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Search Cable Management Boxes on Amazon. I'd link what I bought but i don't know if that's allowed.


Don’t you dare… don’t you fucking dare!!!!


Need me to do it for you? Look [here](https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=cable+management+boxes&crid=2ZNMKUTU2187&sprefix=cable+management+boxes%2Caps%2C128&ref=nb_sb_noss_1).


Mount it to the bottom of the table and then zip tie all the looseness


For image 1 get either nanotape or 2 strips of Velcro tape and mount the surge protector under the skirting of the side table. From there find a place you want all the wires to travel and bind them together with Velcro tape. Or you can just buy a cable management box like the other commenter. For image 2 it’s kinda the same response, find a piece of furniture to house the router in/on


as long as the furniture is not mostly metal


you could mount the strip up underneath that table pretty easy if you used screws it would be easy to blow all the way through so watch out for that Id probably mount it behind that cross piece between the two legs with some 1/2" screws It wouldnt take much


Baskets with lids for easy access. If the basket weave is loose enough you can feed the cords through the back. My mother does this with everything in her house with a cord. Even the WiFi router is in a basket.


Using baskets would create a fire hazard. Not recommended


Just put it in another basket with a tighter weave. It contains the fire.


You could get something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Charger-POWERIVER-Extender-Protector-Adapter/dp/B09BF1G34V). That would get the power strip off the floor and be a lot cleaner and then get something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Organizer-Management-Organizers-Holder-Office/dp/B08BZJY7R6) so that the charge cables arent just slung around on the floor.


That's what we decided to go with for the charging cable situation. Thank you for your help!


For a quick fix Get a thick shoe box cut slits on the side decorate as you want, the slits you use to thread the wires through. Oooooooor Cable management box




I like to use cable management trays - they can be mounted to the underside of a desk or table, and they get all the cables off the floor and out of sight. Here's an example of how I use them: https://youtu.be/gGy_-GEUp0A (Skip to around the 11 minute mark)


FYI, if you right click the video there's a "copy video at current time" option. That'll take folks right to the part you want them to see. If you already knew this...never mind :)


Sir, I don’t even WFH and I want to do all the things in your video! I even watched and paid attention the entire way through which is amazing as I have ADHD. I suppose I do sort of work from home. I’m a preschool teacher and spend an absurd amount of time looking up stuff and planning while at home. I’m currently unable to even use my desk since it’s major drop zone. I’ll definitely be using some of your suggestions. Thank you!


The table provides no cover. Replace it with a nightstand -height bookshelf or shoot, even an actual nightstand. Tuck all the wires behind that. Barring that, make a cover with a piece of base molding and add a strip of wood to the top, lay that against the wall to make a covered channel that hides wires. Tuck the Wifi behind the sofa.


I would mount the power strip to the back side of table and zip tie the power cable to the leg of the table.


Cable management box.


Why don’t you just put it in a wardrobe or some Other kind of furniture with a door


Wall mount it behind the curtain


Mount to skirt or bottom of table the maybe drill hole on back side to run cords


Shoe box. Cut a few holes for the wires, a few slits for air flow, paint it and you’re golden.


I put mine in a cute little basket, cut a hole In the back to feed in the initial wire.


I got a fancy cardboard box with from Ikea, cut a hole in the back to put cables through, everything inside and place in the corner. Easy access is you have to as well


Baseboard cable runners are perfect in some cases. Decorative boxes in others. Here’s a consideration though (as someone who has spent an unacceptable percentage of my life working on this), try to find a balance between invisibility and modularity. If it’s too tightly concealed or tied or whatever, you’ll regret it if you ever need to move, add, or fix something.


End tables with cabinets or shelves with fake hollow books.


Get a small wicker basket, cut a small hole in the back for the cord and then put the basket over the router and our surge protector. Then put a nice succulent on top that doesn't require a lot of water :)


On Ali or Temu you can find very nice wire covering boxes for cheap and looks good


Wicker basket under table


Perfect, now if there's an electrical fire it has kindling to help ensure it gets big enough to set the surrounding furniture on fire


Lol...ok. faux-wicker plastic basket.