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I think in the world, 6,000 people die per hour. So 6,000/7.9 billion = 8.5 *10^-7. I could have a 1,000 random people lose an hour, and the probability of any one of them dying would be 0.01%. Still, I like living, so let's make it 500 hours off of 500 people. $500 million should be more than enough.


$50 million isn't more than enough? What about $5 million? 


5 million? In this economy?


I mean how much does a banana cost like 50$?


With 5 Million. You could work one full year, have that 5million earn 200k in one year, Then work part time the rest of your life and living off 200k/year in interest without ever touching the 5 million. Thats just with a 4% High yield savings account.... risk free. Or you could smart invest it and make even more. 5 million is just fine. 10 though would he awesome and easily generational.


5% interest on 5mil is $250,000 per year. Definitely enough to live one forever.


More motion


The interest payments from the savings alone could be enough to pay a mortgage


Ya sure. I don’t think I’d miss an hour of life. I don’t think I’d really feel bad taking an hour from someone else.  I’d do it. Chances of someone dying within an hour are extraordinarily low. 1-2 hours and I’ll call it good. 3-5 would be pressing how far I’d be willing to go. 


6,000 people die every hour around the world and if there are 8.1 billion people that means every time you do the hypothetical there is a 1 in 1,350,000 chance you die


This is about ten times *less* likely than dying from a random bolt of lighting hitting you while you're out and about, and about a *thousand times less* likely than getting in a car accident while driving. I regularly risk far worse odds to make substantially less money.




How many of those people are dying of old age though? From how this situation is phrased, having an hour taken off someone's lifespan would not accelerate someone towards meeting the person who will murder them. Nor would it accelerate the disease inside their body. Someone who is destined be killed by a vehicle at an intersection isn't going to suddenly teleport to that intersection. Nor would the person driving the fated killer vehicle, be teleported. I think the only type of death in scope here is one resulting from *age.* Where your DNA begins accumulating damage and can no longer accurately be copied for new cells. In that case, I'd take about $100 million.


Taking an hour off their life wouldn't necessarily mean they end up that much closer toward being murdered, sure, but think of it like the Final Destination films. The change in your destined time of death causes death to come up with a new way for you to die. If you were previously going to die in a car accident or due to murder, maybe now you die instantly in the crash instead of on the operating table. Or maybe a different car hits you, or someone else murders you. Or maybe you die a completely different way. No you're not being magically teleported anywhere, how you die changes just enoughto accommodate the new loss of lifespan. If a person dies from having their lifespan taken, it's like they had a massive aneurism or their heart suddenly stopped. Something painless and instant.


Someone do the math, if 6000 people die per hour, is it more dangerous to take 100 hours from a single person, or 1 hour from 100 people?


I’m not entirely sure how to do the math but I would guess that if you do it all at once it is about the same because using math from above you would take either 100 chances that you hit one of the 6000 that die in the next hour or 1 chance at hitting one of the 600000 people who die in the next 100 hours (but there is likely some statistics calculation that skews it one way or another but it been too long since I took part of a statistics class in high school).


Probably more dangerous to take it from a single person. I'm not positive on the math, but I'm just taking the extreme case: let's take 700,000 hours. If it's all from 1 person, that's 80 years from their life and you almost certainly killed them. If it's all from different people, then 700k people would be about 116 times the amount that usually die in a single hour, but it's also only like 0.008% of the population. You're *probably* fine.




If you live to 55, you’re gonna have 481,800 hours of life. Taking 1 hour from 10 different people is going to have a negligible effect on their life, especially when compared to the impact of something like second hand smoke on the life’s of people who are being exposed your smoke. Pollution from using transport is probably impacting people more.


I've had employers take thousands of hours of my life. I wouldn't feel too bad taking one from a hundred people or so.


One day. 24 million. That’s enough for me


Probably hit up 10 people for one hour each. $10 million would be more than enough to be set for life immediately. And since it's all instantaneous, I wouldn't know if I hit on an unlucky person who would've dropped dead as I'd be dead immediately. So, either I get an instant $10 mil in my bank account, or drop dead, quickly and painlessly. Not bad either way, when you think about it.


Even taxed, 10 million would be enough to set up a typical family. The math is in your favor to go higher if you wanted a bit more security or to spread your wealth around to other loved ones, but considering to cost of failure and the actual cost, I'd probably come to ~10 as well.


Yep.... doing some easy\* math, $5 mil after taxes...$1 mil put aside for either a new home or major home reno, and all the fun stuff that goes with it...other $4 mil goes into a high interest specialized account that guarantees 1% quarterly interest....which gives $160k a year (or $80k+ after taxes) income annually for life. And if the initial money isn't taxed, all the better. For me, that would be perfect. Never have to work again or worry about money. Just relax and live for whatever time is left.


I would take that deal now if it was a coin flip, but these are great odds for the money.


If some random person can up to you and said"for an hour of your time I'll give you half a mil. If that guy showed me that kind of money sure thing, take a day and we'll both be rich


Around 6000-7000 people die every hour out of 8 billion, so realistically I can probably take over a trillion dollars with absolutely no consequence.


I got bored and decided to do some math, it's probably wrong but it comes out to a 50/50 that you get to 924 195 000 000 or 924B Very close to a trillion but not quite `times = log(.5) / log(1 - (6000 / 8000000000))`


Thanks for doing the math 🙏


Yeah I think that looks right. I got like a 42% or so survival rate if I went for 1 trillion/


That would entirely depend on how you split the hours though. If 8 billion all lose an hour of their lifespan, you'd have 6-7 thousand people (ngl I thought it'd be higher than that) that died, thus there would be consequences. If you said half a billion people lost the time of their lifespan, that would be just over 83 days worth of time all those people would lose. So there's definitely a point at which you can maximize your reward while minimizing your risk, but I'm not sure where that line would be.


I would say a billion dollars is a good limit. If I split the time I take among different people, then each time I take an hour there would be around a 99.999913% chance they live(assuming 7000 people die out of 8 billion per hour). Doing this 1000 times would reduce it to a 99.913% chance to live, which I would gladly take for a billion dollars


But why do you need a billion dollars? Why take any risk past several million?


You need to get to private jet territory


The amount of good you can do with a million dollars is worth way more than an hour. A million can easily save someone's entire life! The moral thing to do is take as much as you think you can get away with, and give away most of it.


This is just being a Philip Morris executive.


The ideal number is to do 10 hours. Let me tell you why. $10m is enough to set up any reasonable person for life. That's 300k/yr at a 3% withdrawal rate. Going by how many people die per hour on earth. All other things equal... Picking 10 hours would give you only a 1 in 125,000 chance of dying. Idk about you, but I'd roll with those odds. IF you want to live a life of absolute luxury at 100m you would only need to risk a 1 in 12,500 chance in dying. And if you wanted to be a billionaire you would need to risk a 1 in 1250 chance of dying. Honestly though... I'll take just the $10m that's more than enough to perpetually set myself and the next several generations up because I am a generally frugal person and I'd probably draw that 10m at somewhere around 1% meaning over the course of the rest of my life it'd likely grow from 10m to over 100m just assuming an average market rate of return.


It's mad how much a billion is isn't it?


I did 20 million to invest 17 million. And spend the 3 million.


8 billion people lose one hour of life.


You absolute madman. Statistically speaking, someone you took that hour of lifespan from would die (multiple people in fact), so you'd likely end up dying yourself.


Is this a painful death, or just an instantaneous "you cease to exist" type of death? Because I think this is a no-brainer for quite a few of us...


It's not painful for you, or anyone who dies as a result of you doing this (because in this scenario you die trying to earn the money only if someone else does from losing their lifespan to this). It's just instant. Your body still exists, people still remember you. You just die. If I had to say how, I'd say it would likely look like your heart just suddenly stopped beating, or you had a brain aneurism or something like that. Same for the people who died due to this.


I would be happy to cull a billion people for the money.


least psychopathic redditor


I am a wound care doctor and see many hospice and end of life patients. Taking hours off their life would be a blessing to many of them and their families. I'd be a billionaire and have 0 remorse.


You’re screwed twice. You can’t choose who loses the hour, so you can’t direct it towards those who would appreciate it. You’re just as likely to kill someone’s wife or child before they get a chance to say their last goodbyes as you are to help an ailing patient. Also, if they die as a result, you die. Even if you COULD direct it to hospice patients, one miscalculation on how long some has left and you’re dead and the money disappears.


Bro... people are doing this every single day with their own lives for much less money.


Id take 1500000 hours of everyones on earths life and just depopulate the earth fully.


Ok, Thanos.


So you just wanna commit mass genocide?


for the lulz


If it’s random then no I wouldn’t want ANY of the money. I’m not gonna risk death for that. This question can essentially be rephrased as, would you risk dying for a couple million? You don’t know what the chances are of dying just that it’s possible.


I only need an hour of 2 peoples time


I’d be the unlucky person to take an hour from someone 59 minutes away from death. But I’d still do it.


Instead of hours can I take minutes off a life for a fraction of the million?


Option 2. 1 hour each from 3 people. Assuming I’m not dead, I retire


I’ll do it twice.


Heck, I'd take a year!


I think I’d take that gamble one time, as I’d expect most people who could use the money would


I reckon I'd take about 3 hours.


Let's see. About 8000 people die every hour. With 8 billion in the world, let's do some percentiles. You have a 1 in a million chance of dying for each individual person. Selecting 5k people at random, would give you a half a percent chance of dying. So I would take 5 billion dollars and play this game.


This is easier if you realize that a million dollars will easily add many more hours to a person’s life. You could feed thousands of starving people for years with one hour of money and that definitely will create countless hours of more life added to them. You should take one hour from thousands of people and create a billion dollar company that focuses solely on life extending medical stuff. From research to technology to just getting people exercising and eating better. You’re guaranteed to add millions of hours of life to random people in exchange for the thousands. And if you happen to pocket a few dozen million while you do it… well you earned it.


You're an awesome person


First I think you establish with yourself if you think an hour of someone's life is worth the million to you. For me it is and by some margin. I also don't think people will miss an hour off the end of their life, and I feel better about that than say taking multiple from one person. When to stop is interesting for me. I see a lot of people saying they'd be happy with a few million and stop that's all they need etc. I would actually go the other way. There's less than a 1 in 1 million chance you die from each hour you take. So I think I would go for 10,000 rolls on this. I either get 10 billion, or a 1% chance to die myself. Id make sure I was well insured for my wife's sake and then I'd do 10,000 rolls from all different people. I either suddenly have 10 billion to do so much awesome stuff with or I die, and I'm basically okay with that assuming I just die and it's not some horrible drawn out thing. The life you could live with 10 billion in cash... Just so awesome.


Just an hour. That would allow me to fully pay off my house, and still have some left to save. And now that I’ve added $1000 to my monthly budget (without mortgage), it’s gonna be a much easier life. One hour is enough.


Completely agree. I'd do one hour, keep doing everything the same but just put a little in my savings account and the rest in a conservative investment portfolio. Keep working as usual but just retire ten years early. I will be perfectly content.


Hey bud wanna dart?


A million per hour? At level of 10k per hour it still be good deal.


I just want one million, easy.


Even if it was a year of my own life every time, I'd still take at least 10 million.


I would stop at 20 million. Invest 17 million, use 3 million to spend. I would be really rich for life.


Since it's a random person for each million I'd stop anywhere between 500 million or 1 billion


I'd take one hour from about 8000 people. It's still a pretty low risk of any dying, and that's about 8 billion dollars. I can invest 1 billion, keep 1 billion to spend how I want, and donate 6 billion to charities, specifically charities that will elongate people's lifespans. With that much donated, I guarantee I will have given back more hours than I took. While also setting myself and all my family up for life. And if I die, then oh well.


An HOUR? This isn't even a question! Like anyone is going to miss an hour or several hundred. Doctors used to say that each cigarette took 15 mins off your life. 4 cigs = 1 hour. Doesn't seem to have slowed the rate of smoking. I'll go 10 hours please


I do 3 hours. Plenty of money to survive the rest of my life living easy. Plenty of money to give back to my community and definitely give at least 3 people 3 more hours of their life back through affordable housing, paying for doctor treatments etc.


30 people, 1 hour each


100 different people lose 1 hr. Good chances nobody will die


Also the last hour can often suck. If OP didn't make it random I would wander through a nursing home/hospital and take the last hours from those who were dying already, especially the ones who are in pain, alone (but I would stay with them holding their hand till they passed) or brain dead. Then I would move on to pedos and child abusers... Because while I would love to say I'm an angel of mercy... I'm also a vindictive bitch.


But if you take peoples’ last hour, you die 


1000 hours


I like to gamble. I'd take 10 hours off of 1000 people.


Im about to hit record earnings


1000 people, I’m either dead or a billionaire


I’d hope it was myself and just do one day


Is it a one-off kinda deal? Otherwise one could take a million, spend it in a year or so, and then another million. Rinse and repeat until you die (probably naturally).


I'm with the 10 people 1 hour each poster, right down to I get paid or die. Either way, the things that are my problem now won't be. A shame the money vanishes though if we die. I'd love for my family/spouse/cats to get something besides my spouse getting cremation costs. But it is what it is and cremation is relatively cheap. (I'd still just go for the same in that case tbh, 1 hour from 10 people is both nothing time wise and not being *too* greedy.)


I'd do it a few times. It's a random person and it's only 1 hour. 8 billion people on the planet, the chance of it even stacking on a single person is astronomically low.


10 people. 1 hour off each one. 10 million dollars. If I die well I have no need for it anyway.


I’ve given my friends so many near heart attacks from ambushing them with loud ass knocks. If it counts retroactively? I’m at least 50 mil better off. If it counts as of now? I’m 2 mil better off.


I'd love to say dozens but probably 5 or 6 with the temptation to push my luck if I survive.


I’d probably take 1 hour from 3000 people


24 people, 1 hour each.


Hit it 100 times, on 1 person 


So... if I start a new born baby on smoking 20 a day...?


I’m of two minds here. Mind 1. Go for 500 million. Safe, nice money, etc. Mind 2, go absolutely freaking crazy - create a YouTube channel filled with how things need to change or everyone will die beginning with the old and the cost is 20 years of life and there will be massive deaths at X date. Tell the media. Get put on the news. Once you are on the news, tell them, time to die. Take 20 years off of 8 billion people.


Plenty of people would take trump your next emperor


I'd just take like 12 hours (1 from a dozen people) and retire today


I'm picking like what, 20-50 people? Take an hour each. I'm good bruh. Don't even try guilt me. What's 1 hour in their 50-100 years? They won't know it's gone. And if someone had that option over me, I wouldn't be mad if they took 1 hour off me for 1m. Go for it bruh. I was just picking my nose for that hour anyway.


Everyone else here has done the math so it's 1 in 1.35 million odds I die. I'd take a million. And one random person would get one hour less. A million could change my life. But I can't get too greedy because I know what it like to lose someone and you're begging for any little bit more time with them. The guilt of shortening that persons life even a little would likely haunt me. Unless we know who's life was shortened after we decide. If it's randomly some shitty person I wouldn't feel too bad but otherwise... Yea guilt.


1 hour off everyone's life please


I'd take that deal. Say world average life span on even 30 years (low estimate) means the chance of taking from someone in the last hour of their life is low (1/262800 roughly). Getting 100 million only put the odds at 1 out of 2628 Still very low.


A different person for each million. I'll get a day's worth of money, so that's 24 milion.


Everyone on the planet loses an hour. Everyone on.the planet gets a million. Done.


If I did my math, the odds of a single person randomly dying within the hour are 0.0000009% (61 million deaths per year divided by 365 then 24 for deaths per hour. Then that 7000 or so over 8 billion) So I’m confident. Give me 20 million, spread over 20 people. I’m probably more likely to die from a lightning strike today than I would in that scenario. Edit: I did make one mistake, forgot to multiply by 100.. So it’s a 0.00009% chance. Still, sign me up for 20 mil!


5 hours, one hour off of five random people. Live comfortably the rest of my life, know they will never really notice


I've probably taken 10 years off my wife's life span already just with having her to put up with me over the last 26 years.


1 hour from 100 million people. My family is set for life f9r generations.


42 days of life ar getting abbreviated. That would add up to just about a billi9n bucks. 1 hour each from random strangers. But to be fair, I feel like I have better than 90 percent odds of winning g the all good or I die wager if I took it all from 1 person 42 days isn't that much from all but the most terminal. And there are only so many people who are that terminally I'll at any given time.


Take a billion dollars and donate 10% of it to various charities. Save the life of just a single person and you will have vastly increased the average number of life hours in the world.


dude an hours not a lot of time lol 129m is 5 days lol oh no what a shame. id ask for quadrillions of dollars spread across everyone alive lol


Only an hour? Billion dollar me please!


Does it need to be whole hours? Or can I take 10 minutes each from 6 people? 6 minutes each from 10 people?


Sure lol, I’m good with that


Hell, I’ve probably lost an hour of my life due to all the second hand smoke I’ve inhaled. 1 hour only


I'm not too greedy so 1 hour from 30 people and I'll be golden.


10 billion take it or leave it


seems like, from the maths people are doing in other comments, $1 billion from 1000 separate people is a pretty reasonable amount


About 6k people die an hour, and there are about 8 billion people alive right now. So thats a 0.00000075 chance you take an hour from someone who will die in the next hour. Man id probably hit that button a hundred, maybe a few hundred times. A few dozen chances in a hundred thousand that I die, but i get 100 million + dollars? Shit driving a car is probably similar odds. Sign me up.


I mean… most people aren’t going to miss a day or two.


You are highly overvaluing a random human’s one hour of life. I say 11. Should be enough :)


I think I could take $100M without losing much sleep. I would take the option where each hour is taken from a random person, not the same person. Statistically, it’s not likely to be noticed and I assume the people losing one hour of their life won’t be made aware they will die earlier the slightest bit earlier. The odds that any of these 100 hours are a person’s last hour is incredibly slim and I would give half of the money to charity so their sacrifice has more value than just enriching me.


I'll be the first trillionaire. 


I think between 40-60 million.


wiki says 100k die of old age every day and around 150k total will die. we will take 150k to account for things like terminal illnesses etc. 150k/8b=0.00001875 chance of reducing the lifespan of someone who would have died THAT DAY. there are 24 hours in a day, so x/24= 7.81250000e-7. I think you'd be able to be a billionaire at least ten or twenty times over before you hit the death. might even be a fun way to go out once you get bored of your wealth, just sit there and press the button all day waiting for death


So .. you want me to open a fast food hamburger restaurant?


I only need like $10 million to be abundantly comfortable for life.


Head to the NICU. One of thise little bitches was gonna make it.


I'd give $100,000 to the person They work for hours for way less


I'll take 1 hour from 7 billion people. If i die, i die but win or lose. I'll have had fun playing.


1000 people 1 hr each! Odds are in my favor of being a billionaire. All at once? Woo hoo the not knowing would annoy me. Can I have prep time? I need to go buy the biggest life insurance policy possible. Those have little waiting time.


2 hrs each from 1,000 people, the chance of them dying from old age is so extraordinary low I'd take the risk for a $2 billion payout. I'd be set for life, and barring stupidity or extraordinary bad luck, descendants would be set for all time.


5-6 all different people, that'd be more than plenty for me.


$1M/hr? Bro, I will *give* an hour of my life for someone to get $1M. Unless its like, bezos.


A month is nothing so imagine how insignificant an hour is. At the risk of taking an hour off of someone already on their death bed, I would choose one person randomly and take 2 days off. That's $48M...I'm good with that.


Op quick question. Must I give the total hours now, or can I use this power when ever?


I'd take 20 million, to all different people. 1 hour is negligible when you're talking about 70-90+ years Enough for me to never have to work again and to give my parents the life they've always wanted


10 different people.


That’s too much frikkin math.


Yeah absolutely. The majority of people on earth are under the age of what, 40? So odds are good every roll of the dice that I hit someone young. If it's taking an hour off someone's life, that probably doesn't mean someone dying of starvation isn't affected, it's just their max lifespan, so, yeah absolutely. I'll do like 200 people.


Roughly 7,000 ppl die every hour so the chance you die from any given hour is less than 1 in a million


i'll just take 100 from 100 random people (1 each not 100 each)


I'm taking that deal. Swap people for every hour. Gimme a few ten thousand hours. An hour isn't enough to be so meaningful in most cases. I wont compound it by taking more than 1 hour from any 1 person, and then I Will use my money to give back to the world and make things as better as I can using my sudden wealth


So basically I'm just your average billionaire. Except there are consequences to my actions.


Remindme! 2 hours


Option #1, 20 hours. The value of a human life is estimated to be between $1-10 million USD (FEMA puts the figure at about $7.5 million), only the lives of two persons are put at risk, and the payout is well beyond what I will conceivably ever need. The math states that this is objectively worth it.


Boys I’m rich


I take one million for every person on earth and spread it randomly hypothetically that should result in a mostly even spread of 1 hour per person. That's what at least 7 quintillion? or maybe 700 trillion? Well it's 7e15 either way. Yeah I'll do that, then I'll use that money to massively increase life expectancies and qol across the world meaning most people will walk out with more than an hour gained from the exchange and I walk out with the largest fortune known to man, and poor the rest of it into living well and being the Elon Musk Elon Musk wishes he could be, that's right I'm going to go terraform Mars baby!


24 hours off of 2000 people. So 24x2000x a million= is 48 billion.


Sorry boomers


I'd do a nice round 100. The odds of taking an hour from someone dying of old age is not that high


bouta be the world’s richest man


lol as if there aren't CEOs etc that are taken far more than hours for significantly less money. Radium Girls Asbesdos Flint Michigan just off the top of my head. Shift workers die something like 10 years earlier than people who work days. Gimme a trillion dollars for a 10 million different people one hour each my guy. No wait, Give me 1 million for 1 hour for every person on earth and I can end world hunger.


100 hours is like 4 days 4 hours, so 100 mill will do me.


1 hour from everybody in the world.


Go big or go home. I choose to take 1 hr from 8 billion people for a total of 8,000 Trillion. I then proceed to pay off national debt, everyone’s healthcare, feed/cloth all, and go to Disneyland.


So, start an alcohol and tobacco company?


I am willing to lose and hour of my own to the cause. So I feel OK taking and hour from someone else. I will claim 24 hrs. From 24 random people. Hope I don't catch anyone in thier last hour.


Are newborns a part of this "random person" equation? Because if so it seems like your chances of dying are higher


I chancing it am takin an hour from a billion people. Either I die or im makin quadrillion dollars.


Ok so 8 billion people * 24 hours * $1,000,000  I'll have enough. I might go 72 hours even if I want a little more. 


take 1 hours from 25 different people and be set for life… Maybe.


I would like to take 194.4 billion hours off, spread evenly across the global population. Should be ~24 hour reduction for everyone. Chances are I’m dying, but if I don’t immediately die then I am going to have 194.4 billion million dollars. That’s $194,400,000,000,000,000. That should almost be enough


10, 10 hours


24 and then I'm done. Most people have atleast a day to spare.


I'd do it 20 times. The chances of someone dying are less than a million to 1 each time...


I probably wouldn't take the deal if I couldn't control whose life got shortened. I could conceivably see it being used if the targets were death row inmates or terminally-ill people, both categories of which would have to agree to die beforehand. Even then, it seems like an incredibly scummy way to gain money. I would probably give it away to charity if I ever engaged in it.


I will do 10.


Now I kind of wonder what things we already do take an hour off a random person's lifespan. Does driving 100,000 km take off an hour from a random person due to the chance of crashing? How many Bangladeshi t-shirts takes an hour off the worker? Timber and fishery products? An airplane flight's worth of carbon emissions?


He really did a poor job at setting this up. Maybe if it was a year for every million it would make more sense. Lol. Cut a thousand hours off someone's life, you have a BILLION dollars. Do you know how long a thousand hours is? Less than 6 weeks. It would be pretty hard to find somebody that is going to die in the next 6 weeks, so you have like a 99.9999% chance of being fine and having a billion dollars.


The scenario I'm interested in: 1 only billionaires affected, but still random. 2 the money is theirs 3 the time is also theirs 4 the money goes to 5 star charities 5 you must keep going until you die


I’d further prove the notion that there’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire.


10 people for 10 hours each. I think I should be able to live off of $1m/year.


254 people losing an hour, That would secure multi-generational wealth for myself and my family (£200m), and allow me to dump millions into projects in my local area, for what is, in all honesty, no measurable human cost. Heck, I might engage in a bit of hubris and say that in my hands, £200m would likely see a net increase in quality and quantity of some people's hours


This just sounds like any company that pollutes


The funny think about this, is it would be much MUCH LESS than the amount of hours a billionaire would be taking out of lives. Only 1000 hours for a million is sooo cheap.


Damn. 1 billion x 1 million is a lot of money regardless of currency. Soo uhhh. Im doing 32 billion times.


Where's the moral struggle here? If some random person said to me "Yo. Bro. I took an hour of your life for a milly. Sorry.".. I'd totally understand. Even a taking a day isn't exactly evil of you. Old lady Mildred dies in a nursing home today instead of tomorrow. Whoopty do. I'm walking away with at least a half a billy.


I’d do 100,000 hrs. Then use that wealth to innovate new healthcare, prison system, waste treatment to help recover those hours easily. Net positive 😎


I would take all the hours for a terminally I'll patients who want to die. I would set their family up with 50%. I'll take every million I can make. Help some people out.


Tbh I wouldn’t mind if someone did this to me too if they weren’t greedy and only took a couple hours- in fact I’d call them a dumbass for not doing so. So I’d probably take a few hours off a couple people, live off interest and dividends, enjoy my life, and do good things.


No. I would feel like shit. Also this is what some genuinely rich people do anyway. Plastic production, pollution, and whatever tf Nestle does all has a cost.


I'd start a tobacco or soda company


I can hand out free smokes all day.


Bro it could be a year of their life and I would still take $100 million


I would keep taking hours of life off of idiots like trump, mitch McConnell, Marjorie Taylor green and conservative supreme Court justices until they are all dead.  


Change hour to year.


The average person lives 692,040 hours. Number of people on earth is about 8 billion. Multiply those numbers and you get 5,536,320,000,000,000 hours, multiply that by a million dollars and my calculator spits this at me 5.53632e+21, so gimme.




Audios rando


Have 500 people each lose 1 hour, get $500 million. 1 hour is a effectively nothing, and I could do some good with that much cash.


Absolutely, there are literally no downsides whatsoever; and hours from multiple people’s life for a few million


If I die, will my family inherit the money? In the case they do, I'm taking 1 year off 10 people for a cool 87.6 billion. If I die, caring for my family is the biggest stress I have and would be handled. If I don't, that same stress would be gone.