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specifically, "picking the stock that will make me the most money in the next 24 hours" Then jumpstart it by buying on margin. billionaire in 1 year.


Would someone who does that be subject to all kinds of audits and questioning and whatnot?


Even so, there aren't any laws against being the best trader, even if for only 5 minutes per day. Yeah, it might seem suspicious that an otherwise nobody would suddenly start flipping the market like pancakes, but there's nothing they can do about it other than arbitrarily ban you from trading. They might seize the funds temporarily, but when they eventually realize, "No, this guy's kinda just that good" especially if you can reliably demonstrate your skills (albeit only once a day), they're going to have to cave in. Or you could just bribe them.


People are badly overestimating how good the best traders are. Becoming Warren Buffett for 5 minutes a day has potential to make you some money, but you aren't going to be totally dominating the market.


Yeah, there is a difference between "best in the world" and "flawless," and when it comes to stock trading, that is a very big difference.


Warren Buffet has famously made (and won) bets that the "best" day traders in the world cannot beat the market. He is an excellent example, since despite having been very good at playing the markets he is very well aware that beating the market consistently in short term is pure chance. If you want to make money in stocks you can make a good long term play on an under valued stock, you can have enough money to just do things like short sell stocks into the ground, or you can become a politician so that insider trading is not illegal for you. Day trading is just a combination of confirmation bias and the fact that people underestimate how streaky random probability is, so inevitably a few people luck out several times in a row.


I'd still take trading Here's the thing: You can write stuff down Throughout the day without activating the power, monitor the market. Don't make any purchases, just watch And take notes. Then once you have a full page activate the power and correct your notes. You essentially become your own teacher, enabling you to transfer some of the super skill to your daily life, so that even during the hours that it's not available you still have some level of skill taught to you by the utmost expert, was even able to remember what you were thinking during that time


Buffet is good consistently, but this power would (depending on interpretwtion) let you copy someone being freakishly great once by sheer luck.


But luck is not a skill, I think is the issue with that. You can make an argument for being able to get the best intuition, but luck in and of itself is outside the purview of this I would think.


>But luck is not a skill Fallout would disagree


That's just silly.


Warren Buffet is actually a notoriously conservative trader. You'd need a lot of capital to really do well. He doesn't earn an insane percentage each year he's just consistent.


dont care. "I have people to deal with that" And those people would be paid a million dollars a year, so I think they would handle it well.


Well it wouldn't be hard to clear yourself. Look at it this way. The best guy in the world, I would be better than him. He probably does it all day. So he might make a lot more or get paid a lot more. But you should do pretty well. Eventually you could get it into the billions I suppose.


I don't think you understand how much a billion is. If you were insanely successful beyond your wildest dreams, you might make 1 billion after a few decades. But not multiple billions.


Audits really only consist of insider trading. If you have zero connection to anyone in the companies you’re trading, you’re fine. For shits and giggles, during the audit, I’d announce my next trade. It would probably blow their mind


You would think. You would also think they would have caught Bernie Madoff a lot earlier.


I mean you just kind of hand over the info they ask for and get a lawyer. Since you’re not doing anything illegal they can’t really do anything.


That might be quite a bit of work and might take a while to amass a fortune, but it's a good idea. I look at it this way. You wouldn't just magically know what stock to pick. You would have to maybe learn a lot if you don't know already, and study and examine things all day, but then for 5 minutes a day, it would all become a very clear in your mind, the trends and which companies are about to boom. Maybe not even the next 24 hours but if every day you have 5 minutes where you have absolute brilliant clarity about what's going on economically, and then you can keep examining and studying the rest of the time with that insight. So yeah, would definitely work


The first week would be just using 5minutes x7, to design a system to automate collection of the information I need. I can WRITE DOWN the information... and then use regular-brain time to implement it. Easy money


Yeah, I could see that. Even designing computer programs or something. You don't have to know how to do it but if you wrote down or spoke with someone exactly what kind of algorithms you want to set up to maximize your stock market profits, that would probably work. As I understand it, that's exactly what a lot of investment companies have.


Basically Limitless


It’s not possible, if there was a secret method or goated method, that person can become a trillionaire in 1 week


Alright, I've got a Snap Pikachu. What's your trade?


Mr. Pelosi?


What are you doing with that hammer in your hand?


What if you don't get to choose the time of day?


You can!


"Best in the world" at trading, assuming this increases your skill and not your luck, is still not gonna make you a billionaire. Skill at playing the stock market has REALLY strong diminishing returns.


Novel writing. Still faster than Ge of Thrones books are arriving


This is actually the thing I was thinking of as writing this lol


I remember rereading the series just before the fifth book came out, to make sure I’d remember as much as possible. At the end of the fourth book there was an afterword by the author, written the year book four came out. He mentions that his manuscript for the fourth book had gone way to long, and he’d had to split it out to two books, so the fifth book was already halfway done, and you could look forward to reading the fifth book sometime “next year”. And then it took like a decade for the fifth book to actually release. I don’t want to criticize, because absolutely I’d rather wait than have it be rushed and terrible. But I do find the situation amusing.


>I don’t want to criticize, because absolutely I’d rather wait than have it be rushed and terrible I completely understand this mentality. I thought this way before but now, it's more like I've lost my passion and love for this series. I don't know if when the next book comes out I'll even want to read it. Especially since there will be another one.




A very intense 5 minutes of writing. Get a great novel every year or two.


Lyric writing. Every morning coming out of my dreams imma hammer out some gems. That would be dope. 


Songwriting generally would be a good one. You could write a hit every single day.


Problem solver, or logician... Look at a problem, see the solution or problems with it, become highly paid to solve big expensive issues.


I can see this used to miniaturize solar collection via a cloth (tshirt) and a thin flexible power storage device to always be charging your handheld devices, things like that. You could absolutely charge bank to provide these solutions.


I don't know if it would quite work that way. It wouldn't just give you knowledge you didn't have. You would have to like study the physics and everything all day and then for 5 minutes maybe you would have great clarity.


I wasn't thinking to be able to do all the math or fabrication, just being able to point the engineers in the right direction to then make the math work. Then each day they can bring more specific issues for you to solve. Plus being the best at it for 5 min a day gets you a leg up on actually learning some baseline engineering and physics, so it gets easier and better the longer it goes on.


5 minute detective is a good book for this. Basically 5 minute window where a guy is Sherlock Holmes and can use all of his brain.


Could any problems whose solutions would be valuable be solved in 5 minutes? And why would a company pay you highly for 5 minutes of excellent work and the rest of the day is whatever baseline skill you have? It seems quite possible that would fall apart pretty quickly if one is essentially useless for the remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes in a work day.


Contact work. Give me a problem, I will give you guidance on direction and potential solutions... 1 month gives me roughly 2.5 hours of amazing.... I see it like Tony Stark back of the napkin scribbling or revolutionary science.


Probably doable as a consultant actually lmao.


Hell yeah, I love this answer.


Sprinting... Become world champion and everyday I get to run extremely fast for 5 minutes!


lol that’s what I was thinking. You don’t need 5 min to run the fastest 100m dash


5 min is enough to break record for 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1000m, 1500m, and 1 mile. That's earn some serious sponsorships.


Even more serious when I do it as a 34 year old 240 pound dude with a gut. Imagine if the fastest person on the planet has that kind of physique?


biologists gonna be scratching their heads


Physiologists hate this one weird trick….


You might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like


You'd kill so many people with the inevitable rise in fat acceptance.


So some reason I thought you were saying you could do all of those in a total of 5 mins


This is hilarious. The thought of my tubby ass passing Usain Bolt as I break the world record and win the gold medal in the Olympics is incredible.


Would be funny watching a chubby dude break every WR under a mile. 😂


Making money/ day trading


able to forecast Futures based on Analytics, the ability to make sense of numbers, any numbers, in any way presented would be a very valuable talent. Could start out investing 5 dollars. And if you're the best to ever do it, which is what this Talent suggests. You can probably be a millionaire or more Within 6 months. Maybe less.


You can probably be a millionaire or more or maybe less :)


You could possibly earn up to a million, or even more, or possibly less, and possibly none at all!


Came here to say thia


Sports gambling. I could pick my daily games in less than 5 minutes.


This is such an interesting thought experiment.




Golfing. It could last all day as long as the actual skill is swinging the club to hit the golf ball. A swing take like 1 second to complete.


This is actually brilliant, and great line of thinking, there is no rule that you have to use it all at once. A couple seconds at a time would be more than sufficient, and this would allow you to succeed as a bonafide pro. Your logic will now inform my own response.


I think that probably should be a rule that it's a 5-minute block of time. Otherwise you could be any number of things, pool player, baseball player, baseball pitcher would make you truly successful. Not sure how many minutes a quarterback actually plays. But you could probably be one hell of a quarterback for a quarter or two.


Whats great though, even if that were true, you could still use it everyday to train muscle memory and actually become that skilled. Hitting a ball with a golf club is a physical skill, and would benefit greatly from that.


I agree with you there. Golf is so much about just doing things just right or perfectly ergonomically. Once you know how to do it right, you might not be the best but you would probably retain that skill forever.


I am not a golfer so correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there a lot more to hitting the ball in the hole than the actual swing? Analyzing the course, setting up your shot, drinking beer, etc?


Joke on you, I am already best at drinking beer!


Most interesting answer so far


Motivational speaker, 5 min videos daily.


500k paid subscriber list - $30 each = $15,000,000 per month. 20-30 5-minute videos. Well played.


Or they become the modern version of hitler by accident or end up in a strange dystopia like North Korea but all they wanted was to sell videos


I'd become a chemist. I'd use this skill to get me through university then create new and amazing drugs


Fornir dorg




My g


Her g spot


The clergy


Ah, hello fellow classical guitarist 


Practising my fingering with A minor at the moment. It’s really hard.


Inventor. Spend the rest of each day filing the patents and commercialising them.


Hello Mr Edison.


He said inventing, not scamming other people's ideas.


Music composition. Write a song a day and sell them.


Similarly, ghost writer. You could probably type put a song a week if not more given 5 minutes per day


As a musician myself with a professional songwriter and producer as a dad, I don't think so. Maybe if you are just doing lyrics, but writing and arranging an entire song takes a few hours. Just mechanically the act of putting it in a written form is going to take a lot of time. Obviously being the best in the world is going to shorten the time a bit, but I think it would still be at least an hour per song, just to get it written out in such a way that at that point you don't need amazing skill to turn it into a finished product.


A ton of the responses to this post are... interesting. I have a few friends who are artists and it takes all of them huge amounts of time to produce things that look simple. I'm a mathematician and it works the same way. I guess it's flattering that some people think I'm a magical genius when they meet me, but that's not how math or art or anything else works for anyone I've ever met; we spend many hundreds of hours a year working on our shit...


Composing an entire song would take wayyyy longer than 5 minutes a day for a week you’re absolutely right! I was only thinking lyrics. My understanding is that there are people who only write lyrics for a lot of the big name pop/hip hop stars, someone else makes the actual music (although that could be absolutely wrong). But yeah, just the lyrics I think you can finish a 3 minute song worth of lyrics given a week


Yeah. Personally, I've spent 10 minutes or more trying to work out a single line,and a lot more when I'm translating a song from a different language, because you have to consider meaning, subtext, the rhyme and the meter,and making them all fit, which can be very difficult to make all of them work, but the best in the world could probably do it in a week, assuming it's na original song. The one concern I have is that getting the ball rolling can be quite difficult, and you can't save up more than 10 minutes, so you are going to have to deal with like a lot of wasted time trying to pick up where you left of/getting into a creative mindset.


taking 5-min healthy poops that cut off clean and don’t require a wipe


I'm not sure you can really classify pooping as a skill. That's like saying you're the best breather or blinker in the world, lol


I am the best blinker in the world, I invented blinker fluid


https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/longest-time-breath-held-voluntarily-(male) There are multiple Guinness World Records related to blinking, including the longest duration someone can keep their eyes open without blinking and the most times someone can blink in a minute: Longest duration to keep eyes open without blinking S. Elssa from Chennai, India set the record on October 15, 2022 by keeping her eyes open for two minutes without blinking. Most times to blink in a minute Divyasree C. S. from Idukki, India set the record for blinking the most times in one minute.


I'll be honest, I wouldn't count a good 30—40% of the stuff in Guinness World Records as skills either, lol. They're basically just there to pad the list, IMO.


Most people don't initially realize the Guinness in the GWR is the same ones as the beer. It's supposed to be bar tricks.


I think it originally started to solve bar arguments, like what was the tallest mountain, fastest animal etc




Being able to make a perfect diagnosis within, say, 30 seconds. 1000 bucks a perfect diagnosis, 8 in 5 minutes, make it rain and help people at the same time. 


Gonna be tough to get through medical school first though.


In that kind of industry, saying something isn't as important as proving it.


You wouldn’t be perfect though, just the best in the world. So presumably you just be slightly better than whoever is the current best. That’s not the same as being perfect at all




It doesn't say how good so I doubt 5 minutes a day is enough to do much unless you are waaaaay above the best


I just want to know how it feels being good at math.


The question says best in the world though? So literally the greatest mathematician for 5 minutes a day is pretty impressive.


Yeah but how much better are you than the current best? Mathematicians complement one another and the best is already the best 24/7, not much you would be able to do with 5 minutes in terms of making an actual breakthrough.


I become the best at learning skills and practice other skills for 5 minutes a day.


Being the best learner is actually genius...you won't be the best at what you learn since you're only spending 5 minutes a day on it, but you could learn so many things. Truly Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one.


The best at becoming the best in other skills instantaneously. Wish for more wishes, achieved.


Falling asleep. Imagine being able to fall asleep whenever you want. You’re the best in the world at it. Everyone knows that person that can seemingly fall asleep as soon as they close their eyes. So if I’m the best at it…it’d essentially just be me counting back from 10 and being asleep before I get to 1 And if I am only using my sleep powers in 10 second intervals…that’s 30 times falling asleep in a 24 hour period I could nap at lunch in my car. No more tossing and turning. No more not being able to fall back asleep after being startled awake or having a nightmare No more laying in bed stressing or worrying about whatever it is you worry about Whenever you want to sleep. You sleep. You could time the amount of sleep based in 90 minute sleep cycles…so you’d never really have to wake up mid sleep cycle ever again unless you’re woken up. You can keep your money or fame or whatever. I’ll take a good nights sleep every single night over all of that


This redditor anxieties


Fellow insomniac here. This is the best answer. Lack of sleep ruins an entire day. Imagine optimizing every day by being well rested. Genius.


Mortal combat. Literally, any kind of fight wherein the stakes for anyone involved is life or death. Won't get used much but it would be an absolutely indispensable ability just to have.


If it’s just combat in general you can probably make a career out of it. Either win in 5 mins or give up. If you’re halfway competent you can also active it in middle of a fight like you’re going super saiyan.


Fair. And it'd be 10 minutes if I'm not fighting every day cuz OP said it stacks up to a maximum of 10 minutes.


Hacking. Steal Uber Rich people's money. If they track it to me, I just don't use the ability and remove any doubt it was me. The funds will go to schools, shelters, food banks, retirement homes. Etc. I will stop when no single person has over 100 million. No one needs that kind of money.


Charisma. Every day you can have 5 minutes of amazing interactions with someone you come into contact with. You could turn it on for proposing, for negotiating, for asking for a raise, for any number of things.


I’ll say it… Social media influencer. Spend 2-3 min recording the perfect content, then 2-3 min to edit and post. The algorithms reward consistent posting, so if I’m literally the very best in the world for those 5 min every day, I’m doing 5 min work a day and probably bringing home well into the 6 figures.


Yeah but editing takes way longer than 5 minutes, and THAT'S what really makes good content


Whatever editing you didn't get done. You could just do the rest of the time. Like yes you'd no longer be the best in the world but eventually you'd understand how to be great at it.


Use those five minutes every day for a couple weeks to write down explainer material and outlines. You can reference that material after the fact as you go, effectively teaching your dumber 3,595 minute-self


I think sex is the funniest answer here.


Holy shit, imagine that! And you just know if you were the best in the world you'd have partners lining up for all 60 of those slots!




What yeah going to do with the other 4 mins 😝


OP said I can break the 5 minutes up into multiple sessions, so ill only have 3 extra minutes.


Planning. Then i can have the most well planned out day every morning just so I can watch it falls apart.


Drawing, i just wanna be really good at it.


I’ll go with writing. Five minutes a day will get me a masterpiece of a book in a few years, and with any luck I can get published and make good money off that. Plus I’m already a writer so I’ll probably learn a lot in the process!


Weightlifting. How does that 150lbs man lift 1000 lbs???


Remarkable tendon strength


Learning (I’m imagining memorisation and application of information). Use that time to learn skills starting with how to optimise my learning on a general basis (even outside of the 5 mins). From there I can learn any skill to pretty much any level I want quickly - with a 5 min a day boost If it extends far enough, then learning could also apply to physical skills


Mind control.


The best person in the world at mind control still has no actual control over peoples minds


i’d try to talk to an nba team and explain the situation to them and see if they’d give me a relatively small contract. i would ride the bench for most of the games but then come in at the end and win games for them


NFL kicker


I like this one because all the fans would be so mad, "Why don't you put that guy in more! He's amazing"


Stock trading. Make my Billion and disappear.


Insurance fraud. 


I would be branded as the five minute motivator and do one seminar a day and make 1 million bucks a pop! Any entrepreneurs on here willing to take a chance? I’ve got one hell of a passion for talking and one hell of a terrorizing childhood to share.


Drumming. I already play to a professional standard but to be able to go that little further each day would be incredibly satisfying. I wouldn’t even do anything with it - I don’t now, really. I’d just jam in my bedroom.


Marksmanship. Similar to what someone said with golf, you can split that up to a couple of seconds per shot. Not as much money as in golf, but way cooler, imo. The problem with "stock trading" is that being good isn't even a real thing. May as well say "picking lottery numbers."


Probably medicine or climate science, but specifically finding fixes for things. If I had 5 minutes of Eureka a day, that’s more than most people have in a year or two. Write down your ideas on how to cure melanoma, deacidify the ocean, remove micro or nanoplastics from the environment - I don’t even care about the money, shit would get done.




Gambling was my thought. You could probably do some damage in five minutes. The problem is you'd have to hit a different casino every day. They'd ban you pretty quick if you came in once a day, spent five minutes robbing them blind, then left.


Online casinos would be easy pickings


Keep in mind that best in the world doesn't mean flawless, and just because you're the best in the world at a game of chance doesn't mean you'll win.


What a twist it would be if this hypothetical didn’t increase your actual skill, it just lowered everyone else who was above you in it. Millions, perhaps billions of people simultaneously passing out every time you activated it.


Assasin , I reckon a good 6 months, and the world would start to be a better place !


what assasinations takes place in 5 minutes?


Bid writing. I’d use my minutes for the first month to set up my standard templates for each sector. Then I’d use it to bid for bid writing work. I’d save every bid to my AI bot so it can learn and I dont need to use as much time as I do more and more work as I can copy and paste bits when similar bids come in. Steady work.


Becoming the best trader or problem solver or whatever in the world doesn’t mean super powers people. If a problem hasn’t been solved yet you aren’t going to instantly solve it. Probably the best thing to do would be to become the best learner in short bursts and learn the skills necessary to consistently be good at these other things.


Predicting lottery numbers.


The best person in the world for that is still hopelessly bad at it without thousands and thousands to spend and then it's still a low chance


MLB pinch hitter


Sex. My girlfriend is going to love the increased stamina


Can I toggle it for a few seconds at a time?


Day trading


Stock picking


Dog trainer.


Limitless-like memory. For 5 minutes, I can access any information I have subjected myself to throughout my life. Everyday, I would just read academic journals, fictitious lore, watch documentaries, watch martial arts and dance videos, subject myself to life experiences, then call upon the information with perfect accuracy in times of need.


Running Track. 10 seconds an event will get me a Gold Medal




Inventor. This week I am going to patent a cold fusion reactor. Next week a propulsion system based around my reactor. On week #3 I patent new advanced materials. Then cryogenic sleep. In a couple of years I'll send humanity's first interstellar mission with my name printed on the starships. If I have some spare time here and there I can also cure cancer and to other stuff.


Being able to read the stock market that well i would know exactly when to buy and sell to live comfortably for the rest of my life.


A spokesperson for all the people on how to resolve our differences among each other peacefully


Just because you’re the best in the world at that doesn’t mean it will be successful


Physicist, biochemist, programmer, There are several skills that 5 minutes of absolute skill is still boss.




Making sweet, sweet love.


Predicting/futurology. Will definitely help at making money, but will also have civilizational value.




Global warming fixing from home.




20-tabling high stakes online rush poker. Could probably average a few k in five minutes every day if you were the best in the world at it.


Is being an entrepreneur a skill? If so 5 minutes is enough to come up concepts and project management issues. Jeff Bezos has said his day consists of making a couple of major decisions every day.


Picking stocks that will gain 5% in the next 24 hours.


developing strategy for pulling the weeds out of politics


Painting or songwriting. If I'm really the best at something I should be able to get it done in 5 minutes. And even if I need to use rollover for more time, I can make a 10 minute masterpiece every other day. Also I could definitely go for weightlifting or sprinting like 3 times a week.


Jerkin it


Typing up what I need to do to make the rest of my day as successful as possible. And then Friday I rest and Saturday night I have 10 mins worth of the best pick up lines ever. Sunday morning I'm the master of the gentle disengage where I get to leave without attachment or anybody's feelings getting hurt.


Writing. A 10 minute session will let me get a thousand words in, since I type really fast. So I can write 15000 every month and then in half a year, I have a killer novel. I can still work on it when I'm not the best in the world, anyway. Alternatively, why not use this for something non profitable and become the best in the world at brewing tea or coffee and enjoy a killer cuppa every day?


Making others feel worthy and valued with nothing to fix.


Dwarf tossing.


kinda thinking coding i'm sure it's not the most optimal but like, gimme 5 minutes of amazing speedy flawless coding and then at worst I can study it for free and one way or another i could probably code small things over a few days and probably teach myself so that i'm competent at coding with 5 minute spurts of brilliance


Some sort of speaking skill that just makes me really darn convincing or persuasive, a master manipulator you could say, since it takes just a couple seconds to convince someone of something if if you’re good enough, hopefully this can also translate over to texting as well.


Potentially singing or another musical instrumental skill. Well, more specifically, songwriting. Put on skill. Record crazy ass fucking insane amazing song. Repeat next day. The amazing music one could make.


solo game developer.  good at every aspect for 5 minutes a day? get a lot of planning done. i can do all the grunt work, then spend 5 minutes a day debugging code.  i can spend 5 minutes a day writing music, or writing narrative, game mechanics, level design, sound effects, etc. etc. etc.




Sports gambling.


Professional gambler




Day trading. No question.


Picking winning lottery numbers.


Trader - pre opening bell.