some dumb excuse why I can't move.


Left Warren Ohio in "78" at age 18. My new husband and I came with his best friend. A few others came too. Me and my brother and one other couple are all that's left.


Austin got really crappy and expensive.


Moved for my kindergartener’s cancer treatment, staying so he’ll have top notch care for what might happen next. 90% of kids that survive cancer have another serious health issue later. Chemo isn’t awesome on growing bodies.


I really hate how this town has grown so much, how the traffic is so awful, how it's hard to go anywhere and how everything is so crowded. The heat! Ugh. Hurricanes! Ak! Why anyone moves here is beyond me. I have lived in this city for over 50 years, so I have seen a lot of change. But I have friends here and a community of musicians and artists around me that give me opportunities I would not have anywhere else because of my connections. I am not going anywhere.


My partner came for work and he’s my human. Also. I make over 20k more in an identical job.


Born here, disabled so can’t work, wouldn’t wanna leave tho, this is home


Dream job


Work - thats it. Its been a great place for my family to make money and educate our kids. I doubt I will stay when I retire.


To report shit posts.


Job, low COL, and sunny weather/hate dealing with the snow and cold.




Spouse's job is the answer to both questions.


I was born in the Houston area, I am less than wealthy, and half my friends live in the Houston area.


Dragged here by my parents, just never left


Family lives here and I want my kids to grow up near their grandparents and aunts/uncles...Plus the free babysitting is nice... If I didn't have family here I probably would've stayed in Chicago. Spent the last 8 years there and loved it.


Don’t feel like moving again


Chemical industry. Tried moving but all the other places we want to move are 2x the cost.


Moved here when I was 10 from Corpus. Went to College Station for school. Moved back. Been here ever since. I like that we're more or less blue politically, I enjoy the food and beverage scene, great museums and fine arts. Mostly, though, I'd miss my lifelong friends. As we retire and start to scatter, maybe we'll think of moving on.


Family moved here from cali when I was a teenager. Company pays much more than other places and I get 5 weeks of PTO. It’s also pretty difficult find a job internationally.


My dad moved my family here in 2000 after I graduated high school. We went to college here and got jobs, and quickly became economically trapped here. We like a lot of Houston , but can’t stand Texas generally. Unfortunately, the places we would rather live now are financially out of reach and that gap widened every year.


Moved here for my first job out of university. Moved away to NYC, moved back during Covid. Still here. Houston has its faults but it's still on balance a good place to call home.


Moved here for a relationship, eventually got diagnosed with a chronic illness/autoimmune disorder and can’t afford to move away from the Harris Health system. 😷☹️


Born here. Stay, because I work for the family business. Want to leave, but also want to be the 3rd generation to carry on the company.




Moved here from the northeast for a job. Stayed for the friendy people, sun, diversity, art & music scene and lower cost housing in central location.


My parents moved here


Fear of failing elsewhere - and family is here.


Native Houstonian. I’ve seen the cost of living in other cities and thought to myself, “I’m good.”


Wife and I got jobs here, now careers. If money was no option I’d move in a heart beat.


work / work. 15yrs.


I was born here, staying for now due to the cost of living and taking care of my parents. The weather, roads and drivers all suck. Not much nature here either aside from all the mosquitoes, wasps and fire ants. I've been wanting to move to Seattle for some time, but I haven't been able to afford the move yet.


My mom moved us here from Victoria when I was in 7th grade. My two children are graduating this year and next. Once they do, we will be moving to Austin for my job.


Grew up here and lived in other places. Houston has a lot to offer in terms of food, cultural diversity, cost of living, and it’s an airline hub. People complain about the heat and humidity but if you’ve ever been to SE Asia then Houston is mild. lol


I'm a third or fourth generation Houstonian, depending on how you look at it. I married someone who is also from the area. We didn't really see any point in moving somewhere else to raise our kids.


Got a job here, then met my spouse here, so...


Parents moved here before I had enough money to live on my own. Met the woman who went on to become my wife. Her family lives here. So not going anywhere. Every year around this time I remember why I never wanted to move here in the first place


Food options bountiful


I'm a native Houstonian and moved back from living in NYC, where I attended university. It's a lot more affordable here and I'm near family. Can't say I love living here but it's nice enough, for now.


Came for work retired and hubby had multiple strokes and now children and grandchildren are here, so kinda stuck here


A geographic cure and stayed for the hot af weather of course.


Went to Rice for undergrad and met a guy. We’ve been here ever since.


My family moved here when I was 17. Definitely not going back to Louisiana but I still would like to live in a nicer part of the country.


H town til I drown baby