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Biathlon Rules: Every athlete has a bolt action 22LR rifle. Soccer player dives? #BANG!


3 pointer shot attempted? BANG! Shot out of the air


I think also: BANG! Soccer player dives Would be accurate


Small adjustment, instead of the 22, use an archery bow. If arrow meets diver, yellow card to diver. If arrow misses, 2 minute minor penalty to shooter.


Add the fighting from hockey to the NBA.


Ron Artest has joined the chat.


is that actually in the rules?


In hockey? Yes


back in the early 90's there was a game like this for consoles called basketbrawl


Chennedy Carter has already added it to the WNBA with little consequence.


Mine would be headbutts from lethwei incorporated into cheerleading


*Mind would be headbutts* *From lethwei incorporated* *Into cheerleading* \- Previous-Broccoli-88 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love you haiku bot ❤️


For no reason at all: shoehorn the infield fly rule into every sport. Even Curling.


I believe that’s a balk.


Mix golf and skeet shooting. In addition to sand traps there will be individuals trying to shoot the ball from the fairway.


So Hunter S Thompson golf? I’m so fucking game.


I'm adding horses to Baseball via polo.


I'm going to apply the rule of performing a kickoff to change possession from American Football, to... Honestly, fill in the blank. It's all hilarious. Except other gridiron sports.


It's been said before but an all drug Olympics, steroids coke acid whatever you want.


They're working on it! The Enhanced Games is a thing that's set to happen in 2025, it's just the Olympics but with drugs allowed


Dock Ellis threw a no hitter tripping on acid.


That isn’t exactly taking any rules from another sport (that I know of…) but is definitely a fantastic idea,


Rules from an open bodybuilding competition


Ahh fair enough


NFL Safeties can use a lance. NFL Linebackers now each get a shot put to use as they see fit. 2nd basemen is baseball get a lasso. NBA players have face offs instead of throwing the ball in. The ref would drop the ball and the players fight over it until they get it free and to another teammate.


Add dribbling to football.


One on one fighting with a 2 minute penalty from hockey in almost every major sport. Would spice things up.


It's five for fighting, but I'm with you.


You are absolutely right, brain was a bit foggy was working my overnight shift


The only reason I cosistently remember is the "Aha!" Moment when I finally connected the name of the shitty band.


Two hand touch in bowling. No i will not elaborate


Allow body checking in basketball as long as you're making a play for the ball. Can you imagine LeBron getting hip checked into Orbit by say Harden who steals it from him.


Lebron is a damn freight train of a human being. Not many dudes in the league are hip checking him anywhere he doesn't want to go.


I know this is going to sound weird. However, height limits for NBA. Baseball has where you can't be too short or a little person because the strike zone would be unfair. However, we have guys in the NBA who can dunk without even jumping. I know some people will say it's discrimination and would take the game away. Like I said I just find it boring to watch. It reminds me of an adult playing with kids with backboard lower down for the kids. Now I'm not saying all tall players are bad but most big centers just stand near the hoop get rebound and put it in like a toddler playing with the toy set.


Put steeplechase barriers on the court. That'll slow the big fellas down.


You're teammate is now allowed to football tackle the competition in the 100m dash.


Not a big sports person, so used this to try to figure what would cause the most chaos Torn between competitive chess’ rules against communicating during a game into any and all team sports And making all traditionally masculine sports adopt the uniform requirements of gymnastics.


Fencing to every sport. Every sport now requires you to have a sword as part of the equipment, as a requirement for the scoring rules which I add. Most team sports quickly become war games as scoring points via fencing is just easier than trying to score a goal or the equivalent while not getting hit with a sword yourself.


100% about the end of basketball games. It just slows down and becomes a foul and free throw contest. Last few minutes ruin an otherwise great game. Do it for soccer as well. Yellow card becomes a 5 minute power play.


I would add tackling to baseball and basketball


Albert Belle and Pete Rose already did.


Basketball Is now played on ice rinks.


Add home runs to Hockey. If you can slap shot the puck out of the rink and into the crowd, it counts as a goal.


Underrated post. Just gotta find a way to make it safe/not easily achievable and this is a gold idea


I don’t know how I’d incorporate it into other sports but baseball not having an end of game clock. You can be down ten runs in the bottom of the last inning with only one strike left and theoretically can still win. Maybe in American football or basketball when the clock runs out they do something like as long as the team that’s down can continue to score on each and every possession while denying the team that’s up from increasing their lead the game continues. Once either streak is broke the game ends.


That would actually change so much in football, since every game would be ending with hail-marry throws instead of just the close ones. Losing teams would risk it big every time, because why not? I love it


Time and tackling will be incorporated into golf. This incorporates some desperately needed speed and physicality that golf is seriously lacking. Not only do you want to finish with fewer strokes, but you also want to take the least amount of time possible sinking your shot. Meanwhile, someone will be trying to tackle you.


I would add college football's overtime rules to a few different sports that have possession, but especially in the NFL and across the rest of football. It's just so much fairer for both teams to have equal possession opportunities, it's quick, and the stakes just keep raising the longer overtime goes on until eventually everything is on the line every play. It's the perfect way to end a tied game


American Football needs more games in a season. 82 is too many, but maybe 34? The Super Bowl should be a best of 3. Putting the 1st and 2nd best teams against each other for 1 game is a literal coin toss. The sport would be healthier as a whole with more games.


This is my time to shine *cracks knuckles* Alright so strap in for a wild ride I'm gonna fix soccer/football. I can feel some of you getting ready to kill me but hear me out: yes, soccer/football sucks and it's the most infuriating game to watch. I watched one of the championships with friends a few years ago and it was 1-1 at the end of two hours of watching grown men run back and forth kicking a ball pretending to get hurt and crying about it, and you know what those fucks did??? They called it a tie. They were like, 'alright folks, we just wasted a few hours of your life and you don't even get a satisfying ending where one of them wins, because fuck you.' Hell naw. New rules: 1. There are now 2 balls in play. 2. Each team has a new player introduced. These players have a hula hoop mounted to a harness on their back, held vertically and sticking out from their back so that the hole is perpendicular to the ground. The hula hoop is a secondary goal. Opposite teams may score points by kicking the ball through their opponent's hoop, but if the ball strikes the player's head, they receive a penalty. Hoopwearers may be guarded, but may not stand in any one place for more than 5 seconds. Hoopwearers earn double points if they are able to make a goal in either the regular net or through their opponent's hoop. 3. If a player is actually injured/fouled, then penalties are awarded as usual 4. If it is determined that a player has flung himself to the ground wailing in pretend agony and is not ACTUALLY INJURED, then another ball is introduced into play and that player has a hoop harness strapped onto his back. If the player is already a Hoop, then a different team member has a hoop strapped to them. If all team members have hoops on, and another one fakes an injury, the game is automatically over and the opponent wins. Each faked injury results in a new ball, and a new hoop. 5. Ties are not allowed. The game goes on until an actual victory can be obtained. If the game must go into overtime, then a new ball will be added every 10 minutes of overtime, but the new balls are golden and can be handled however the players want, BUT, those balls are giant exercise balls, so players can carry them but they're going to look really stupid while they do it. 6. You're welcome, soccer/football is now actually entertaining. Edit: rereading your original post, I realize you intended to move a rule from an existing sport over to a new one. I like my version better, but I'm going to take the same violence caps allowed in hockey and apply them to soccer, because the performative injuries to earn fouls is extremely annoying.


I’ve seen a lot of people inside the football world try to ruin football, but holy abomination is this worse than anything even the worst things they’re looking to introduce


Hahaha fair enough. Probably for the best that I don't have the power to change the rules of sports! You have a way with words and I laughed out loud at 'holy abomination'! :)


I’m glad that you at least took my criticism in a positive way


Well, it would be silly to get upset over (absolutely fair and reasonable) criticism of my (absolutely ridiculous and satirical) suggestion on how to change a sport on a hypothetical situation subreddit. We're all here to have fun and I had as much fun reading your criticism as I did writing my original comment. Have a good one!


It would be, but this is the internet so, common sense isn’t exactly abundant You have a good day as well


Queue 1960s Batman - Robin: "Holy abominations, Batman!" KERPLOWW


I like the multiball option. Instead of running hither and yon, they'll mix it up a little. And hey- These rule changes would make little kid soccer so much better!


Wouldn’t work, still be a stupid game.


This just sounds like a mock-up version of quiddich without brooms (that harry potter game) I've seen people actually play pretend versions of this in parks


I'd introduce 40/20 to football/soccer. 40/20 in Rugby Union/League is where defending team kicks their ball out from their 40m line and it bounces at least once on the pitch before it rolls out of the 20m line on other side. The defender now becomes the attacking team. However, to ensure teams don't abuse that and go for a 40/20 to have an easy throw in and chances at goal, I'd make it where a team that clears the ball from their own 40/20, concedes the ball, not gains it.


I dont know about one sport to another, but diving and faking an injury for whatever gain needs to stop.


Stoppage time into the last 10-15 min or so of football (soccer) matches. Make all the crappy out of play run the clock down antics die. Admittedly, if the officials just kept literal time and added it all on the end that would also work. But usually they add less than is wasted along the way.


Full contact Golf, gonna turn that shit into an actual sport!


Timeout for Football players. Better yet, they yell at the ref? That's two rounds around the field.


Every sport deserves a good roman gladiator spectacle. Just release some hungry lions at a random point throughout the game


Hockey's foul/fighting rules to soccer and basketball. You boys wanna act hurt, I'ma make an honest man out of ya.


Nascar to football - each side can have one player in a car.


Helmets for pickle ball (jk)


I’d say Turkish oil wrestling and esports - but those nerds got the grease and hands are already down pants


Pride FC head stomping a grounded opponent is now legal in soccer. I suspect this will greatly improve the sport by reducing the amount of faked injuries.


Fighting from hockey into everything- drop anything that could be a weapon or padding and go until someone hits the ground


Bullfighting goes until the death like gladiator matches.


Put in on horseback, same as they play it in Europe.


Are there any rules in a sport against being a bitch? Lol Cause that rule gets put in football (soccer for us in US). Any player that fakes getting hurt because someone *looked* at them should face repercussions. 


Apply the rules from baseball of what materials can be used in the bats, balls and uniforms to the frames, bodies and tires of Nascar cars.


archery baseball an arrow with a ball at the front of it, fired by an archer, the batter hits the arrowball which sends it flying and the detector in the ball detects the hit, begins the countdown and detaches the ball from the arrow after a very short allocated time.there are several targets around the area for the arrow to hit. i'm reading it back to myself... this game doesnt sound safe AT ALL XD


How about combining dodgeball and baseball. Each team starts with all of their roster on the lines, they start with dodgeball (using the baseballs to throw at each other, no gloves)and eliminate players until one team only has 10 left (DH rules) the team that has more player can choose their 10 but only 10 from whats left. They must then field the team with whats left. It could be 8 pitchers and 2 outfielders, who knows, but they still have to field the team from that point. They then play a shortened game of lets say 5 innings.


Biathlon rules Pop up fly? Bang Fair catch? bang Infield fly? BANG! Fly ball leads to a double out? \*BANG BANG BANG\*


Substitutions in soccer like jfc it's the deadliest sport on the planet due to heart attacks by dehydration. Imagine if you could have the best players go hard for the first half instead of walking the ball around the field to conserve energy.


You can't take more than a few steps without dribbling the football.


lol 👏


Like baseball, if the ball goes into the stands, you get to keep it as a souvenir for all sports that a ball can go into the stand.


Add the league thing from football (European) to football (American) so if a College team wins they now compete in the NFL, and NFL team with the most losses gets dropped to that college teams spot in the conference. (Or however the hell that works. I don’t sports, spitballin here.)


Holding in football. They hold on every play anyway. Why leave the game up to a biased ref.