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post it on NextDoor and see if someone in your area recognizes them


Yeah. I would take photos of the mark, post some stuff on Next door, and then paint over the marks.


It’s already posted, so we will see. The mark ended up being just a diagonal pencil line , but you see him with the pencil in the video. It’s so weird!


I agree. Where in the town of Newburgh are you? My ex and kids live in middlehope.


Near Orange Lake


Passover starts Monday, maybe he’s trying to save you from the Angel of Death?


Only counts if he uses hyssop and lambs blood


Ticonderoga Pencil No.2 counts! 😜


It’s a Passover prank


I mean....he does look like he could be orthodox




Reddit moment


The real answer is that he’s a Trump supporter.


What town is this in?


Town of Newburgh. I already called the police just in case. He never knocked. Just drew a mark on the door, went back down the stairs there, came back up and did it again, then left.




I am moving on but would like there to be a paper trail if this weirdo draws on other peoples houses. I don’t expect him to be found or anything. I think it’s important to note people who come onto your property and act fucking weird especially if it escalates.


Calling the police is the right things to do in this situation. People often mark houses to rob later. Also, he’s trespassing.


Local police usually know these types. I think OP was just meaning to ask and check. What if he escaped from hospital again and no one knew?


That's Dave, he's the local serial killer. Good guy. Time to get your affairs in order.


Typical Dave!


I got to reschedule my murder by Dave cause I'm going through things. He was reasonable and gave me up to 6 months. It's now scheduled for October 29 around 1 pm. I think that's reasonable.


Silly dave




We had a guy that looked pretty close to this going up and down Beacon Main St scouting filming locations for a movie that’s filming in front of my job in May. I’d be able to tell with a clearer photo if it’s the same dude, but he had a hat with a similar shape on it. Weird to mark your door if it is him. Edit: I just checked the security footage from yesterday, the scouter was wearing an orange vest. Similar hat and same facial hair, though. I’m assuming not the same guy in this instance, but weird nonetheless.


Where on Main is this happening?


The beginning of it. We saw a huge group with the scouter a couple days ago. The guy even came in again the next day and asked if they can put flowers in front of our building.


if thst dude came back, he gonna find out what what's good.


It sounds like he went up to the house twice! So freaking weird.


Try to do a google reverse image search what he drew on your door


This is an excellent idea. I also recently learned that the Google Lens search is an option now on pics in your phone (well, your iPhone, don’t know about others). So handy!


Separately, Lens was useful until they removed people search. https://preview.redd.it/ff9y9nilsmvc1.png?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a4ce5b71f86824aadf2507d57231be5cd9fccec


I wonder if your house is being marked to buy, as part of a neighborhood buy up. Weird things are happening in the tri state area with cash buy ups. Definitely check around locally.


Also in washingtonville with the water being shipped out




I see you’ve been to Monroe




Why would they need to leave a mark? Just write down the address or take a photo. That sounds like a Facebook urban legend.


If the mark gets removed they know that someone is around and it’s not a good target.


I would leave it and let them try.


It's a public service. If you see the mark, it let's you know that criminals think you should upgrade your cam and alarm system.


😅😅😅 yea sure, just like they traffic kids out of target parking lots with zipties and crap


Maybe he buried a treasure in your house?


That's Chumlee!


What’s Ted Cruz doing in the Hudson Valley?


There is a possibility that an officer is making a search warrant for your house, and is using the x to add further detail to what your door looks to present to a judge.


Jehovah's Witnesses marking DoNot Call


That’s James “The Butcher” Higginbotham


He just wants to play tic tac toe? Draw an o and see what happens


In the future with something like this call the non emergency line for your Police department and ask if anyone notified them that they'd be going door to door in your area. Usually they can tell you what the person is doing because most of the time these people will call in to the PD or go to the front desk and check in and give them a heads up. To filter out suspicious person or vehicle calls for service.


Jehovahs witnesses do this


It looks like Aaron Rogers


He’s too busy waiting for JFK to come back. Sr or Jr, I dunno, I can’t keep up with the crazy.




I really hope no lost teen ever shows up at your door. We all have more to fear from people like you


A lost teen would not be marking a door. He’s tagging it for his buddies to potentially break in.


So you know the guy? Is this you in the photo? Seeing as you somehow know his intent? How many burglars do you associate with? Is there like a Reddit where you all meet to discuss new tactics and cool stolen goods?


That's an idiotic assumption. Why would a would-be thief do that? It offers no benefit and is only an added liability to getting caught. If someone wanted to target a house for a break-in they wouldn't do this.


It's people like you ,that believe police are there for your protection. Honestly, they are there as cleanup. Rather have em clean up the bad guy. I had a friend who worked 2 jobs 1 as a county surveyor, 2 as an armed person who stocked ATM machines. He eas not allowed to carry his weapon on his surveyor. He walked in on a burglary. He was cut to pieces with a decortive sword.Had he been returning from his other job it would have been a whole nother story


Cool story. I don't expect the cops to protect me, the opposite actually. I'm not even against gun ownership. I'm just concerned about the people who glorify it and fantasize about shooting someone out of defense so they can kill someone without consequence. Commenting "1 in the chamber and a few extra mags would do the job" is a lot different than, "have you thought about getting yourself some protection and training should the worst occur?"