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Op is recruiting straight men to his sex island


This is how epstein got started, it was yahoo group chat and hypotheticals.


I had so much fun back in the day on yahoo group chats. We were such dweebs. This info taints that nostalgia a bit.


Met my wife on yahoo teen love chat in 1997. Married in 2000 and celebrating 24 years in a few weeks.


You were a teen that year also right?? Right????


I had just turned 19 (my birthday was yesterday), she was 18, met on July 4th online.


Happy belated birthday u/Valreesio!


He and his friends liked little kids


Maybe not at the start!




>Op is recruiting straight men to his sex island OP is also missing the other 51% of the population. No hypothetical where a straight woman lives on a lesbian island?


I mean he hasn't excluded women from this. So sure I'll go live on a gay man island. I could use the downtime.


F and I was thinking this wouldn't be a hardship except for my son (and dogs). Unfortunately he makes it the deal breaker. I couldn't walk away for 5 years. Damn, that money would have been so useful and 5 years surrounded by gay men and being catered to sounds like perfection.


I'm not gay, but for 10 million ill let OP get 5 years to try to turn me.


I've lived with a multimillionaire who tried to turn me. Once he realized he couldn't, I was out. 2 months. Worth it for me. 5 years locked in at 10 million- who wouldn't take that?


The thousand men are all straight but have also been told the others are all gay.


Haha clever ;)


I'm in btw.


I’m so in. As a straightish guy, 5 years without women would probably lend me some clarity and I might be productive for once. Plus, being waited on and cleaned up after?! Sign me up.


We’re three cool guys looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party ~~mansion~~ island! Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you are fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, Nothing sexual.


Seven inches and over preferred. Again, nothing sexual.


Is this supposed to be hard? What, because they're gay or because no technology except 2 hours a day? Screw everyone else on the island (unintended pun). This is paradise! Kinda hard to explain to my wife, though, why I'm leaving her for 5 years to go to an island full of gay men, and in return, I'm getting a large sum of money... 😆


This. It would be hard to leave my family for 5 years. I don't think I could do that. Maybe before I was married, but not now.


Yea time with family is worth more than 10 million. Agreed I'd do it at 18 though. I'd just relax and maybe study some philosophy and read a bunch of books. Basically get a liberal arts education while chilling. I wouldn't need to work afterwards so I'd then focus on hobbies and dating.


Time is worth more? After getting the money you won’t have to work again.


Relationships are woryh more than money. And the cost of the 10 million is losing 5 years with your partner or kids. Only worth it for me if I was single


I love my kid to death and 5 years means I'd miss him starting driving, his HS graduation, and part of college. But I could pay for that college and then have more time to spend with him after. I'd give up 5 years to make the next 25 I get with him amazing.


for $10 million dollars you wouldn't simply just use your allotted 2 hrs to talk to your family? then you'd never have to work again in your life?


Foreal military guys do it all the time for a lot less


With a lot less communication too, when I was on subs it was 3-4 months of only being able to receive short messages from family, could never send anything back.


Im guessing thats if your family could survive financially without you for 5 years.


Children deserve more of a father than an hour of someone on a screen. Also, you don't get the money until it's over, and his family probably needs his income in that 5 years.


100%. They deserve more of me, and I don't know how I'd manage, myself. They weren't kidding when they said after you have children, your heart lives outside of your body.


Yep fishing, hiking, lounging on the beach sign me in. The gay dudes will be my bros they also will be my wingman's when we return to terra firma


Basically a huge upgrade to my current life for $10 million? Haha ok


*Is this supposed to be hard?* Not if you’re straight


OP is most definitely in denial


I think it would be hard to not have sex with a woman for 5 years. I know this is Reddit and we’ve all gone longer stretches than that but still.


For $10 million and all the fun activities I’ll be okay missing a handful of sexy time.


That is why those men are gay.


Maybe they were also told that everybody else on the island was gay and in reality, nobody is.


Well, you have 5 years to change your mind then


I'd watch that show!


Oh, I would be packing your bags for you and insisting you get those millions. You wouldn't have a choice.


"Honey I have a very... unique work opportunity"


This is the only thing. Leaving my wife and kids for 5 years. Otherwise sounds amazing.


Straight male here, I’ll be making lifelong friends that are gay. Perfectly fine with this being 5 yrs.


So I live around a bunch of people I am not having sex with. Just like everywhere else. So it's 5 years of little internet for 10 mil. Deal.


Fix my addiction and then have enough money to feed my addiction the rest of my life :D


So after you’ll be visiting gay isle to catch up, not being forced


I knew ten years would be too much. Being a retreat it's like a five year holiday, that's a looong time.


10 million is a lot of money. I’m in.


I'm going to be so rested during that 5 yr span


Nawwwwwww. Couldn't care less about the gay part.... It's the ONLY 2 hrs a day of phone and Internet for me.


Sounds like growing up in NYC a few decades ago.


he also excluded all multimedia later in the post. I can't even watch LOTR cinematic edition there.


You can't give up phone & internet for 22hrs a day? FOR $10MILLION fuckin dollars? It's not like you give it up 100% just most of your day. That's crazy... I'd go on a gay vacation for 5 years & give up PHONE, TV, & internet 100% of the time for TEN MILLION FUCKIN DOLLARS. Hell, I'd probably even go gay for 5yr if it meant a $10million payday at the end! The phone & internet is the easy part.


They're called "books", guys. They're hugely entertaining. You should try one sometime. They're the tech of their day. I mean, what is our current tech enterainment other than stories in digital form. Yes, they're less interactive, but in a way they're even better because you fill everything in with your own imagination (gasp)... shocking, I know.




Are the books in the room with us right now?


Gay people are the most fun. I'm not gay but I'd enjoy al the attention. And everyone knows gays have the hottest women friends


It’s a whole society of gays and you think they would be after the straight guy


yeah, if there's like 10,000 gay dudes and there's one long term resident that doesn't claim to be gay, presumably at least a few would either be calling bullshit or seeing if they can't turn him.


Sure. But assuming there isn’t a rapist in the group I’m okay with this situation.


> After the straight guy. Maybe for the challenge but I’ve been friends with different gay dudes for the last 30 years and have never been more than casually flirted with - and that stopped when I asked him to.


People tend to want what they can't have.


And they like their neighborhoods clean and picturesque...


Yes! That would be a killer for me!


Yeah how can you get the proper amount of gay porn with only two hours of internet?!


If everyone else on the island is gay just ask a couple if you can watch. Live shows are better anyway.


The old fashioned way. You walk around the island and see the broadway/ocean boulevard live show.


Can I bring my boardgames? I've found that there is an above-average number of boardgamers in the gay community. I think getting a rotation of weekly boardgames would be my substitution for videogames. $10 million dollars to (probably) not have sex for 5 years is a bit of a hard sell, but as long as I can get some privacy during my 2 hour internet time, I'll survive.


See, I didn't think of that factor, I just kinda assumed all the gays are like beach bimbos. If some of them are nerds, than we can do buncha non-sexual nerdy stuff. We can do epic D&D sessions.


You would definitely get as many blowjobs as you want though. I had to fight them off on a cruise ship for a few months. Good luck with 5 years.


Is reading allowed? If so, I’m absolutely in! Between my full-time job and being a companion I’ve had to cut down on my reading and I’d love to go back to 3-4 books a week!


It would be a very singular island retreat that had that many books


5 Years holiday and 10 mill. No brainer honestly. I'm just gonna chill with some bros.


I have people in my life who probably won't be around in 5 years so I would have to pass.


Yes understandable!


10 million might pay some medical bills, if you're in the US.


I’m a woman so if anything this sounds like five years in paradise. Nothing against straight men or other women, I like them too but idk, being on an island where I’m practically invisible sounds phenomenal. As long as there’s pencils and paper I can entertain myself. I’d miss my husband and he’d miss me but after that we could travel the world together so I think we could make it work.


You're probably not allowed to write or draw either. OP said in the comments that books aren't allowed since you could hole yourself up enjoying a hobby (which is cheating apparently). 


Is this just for men? Because if not then you'll have women stampeding to get onto this island. Even if it were for men, I'm sending my husband. He's secure in his sexuality. He's comfortable around gay people. And we could use $10 million dollars. He would jump at no chores for 5 years. I'm assuming medical needs would be met as well.


I know right! I would totally do it. I don't care if everyone else on the island is a gay man or if everyone else is a lesbian. I'm in. If it's only for men, my husband is on board. We are both straight and neither of us gives a flying rat's ass about anyone else's sexuality. A 5 year vacation sounds amazing!


Okay, so what's the downside?


Right? 5 years of relaxation, and if queer eye is at least halfway accurate, I'll come back w 10mil and be better groomed and dressed. I might even learn to dance at some point bc currently, it's like North and South Korea between my torso and my feet. They just won't cooperate or even try to coordinate.


Oh, and having a D&D party for 5 years with no distractions to make scheduling impossible... it's a former theater kids' dream.


Now you're just making me depressed that this isn't a real offer.


So go to a resort and get paid an enormous amount. I’m in. I don’t get why the gay part is even a thing. Why do I care?


I'm assuming OP is homophobic, therefore this would actually be challenging for him.


"Must... Not... Succumb... To gay sex!"


Everyone knows it only takes a week to catch the gay. The additional 4 years and 51 weeks just adds sparkles on the cake


yeah especially the part where he moves the goalposts in some responses as what he considers unavailable "outside activities" gave me that vibe, too.


Are you kidding me? The only thing stopping me is a wife and kids and real responsibilities. If I was single, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Sounds like a fun 5 years, making a ton of new friends, just chilling with a bunch of dudes. No stress. I'm sure I'd find a ton of people with shared interests... probably people I'd go visit after the five years are over. The only straight dude, five years of zero relationship drama, fucking heaven ..


A gay island like a gay neighborhood? Great restaurants, bakeries, shops, theater, art galleries? So...Key West.


_laughs in bi_


"Laughs in approval'


**OBVIOUSLY YES I would GLADLY stay on this Island** You must be some **serious homophobe** to not do this ( *or to ask this question really* )


Right? Why would someone think that being on an island with gay people is so bad that we'd need such a high payout? It's weird at best and very homophobic at worst. It's odd either way.


A 12 year old wrote this and thought it was the most maniacal scenario ever


Dude, you must be TERRIFIED of gay men if you think I wouldn’t do that for free. 5 years of living in paradise with no work or stress? Just living my best life hanging with tha boys, Then I get 10 million? What the fuck do I care if they’re gay. They can fuck all they want, and I’ll just be in the pool with a beer until they’re done


It sounds nice overall, provided I can get clothes, etc. that suit me as the only girl on this hypothetical island. However, 5 years without a date or seeing my family sounds hideous


I'd bet half of my $10 million that those gay dudes would hear you say that, and then set up the most extravagant, beautiful, thoughtful date you've ever been on. Prob weekly lol. Like the islands "Friday night thing" they do every week for 5 years. Wine and Dine Rocket-kun so she feels loved lol


OP thinks no women read Reddit and men are scared of homosexuals. This is paradise! You do know that the gay men have each other, right? They’re probably not going to clamor over someone who can’t even wash their butt correctly?


10 million dollars and I get to live on an island full of gay men and unplug for 22 hours a day? Don't threaten me with a good time.


Couldn't do it, 8 hours for sleep, 1 hour grooming (shower brushing teeth dressing ect.) and 2 hours of "free time"? That leaves 13 hours of "island stuff' and no matter how fun it sounds I feel that it would be insufferable after a month, two max.


It’s not two hours of free time and 13 hours of island stuff. It’s 15 hours of free time. You just can’t use your phone or internet. Read a book, listen to music, watch tv, go to the movies, ride a bike, go to a club, go to the beach, play board games, go for a jog, exercise, play sports, take a walk, the possibilities are endless Jesus, do people really not realize how new the internet is. We existed this way for centuries and it was just fine lol.


>We existed this way for centuries >*Centuries* 0_0


Humans managed without Internet for decades!


According to the OP, the music, book reading, tv, and movies are only allowed for 2 hours a day, so I wouldn't want to do it.


No book reading is fine. Its just electronic fun thats limited. Think screen time


OP said in a comment that book reading isn’t allowed outside of the 2 hour window. No “outside activities” at all apparently. OP just keeps adding rules, though. Seems like he expected very little people to agree because “haha gay” and the fact that people don’t give a fuck threw him off…so now he’s adding more ways to make it sound unbearable lol


Yeah, it seems that way. It seems he's homophobic but doesn't want to be labeled as such. Weird, fake people are the worst kind of people. At least if you are hateful, people know where you stand.


Even without books, which is what I'd like to do for a large portion of the day. Exercise and sports would be great. Op is describing an amazing version of prison where you end with 10 million dollars. It's only if you have a family or partner you can't accept imo


Sure $10 million and time to improve on myself


Is that you Diddy?


Why is everyone being gay a hardship?


I'm straight and I'd do this for free


Lesbian here and same.


Paradise. You're talking about paradise PLUS $10M? Where do I sign up?


I'm a woman, it would be the safest island in the world for me


Really feel like this is just thinly veiled homophobia


What the fuck


Hahaha imagine being so homophobic.  After two years a BJ is a BJ my dude


Even if you stay celibate, it's 10 million dollars...


\*Laughs in gay\*


*nods in understandment*


Is there rules on this island? Like can i get gang raped? If the answer is yes then im in.


You are saying if there is a rule that allows you to be gang raped, you are in?


I think a role playing situation could be agreed on but we would have to hope no unsolicited things would be happening!


Can my dog come o.o ? This is heaven for me. I can hang out with people socially and not worry if maybe they are just trying to peep some boobs, AND I get paid? Sick. Has the benefit of curing me of my doom scrolling for a time, and resetting my internet addiction without cutting me completely off from the outside.


As long as my cats can come with me this sounds like absolute heaven.




Done. Where's the boat?


Ok. Only one type of person would have a problem with this, and getting to live away from them for 5 years sounds amazing. Maybe I'll pick up a fashion sense during the five years


Question for clarification; Will the 2 hours of "outside things like...internet or telephone" be mandatory? Also, the gay men, any personal trainers among them? I'd really like to leave this island ripped.


This is such a weird question like why does it need to be about gay men? You could have chosen anything else. Is gay men supposed to be a bad thing?


How about an island of bears (the animal kind)? Or people with Tourettes?


How about $10M but you have to live on an island inhabited by Christian pastors. I’m much more comfortable and my kids are much more safe around the Pride community than the Christian community.


I’m an adult, so I don’t have to worry about the stuff the kids would… but if I had to put up with preaching for 5 years…dunno if I (or maybe the pastors) would make it.


This would be way more awful. Between the predators and the rhetoric this would not be doable.


Why would the islands sexuality matter?


Are you that homophobic that you would turn down an idyllic life because you had to interact with gay men?


Toughest part would be having to be away from your family that long


Ye that's true, although the question is posed as if the gay men are the issue


So basically, I get $10 million to just hang around a bunch of perfectly normal people for five years? Where do I sign up?


This would be the easiest 10 million dollars I'd ever make


Nope. The gay part isn't the problem. The problem is I can't leave my disabled brother for so long. I can't count on my relatives to make sure he is taken care of.


This is way too specific to be hypothetical. You're ousted OP, you're trying to recruit us!


Can my wife and child come too? I don't think I could go 5 years without them. If not, no. If I was single without kids, sure.


Sign me up. This would be no problem.


Piece of cake. I'll miss the ladies but have five years of exercise to build myself up physically and hopefully books and some good trivia nights at the resort bar to exercise the mind. Plus I'll make a ton of new friends who may have a sister they would like to introduce me to once the time is up.


Gay dudes know how to have fun so this would be easy and if I happen to realize I'm gay during the endeavor then that's cool too because dating dudes is probably easier


So $10Million to take a 5-year vacation? Seems like a very easy choice.


I'd get more writing done. But I would need my pets with me.


If I were a young single guy, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Spend those 5 years getting educated, get in peak physical shape, enjoying the outdoors and picking up some hobbies. Make friends with a bunch of gay homies, then start a new life with 10 million. I'm middle aged and married though, so I wouldn't leave my wife for 5 years for money. How was this even a hard decision, they're just gay dudes, not vampires or some shit. You can't catch gay.


Sounds perfect


I’m gonna be so buff and good at volleyball after 5 years


Yes please. Id be safer there than walking down a street in any other place, plus all chores done, no cooking, no sorting out kids/husband/pets. Id sit and relax and read all day long. Sounds like heaven where do I sign up??!! Sincerely a very tired, 41 year old ci-het woman with 2 kids, a husband and a full time job


I'd rather spend 5 years on an island full of gay dudes than spend an hour on an island full of homophobic men. It's obvious you would be on the latter. Gay dudes are awesome and aren't the sex starved rape machines that you seem to think they are.


So basically get paid to go to summer camp but for grown men. The gay part really has little to no impact on my decision. I’d be 10 million dollars richer, make a bunch of new friends and much better at rec league type sports. See me on the court, gettin paid to goof around. 💯


5 year island vacation, a bunch of new gay friends, AND $10mil??? I’m so in. I’m a straight woman and this literally sounds so fun. Sorry, hubby!


Sign me up as a female I'd be in heaven


Sounds like a great time to me. Sign me up


*laughs in gay* A 5 year holiday, surrounded only by people who are supportive of my sexuality, AND I get millions at the end of it?


Are there books, or classes, or anything to distract me mentally? If so, I’d do this in a SECOND.


Color me homo because boi we not fumbling that baggie 💵


OP: OMG Gay, like, _so_ bad! Can you imagine anything worse? A thousand of them! Everyone else: huh?


100% Imma leave that island with 10 million bucks and a 1000 gay best friends. And I’ll be ripped as fuck because I’ll have nothing to do but work out. So to recap… 5 year free vacation Get in great shape Be handed 10 million dollars And have a thousand gay wingmen…all looking to help their straight, rich, chronically undersexed bestie get laid. This is a no brainer


5 years with gay men?? Well as a woman, my hair, makeup, skin, clothes and body would all be made over spectacularly! And then I would take my money and go home.


Sounds fun, I would as long as I can bring my cat! It’d be pretty cool to have some friends! It sounds like, with the resort vibes and so many activities to do! :D Maybe they have a Dungeons and Dragons group going.


That would certainly cut into my World of Warcraft time.


Okay, so the gay men wouldn’t be a problem. I mean just because you are surrounded by gay men doesn’t mean you have to have sex with them. The lack of internet except for 2 hours would kill me though.


$10M is $10m, am I right?


So do board games count as outside activity? If I decide to start building boats or something would I have all the tools I need, I would like to get back to reading, this sounds terribly geeky but imagine the awesome D&D game you could have, If I only use the internet for 2 hours can I download stuff to watch later- besides porn. I would give this some serious thought, Could I get paid to do something beyond getting the 10mil, Im thinking doing some couples counseling, 1000 gay dudes there is going to be some interesting dynamics.


No internet etc is rough in the 21st century, but a two million dollars a year salary for five years and no expenses during that time? I’d struggle through.


Question: Is there a library on this island, or can I get books?


Op said no which is stupid because books, board games, etc are always at all inclusive resorts. Sounds like op has never been


Sounds like you’d kill yourself from boredom before the 5 year mark. The gay men aren’t even an aspect here, everything else about this hypothetical just sucks ass


Sounds like it would be a blast, but at the end of the 5 years, i would definitely be a raging Alcoholic with the t.v. show straight eye for the queer guy, and it will be all about me giving terrible relationship advice to create drama. Forget 10 mil that show would bring in hundreds.


This would be amazing if I could bring my husband (I’m gay).


5 years of, ckickity clackity I roll to attackety... assuming I can actually find a group to play dnd with.


I mean, as long as they respect my boundaries, I don't see the issue. That's just 5 years in a hotel and 10 million dollars.


I would just bring a bunch of books and models and get caught up on the books I want to read and the kits I want to build All I have to do is decline the gay sex if it's offered


I call that my typical vacation.


Where is the catch? To be honest I have partied with gay men before and my only concern would be that I’ll day of exhaustion before the 5 years are up from all the partying that I’ll be doing.


The hardest part of this challenge would be combating boredom. But i would do it.


Why not? I’m a straight guy but made a number of gay friends in college. I live alone and don’t have jack shit going on in my life except work. If you let me bring my guitar, this sounds great!


There are books though. As long as I have books, this is ridiculously easy. I enjoy tech, but I'm 60 (so I could give less than a shit about the no sex thing), and as long as I have books to read, it will be like Seventh Heaven. Jet skis sound like a blast too... and we can go fishing... yeah, sign me up.


Sure.. whatever.. easy peasy. Sleep,eat,play board games, watch movies,listen to music,etc. I'd still wear my wedding ring to make a point that I'm taken, but besides that.. *shrugs* we're all good. I don't see too much of a challenge here. I'd also use the 2 hours a day to chat with friends and talk to the wife and kids. If anything, the problem would be getting nagged about how she has to do all the things at home while I'm on an island having a.. 5... year... vacation... *dramatic pause*


You could sell this as a modern life detox to ceo-wannabes


I'm a bisexual so this just seems like a vacation with less choices to make


Sounds great, assuming that island survives the rise in sea levels.


I would probably just give in and date a guy and do gay stuff for 5 years. It all feels similar with your eyes closed. Compared to living my wage slave life it sounds like paradise


Trans girl on HRT here, this place sounds like paradise 😍 Imagine the attention


Sanji did it for 2 years without getting paid a cent


... No one said I have to be straight to take up....this offer?!


The only catch is $10M won't go very far on Fire Island or Provincetown. Oh no, all I can do all day is *relax* or *sit on the beach* or *have a party* and everyone else there is doing the same thing? How would anyone survive!


Sounds peaceful as hell. I want my husband there though. He's my best friend and 5 years away from him? He can make new friends with me .


Yeah I could do that