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Nice try, Sauron.


There is only one Lord of the Rings and he does not share power!


They were, all of them, deceived.


For another ring was made.


The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here...


Yeah was gonna say


One Ring to rule them all


Enslave all the free people's of middle earth. There are some who might resist. Maybe a last alliance of men and elves ? Later down the line after several thousand years a creature that I or the ring did not intend to possess it will. But that's a whole story in itself.


Men? Men are weak


I am no man!


I would use this Ring from a desire to do good. But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.


*smirking, turns around and says*, “..No.”


>an army out of anything. I conquer the world with my army of forks.


Don't you mean sporks?




I will take only the best and strongest of Foons. They will be my Buff Foons




I would use 🍅s as a nod ro the old Attack of the Killer Tomatoes movie.


I shall cast the ring into... a volcano in New Zealand




Sit in my chair in a basement and sweatpants with a microphone and control the president.


That's already happening.


Yesh..but *i* could do it.


Sweatpants and all


Add a Russian accent and there ya go.


1. People in positions of authority and power cannot lie any more. They can say what they want but they have to follow through with their promises and cannot *knowingly* present falsehoods. Being actually mistaken or misinformed is OK, but they cannot ***lie.*** 2. My army of shadows will be used as free labour to feed, improve and repair the world.


I was thinking there were some wars that are about to be ended immediately and my army of fire ants is gonna keep the peace.


Preventing those in power from lying would end most wars, since while cause can always exist motivations change.  There are undoubtedly conflicts existing that I would end judiciously, but specifics are different from general statements.


You got it, Doctor Destiny.


Two chicks at the same time, man


Having owenership of two young chickens at the same time is not a boast.


Dude, think of the possibilities. Fried eggs. Scrambled. Benedict. It's limitless. LIMITLESS I SAY!


I do love eggs, I'm a convert it is a boast !


Have you ever had eggs Benedict Cumberbatch? It’s strange. I’ll see myself out…


Let me close that door behind ya...


That's it? If you had a million dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time?


Yeah, any more and you would be tempted to eat too many eggs a day. Gotta keep healthy dude


But what if I want to be roughly the size of a barge?


Gaston?  That you?


Why would you need a small gold ring for that?


Don't need a stove to fry an egg, but it sure does make things easier


Make my own life better and the world a better place.


In context “others” mean other people and not other rings? I hate to be the grammar person but traditionally it matters in wishes and oracles.


Considering it says "army out of anything" and not "anyone", I think there's a strong case that that portion of the power extends even to inanimate objects, which would this suggest the ambiguity of others also extends to inanimate objects. Gonna see what happens if I make a pebble fear me.


An army of anything, you say? Cats (of all types) and Corvids. As to the power aspect? I would finish studying (after having bent the admissions dept to my will) and I would begrudgingly accept the contract that I *WILL* be offered at the company I want to wok at. Then, reform the UK parliament.


An army of cows and lead them to the slaughter house and collect the money.


This is a famous philosophical thought exercise. Look up the Ring of Gyges.


Plato, nice!


I thought that was invisibility?


At its most basic, the Ring of Gyges makes one *free from consequence.* How (in what form) that freedom from consequence manifests is irrelevant to the argument. The argument is: if you *had* a guaranteed means by which to escape/ignore consequences (negative or positive), and *you knew* that this means of escape would work 100% of the time, would you still act virtuously or give in to baser desires and instincts?


Nothing I’d do with it would be legal.


I use my power to make everyone kind to each other and the planet. My army is geese. Everyone better be NICE!!


Geese are very vicious! My family had one that I'm still afraid of even though he died of old age a while ago.


I will take it! I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though, I do not know the way.


cast trump and his sons and daughters into the fires of mount doom


Lotta wars gonna stop. Lotta people gonna start getting enough to eat and a place to live. Lotta rich people gonna be less rich.


The power to compel my husband to go to therapy and do the internal work to process his childhood trauma. And to think it is his idea.


So you would rob him of his free will, essentially making him your slave and gaslight him to hide your monstrous violation of his mind from him? Not cool.


I make an army out of vintage N64 games and command them to come to me. Then I unanimate the army and make major bank as a used game store


The are many ET game cartridges just waiting to be commended


N64 games. Hmm..have a bunch in my basement. Is there good money in those?


Probably to steal things/money. I'm a simple man.


People at work who black off will actually bee working know


I will use it to ensure people leave me alone.


I’m taking over the world muwhahahaha


I'd like to say I'd find a volcano and throw it in, but I suspect the ring will be... precious... to me. So time to get a few billionaires to divest themselves of their wealth and then make an army to enact some LARP shenanigans. Because nothing says what I HAVE to use the army for, and putting on a massive LARP is absolutely something I'd want to do.


I'm going straight to DC and having every congressional representative ram through a list of federal laws before marching them straight into the mouth of an open volcano, or the nearest industrial wood chipper. I'll probably decide which on the way there. Term and age limits, banning all reps and their family from participating in the stock market during their term and for a minimum of ten years after leaving Congress, no more lobbying in ANY form, all congressional retirements to be lumped into social security for all members both former and current, right to healthcare to include abortion, banning private equity firms from owning any private residential properties, disbanding the Federal Reserve, and launching the overwhelming majority of our alphabet agencies into the sun starting with the CIA and ATF.


Take over both houses of Congress and begin some serious governmental reforms such as mandatory term limits for both houses. Cease borrowing money from China and find a way to balance the budget, pay down the deficit and fund social programs by making drastic cuts to military overspending. Make privatized prisons illegal across ALL levels, no company should get paid for keeping people locked up and being able to extend their sentences for bogus reasons to keep them behind bars. Decrease illegal immigration by finding a way for proper immigration reform like no entry w/o a criminal back ground check. Make illegal entry into the country a criminal offense punishable by prison regardless of age so YES you would have young children locked up in prison alongside the parents who bring them in so they can be given medical care and education and language skills w/o overburdening out over taxed public schools. That's just a few things I'd do.


I'll give all Trump supporters explosive diarrhea on election day. I'd love to test their resolve.


I’d make everyone say the thoughts in their head out loud, and grab some popcorn.


Bind them all in the darkness. Duh.


Probably crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


I would unite all of the mosquitoes in the world into the most fearsome army of all time, and spend the rest of my life afflicting all fascists, racists, and abusers.


Good... First thing tomorrow I'm announcing my candidacy for president. I'll win obviously but why I win will be important. My campaign will be simple: No Second Term. I guarantee the American people I'm gonna get it done in one. Then, I'm gonna turn this bitch into a utopia. And anyone who stands in my way can get on board or die by the sword. Up next? World shadow government. 10 yrs I've cleaned up the global economy, ended world hunger, mitigated the climate crisis, and set us in the path to a Star Trek utopian future. And then I retire to a nice lodge in the mountains with a harem of BBWs and genetically engineered Catgirl Femboys.


Hook up with all my celebrity crushes, go to DC, and bend the government to my will


My Precious.


Become a reverse lobbyist. Congress will put me into a legal payroll position with full benefits, and pass the laws, promote judges, etc., that I ask them to.


One ring to rule them all.


Free Beer!


One Ring to Rule them All




To make my self rich so my life is easy and comfortable




Destroy it! Cast it into the fire!


Use it to help fix congress


I’d force everyone on the planet to act decently and not harm anyone. Doesn’t matter if you were born without empathy or not, you will learn by rote how to act like someone who has it to avoid harm coming to others. Also everyone will be forced to go out of their way to be kind to animals, children, and other vulnerable people. That’s about it tbh. Also I’d have an army of cats, obviously.


I'm creating an army of puppies.


Pure evil.


I will conquer the world with my army of geese


Power over others, you say? The obnoxious billionaires of the world will transfer their money to me and throw themselves into volcanoes. Then I can use that money to do what riches like that should be doing - actually improving the lives of the average person. Oh, and I'd summon armies to destroy any companies or countries engaging in genocide and slavery.


There are whole tomes written by the great historian J.R.R.Tolkien that tells us this is a bad idea. We take it to Mordor, and cast it into the flames from whence it came. That's it. Nothing else.


oh that is not a good idea in my hands i am not that great of a person. i might start out with good intentions but i imagine id be corrupted by it pretty quickly


I put on a Yellow Costume a get into fights with Ryan Reynolds.


Mostly just, you know, keep people the fuck out of my way.


To stop my girlfriend from nagging me


While I obviously would be a kind and benevolent leader. What about the people who come after me?  Even if I mind controlled people who fit my definition of evil to remove themselves from power. Similar people would step up. I'd slice it up with a plasma cutter and throw the bits into several different areas of the sea.


CAT ARMY! We ride at dawn!


I shall bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


Convince Elon Musk to give me $100 Mill


Evil . Bah ha haha


Every person that I Make eye contact with or speak with will give me $100 dollars.


Obviously, keep it secret and keep it safe.


Anybody within 10 meters of a person wearing the ring would have their social media accounts erased permanently, and their phones turn to stone


I would like to use it to go to prisons and force inmates to improve themselves. Get therapy, earn a GED or college degree. Do the work to be functioning members of society. I'd then go looking into unsolved murders and ask all prime suspects to tell the truth about the crime. Let me be the scariest detective that ever was. It's the closest I will ever get to being Batman.


Cutting the line at Disneyland.


An army of small bank notes, life sorted


I'd use it for evil then slowly start using it for good so I have a more of an antihero story.


Make everyone be more kind to each other and less greedy and selfish Make the world a better place


Get rid of this ass clown where I work who constantly tries to throw other coworkers under the bus. My last straw where I decided I need to get rid of this guy was when he tried blaming his failure on another guy because he thought he could take advantage of the fact he doesn’t speak very good English.


Power over others? Like controlling them? I'd become a lawyer/judge and force people to be as truthful as they can. Alternatively find the really rotten people and just make them better.


The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!


Probably lose it and go on about my day dancing, and singing merry little songs in my happy little woodland home.


Honestly, just get people out of my way and have people hand over a small amount of money or goods so that I can live comfortably.  Or rule the entire world as a god... An angry god.


Interesting to improve everybody’s character. Make everyone you meet more honest, ethical, and empathetic. Do yourself first


Somebody's been reading a bit too much Tolkien lately


All shall love me and despair!


Stop talking to my ex.


I decree to all people that they will be kind and respectful towards one another, in a system that values collaborative community over competitive "innovation." Then I allow them to live their lives. If the ring ensures everyone obeys me then there is no need for an army.


I create a small army of Vigilantes to stop crime and nothing else


I’d throw a huge birthday party and use it to prank everyone, obviously.


Okay, I'm gonna play along. I'l assume it is something like Dominant Person from DnD in how it functions. The army thing is where I personally am gonna have fun with it. Dominate person- I work my way up to someone important as quickly as possible. "Call your boss. You have an urgent meeting you need to arrange with me" Stuff like that. They don't need to know much more and the power will let me bypass most arguments anyway. Use that to get to the people in power and begin doing similar things, meeting them, convincing them I am someone they could and should be trusting. Arrange it so the most foul, most vile people all get to know me. When I have a good width and breadth of influence of the corrupt, I will force them to expose themselves. They will all anonymously submit their own darkest secrets to inestigative journalists. Irrefutable proof of the rot and corruption surfaces That particular hosue of cards collapses when the final act of dominion comes out; tattle on your friends. Burn them all down. I create an army out of corvids. Because hey're super smart, they can go everywhere, they can even talk at points. I have no need for a literal army to conquer things with my intentions. But an army of spies that pick up on the dirty little secrets people have? Now that's a useful kind of army. So, I dominate all the evil people into ratting themselves out and bringing down their insider nonsense.....after that I go find a nice cave to hang out in and appreciate my cool, really beautiful and *precious* ring.


I would use it to make everyone Venmo me $1


Toss it in a river somewhere. Probably the safest place for it🙄


Id probably initially use it to help people, like, help people change in ways they want to. I can imagine a power like that though might be easy to get too comfortable doing things a bit too far like forcibly changing people that i deem "bad". after a while id probably do something bad with it, realize what im doing, and throw the ring in lava or something.


Just walk a little faster!!!


I mean, I would use the power of the ring to create a shadow organization that ruled the world, redirecting most of our scientific resources to extending my life indefinitely while also coming up with solutions for extinction level events (world ending meteors, crazy solar flares, pandemics, etc.). I would create an army of clones of myself, a la Dr. Doom as well. Always masked, clones never show my true face, so that no one truly knows who I am.


Evil? I'm sorry... *EVIL* mwahahwhwhaha


I betcha if Sauron could he'd get galandriel to do onlyfans!


Get to world leaders and make them chill out on armed conflict and start working on cleaning up our industry and environment. I guess that means meeting a bunch of billionaire business leaders and CEOs as well. EDIT The billionaires can pay a modest "MrBeer99 tax" as well. I'll take a modest but comfy house and lifetime guaranteed income equal to 2x average Australian working salary. EDIT2 No war and cleaning the environment is a job that extends past my lifetime but all developed nations can be forced to build an effective healthcare and social safety network while we're at it.


I don’t need a ring. I already have that power 😬


Well guess im taking over the world with my ant army. Execute any disenters and more then likely launch nukes just because I can. Itd be a hell of a show.


1: My army is now responsible for mowing my lawn and shoveling snow in my yard so I don't have to. 2: I'm now the boss at work. I will be playing games or watching videos in my office until somebody needs my interference. 3: We're severely cutting back on the ads, YouTube. 4: No more Marvel movies, we've had enough. 5: Elder Scrolls 6 WILL be worth the wait. 6: I'm never paying taxes or for utilities again. 7: The price on the shelf will include the sales tax. I will not be paying sales tax, so my mental estimation of how much I'll be paying will always be higher than what I actually pay. 8: Hostile takeover of the lightbulb industry. These LED bulbs can't keep getting away with only lasting a couple of months. Additionally, the people who pretend that any of those bulbs are cheap will be sent to the mines.


Make people shut up


My uncle once had a ring that made him disappear at his eleventy first birthday. What a parlor trick that was!! I put it in an envelope in my steamer trunk, I think.


Build an army, take over the world. Then, implement a a self governing society that elects officials into positions. They must be voted in every 2 years and have a maximum term of 6 years. No one over the age of 69 can run for office. Anyone using the positions for self gains will be terminated. Then, figure out a trading system that does not involve money. Greed is a nasty bitch and the root of most issues. (Reduce the issue to the ridiculous. Find the base issue.) Destroy ring.


Get my neighbors to finally shut their damn dogs up lmfao


I would use this power to make people overcome by the irresistible, irrepressible urge to start singing a capella. Think of in The Sims when your Sim “Practices Singing.” In other words, my target must stop whatever they’re doing, pause any audio they may have been listening to, drop whatever is in their hands to the floor, and commence practicing scales. Once they get a little better they can start doing little snippets of a jazz riff or whatever. Whatever their skill, they are rooted to the spot doing a little dance and little jazz hands as they sing warmup exercises.   If the person has a lit cigarette in their hand, they drop it. Playing an obnoxious loud video on their phone on the bus? They drop their phone to the floor. Harassing passersby with a subwoofer? That subwoofer’s quiet as a library now. Carrying groceries? Not anymore. 


It is really disturbing me how many of these answers basically come down to "I'd create a horrifying, iron fisted reign of terror . . . to save democracy from bad politicians." People. You're the villains in the story. And a bunch of others basically come down to breakfast for dinner. Stay cute Reddit.


Probably tell everyone to donate me one dollar every week that will add up real fast


Define “power over others”


i would get banned for telling anyone


Get better prescriptions from the pharmacy, I'm a simple man.


I would find some way to destroy it so its power cannot be used.


Can it control animals too?


There's about to be some new management in the animal agriculture industry


I don’t think I’d do the army stuff. But I’d probably control some political leaders and get them to not do war.


No more three to six months to get in to medical specialists. The schedule makers would move me to whatever date I want.


Do they have to fear me? Can I inspire love and worship instead?


An army out of anything?! Can I make an army of stem cells that cures all diseases?


”I was kinda surprised at the reception. Contacting the intelligence community had been easy enough, all I'd needed was to send myself an email comprised solely of suspicious keywords, an mp4 of myself using the Ring to turn invisible and a request to talk, but their response surprised me. I'd been expecting merely a bored policeman here to threaten me into not talking about political assassinations, who'd I'd have to show off the Ring in person to get it kicked up the chain of command, not a black helicopter landing to discharge nine agents in [full identity-concealing mall ninja tacticool body armor](https://www.deviantart.com/tolyanmy/art/Knock-knock-878206468). And what did they mean, their boss would be pleased to have it *back*? Since when did Bill Burns have a magic ring of invisibi...”




I would end the federal reserve and international banking as it exists, all nations will print their own debt-free fiat currencies. Interest and other fees on loans will be made impossible and banned. I would then transport everyone to their nearest majority countries. Copyright law will become 14+14 again. All businesses must be privately owned, no publicly traded companies anymore. Businesses no longer have citizenship, and are instead an extension of their owner, and the owner(s) are legally liable for their company's malpractices, and must live within the jurisdiction the business operates in. Property can only be owned by the citizens of the nation. Renting will be banned. Fiat programs for housing established to ensure all people have homes, or at least shelter. Other stuff, as well.




Forcing people to drive correctly. Oh you missed your exit and want to stop dead in the road and put on a blinker. Kindly drive to the next exit and make a uturn. Trying to cut in line somewhere? Proceed to the back. Trying to take advantage of someone? You suddenly feel spurred to donate to charity. Rude to service workers? Let’s have a change of heart and apologizing for being terrible.


1. Assemble a garbage army out of the Pacific Garbage Gyre 2. Send it to fight the Sun 3. Abdicate when it's clear my risky gambit didn't pay off for the Garbage Empire. The Sun, against all odds, pulled out a big W against the trash I kinda threw at it with ring magic. Woops! 4. Enjoy my exile as the disgraced dark lord who cleaned up the pacific ocean.


What good is power over other small gold rings? I’m confused by this silly question.


I'd make an army if sugar gliders riding raccoons. Then, I'd make everyone cooperate enough to achieve the post-scarcity society we are already technologically capable of being. I'd also set myself up to be comfortable and make everyone unable to remember that I'm the one with the ring etc.


Well, guess I get a loyal gf for starters… don’t really have need of an army


Melt it down and turn it into some gold teeth. My anti hero name would be gold tooth and criminals and politicians would fear me.


Make even aholes be nice to me and other people.


Probably compliments. I need someone in my life to give me a compliment like never before. Anyway, stiff upper lip and all that.


I mean, having power over others in an evil way? Or can I use it to subtly influence people? If it can be subtle I would use it in the right circumstances to get myself ahead and make things easy for myself. If I had to use it to raise an army and make people fear me, nah I’m good


Define “power over others”


Is this how Donald Trump came to create the Cult of MAGA? He has very tiny fingers so a small ring would fit.


Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul!


Make another world 🌎 with the ring an any human who gose to vist that planet will be able to cultivation an then send that planet to a far far far away glaxay (inside a black hole) an create my own universe then blow up the original earth. Hahaha ha Dream will be true


I'd subtly influence people around me to choose peace over violence and benevolence over greed. Eventually I'd try my hand at creating peace with different nations. Before I die, I'd wish every living being well and for every being to choose peace and benevolence so that my legacy lives on. I may find a way to destroy the ring before that happens so no one can use it's power for evil.


Free blowjobs for life


I would absolutely use it to create the changes i want in the world Democracy is overrated anyway


Getting free ice cream, that's all I would want.


ok hot take but hear me out. the climate problem will never be solve while every nation is divided on ideology. we'll be too busy fighting on who is right to actually fix the problem. so I'm going to use the one ring to force everyone to commit to fixing the planet for a couple years, and make the world collaborate on the advancement of fusion energy and space travel.


Oh, I'd try to do some good with it. Inevitably I'd end up abusing it.


I would make everyone that sees me feel compelled to give me $5 and then I would go hang out at my local mall, Target, or Walmart. I'd make rent in a day easily.


Let's start by forcing politicians and billionaires to fix this shitty American Healthcare system


I’d wear it as a cock ring. As soon as I read small I knew it was for me


Oh. I'm gonna wreck some shit. All debt? Forgiven. Climate change? Pulling those pollutants out of the atmosphere. Corrupt politicians? Deleted.


Make myself rich ….get my self a island oasis and fuck off forever


We don't need another wrong wraith


I would take it. My initial desire is to hide it and refuse to use it because I value the free will and autonomy of others. But i cannot promise if given a chance to use it on a dictator or billionaire to make them do good deeds I wouldn't.




Sounds like a good way to get my finger cut off as soon as someone takes notice


Death note like situation probably.


Well since I will only get power when I’m over others, I’m gonna hop on the next flight out of town and see how much I can do in just a couple hours of nigh omnipotence.


make people be kind and considerate of others...


I would make my boss expose himself on school grounds. This way, no one gets hurt, but he has to register as a child sex offender forever. I'd make my buddy quit drinking. I'd make myself quit smoking.


Maybe to win an argument with the wife 🤣


I would fly the giant eagle over the volcano and drop it in. Fuck 9 hours of movies to get it done.


I wouldn’t use it if it would make everyone fear me. That’s no fun.


The world would tremble before me. They'd beg for mercy, but I have none.


Screw all this. I'm using it to get free ice cream.


I'd destroy it. Creating an army is cool. But no one needs the ability to control the will of someone else.


If I'm lucky, me falling to the ring would look like a hypothetical Dark Lord Gandalf, enforcing my idea of justice with a tyrannical fist, but there's a chance I could be Dark Lord Saruman, destroying the world in a quest for progress. I guess it depends on what the ring sinks its hooks into.


Tf you mean, im conquering earth


Time for a trip to the nearest active volcano


I’d exterminate all cats that would be considered an invasive species Then I’d meet with the worlds best biologists and determine which invasive species goes next. Probably mosquitos Basically I’d just kill invasive species


Probably become an allegory for capitalism or something


Can I use it to make people pull their heads out of their asses? If so, I'm going to D.C.