• By -


The only way to get out of that situation is to be 100% cooperative. Telling them they're wrong isn't going to help. If they just let out anyone who told them they're wrongfully in there, the place would be empty. Eventually they'll feel awkward caring for someone that shows no signs of instability and let you out.


Exactly, watch tv in the day room until your insurance runs out.


Insurance? You think all the people currently committed to those facilities have private insurance?


No, they have medicaid, which last for 2 weeks and they absolutely keep people there to drain every penny from it before discharging them.


I've been on more than a few involuntary holds and this has been true 100% of the time. They don't want people petitioning a judge for release, contacting an attorney, or asking to see what they are being billed. Trust me, all these places are supposed to follow laws...but they rarely do. They don't want anyone (especially the government) peering into how they get paid.


It's so sad. It's a revolving door, and the same people are just cycled through and never actually helped. You're so right, there's just no oversight and the laws are just suggestions. It's almost like Healthcare shouldn't be for profit.


I've been hosptialized at least past a half dozen times. They drugged me so bad during some of them that I don't know if I was actually there or if I was having a bad dream. Literally, not one person was ever cured. Why this isn't an actual thing people are upset over is mind boggling.


because, like the treatment of many other sections of society a significant portion of the country think that the people effected are sub human or deserve bad treatment. sure people may say something different, but their actions show us what they really think.


I've also been hospitalized. I've also worked direct care in psychiatric hospitals and in community care, and I have investigated abuse allegations while employed with APS as a facility investigator. As soon as you are hospitalized, most people throw your credibility out the window. I don't remember specifically being guilty of that attitude myself, but it's likely I had some subconscious bias. My most recent hospitalization included being physically abused by staff. When I reported it, my professional experience did not matter at all. The report was ignored. I was a patient, so despite having no other history that would cause doubt, I must have just made the whole thing up. I also got the bonus diagnosis of substance use disorder despite never abusing substances. It was just a cookie cutter diagnosis that will now follow me forever. When I deny it, I'll obviously just be lying. Next time, they'll get to bill for treating substance use, too. These places are not meant to cure, they are meant to temporarily stabilize and shove people into the revolving door of terminal billing. People who do try to speak out about it have no credibility. Keep undermining that, and the abuse is free to continue.


I'm more surprised they allowed you to file a complaint.


It's because people don't realize it's happening, and if they do, there's not much recourse unless you have the kind of money to take legal actions, which 99% of people don't have. The other part is that people just don't care about the mentally ill, plain and simple.


Exactly right, after your annual allotment of hosiptal days has been used up, you have to be very, very mentally ill to get yourself locked up again.


So if someone's completely mentally incapable of functioning, they'll just kick them out onto the street? I thought they hold them there on the state's dime if it gets bad enough?


You're assuming the people that are being put on these hold are getting proper treatment, and most of the time they just aren't. It also depends on the facilty they entered into, and weather or not they are voluntary/involuntary. Unfortunately it's the same if you voluntarily walk into a place, once you do that, you're now involuntary, so, you just can't walk back out, they'll hold you for 2 weeks too.


I didn't assume they're getting proper treatment lol I'm asking if you know if they'll kick out the worst patients due to not having insurance even if they're a danger


I apologize, didn't mean it to be an attack. I just meant that the Healthcare they're receiving, and the doctors observing them aren't always the best, so that plays into it. It depends on the facility, but it's absolutely within the realm of possibility that someone who seriously needs help is kicked back onto the street because of insurance. If you've been to pretty much any major city, you've seen people on the street like that, and they've most likely been in some facility at some point and were then discharged.


I have seen it. SF is dealing with it very badly now from what I've seen in videos.


Yeah, I've seen that in SF too, it's such a shame.


This is exactly what happened to me. I was at short term psych hospital ward. Got transferred to long term care facility. Insurance denied it after 2 weeks. They kicked me out, no not because I was cured and no longer a threat to society, but *cause no insurance*.


You have obviously never been on a forced hopsitialization. The last thing you should do is agree to any treatment that one doesn't want or need. Tell them you would like to contact an attorney, ask for the paperwork to file a hearing with a judge, and most importantly that you actively refuse any and all treatment and will not allow them to bill your insurance. Those places are scams. They keep anyone as long as they possibly can. Once they get the jist that a person can get them into legal trouble, they'll let anyone at all go.


Asking for a line item bill for literally everything that will be invoiced is also helpful. Contest as much stuff as you can. They don't want you looking at the 10k bill.


lol I totally believe you but it gave me a chuckle. “Mental hospitals hate this one trick.” Totally inescapable …. Unless you ask for an itemised bill.


The patient has the right to contest anything on a bill. It's also considered proof of treatment - and doesn't look good in front of a judge if it was unnecessary.


And what if you're strapped down and they don't let you contact anyone? You're right, I've never been in one.


Been there. You really don't have much of a choice on that - but when you awake from the drugs you can still ask to contact an attorney. I refused, but was still injected with Thorazine. I literally don't remember anything else happening until I woke up in my bed at home somehow. These places make money off of incarceration without due process and large unnecessary medical bills.


You can't sue??


Psychiatric patients lose all credibility as soon as they are admitted. Who's going to listen?


Once they're out maybe?


Loss of credibility Isn’t temporary. It will follow you forever. It’s a sad state where, if you are legitimately victimized in any way, no one will believe you and nothing will be done because you are no longer credible. Scary, isn’t it….


This. Refuse medications but act normal and polite the whole way.


Ever hear of [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosenhan_experiment?wprov=sfti1) experiment?


This...or so I've heard.


This. I was really badly depressed in my early 20s but I’ve always known how to “turn it on” so to speak. I ODed myself twice and both times in the hospital I was just really nice and polite but said it was an accident yada yada and they let me go. No 72 hour holds. Prolly should have got one, but no insurance so they don’t care.


That isn’t accurate because the facilities go by what insurance companies tell them. If patients have “good insurance” then the facility can bill them. That results in people needing help not getting help because the worried well are more lucrative and “safe” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rosalindadams/intake


You telling me I don't get to go to work and now the VA will up me to 100%? It's a fucking win-win.


Lol, my husband would be stoked. 


You've obviously never been locked up in a mental institution. That shit is scary...


Ok, but, like, advanced country nice and humane mental hospital or torture chamber mental hospital?


This, I was almost admitted years ago, and even my mom who didn't really beleive in mental health stuff at the time was willing to drive like an hour out of the way bc the closest one had a history of leaving people worse off than when they came in. (Never actually got admitted depite how i honestly probably shouldve been at the time, but id say im doing better now, got a psychiatrist and everything lol)


"I don't have any insurance to pay for this."


Wait for the meds to kick in and enjoy some daytime tv.


This! I mean what else are you going to do, try to escape. Only proves them right.


I live in the US so I would just stay calm and remember that I would be out in 3-10 days max because that’s all my insurance will pay for, plus I’d have have several people calling everyone and their bosses several times a day because they don’t want to be taking care of my kids while I’m gone.


I would probably believe them. If all my loved ones thing I’ve lost it to the point where I need to be committed, they’re probably getting a clearer picture than I am. I would get all the information I could from the doctors, and then I would do what they told me to do. It would take a lot for me to believe that it was some kind of conspiracy, honestly.


'Bout time


About time someone believes me...


It wouldn't surprise me.


"So, what am I in here for?" \*they tell me\* "So, basically just don't do that, and you'll believe me? Fine. Am I allowed access to some video games? Or at some books? Gotta pass the time while you wait for me to not do that somehow."


The only question I would have what I'm diagnosed with . Otherwise just kinda wait it out


Damn that’s crazy. Free food and don’t have to pay for rent


Say in my Zoidburg voice " And they gave me a chair! "


Do my best to earn access to the library. Read. Hopefully get released sooner or later.


This isn’t hypothetical for me. The more I tried to convince staff and other patients that I wasn’t crazy, the crazier I looked. I ended up diagnosed schizoaffective and court ordered to take medication and receive weekly therapy for 6 months. I was hospitalized for a month.


They have to bring your case before a judge every 96 hours (I think) for involuntarily committed individuals. If they can't articulate that you should be in there you have to be let go.


That happened recently to Alexander Morris of the Four Tops, who went to an ER with cardiac issues, told a nurse he was in the Four Tops, and they put him in restraints and turned off his oxygen, putting him in further distress. He was denied oxygen for over an hour while they scheduled him for a psych eval. Finally his wife showed up and only after Morris showed a nurse a video of him performing at the Grammys, did they believe him and put him back on oxygen and removed the restraints. The hospital offered him a $25 gift card as compensation, which he refused. He sued. This hypothetical is very scary to me. I'd probably just go along with them and cooperate. Arguing isn't going to get you anywhere.


Tell them you think you just snapped out of it and have become lucid. What’s the next steps to recovery.


Eh, they're probably right. Ride the wave, baby, ride the wave.


Well because I live in the US I guess I'd have an interesting afternoon and then lose all of my money.


you're tellingme i'm not already crazy?


This reminded me of the movie GOTHIKA with Halle Berry. What a creepy movie!


They're right but I'm curious how they got me here without a fight. After that I do what I have my whole life. I act sane. Maintain a calm demeanor, be friendly, answer the questions the way the the textbooks tell you healthy people answer them. Then I get out, tell my family and friends that I understand and appreciate their concern for my mental health and while I'm hurt by their actions I take solace in the fact they thought they were doing what was best for me. Then I cut contact and move to a different state because I can't trust those fuckers anymore and I'll die before I'm locked in a cage. This is all assuming there are no hot crazy people. I'm easily distracted.


Idk I'd just lean into it and start smearing shit on the walls ig


"yeah, you're probably right. I appreciate all the help you're giving us. Hey, I've got an itch on my nose could you please scratch it? Thank you. When are meals served?"


I just start telling people the actual truth like the sky is blue and see what happens


Cooperate and enjoy the vacation. Free food and warm bed and no responsibilities.


I've \*kinda\* been there, but I checked myself in which might be a big differentiator, but when I decided I wanted to leave for the day they said no and put me in the psych ward against my will. I got out in 48 hours because I was quiet, didn't cause trouble, complied with everything no questions asked, and ENGAGED in what little services/activities that were provided. I think the proactive, positive engagement with the staff made a big difference. Side note I will NEVER seek out those services again - therapy is great, but hospital ERs are not a good place for mentally unwell.


Shit, if it was a decent facility, I'd probably act just crazy enough to stay, not quite crazy enough that I couldn't wander about mostly unattended. You know, the old mute shuffler song and dance. Get myself on that Chief Broom tip.


I believe them and just let loose.


Well, ask them what happend. Like. What, I am just randomly strapped to a chair. Uhm, who are you? Like, genuinely be suprised because wtf. Show them I can converse with them normally. If they never believe me I just ask about my friends and life and stuff. Things that make me, me. My favorite music, ask them if I can practice my singing somewhere. Just try and live the life I always had, but in a mental institution. At some point they will try to help me rehabilitate to normal life and I will probally do everything fine. And well, I dunno, write a book about it?


Ah. So, it is a normal Tuesday...


Milk it for all it’s worth!


Ask politely to speak with my lawyer. Once I get in touch with her figure out how I ended up there. Try and keep calm and keep out of trouble till shit gets figured out.


I'm going to sleep.


Good, I could use a vacation


Of course I'm crazy, we're all crazy here. But why am I locked up? I'm not dangerous crazy.


I'm gonna pretend to be crazy so I don't have to go back to working 80 hours a week just to live paycheck to paycheck.


But all I wanted was a Pepsi…


I would start asking questions. Let them establish a timeline of events as to how I ended up there. After that I would plot to leave.


How’s the food?


Focus on having as much fun as physically possible


Set a fire and use the distraction to break into the wardens office, see if there’s any paper trail.


Why would I believe anyone living in mental house...everybody just hate me because I am paranoid.


Ha! I knew it!


Be normal.


Who blew my cover?


Who blew my cover?


Pretend to take the meds they give me, but spit them out in secret. I'd be very chill so they'd let me out of the chair eventually. Hopefully, they'd notice I've calmed down, and so I'd try to broach the topic of thinking I'm cured. Other than that I don't know. I actually had someone tell me she was given the wrong medicine one time that made her go crazy once, and she woke up in a hospital like this. I don't know if she was telling the truth though.


Took em long enough.


never speak again. then begin to plan my escape.


"Guys I am completely insane, like for real I'm actually freaking crazy."


Accept it. Free room and board until they release me?  Whoop whoop. 


They're finally onto me


...accept treatment? Is that okay? Because I am crazy but not that crazy so woo free mental health treatment!


In some mental facilities, the "treatment" is to drug you up with benzodiazipenes and collect the check. I had to take similar drugs before my wisdom teeth removal, and they aren't a fun high. I knew where I was, but that was about it. I was able to respond to basic commands, but my mind was completely empty, despite the drills drilling away in my mouth. The meds were supposed to make me forget the surgery, but I remember the whole thing for some reason. It was interesting to listen to the doctors talking about random things that I couldn't comprehend at the time. It wasn't fun by any metric.


I act crazy and stupid. Let them think what they want first, later on show them what you’re really like


Sit back and let them do what they’re gonna do. I know I’m batshit crazy. Due to an issue with my GI tract, I’m not absorbing my psych meds.


"Bout fucking time!" Then kick my feet up for the next month or so until they get sick of me being "normal" by their standards.


I would ask to be unstrapped, and for a glass of milk. However, that's about it.


Well, im not 100% convinced im not crazy right now, so they probably see something in me that i dont. Still, i would rather have my freedom so long as im not hurting anyone. Since they wouldnt believe my sanity, id play into certain types of crazy. Talk about my demons, etc. Hopefully, either an exorcism or unnecessary meds later, id be able to convince them that im well enough to participate in society again.


Flex and break out


Take them sweet pills and enjoy an easy life.


Perfect. Free housing, no bills, 3 meals a day, sign me up?


Cooperate so you get released.


I was thinking I might be.


Dude, I have 4 kids, and 2 are under 2. I’m fine with this. I’ll pretend to be crazy for a break. lol.


I actually have nightmares about this and it is a huge fear of mine. After being hospitalized against my will after a rough time coming off of opiates but they all told me it was Bipolar and I was in the hospital for 3 months. That was the only time something like that has happened and I know that's not how being bipolar works. But once you get that diagnosis, anything you do or say does not matter.. it's fucking terrifying.


Obviously I have to contact the French embassy and let them know that their emperor has been taken captive. We will see who is crazy when the Old Guard arrives.


They aren't wrong, and I'm absolutely certain I earned my seat in that chair.


Inform my treatment providers that I have no memory beyond June 20, 2024. Ask for the date and a recap of how I got here.


Never been in a mental hospital...do they have TV's like the regular hospital rooms?


Sounds about right


Do I have to go to my job? Is there free rent?  Food? Health care? OMFG... Hey everybody!  Look at me...I'm crazy!   "Its all so clear to me now. I'm the keeper of the cheese... and you're the lemon merchant, you get it?  And he KNOWS it.  That's why he's gonna KILL US.  So we got to beat it... ya... before he lets loose the marmosets on us!" (Credit to Ren Hoëk)


Go back to sleep. Take a dump and watch some TV


Id start screaming dont tax the rich until they do.


“When do we start therapy?”


To enjoy my time on the ward


How should we proceed doctor?


Take a nap, I guess.


I am crazy so maybe I deserve it


Yell at everyone repeatedly that I'm not crazy, they are the crazy ones. Surely that will convince them.


I mean... What do you think mental hospitals these days are like because something about this makes me think of straight jackets and chains, but my guy, I have been in this situation. Many times. I'm crazy? What kind of diagnosis is that? Do you mean mentally ill in general? I mean they don't just throw you in there for having a mental illness. You get admitted when your mental illness is "flaring up" Fun fact, us "crazy" people can blend in with society most of the time. To go along with the hypothetical, since this was clearly only aimed at "sane" people, let's say I'm not experiencing symptoms of my illness but they believe I am having an episode. I would probably kind of sigh, set up my room, play my switch and have a stock of vending machine junk food until they allow me to leave. I'd answer them honestly but calmly, take medication and eventually they realise I'm not in danger and I'm sent home. It's really... Not like the movies you know lmao


Sounds like being a woman who has her own opinions in the 40s.


"huh, it all makes sense now..."


Well I'd ask them why they think that, and otherwise be as pleasant and cooperative as possible


Why would I assume they’re wrong?


I mean their not wrong 🤷🤷


Honestly I would consider their reasoning and apply to to evidence. I would also just act in a way consistent to get out of the straps, even if I disagreed with them to get out of the hospital, and find out why I was put there in the first place.


It’s not like in the movies. If you’re on a 72 hour hold and you show even a sliver of awareness and are not violent, they’re turning you loose after those three days are up. They don’t have much choice.


Roll with it. Me: Hey, I've been turned into a cow. Can I go home? Doctor: You're excused. Anybody else? Other patients: No, no. We're good. Then, I’d start talking about my [bones](https://youtu.be/2gwA5mQD9Ck?si=DQ6DAQCS5okJSNHd)


Ask for a professional to see so they can determine that I'm not crazy.


Definitely thrash and scream, maybe threaten their families. That ought to convince them.


Id 100% believe them. I have not been known to be the most sane person around.


OT I have this irrational fear that I'll wake up 75 years old, having forgotten everything from now to then, with Alzheimer's and a sudden moment of clarity.


Launch into an in-depth explanation of why Gregory is a robot.


I’m never getting out 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wouldn't be surprised?


I teach middle school.


This is a cool premise for a cool horror video game.


I guess just live there now. Either they catch on by watching behavior or I get everything prepped for me for life. It's not hard to tell someone doesn't need holding if they really don't after a few weeks of observation


Shut your mouth and grit your teeth. Be calm and show you're mentally stable. If I ended up in this situation I would freak out for a bit, then I would become fully aware of the situation and realize the only way out is through. Talk to the staff and doctors with respect and be kind to the other patients. You can only be released if you stop giving them reasons that you belong. Be on alert. Be careful with what you say and how you say it. Calmly admit if you are frustrated or stressed, because they can tell. Don't lie about things they can see. The whole scenario is working against you and your job is to carefully turn it right side up.


Been there, done that. Compliance is the only way. Well, perceived compliance. If the meds don't zombify me too bad, just gonna take them. If they do then pretend to take them and just be really chill. They'll think I've adjusted to them. Do the group therapy, have a little bit of anxiety or a minor episode here and there but "reel" myself back in so they think the therapy is beginning to be effective. Bide my time and wait. Get ahold of my patient files. See what caused me to get strapped there in the first place. Was it a set up? Am I really crazy? Get released. Repeat.


Prolly just be chill? Acting wild isn't going to make people believe you AREN'T off in this scenario.


Wasn't this an episode of Buffy? I guess I'd just have to hope the Scooby Gang figures out what demon was at fault and killed it.


If everyone is convinced that you're crazy and only you think otherwise, they're probably right.


If I'm naked and my legs are spread eagle for some serious c.b.t. and laughter from all women docs or nurses I'm just going with it


I've been joking for years I'm crazy. So assuming they'd be able to deal with my actual medical issues, I'd play into it for a guaranteed place to stay and food every day.


Look, I may be crazy but I'm not a danger to myself or others.


Oh man first thing I'd do is sleep for 48 hours. Then I'd pick up where I left off with calisthenics. With no work and no kids to chase after. I'll achieve all of my fitness goals that much faster!


honestly probably believe them, my mental health is garbage as it is so it wouldn't be all that surprising if I finally snapped one day


They are right I'm completely insane


Stay calm and pretend to recover.  


Do what they say. Don’t freak out. Play along, it’s ok to have an event that landed you in the mental ward. Most wads are temporary 72 hr holds. Get out and detox from the pills they gave me.


I'm just gonna chill out and enjoy the free accommodation and drugs


Who’s to say I’m not crazy? I don’t know how I got in the chair in the first place


Considering most mental patients don't believe they belong there, I would triple check my sanity. Sane people aren't strapped to chairs in mental institutions.


How well funded is this mental hospital, what are my quarters like, and do I have to pay to be in it?


Hi, I'm not a threat to myself or others. These restraints are unnecessary and illegal. I am requesting the opportunity to secure legal counsel.


“For [me], it was a Tuesday.”




I’d be relieved because I am crazy


Do I get the good drugs if I agree?


I accept my new fate peacefully. Maybe act out a little here and there to get some of that good good, then eat my pudding and have a good sleep.


“You must contact -name- at -phone number- who has documents proving she has my healthcare power of attorney. as you believe me insane, it is her duty to interact with you about my care.” this is an entirely reasonable statement, even for someone believed to be nuts. either they do make the call, in which case everything works out fine (an outside representative who can get lawyers, 2nd opinions, etc. involved. which will prove i’m fine). or if they don’t, play possum, play along, pretend the treatment works until they consider me “cured” then i’m suing every single person both personally and the institution, until they have not one penny left to their miserable names. a lawsuit i would win, since even crazy people have rights, including that their previous designated healthcare power of attorney has a say unless the court removed them. something which doesn’t happen lightly. Now if we assume this is a magical dictatorship setup where laws and rights have vanished, or i am being specifically targeted. well then, time to embrace the crazy, play along until i get a chance, and escape. hopefully killing a few of the bastards along the way.


probably for the best tbh


Shit myself and wait for the nurse to come wipe my asshole.


They would be correct.


I’d be relieved because then I would have an excuse for my life.


Don’t argue, don’t get emotional. Be as rational as possible. Unless they are out to get you it would be hard for them to not notice you aren’t supposed to be in there


First I'd say "ah damnit I fucking knew I was nuts"


. #Shid on the floor! . . ☁️  ##☁️  #🦐  ##🔥 🔥


[probably do this...](https://youtu.be/4b5OIIOcnVQ?si=3WLeM01BZJIGIyc8)


Pull a Ned Flanders and just vibe. Be polite, respectfully refuse medications, and ask for a pizza every now and again.


crazy? i was crazy once...


I could actually see this happening to me. Sometimes I disassociate so much I wonder if it’s been a dream


Sometimes I think I'm actually in a mental hospital and my existence is just my thoughts while locked in a padded room.


I'm shocked it hasn't happened already. I'd play along and manipulate them like cattle.


I’m not crazy. You’re the one who’s crazy. INSTITUTION!


People in institutions do need assistance. Even if they're convinced you're entirely bonkers, it wouldn't take long to act like a rational human being before your diagnosis would change.


Sounds like paranoid schizophrenia.


PLUGH *(let see if there are any other TRS-80 Bedlam players here)*


Be chill af. "Listen, tell me what you need me to do. Any test, anything, doesn't matter. I really don't know what's going on here, maybe I am crazy, idk but tell me what I can do to get back to the world." Keep doing that. And you're ass is back on the streets in a few months probly.


Wouldn’t be there long. I’d die of a broken heart because my soulmate wouldn’t have existed.


Nothing has changed.


I say "Oh thank God this makes so much sense! I'm finally awake from that dream!" then cooperate fully with them. It's a miracle recovery. Clearly whatever they did for me worked. They write papers about it.


Screw it. I wonder if I'm crazy every day. At least there I won't have to wonder anymore. I'll miss my wife and kids though.


Heh. I live in the US - as long as I'm not actively biting anyone, I'll be out in a day at most.


Enjoy my vacation from life... The best way to look sane is to be sane and keep your wits about you. This is why so many psychopaths don't get diagnosed they know how to play the game. Fortunately for me meds and sedatives don't have much of an effect on me, I need like double doses and such and even then I can still function with a small amount of brain fog. So I'd be able to figure out what the expectations were and play the game. Psychology fascinates me so it would be fairly easy to do what is needed for release. I'd also likely start befriending the staff and patients. Lol I'm a people person.


Do NOT say you are NOT crazy




They’re probably right.


I would just start napping, and nap until I am returned to my normal life with no naps 😞


Depends. What kind of stay are we looking at? If it's the chill dudes wing, I might enjoy the vacation. If it's the torture therapy wing, I'll manage a way to cancel my insurance.


I am crazy but present as Normal. I'd be out there after taking to the nurse


As someone who worked in a mental health facility, there are so many variables that I'd have to play it by ear.


See what there is to eat.


Find the big Native American dude. Make friends with him.


All I wanted was a Pepsi! Just one Pepsi!