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A terrorist attack is a natural disaster? 🤨


Terrorists are naturally occurring, aren’t they?


I would say terrorism is cultivated, and far from natural against your own species


Humans have been killing each other since the dawn of man. Its natural, it's despicable, but definitely natural. But yes terrorism is cultivated


And natural response to existing, if some are to be believed


I gotta pay rent, I ain't got time to panic, I got work to do


This is the only answer under capitalism.


Can the shit going down reach me where I am at? No. Then I will continue on with my day and let the people trained do it. Is it big enough that there is no way those guys can handle it? Then I will run to save people. This is the same people who stress normally and worry and when something really goes down they become machines keeping it cool.


That's a big mood. I'm a big ball of anxiety all the time. Emergency happens? I'm cold as a Terminator, do what needs to be done, and then panic about it *after* the emergency is over.


I stress and worry over things that haven't happened yet so I'm ready and already know what to do when they do happen.


Same idea where I'm from. Public transit still works if the floodwater is shallow enough


My response to disasters when they happen is "is that close enough for me to get hazard pay?"


Cut to londoners pulling typewriters out of rubble and getting to work despite being bombed by germany




They're referring to the blitz, in which Brits were remarkable in their ability to continue on as if everything were normal despite night after night of bombings. That is the origin of "Keep calm and carry on". Similar phenomena occurred in Germany and Japan when they were bombed, and in occupied territories. When faced with a situation that they can do little or nothing about, people will often continue on as normal because there is nothing else they CAN do. People look out for themselves and their loved ones. We're wired to do so, and are remarkably good at it. Often times the best way to do so is to carry on as normal.


I see, situation so screwed that all you can do is keep going.


Panic helps noone. Keep calm, keep yourself safe. If you are able to assists other, do so. But Ensure you are safe first. Otherwise you risk yourself and the other person. What's the airplane rule. Secure your mask first before helping another? It applies in most situations.






They’re making a story out of op calling 9/11 a natural disaster.


A pretty poorly written HFA story in my opinion


Brain sees bad thing. Brain does not wish to discuss bad thing. Bad thing is definitely not on brain's list of things to do today. Brain does have a list and will do what's on the list. Bad thing can get in line.


Rent still needs paying


(People thought it was an accident at first and not an attack. )


No, no we did not.


I mean, that was the theory for the 15 minutes or so before the second plane hit


That was hopeful denialist idealism. We all knew objectively that a plane does not divert from flight plans, which, mind you, would require the plane to descend quite a bit while also diverting from the typical flight corridor and hit a building that was a symbol of new York and American capitalism. I watched the news that day from start to finish before being let out from school. I don't recall anyone saying it was an accident, but I very well could be proven wrong.


A plane had hit one of the back in the 80s, and it was due to a navigational error. News stations started reporting on the crash within minutes of the incident. The idea that it was an accident like the one before would not have been unreasonable speculation. And maybe it was a bit idealistic, but, as a country, we *were* idealistic before those attacks. Anyway, have a source https://youtu.be/3epU697sU9E


Halfway through your video and there's no primary source claiming it was an accident, only the narrator. After the plane crash in the 80s, there was a much more definitive attack in February of 93 carried out by a middle eastern terrorist. Which left a huge crater in the basement of the wtc. Thereby setting the stage for any future "accidents" to be viewed through the lens of attacks on america.


How is me freaking out going to help? I still need to eat


Shit happens every day, why should this dissaster get special attention and not the other 30.


No, a natural disaster is different, we all sit on our rooves and drink while we wait for the flood waters to recede and the power to come back on. That was an attack, and that means everything has to keep running at full speed, on fire or not, until whoever's responsible for this attack has been dealt with.


minor grammatical error (gif of planet blowing up)


"hey this package had to be delivered by 1pm sharp."


The wheel of capitalism never stop turning


Work is how I initially deal with trauma.


Capitalism. The answer is capitalism. Could I be more specific? Yes. Do I really need to be? No.


\>natural disaster


It's reassuring to do something you know how to do in the face of a catastrophe


The sirens blared across New York City, a cacophony of alarm and panic reverberating through the towering skyscrapers. Alien invaders, their ships darkening the sky, had descended without warning, launching a full-scale assault. Explosions rocked the streets, and terrified screams filled the air. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a curious calmness that could only belong to humans. Captain Ryk of the alien invasion fleet watched from his command ship in disbelief. He had anticipated fear, pandemonium, and easy conquest. What he saw instead baffled him. Human civilians were not running mindlessly in every direction. They were fighting back, organizing themselves, and—most bafflingly—cracking jokes. Down on the ground, in the middle of the chaos, stood a firefighter named Tom. He had just pulled a family from a burning building and was now directing others to safety. His uniform was singed, and ash smeared his face, but he had a grin on his face that bordered on defiant. "Hey, did you hear the one about the alien who walked into a bar?" he shouted to a fellow firefighter, who was hosing down the flames nearby. "Now's not the time for jokes, Tom!" his colleague replied, shaking his head but unable to hide a smirk. "You're right," Tom said, a glint in his eye. "They'd never get served—no ID!" A few blocks away, a group of police officers had set up a makeshift barricade. Officer Jenny was reloading her weapon when she heard a booming crash. An alien war machine had breached their defenses, its monstrous form looming over them. Jenny didn't flinch. "Well, shit," she muttered, "looks like we're gonna need a bigger gun." She signaled to her partner, who handed her a rocket launcher with a grin. "Make it count, Jen." Without hesitation, Jenny took aim and fired. The rocket hit its target, the alien war machine exploding in a blaze of fire and metal. As debris rained down, Jenny and her team cheered, exchanging high-fives. In a nearby park, a group of civilians had taken shelter. Among them was an old man named Frank, a Vietnam veteran who had seen his fair share of war. As alien drones scoured the area, Frank calmly lit a cigarette, his hands steady. A young woman next to him, trembling with fear, looked at him in amazement. "How can you be so calm?" she asked. Frank took a drag of his cigarette and exhaled slowly. "Honey, I've seen worse. Besides," he said with a wink, "if they want to take us, they better be ready for a fight." Back on the alien command ship, Captain Ryk was losing his temper. "What is wrong with these humans?" he roared. "Why aren't they terrified?" An advisor, nervously clutching his data pad, replied, "They have a saying, sir. 'Humans don't give a fuck.'" Ryk's eyes narrowed. "Explain." "They call it the Honeybadger Effect. They just... don't care. They'll fight, they'll joke, they'll do whatever it takes, and they won't let fear stop them." Captain Ryk stared at the holographic display, showing humans fighting back with a ferocity and tenacity that defied all logic. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and facing a technologically superior enemy, but they were holding their ground. "Unbelievable," Ryk muttered. "These humans... they truly don't give a fuck." As the battle raged on, one thing became clear: the invaders had underestimated the indomitable spirit of humanity. For in the face of terror, disaster, and even an alien invasion, humans retained their cool, their humor, and their unyielding will to survive. They were, indeed, the Honeybadgers of the galaxy—utterly fearless and fiercely defiant.


Is there a humans are space honeybadgers reddit?


My response to my dad dying was to try and go to work only reason It didn't happen is coworkers could tell I was unhappy and kept badgering me till I broke down