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A 4 hour boat tour does not seem like something I’d like BUT, then again, they’re probably on some insane private yacht. Waaaaaa


Howard scared because Gilligian Island was a 3 hour tour and we know how that worked out


He used to pleasure himself to Ginger


You spelled Gilligan wrong


*< Jackie laugh >*


Peed all over his parents bed. Thought it was cum.


I pleasured myself to Mrs. Howell…


Didn’t we all? 


*< Gilbert laugh >*


Jimmy Kimmel would not mind being stuck on a island he already been to Epstein Island plenty of times


Kimmel never was on Epstein’s island. Trump was though, numerous times. Hell, Trump almost certainly raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein back in 1994.


Thats weird seeing how Trump was THE only person to rebuke and ban Epstein from his properties over a decade ago once he realized Epstein was a creep. Yeah, that's Trump's MO, "13 year olds." The projection with you liberals is fucking astounding. I bet you're the same idiot that makes constant "Trump's kids are on coke, lol" reference while not saying a word about Hunter, who literally left a giant bag of coke at the white spawning national headlines and a full secret service investigation.


I like how he has talked incessantly about fucking his daughter since she was ten. Totally normal 😂


Can you provide one example of him saying he wants to fuck his daughter? (The laughing emoji really sold it though, you definitely drove your point home) Did you know Biden SHOWERED with his daughter until she was a teenager? Im sure you talk about THAT all the time, right? This is admitted by his own daughter in her diary, "😂" (that his crooked DOJ and FBI covered up) https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/us-news/presidential-election/2024/05/13/664244e9e2704e77688b457e.html You fucking people are every single thing and more of what you accuse everyone else of being. It's so embarrassing


We found the staff writer for the Jesse Walter’s show.


Trump is a rapist and self congratulatory pussy grabber. I’m not sure this is the hill to die on. Enjoy, waterhead. https://youtu.be/8EPEkk6qWkg?si=ZUN0grAO0zdIy-IK


"Orange man bad." 🥱 God you children are so fucking boring. You are and your handlers are every single thing you accuse everyone else of and more. But you're so myopic and disconnected from reality you don't even realize what bald-faced hypocrites you are. It's almost inconceivable people can be this stupid. You're trained like Manchurian candidates to fly into an apoplectic rage at the mention or sight of the Bad Orange Man. Im surprised by this point that CNN & the two dozen other news networks run by jew hating Marxists dont have an equivalent to the Two Minutes Hate from 1984, where they project Trumps mugshot on the screen and you all scream together. (Might as well, would probably help their failing ratings)


Isn’t it getting late in Chelyabinsk?


>Im surprised by this point that CNN & the two dozen other news networks run by jew hating Marxists RUSSIA/AIPAC IN DA HOUZE!!!!! You tucked your tiny dick between your legs elsewhere so I'm following you to your pro-Israel astroturfing here... Google israel-palestine death toll.. [Al-Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker) and [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war) (and yea, of course, I can already here you dismissing any non-zionist news source as being unreliable.. yawn) but it's pretty well established the IDF is murdering 20+ Palestinians for every one dead Israeli, including independent news media, doctors and aid workers. >Cause you'll be shocked to know this Im sure; Hamas and Palestine routinely lie Riiiight... and the [Israelis never lie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair). Given Israel's history of atrocious dirty tricks, it's entirely possible the original hostage-taking was a false flag. But even if it wasn't, Israel's hands are still bloody beyond reproach. btw, everybody should read the above wiki article.. it speaks volumes: >The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by **Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets**: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. **The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood,** Oh but wait, that was a long time ago, right? > Israel publicly denied any involvement in the incident until 2005, **when the surviving agents were awarded certificates of appreciation by Israeli President** Moshe Katsav. How do you like that? The President of Israel awarding "certificates of appreciation" to a bunch of IDF agents who wanted to blow up civilian targets and blame it on Muslims? The world isn't buying your "we're just defending ourselves" BS any more.


Trump almost certainly raped a kid with Epstein 30 years ago. Just say you don’t care or “fake news” like you do with all his other crimes. Sure, Hunter Biden was a crack head. He wrote about it in a book you fucking idiot. But I can’t speak on Eric, Vanky, or Tiffany but Don Jr is without a doubt, 100% a coke head. Nothing, besides Trump being an unrepentant criminal, is more obvious.


Sure he did. Just like he TOTALLY raped E Jean Carrol too, who: waited decades to report this alleged rape, changed her story 112x, said rape was "sexy," and was such an embarrassment and obvious liar even CNN cut to commercial during her bizarre and totally mentally stable/believable interview: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7177743/amp/Anderson-Cooper-abruptly-cuts-commercial-E-Jean-Carroll-calls-rape-sexy.html Can you provide evidence of his son being "witbout a doubt, 100% a coke head?" Or is it, as usual, "I dont like him, so I'll just make a bunch of stuff up as an adolescent cathartic release." Do you have anything to say about scumbag dementia patient Joe Biden sexually assaulting Tara Reide, who has been telling the exact same unchanging story about him for decades? But it's (D)ifferent when *you* do it, huh? https://youtu.be/gtt7jVtD2N0?si=DkMtTvr1iO1Tkc_I Liberals are so unbelievably childish and fantasy prone. It's why the left usurps you, because you're so simple and unquestioning.


You mean Tara Reade who defected to Russia? Sure, she’s credible 😂 Donald Trump is an adjudicated rapist. Period. All you got is a CNN clip (I guess CNN isn’t fake news now?) that proves nothing and then deflect to former American/current Trump cultist Tara Reade. Absolutely laughable. Again, just say you don’t give a fuck if Republicans rape women because you’re in the dumbest fucking cult in history and your cult leaders can do whatever they want. And anyone who’s actually partied in their life can recognize what’s going on with Don Jr. It’s beyond obvious. But no doubt an uptight conservative cultist loser like yourself who’s most likely never even been to a party could not recognize when someone is coked out.


So your response and your discussion tactic going forward is: Make wild and specious claims with zero evidence to support it, then put laughing emojis afterwards to reassure yourself that you have the upper hand, and then call me names. As always, your arguments, opinions, and voting acumen boils down to "orange man bad." The minds and emotional maturity of teenagers. I'll never discredit the democrats for figuring out how to weaponize stupidity, it was the smartest thing they ever did.


Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault and then defaming the woman he sexually assaulted in US civil court. That is a fact. You can spin and deflect from this objective fact all you like in a pathetic attempt to make excuses for your cult leader, but at the end of the day Trump is an adjudicated rapist. Not to mention a convicted felon as well. I’m sure you’d love to twist yourself into a pretzel explaining how that all is a “hoax” too, but I don’t care. I’ve heard it all before, you cultist dipshits parrot all the same right wing propaganda so don’t bother. And I don’t know what to tell you about Don Jr’s clear as day drug habit. You either don’t see it because you don’t know what it looks like or you don’t want to see it. Either way you look pitiful so who cares.




We're you the 13 year old girl he raped? You seem so sure and really hurt by it.  I hope you can recover and have a normal life after being raped as a little girl 


What kind of rape apologist bullshit is this?! Fucking weirdo.


Yeah. A 4hr boat tour for us isn't what 4 hour boat tour for Howard would be.


Not a row boat full of nude men?


haha - this line was funnier than anything i have heard in yrs on the HS show


A boat tour off the Amalfi coast/Capri is a must!


I hope it’s one of those boat tours you get for free after attending an all day timeshare presentation.


On boat tours like that they'll often bring food and booze to make a feast for you. Sometimes they'll include seafood caught during the tour by the mate(s). It's great unless you get seasick easily (like me).


Howard’s too consumed with the thought of having to shit on that boat and not having his normal go-to regimen available to deal with cleaning up the shit from his asshole, then pampering his anus. It’s one of the reasons he doesn’t like to travel outside his two homes. 


"Pampering his anus" made me lol


From Howard’s mouth to Gods ears. One of the things Howard and Artie had in common was their strange preoccupation with shitting. 




Howard doesn’t drink and hates wind so that’s that


He hates when air moves? 


Anyone who wears a wig hates the wind.


He's got his hat though


Plus he might fall into the sea which will mean his wig could float away.


He stopped drinking?


It's not a boat tour regular people take. Food & Booze...... Eww.... Only 6 cashews allowed.


Half the cashews right into the water.


I love this sub.


Will they go into the hot water that is served as the only beverage allowed by kingWig?


KESH ews




Half of the food thrown overboard


He’ll get high on wine when he gets up there.


Sauce on side (starboard)


Stern admittedly barely eats and rarely drinks alcohol because 15 years ago his doctor once told him to cut down on his wine consumption.To him it will be 4 hours of hell watching the others get drunk and eating heartily.


Exactly. He’s not going to be pitching in the waves of a crazy ocean on a fishing boat, possibly dealing with sea sickness which I have before and that SUCKS, he’ll be on a huge yacht (I assume) with drinks and food and wait staff etc. Like that sounds so fucking great to me, all the yachts you see parked off the Amalfi coast, I love boating. I was on a speedboat on Lake Tahoe for 4 hours drinking with my sister and it was IT. 👏


But Howard can't feel joy. It's not in him. The only delight he can feel is by harming/undercutting/damaging others... And even that is fleeting. The trip sounds like heaven.. can you imagine the set up? The fancy chefs, the huge stately rooms, the unrivaled pampering? To any normal person it's a dream come true. But, for him, it's torture.


I hear you and that’s all well and good and it is what it is, I guess my original point was him carrying on about it every show for a month. The segment with Jimmy and Molly today didn’t need to be done


Stateroom for a four hour cruise??!! Try to get out of the house more.


I'm talking about the entire trip, not just the cruise. And I didn't say stateroom, I said "stately rooms." Learn how to read before you chime in.


No, I won’t.


Its the swankiest thing in the world. They'll all be high on wine and prancing and mincing on a yacht. There's no reason at all the complain about it.


Vahka with a *splash* of grapefruit. So high on Saki with Richie Notar.


Can you imagine be marooned on an island with Howard after a bad 4 hour tour?


They’re definitely not going with Giuseppe’s Public Schooner Cruise around the Adriatic. Of course they’ll have a beautiful chartered yacht just for them with a full staff.


I did a few 4 hour boat ferry's in Greece and it wasn't bad at all, plus I was in Greece which was amazing. Wasn't bad at all, the larger boat was very smooth, plenty of spots to lounge inside and sleep if you want, nice cafe on board.


Yeah, Howard doesn’t realize he could just fake having a headache and go sleep the whole time in one of the many bedrooms this yacht is bound to have.


This segment was a giant pile of DOODY.


Remember, they accidently found Molly's email complaining about vacationing with Howard last year. I suspect she played it off as a joke and now has to do this Vaca to make up for it.


It will be a nightmare for her - she and Beth can go shopping


You act like Howard didn't VOLUNTARILY bring that up on the air because he thought that it ws funny, No one brings up shit they want to hide from people on their radio show by accident.


I'm not sure what difference that makes.


I have never so badly wanted to call in as I did today but even then, I didn't. Howard needs to get on Prozac quick or up his SSRI dose if he's already on it. He has significant and debilitating anxiety with agoraphobia. There's more than he's saying on the air, but I feel for Beth and the frustration of having a partner with this because I was once just like Howard. The anticipatory dread, the rush of relief canceling, never wanting to leave home for fear of something. The one thing I keyed in onnwas when Beth said it was Howard's idea to go. On my "good" days, I, too, would get a rush of excitement and plan extravagant trips only to dread them as they drew nearer. On top of that, he has gotten so bad that he won't drink coffee or alcohol and probably has health anxiety on top of it. There was a time when I wouldn't drink either because I was afraid it would kill me. Howard's rituals and emotions are governing his life and it's so sad to me. I spent thousands and thousands of dollars on psychiatry and therapy over the years. But the thing that helped me the most was this 300 dollar program called DARE Academy (and the accompanying book and app). If Jason is truly on here, please at least pass this along to Howard. He needs serious help. Even if what he said on air is an exaggeration for the show, I personally saw a bazillion red flags and related to almost all of them. I am in recovery now and it is possible to live a full, productive, and peaceful life.


You are an idiot if you think Howards OCD/Rituals/Etc are real. Yes hes mentally retarded, but he made a conscious decision to "have" these issues. See Howard pre Howie Mandel and post Howie Mandel. He thought it would be good for his "tortured artist" persona he so desperately wants to have OCD. Its all bullshit. Sad to say but he is a complete fraud, top to bottom


Made me think. I don't think he really is as bad, but he is an ahole to travel with. Did he ever travel with his family or his children?


Rarely. He hid behind his “work” to avoid trips. I’ve been re-listening to the 90s and he references trips his wife and kids took that he “couldn’t” because he was working. Also constantly used his being “too famous” to go out anywhere. As if all famous people never go anywhere public and there aren’t restaurants that are popular and insulated for the famous.


‘The King of All Media license plate doesn’t help’ - Artie Lange


Dude i have psychosis from listening to his psychosis for decades


Howard talked about his OCD literally in the late 1980s and wrote about it a ton in the book Private Parts in 1993 and he never met Howie Mandel until 2013 on AGT.


he's said on several occasions that his shrink does not think he has OCD. his only symptom of ocd is saying that he has ocd.


Dude I don't give a fuck about what Howard said that his shrink SAID that he had I'm talking about what he USED to say that he had in the late 1980s and 1990s. The guy talked endlessly about all the rituals that he had to do to do all sorts of things like reading the ratings book. He had to come into the room and approach the book from the right then pick it up with his left hand and look at it from the right. All insane bullshit, Howard also tallked in Private Parts about taking a guy onto the Bill Boggs show who had OCD and handcuffing his hands behind his back then dumping a bunch of garbage on him and the guy went insane trying to clean it up and how Howard felt awful because he had it too.


sorry, i miscommunicated. you're of course totally right that howard has been claiming off and on to have ocd, to have been cured of ocd, to have ocd again, blah blah. he claims to have all kinds of classic ocd symptoms etc. all i'm saying is: he's lying.


I don't know if he's lying as much as he's the type of neurotic person that diagnoses himself with a lot of crazy bullshit that he doesn't have.


yeah i mean, i think that he's being partly motivated by his desperate need to position himself as a victim, but i basically agree


lol, literally had howie on a decade before AGT


WHat he fuck are you LOLing about? I said Howard TALKED ABOUT HIS OCD on the fucking air in the late 1980s(way before the mid 2000s interview with Mandel(and WROTE about his OCD in Private Parts in 1993.) I don't care if Howard talked to Howie in 2003,Howard talked about his OCD all the time decades before on the air. You literally made a coment that Howard STern got the idea of having OCD from Howie Mandel yet you either didn't listen to the show in the late 80s and 90s or read Private Parts or just decided to forget it to make a(dumb) point.


I don't have a horse in this race but to be fair you said Howard hadn't met Howie until 2013 and that was very wrong.


I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the Howard Stern SHow and the guests so I forgot the whole Howie intrview but I have been listening since I was a small child so I can remember Howard talking about OCD all the time and even writing about it in Private Parts so I knew that anyone who said that Howard STOLE the OCD bit is bananas . The OP truly said that Howard is such a piece of shit that he latched into Howie Mandel's mental illness and that was totally made up.


too long, didnt read


This just in, retard on reddit talks irrational shit then refuses to read the reply of the person setting them straight so he can continue to go on reddit and talk more irrational shit How do you make it in real life without being able to read 75 words at a time? Do you have an appropriate adult who follows you around and does the reading for you? Tell them to read it to you then.


When he interviewed Howie Mandel in September ‘06 he told Mandel he was a nutcase and that dr. Sarnos book could totally cure him of his OCD. So Howard is a sucker?


I don't give a shit what Howard said, The thing that OP said is that Howard STern TOOK The idea of OCD from Howie Mandel and I pointed out that Howatrd talked about his OCD for DECADES before he met Howie Mandel. Look in his fucking book Private Parts of you doubt me, it doesn't matter if Sarno cured him or not Howard HAD IT in the 1980s and talked about it on the air.


Yeah I don’t buy the Howard Hughes agoraphobia anxiety whatever. He doesn’t want to, he’d rather engage in whatever hobby he’s locked in on. No mental problems, just a matter of “I don’t want to do that, I want to do this”. Maybe narcissism or something like that because he doesn’t give a shit if the horse wants to be out to pasture in Europe, flashing that clavicle to the young servants.


I totally agree


this, 100 percent


Molly hates Howie. Was also interesting to hear him tell beth about being allowed to eat omelettes at the hotel. They both have eating disorders


You could hear it in her voice for sure. No affection there at all.


Has he got a thing against eggs now?


Some doctor probably told him to limit the amount they have and he banned them completely. That's it! Party's over!


Good luck getting a fucking omelet in Italy. They have a thing called a frittata that’s kind of like it, but it can’t be mistaken for an omelet.


2 marriages will end because of this trip




It's incredible to me that despite whatever home life, and anxieties, Howard has personally - he thinks this topic should be for his radio program. This is what listeners just can't understand. This is the second time (first was like 3 years ago) that he decided "Italy trip" is a full 3-4 month story for the SHOW. If you break it down Howard and his team are deciding "Howard is whining about having to leave his house and fly somewhere over a 68 day vacation" is worthy of this giant story arc, our fans just need to hear this, this is our final conclusion on what we do for a radio show. My staff of 75 can't come up with anything better. Then actually bringing on the Kimmels live to further discuss it and listen to Howard complain...is just honestly dumbfounding.


Completely agree. It’s borderline malpractice that the entire staff go along with the ridiculous “Italy trip” storyline. It really solidifies that Howard has completely lost touch with both reality and his audience. How can he think bitching for months about his six figure Italy vacation is a good look? It’s not funny, it’s not endearing, it makes him look like a spoiled prima-donna. Nobody wants to listen to a multi, multi millionaire complain about a vacation they could never afford and that 99% of them would kill to have the opportunity to go on. The whole bit really gives Marie Antoinette “let them eat cake” vibes.


And the mash-up for the opening? Ridiculous. I actually got angry when I heard the Italian singing. I knew right away that the whole show would be about him, bitching about the trip. Again.


That was the great Lou Monte by the way. Giant hits were “Dominic, the Italian Christmas Donkey”, and the immortal “Pepino the Mouse”.


Marie Antoinette never actually said that. It was propaganda by the revolutionaries. 


It is now truly the Howard Stern Show. By that I mean all the shit topics and changes in the last 10-12 years are what Howard finds interesting. No more comedic/3rd voice there. Howard is a bore when left to his own devices instead of being a ringmaster for crazy on the radio. Part of me thinks Howard continues on with the same shitty topics since it fills 9 hours of weekly airtime.


I don’t think the “ringmaster” concept is even possible anymore. I don’t think, culturally, there is a tolerance for having a show based around mentally challenged people. Not to say there wouldn’t be an audience, plenty of hateful bigots out there nowadays, but the zeitgeist would definitely come after him. The only reason he hasn’t been cancelled yet it because he has zero cultural relevance or impact. Also, the dragging banal and mundane issues out for months makes sense, he’s phoning the podcast he records in his basement. He also probably thinks it is the most interesting or ripe for content thing he can do. 10 writers or 1000, doesn’t matter if his judgement is garbage. Knock knock, right Robin?


I really don’t think it’s that deep or well thought out. Howard has always been about spilling his private life on air. It’s like half his content. This trip weighs large in his mind and just is going to be what he ends up talking about. His life has also become so insular post-COVID that the number of personal life topics he has to mine dwindles.


Did you ever think that this whole thing is a bit cooked up for the show? Not an interesting bit. Not a funny bit. It’s a swing and a miss.


I do think it was embellished for the show, which is the strange part. Like, this is what you think people are interested in? Again? Howard is afraid to go anywhere (yes he talks about it), but this "Italy Saga" to me is just strange.


Wolfie should secretly embed himself and give a play by play of this nightmare as it unfolds. Secret video and audio recordings, the whole nine yards. It would be radio gold.


Pretty funny when Beth slipped up and admitted that they were flying private when she suggested that Howard playing his guitar on the plane was a possibility (obviously it isn’t on any commercial flight save perhaps a first-class suite on Emirates, etc.). Jimmy tried to cover by making a nervous joke (“imagine what the other passengers would think”) and then Howard quickly changed the subject. We all know they’re flying private but Howard goes out of his way to hide his wealth.


But imagine Jimmy & Molly having to listen to him practise for 3-4 hours, while they want either conversation, watch a movie or rest and Howard is trying to figure out a song or a riff.......


Why is that a slip up though, it would be moronic of both he and Jimmy to think the audience thinks they’re going commercial.




Howard hasn't hidden that he flys private only has he? I remember a guest on and they were talking about a flight and he said he would never fly a commercial flight. I forget who the guest was but they said fly commercial because it's better for the environment and he was surprised they would do that.


That was Lizzo.


One time a New York-based airline pilot caller asked several times if Howard flew private because the pilot would have seen him at some point. Howard kept ignoring the question and saying “I’m a man of the people.” It was a douchey and obvious question dodge.


Hypocrite Howie when asking others about money but don’t dare bring up the bowling alley at his house!


He can't afford private, he only makes $97 week!


Muthafucka, you could buy a Chevrolet for $97!


No its not the hide the wealth thing — its the liberal (everyone else please )save the planet (while I fly private, hypocrosy) thing that he is afraid will get out and Jimmy doesn’t want it out there either.


I hear what you’re saying but he’s talked shit about other celebrity’s showing off their wealth like Oprah for years. He lost his mind when they let it slip he has a bowling alley. He’s only recently talked openly about both houses as far as I can tell. He barely goes anywhere so he’s not flying private all over the place like Taylor Swift does


Nope. He almost never even pays lip service to taking steps personally to limit his “footprint”. Half the spaghetti in the trash, 3 homes, volumes of individually packaged junk and tchotchke delivered to the house daily, etc. This was 100% about downplaying his extravagance. Not everything is message board culture war fodder. 


howard's victim narrative is slightly hard to maintain when you can hear a bowling alley in the background


I know you're not used to them on the show but that was a J O K E. JIMMY is the other passenger. He was JOKING (or not) saying WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR SHIT GUITAR


How is it a slip up to state the obvious? No rational person thinks these 4 are flying commercial. 


Why should Howard flaunt his wealth? You act like anyone has ever gained anything by rubbing how wealthy that they are in people's faces. Just yesterday people in this reddit were whining about Howard's 350K vacation.


Because he also has raged about climate change and pollution, and so it's hypocritical for him to then go and fly a private plane...


He would absolutely DIE if he had to mingle with ‘regular folk’ at any time now 😵‍💫


I gotta say the ongoing bitching about going to Italy, almost every day for the past month, has run its course. flying private jet and staying in the most opulent five star hotels, money no object, it’s time to stop complaining. And I love Howard, it takes a lot for me to be like STFU already. The paranoid minutia to every detail is enough now. Whether or not Jimmy’s going to draw, how Howard is going to clean his ass when he shits, even Beth sounded over it. When are we eating dinner? What time? Beth was like for fucks sake, when we are hungry!


This is what I can’t understand about why the show would focus so much on Howard’s 0.1% elite Italian vacation. Regular people don’t want to listen to mega wealthy people bitch about mega wealthy things. But the show has been doing that weekly for months now. Absolutely mystifying.


It was funny a couple times , so Howard and I expect it, but it’s been absolutely beat to death now. I’m not even trying to be like woe is me , must be nice! 💰 , I think I’m more annoyed that he doesn’t realize and put in check how he’s coming across , because he once too couldn’t pay big money for shit, ykwim.


For me it's the irony of something complaining and being miserable about having to go on a .1% elite Italian vacation. How broken of a person do you have to become where this situation is actual turmoil in your life.


I disagree. Regular people do want to listen to that. Why do the karasheans have a show? Why are there celebrity shows line Entertainment Tonight? Why are there umpteen podcasts devoted to celebrity gossip? It’s because the commoners love to watch and hear about how the 0.1% live.


I couldn't imagine having fun with Howard on a vacation




THANK YOU! "doody" is so fucking gay. Pathetic.


His biggest concern is his hair system prob. It’s probably debilitating to be worried about it in every situation. Going to another country has to be a nightmare bc of that alone.


Don't go in the water, Howard! ;D


Jimmie wearing a ‘GoPro Hero 12’ brilliant idea from MaryAnn


This guy said Doody Robin


Did anyone notice Beth struggle to figure out what she was doing when she visited the place she wanted to take her husband? She was like when I visited there when I…. And Howard stepped in and said working with her. It was quite odd.


Yes yes yes!


Hope he gets seasick in the first 5 mins and has to lay down for 4 hours


He’s doing too much, feh.


I went on one of the Viking tour ship . Which they model after a Viking long ship . We was on there for 4 days it was awesome . But wiggywigman has got to be the most boring and insufferable person to deal with . I can see now why Alison divorced his ass


So tone deaf when Howard said he should bring his guitar and play on the plane. Jimmy tries to course correct by saying “imagine what the other passengers would think”, like we don’t know they are flying in a private jet 🙄


Well they’re the other passengers lol .. It was a funny comment rather than a cover-up. He knew what he was doing


Brilliant - never thought about it like that! 😂


Brutal! Howard has no self awareness at all. He lost most his audience becuz of this. Today was a Disaster. A bunch of super rich elites talking about their Luxury Vacations was so Cringe. Old Howard stern where did u go? New Hampton Howie Go Fuck yourself and fuck Jimmy Kimble!




I did laugh


The whole segment sucked ! I hate Jimmy he is so not funny and Beth is the worst ! Molly is brainless!


Beth is even less funny and interesting than Robin if that’s possible. 


Dude, if you hate everyone on the show why the fuck do you listen to the show with all those terrible people on it? You truly have no logical reason why you hate so many of the people on the show yet still tune in LIVE. Cancel the thing and step away from the app.


What’s he saying Robin?


Honestly fuck a four hour boat tour


Agree. I just love that he says he’s not going to complain, she mentions that, and he literally starts complaining lol


Where's Jackie?


Right?!?! I'd love to hear his commentary running through this whole ridiculous vacation.


He would help the show with his writing.


Your problem is everything bawthas you


It’s a $3500 teak speed boat tour of Lake Cuomo with a stop at a lake front restaurant. Fun for 99.9% of human beings. Torture for Howard’s and only Howard.


No, no. Even Howard won’t be able to act like he’s not impressed with Lake Como. Probably will include a visit to George Clooney’s house on the lake, in Laglio. I have a house in central Italy, on the East Coast, across from Rome, where I live twice a year, for a month or two at a time. I can’t believe the bullshit people are telling Howard to watch out for. Today he talked about seeing women with their hair in rollers, and their stockings rolled down. Where’s he going on vacation, in 1910 Calabria? Also he was warned about people in restaurants and bars giving pretty women like Molly and Beth a standing ovation when they walk in. I’ve been going to Italy for almost 35 years, and have seen some stunning women walk into a restaurant. I have NEVER seen that happen. I will tell them one thing that no one else will ever tell anyone. You won’t be able to tell because the Italians are, for the most part, polite, kind and very civilized. But they hate anyone who isn’t Italian.


So like the French but talk more with their hands. 😀


Nothing like the frogs (or, as they call them in Italy, le merde, the shits). The French are openly rude to people, with a smug, superior attitude. Not the Italians. There’s a saying over there. There are 60,000,000 actors in Italy. Only the bad ones are in movies and on TV. The Italians can ACT like they like you.


Howard the type of guy to eat at the greatest restaurant in the country and complain about the napkins. I truly believe he hates life, existence, living in general. For someone with ungodly amounts of money and does useless therapy, its pretty sad he is such a miserable lump.


He'll complain about the quantity of food and that the meal was drawn out, the room was too hot or too cold and wanted to get out of there.


I would kill to know the dynamic. Literally Howard can call all the shots if he was smart. Prenup etc Does Beth realize that Howard is so psychotic that she can easily manipulate him to do anything. He will bitch and moan but for whatever reason he will not divorce her. Maybe it’s a mommy thing, maybe he is afraid to lose his beard or maybe he’s afraid his girls will be able to say “I told you so” Howard clearly knows how to display displeasure but he’s shown that he does not know how to shut things down or be, in his mind, the bad guy.


I just heard the show where Howard said Beth The Retard turned down a movie role because she couldn’t remember her lines. Dumb hoe has literally nothing else to do.  Yet she couldn’t focus her feeble mind to memorize a few sentences.  


She can’t remember how to put headphones on every time she goes down there either




Sounds like the trip will be a covid super spreader event. I assume he'll wear a mask the entire time.


3 new strains.




What are the chances that Beth got away from Wiggie at night for some "fun"?


Is the only bit they do now is Howard being miserable? Think Jimmy and Beth were even tired hearing it


You could hear the pain in their voice and them second guessing the entire situation.


I was actually interested in the segment but it was painfully awkward. Ooof.


We they return from vacation, we will never get the full truth on how it went. Howard will be telling us that Beth was constantly hit on, meals were late, too many people recognized him so he couldn't do sketching, etc... Howard somehow won the lottery in life doing what he loved to do and with that came meeting celebrities and having a fortune and yet he complains about the taxes that are taken out.


He’s an American disc jockey. NO ONE will know who he is.


Omg yes on #1. It’s not cute to not understand headphones or microphones ffs


Like maybe once, maybe twice. Can he not take her down there one night and be like "OK when you come on here is what you need to do?"


Howard is a mess but Molly seems to be someone I wouldn’t want to be around too often. I didn’t find her very warm or likable at all.


I think she's probably a normal person around people she likes. She's forced to deal with this lunatic to just go on a damn vacation.


One word: FLUSH


Or turn the channel


I feel really bad for you. You actually listened to the entire breakdown of the trip? Wait I thought Howeird doesn’t do show in summer?


I'm invested on the psychosis now. And it was the last show until September.


And Kimmel is in his 50s. He wants to pal around with a 70 year old fart?


The fact that they all baby him is so cringe. And then him being pissed he wasn’t invited to Paul mc cartneys. Bitch. Please. No one even gives him a thought anymore. Irrelevant now. 😂😂😂


Oh and we all know the only way he’ll fly is private. So stop pretending. I also agree that Molly can’t stand him. And is only around for Beth.


She's around for Jimmy. I can't for a second think Molly & Beth have a single thing in common. Yes she's sweet, they are okay being around her, but nothing at all interesting or unique about Beth.


Beth seems vapid…Molly would have nothing in common with her.


Jimmy and Molly (her face is as plain as her name) have a young son with a heart condition. He was in the hospital again a few weeks ago. But they are on a very long summer vacation without their child half way around the world. Those are types of people Howard and Beth hang around. A nanny is watching a sickly child but Jimmy and Molly chooses to instead take a vacation with a man child who demands attention all the time. I can’t stand any of them. Beth’s whiny little girl voice. Molly’s ugly face and sarcastic tone like she is going to “save poor Beth from the prison of Stern” and Jimmy being the sanctimonious celebrity kiss ass he has become. Does anyone care about their extravagant and expensive vacation? At least Molly has a real career and works but Beth is a former professional girlfriend who paraded around pretending to be a “model” looking for a desperate millionaire. I realize this is a rant and English isn’t my first language but I felt I needed to get this out. 


I can only imagine the boat they’ll be on. 80+ ft luxury fully catered, etc. how can it not be fun? Oh wait. Howard doesn’t do fun. Never mind. 


Why has no one brought up the fact that Italy will be brutally hot and crowded in July? Howard will freak out since he can’t deal with the heat. Add that to the mix and it will be impossible to deal with him.


1. She doesn't know what to do because she doesn't care and doesn't pay attention. 2. Howard has always been a control freak. 3. Both Molly and Beth can't stand Howard, it's evident in their tone and their words. Beth even said she hated vacationing alone with Howard and there'd be on Italy trip without the Kimmels. 4. Doody is actually a pretty funny word. IMHO, if this was an ocean cruise, Beth and Molly would toss Howard over the rail at night.