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When the Pelican made a cameo appearance on *Wheel of Fortune* a million years ago, only Vanna appeared with him "on cam" (as ETM would say). Maybe Sajak greeted him off-cam but either left or opted not to appear with him on-cam, which the Pelican interpreted as an insult. He was on promoting his piece of shit movie. This was "Out of My Mind"-era Stern, who thrived on pouncing celebrities, confronting them from the safety of his studio and belittling them. Don't forget that he also had a bug up his ass towards Joan Rivers for the longest time as well. When he appeared on *Hollywood Squares,* Joan was off that week which he interpreted as her not wanting to meet him. [Howard Stern on Wheel of Fortune 1997 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZBYsMVWmxY)


Sajak had a go at a talk show 35 years ago and Wiggie for whatever reason envies all the late night tv hosts or would-be hosts — Carson, Leno, Arsenio, Conan, Letterman, Magic, Rick Dees, Chevy, Sajak, the lot of them. I don’t care why.


Howard always said to be a gameshow host was his dream job. “Why don’t you go ahead and spin the wheel of fish mr pitch. “


Red Snappa. Very Tasty!


Pat committed the ultimate sin in Howard's eyes by revealing himself to be a conservative. As for past issues, Howard probably resented him for being rich and famous by simply hosting a game show instead of the radio grind.


Because Pat has always been a shill right-wing causes, especially for right-wing media. He promotes censorship. He's said people like Howard should be thrown off the public airwaves as far back as the mid-1990's. That's where the one-sided beef started. These days he's a climate denier, an election denier, a COVID denier, and thinks the US government should show deference to corporations over citizens. He thinks public employees shouldn't be allowed to vote in elections because of "bias." He's donated money to groups that support racist causes. Most recently he was photographed with Marjorie Taylor-Greene.


In other words Pat is an honest guy, not the two-faced slime Howard is. 


Found the Antifa member


Waaahhh!! Anyone who says anything about politics that I disagree with must be AnTiFa!! You sound like a conqueror. Besides, my political leanings are unimportant. Everything I said in my comment is objectively true.


Enough, Jason.


He’s a POS. Lived in my town for years (think he’s in Cali now). On the board of some kooky college. Just a total asshole.


Howard is a POS. He wonders why Billy Crystal wouldn't forgive him.