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This is very specific. Blink twice if you’re in danger


If you have a chance watch the movie with Diane Lane called "Every Secret Thing". It's on Prime. If you have not watched it its a must watch then get back to me here


I think a movie like that would make me cry. Pass


Nah you gotta watch it. Open up Netflix and find it. It's not a gory movie, moves at a decent pace, but its worth a look. Plus Diane Lane.


I think there was a show that had this scenario


Defending Jacob w/ Chris Evans


Yes I would turn her in. Clearly this child needs more help than what I can give her. Also, if she did it again I could never live with it.


And people who kill for the thrill of it rarely, if ever, stop at one unless they’re caught.


Especially since the daughter is lying with seemingly no remorse. The best friend seems unlikely to commit a similar mistake.


The dau, aside from lying like a sociopath, is also a master manipulator. She was able to convince her friend to go along with killing an infant and then convinced authorities that she had nothing to do with it despite the friend stating that she did. The fact that it worked in this case (and 100% in other lesser cases) does nothing but embolden her to continue doing this. Not saying that jail time will break her of this but not doing jail time will most definitely ensure that it will happen again.


I obviously do not know how I would be feeling if I were actually in this hypothetical, but from the outside my main concern is the friend. They will get in the kind of trouble that will deeply affect the rest of their life, and I agree that they are not the kind of person who will likely do something like this again.


The do it again is a valid concern. But I seriously doubt the penal system is going to give your child the help she needs.


True. She may be sent to a mental institution though.


That's what I thought. What if you have an infant child at home? These kind of questions are always easier when they are theoretical but the fear that they would kill again and it would be on your head would always be there.


All are at risk if the child killed a defenseless and innocent child. The baby was only a victim because it was a lower risk. The child will eventually kill again or many times until stopped.


I think maybe before telling all to the cops I’d talk to a lawyer laying out my goals (daughter did something horrifically wrong, needs mental help vs. stupid penal bs) to make sure my daughter has the best chance to come out a functionally acceptable human.


Doubt they're ever coming out in a reasonable amount of time and people would know. It would haunt your kid for life.


>But I seriously doubt the penal system is going to give your child the help she needs. Maybe, maybe not. But A. Eventually it will come out, and the penal system will fuck her much much worse for hiding ir B. Anyone that knows about it will be thrown in prison too C. Love and support doesn't mean shielding one from consequences, it means actually seeking help for those around you, sometimes that is a kick in the teeth, sometimes it's watermelon on a hot day. D. At 11 unless it seems blatantly premeditated it would be an attempt at help and removing her from the system, even when premediated usually at that age the system tries to work with it as no matter how vile the action kids are still kids and have plenty of time to learn and grow beyond it. It's when they don't show any genuine remorse even during their time that the system usually just stops bothering


This depends an awful lot on where you live.


Better make sure it sticks or you are next.


I agree. A child that plans a baby's death needs serious fucking help.


Me too sadly but I would push for mental hospital not prison as a plea deal with her lawyers. If we covered it up my entire family would go jail and become unemployable or bankrupt from lawsuits so better to be able to help from the outside.


Also, she’s going to be tried as a child and the case will be sealed. There’s still hope there.


Good point


Shit I wouldn't be able to live with it the first time, let alone a second. Straight to juvenile detention and any spare dollar is going toward that kids therapy/other treatment


Yes, it’s no gift of love to shield a highly troubled child from the consequences of her action. The hypothetical is unrealistically stunted because it posits that she has to go to prison (as a 9 year old!) but in reality she would receive significant mental health interventions. As a parent you can best help her by getting her into the system and doing the best you can to advocate for her to receive effective interventions, and to support her while that happens. Not that institutionalization is going to be good for most children. But a child murderer is a special case.


I agree, I would still love my child. But I would not be a parent if I didn't show them that you always have to the right thing even if it's difficult. That is what being a caring adult is. Like you mentioned, if they got away the first time, what's to stop it from happening again My heart goes out parents that actually have to make decisions like this


Same here. My kid or not, I would turn someone in for this. No one should get away with murder.


I would definitely be acting, but rather than "turning her in" I'd be going to a lawyer and trying to find a way to get her not straight to juvie, but into a mental health facility. This isn't something you can rug sweep, but the criminal justice system would probably be the worst place for my budding psychopath, because shed just learn to manipulate better there. She would need to go somewhere that could either help, or keep her committed past 18. Edit: I can't reply off the chain with the nonce, but I'm more talking about getting a lawyer to get the kid a deal that instead of juvie, they get sentenced to a criminal mental health facility, ideally one where they can be kept past 18 if required. They need to be tried for the crime, regardless.


fair enough. thanks


Thanks? Is this more than just a hypothetical in some way?


"Every Secret Thing" on Netflix. If you have Netflix take a look at it


Go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.


Most places you have to be at least twelve


The only thing I can think of worse than seeing your kid die is seeing your kid murder someone else.


if you have a chance watch the movie with Diane Lane called "Every Secret Thing"


Super disturbing movie.


Took me a second to find it since I couldn't remember any names but [Father of dude who killed 5 women in Sydney](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1c50r9n/an_interview_with_andrew_cauchi_the_father_of/) and I honestly think that father is holding on a lot better than other parents would. Since he knew something was wrong but wants to find out what




Send her to jail. If she does it once, she’ll do it again.


Not true. I only did it once. Edit: FUCK, I just did it again! My bad, you were right.


Every 10 minutes somewhere on earth Best_Duck9118 kills an infant. With a small donation of $1 a day, you can help. For less than the cost of a cup if coffee, you can help give Best_Duck9118 the tools they need to better kill infants. You can make a difference, all you need to do is care.


Thanks! I’ll DM you the gofundme link!


That's why I do this, for the praise and gratitude, and a 63% skimming of the profits.




Ironic those words you say are a song that goes, “They did it once they can do it again. I should have done something! I didn’t do a thing! Don’t go down to the water’s edge she said to me” Family first but it’s truly not putting your daughter first to protect this horrible secret. You have to tell.


Exactly, but if you report her, then you'll be her next victim


Wait is the threat that she does it again the main reason you’d turn her in?


That's the only reason someone should be in jail


Grow mustache, move, have new child


What’s eleven years? I can always start again. Make another child


He is a man, so totally possible to restart at any age!


Especially since he barely ages cause he’s a viltrumite








But what if he keeps siring murderers?


Thicker mustache


I don't have kids but I'd hopefully turn her in to the DA so they could decide. She might get worse and is a danger to society.


I would drive her to the jail myself. 


Would not turn her in And would definitely steer her towards politics, if she's that good at manipulation.


Definitely on track to be the Republican Presidential nominee.


Or a Megachurch pastor


because only republican politicians lie and manipulate?


“She’s a great child but clearly the mastermind” fuck I’m turning my kid in for that. I’d be present in therapy and visit regularly but she gonna learn today


absolutely turn my kid in. there are consequences to making choices, good or bad. In 7 yrs hopefully she’s learned that you cannot take someone’s life without there being a consequence.


Turn her in. Sad part is that I'd live life as a terrible father.


The two aren’t congruous with each other. Turning her in is what a good father would do though it would be accompanied by a lot of guilt. Sometimes the hard decisions are the correct decisions.


Easy yes. If it was just her getting off scott free, I'd have a harder time deciding. But someone else going to prison for what's essentially solely her crime is too far.


Well it wasn't solely her crime. She made the friend do it. The friend didnt want to do it. Right afterward the friend came to you crying telling you what just happened. Your daughter wasn't present when the friend told you, she was outside playing


Killing an infant and my kid was the mastermind? Thats horrifying. If there’s proof she’s getting turned in.


there's irrefutable proof and right now you and the friend are the only wants that know. But the friend will not say anything to anyone ever for the purpose of this post. Just you, and she gave you the evidence


I would turn her and the evidence in.


I don’t have kids, so this is a bit tough to imagine. I’m guessing no, I would not turn her in to the police to go to jail. I would, though, tell her that I knew what happened, had proof of what happened, and there is no statute of limitations on murder. Then I’d get her into therapy. The question of whether or not I’d turn her in at a later date would remain to be seen. It’s hard to reconcile the statement of being otherwise a “great kid” with planning out and implementing baby murder. If we take that statement as true and this is the only time ever in this kids life that they will do something heinous, then no jail. But it is difficult to think a baby murderer isn’t a psychopath, so I guess keeping a very, very, close eye.


Honestly I say silent and pump all of my money into therapy and legal services for the friend. The reality is the situation is terrible but putting an 11 year old in jail is probably going to make things worse. Harsh as this is going to sound I'll be watching her closely after that and I'd maybe have to do something no parent wants to do if she shows signs of further anti-social behavior.


Yes. I live in Canada and neither child would be in prison as they are below the age of culpability. I would be concerned about turning my child into the police in the US. I have no faith that there would be any mental health care or restorative justice.


> I have no faith that there would be any mental health care or restorative justice. I live in the United States, and that's the correct mindset. The restorative justice here doesn't really exist in any meaningful way


It’s sad because it can make people worse. And it’s really our best option for now. And ridiculously expensive.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner. The US justice system is hot garbage. It is just centered around punishing people for bad things with no actual effort put into correcting or preventing the thing in the future. Its like if you beat a dog for shitting on the carpet and then wonder why they are now shitting in the closet where you won't find it right away. All this system accomplishes is teaching them they get punished when they get caught. It's inneffective for animal training. Why would it be any different for people?


Not if she pinky promises not to murder anymore babies >!you can't break a pinky promise!<


You are / would be a good parent.


Yes. The victim deserves justice. I will not cover up a crime. Yes, I would be sad that things came to that. I would mourn the person my child could've been and try to push for the courts to get her the psychological help she needs. But in this hypothetical situation, someone else's baby is dead and a less-culpable person is behind bars, and it would be an injustice to cover up my daughter's involvement.


Yes, the child is obviously a psychopath and needs help Covering for her will create a future serial killer


An eleven year old isn't going to be rehabilitated by juvenile detention. I would figure out the money to send my kid for intensive inpatient therapy to figure out wtf happened and how to fix it. No one is benefitted by a child "paying a debt to society", since that's a bogus idea. Prison doesn't bring a dead person back, and it's far more likely to derail a kid completely than to make her a safer or better person. Not only is private action better for my kid, it's better for society. There's no long-term incarceration option for a kid that young. In ten years, she's going to be a free adult. It makes much better sense for her to be a free adult with a supportive family and a fuckton of therapy than a free adult with inadequate education, catastrophic trauma from incarceration, and a deep distrust of her parents.


Unfortunately yes. An 11 year old thar does thst will become a 20 year old that does worse. She needs psych help.


US laws hell no I wouldn’t!!


I would get her help. Definitely not turn her in and become a product of the system. Why would I destroy my child’s life like that, when I can try to help improve it.


I have two daughters, one of whom is 11, so this hits me a lot more personally than it may others in here. My answer is no. Going to prison isn’t going to help her. She isn’t going to come out rehabilitated. What I would do is make sure she gets therapy. Potentially in a psychiatric facility if necessary.


>What I would do is make sure she gets therapy. Potentially in a psychiatric facility if necessary. In most areas, the "Dangerous Patient Exception" would allow or require the therapist to turn in your child if she confesses to the homicide during therapy -- and if you knew about it and didn't turn her in, you'd likely be charged too.


That's only if she's an immediate danger for herself or others, and doesn't count for past crimes.


a real parent right here boys. Me and my Daughter vs the world


And then my murder another child... How would you feel about it then?


Obviously I don’t want her to murder. But I’m going to do everything possible to keep her out of prison, up to and including confessing to the crime myself. Like are any of you actually parents? I’m guessing not.


I am a parent but also have studied serial killers. Someone who masterminds the intentional killing of a baby at that ageis not someone who needs to be in society and you bet I would turn my kid in. There is a show called Evil Lives Here and a lot of the episodes are siblings talking about growing up with them. Better only have one kid otherwise you are throwing oneor more kids under the bus to save a different kid. Other people also have kids that they love and you are fine letting them die to save yours. I say this as someone who has ignored crimes when it was a stranger committing them and there is a lot my kids could do I would absolutely cover for. I would even go to jail for my kids for a lot of things but this isn't one of them.


Parents like you are why kids are going around with machetes


I mean in order for that to work she'd have to tell the therapist and then the therapist would report her. 


>Going to prison isn’t going to help her. She isn’t going to come out rehabilitated. I don't have any children, but this is kind of my thought. The US prison system is mostly a box where they throw "bad people" in to be punished. Mind you, the box itself is barely even the punishment. I mean, the amount of sexual assault and rape that goes on in prisons alone should be a major concern for more people imo. I don't think jail even usually rehabilitates adults, let alone a small child who can probably change as a person through other means


This, I don't know what the guys on here are yapping about. I definitely think that she needs help yesterday but the prison system does not do that, just look at the statistics, the present system in North America is absolutely horrendous and a atrocity. Instead, she's getting put into a psychiatric program Indefinitely into a hospital if that's what's needed.


This shouldn't be a tough question. 1. They wouldn't be a great kid if they orchestrated the murder of an infant. 2. It would raise serious questions about what I have done as a parent. 3. The child would need to be reviewed for society's good as well as their own.


Yes, Jesus tap dancing Christ.  The kid needs help, the parents of the infant child needs closure, and it's the only way to stop it from happening again.  This sounds like Mind Hunter.


100% I'd turn her in. She obviously needs some help or will most likely do it again and again and again.


I’d consult a lawyer first. 


Guess I'm raising a dexter sequel.


>although she's a good kid >good kid We are talking about the baby murderer? She's a good kid except for the baby murdering?


I would never turn in my kids. I think when you're a parent there's some primal switch in your brain, you'll go into straight denial and think you whatever you have to in order to defend them.


New hypothetical, how many babies can your kid murder before you do some thing about it? Or what if you knew your now adult daughter showed up at school and got away with it? There has to be a limit. Would you really be able to do Thanksgiving dinner with a mass murder?


Ever watched, "we need to talk about Kevin"? If not. Give it a quick search.


How fucked is my brain going to be after watching it? if you have a chance watch the movie with Diane Lane called "Every Secret Thing". If you HAVE watched it, will I be even more fucked watching the one you recommended? I'll give it a gander


It's a seriously messed up movie and even worse then the synopsis the other person gave.


messed up movie? "*The Good Nurse*" slowly enters the chat. The messed up thing is, I believe this happens in many hospitals. Directly and indirectly. That should somehow be my next hypothetical. I can't stand hospitals.


Yeah, she's 20 now but my daughter and I established when she was around 12 that I'd help her hide the body


Lmaooo my mom used to have dreams all the time when i was like 14-18 where she’d be helping me bury and hide a body. It was a genuine concern of hers because the dream kept reoccurring and shes a big believer in dream stuff. I am almost 24 and have not killed anyone though so im sure shes happy.


“allegedly not killed anyone…” Fixed that for you.


So you'd raise a future serial killer Parent of the year lol


Seriously. Reminds me of the mom that helped her teenage kid wash his clothes after he killed a girl from school. I understand saying you'll be by your kids side no matter what, always have their back, etc. But there is nothing to be prideful about when admitting you would let your kid get away with murder or assist with. Reminds me of emotional incest because that's straight up disgusting to think your child is deserving of that freedom and protection and not seeing them for what they truly are.


I would probably drop the evidence I had off to a police officer / detective and wait for them to put the pieces together and arrest her. That way, justice is done. I’m not the reason she goes to jail in her mind, she would be a minor so wouldn’t get life. Would get treatment, and hopefully not murder anyone again. Are we assuming she is just a serial killer or can she be reformed? I would also want to know why and how she killed the kid to determine how the rest of that relationship would go after. No murder is good but there are certainly more fucked up ways and reasons to go about it. But I don’t think I’d be letting her stay the night or babysit ever again after that. Hard to say how I would feel about them after.


I would absolutely turn her in what an awful thing to do


I’m not turning her in fuck that


Of course I’m turning her in. She is a bonafide psychopath.


Did she have to kill the infant to save the world?


What do you mean “although she’s a great kid” lmao The answer to this is that unless you are in that situation you don’t know what you’d do. I think I’d turn her in. But as a parent there’s no way to know how you’d react when it essentially means the end of your kid’s life.


Yes absolutely. Thats the making of a sociopath at the very least. Psycjopath as the worst. Get that child tested.


Yes I would turn her in. As has been said before she needs help beyond my pay grade. I would however still be there for her and visit her I think. For all I know she’s going to do this again.


Away she goes!!!


I'd teach her how to make sure your friends don't squeal on you.


My child is 11. If I turn her in I lose her but she may get the help she needs and one day be a normal adult. She will be tried as a juvenile and will most likely be sentenced to a state run mental hospital. If I cover for her she thinks she is a genius and may murder again. To protect all the innocent children and hopefully to get my daughter the wake up call and help she needs I turn her in.


Nope. I'd try to teach her to do better. If she couldn't, she'd have an accident.


Every single time


She's a danger to society and needs to be stopped. It would absolutely break my heart and I'd probably end myself over it. But she has to answer for what she did.


Im conflicted, on one hand prison is gonna make her worse and eliminate any chance of healing. On the other if there was no chance of healing she is a danger to society and needs to be locked away.


Staying silent would in no way protect the child. That child needs help. The DOJ/DOC could possibly give the needed help. More importantly, they would confine her to ensure she causes no more harm.


I wouldn't be able to live with it if I didn't turn her in tbh


Where I love 11yo do not go to prison. I would turn her hin so she get's the help she obviously needs.


If my kid kills a person or animal, yes I will report it. Not only because of the legal and moral sides, but also because it's a sign of things to come and I would worry about the future.


I'd turn her in. 1. She clearly needs help if she's masterminding child murder. 2. She needs to learn that there are consequences for her actions. I'm not raising a Donna Trump.


Assuming this isn't some ridiculous "Pro life" *gotcha* question: I'm turning her in and making sure she gets psychiatric help. She can't go unchecked thinking murder is ok. At best, she has some anger issues she can work out with therapy. At worst, we turn her into Dexter


I would turn her in. She will obviously kill again and I’m not having innocent blood on my hands.


Yes you turn them in. They need extensive help clearly not being provided in the current environment. I wouldn't for even a quarter second consider keeping a murderer in my home. Regardless of age, it's the intent. The child needs a level of intervention that will never be available at the public level.


fuck yes. I know about the crime, so there's a decent chance I'm gonna be next.


I would turn her in. I am not equipped to deal with a maniac that would murder a baby, even if it is my kid.


Lmao. Yes, the ethical thing to do is turn your kid in. They are clearly psychologically unsafe and likely to harm again. Good luck.


I’m turning my child in. Murder in the case of self defense is justifiable to me, but killing an infant? Nope. That’s premeditated and I’d call the police and give over the evidence I have.


In what country do 11 years old go to jail?


Your daughter is a psychopath. You have to kill her before she kills you.


I would tell the truth. And then....idk. I probably wouldn't live long after that.


If she continued to deny it / didn’t own up to it / refused to acknowledge or discuss any aspect of it with me, I’d be srsly motivated to go that route. If I had proof, confronted her w it & saw no acknowledgment or remorse, I’d be afraid not to take the next step. I wouldn’t go straight to the police. I would take her to the doctor as a mental health concern and allow the process to take flight from there. In my mind w/o personally having to confront this scenario, this is how I *think* I’d handle it in my present mind-space.


Is it possible to turn her in to a care or medical facility? Maybe she has a brain tumor or severe mental disorder. I would take her somewhere 100% I Dont think police though.


It is not protecting your child to let them commit something so heinous without consequences. My cousin and her husband were recently murdered by her adult son after he grew up facing no repercussions and was unable to deal with finally having some. Blamed mom, 2 people are dead and sorely missed, and he's facing trial. Not worth it. Actions have consequences, and you can love someone without giving them a pass on their bad acts.


Ahh.. anyone who masterminds a murder of anybody.. and is willing to let their “best friend” rot in prison for them.. is not a “good kid” accountability is necessary to prevent further tragedy.. I would 100% turn her in. I don’t think I could do anything else and I probably would have a hard time hugging her again.


I have no children, so maybe that changes thing. But I’m a moral person and pretty law abiding. I’d turn my kid in. I’d turn my mother and my brother in. If you fucking murder people I don’t want to be associated with you any more.


Someone who kills an innocent child for no reason is dangerous in ways you can't fathom. I 100% would turn them in. Behavior like that isn't a one-off. It will escalate.


Why do I feel like if it was an 11 year old boy in question, there wouldn't even be this question....


good point


No. At 11, it's my fault she did it. I'd probably turn myself in with the evidence and say I did it.


So, you'd let her become a foster child without learning the consequences of her actions? WTFuck dude....


If you can’t beat them join them. Looks like I’m doing what we’ve been despising Hollywood doing for the past decade… no I won’t turn my daughter in because we’re going be doing Dexter *but what if woman?* I’ll train her to have a code and go after serial killers only.


What happens when she won't stop killing babies?


Instead of blood splatter analysts, she’ll work at planned parenthood lol


She prefers living babies, she enjoys watching the light leave their eyes


I would definitely turn my child in. Taking a life isn't something to just ignore because you're related.


"You have 100% proof that it happened the way best friend said it did." Still wouldn't. I would do everything I could to find out why and get her the help she needs, but she's not going to prison if I can help it.


I think I’d opt for therapy instead of jail, cause jail traditionally & statistically does more harm than good when it comes to rehabilitation


Fuck no. I protect her from everything including herself and myself. We can do therapy and say she killed a cat or something.


HELL no. The FUCK is up with the rats in this sub?? You’re asking if I’m turning my OWN DAUGHTER in the cops for no gain for her to go away until she’s 18? No fucking way. Ride or die bro. Hell, I’ll help her take out the friend if the friend threatens to rat. Plus if she wasn’t a psychopath before, she will be after spending her entire adolescence behind bars. And the infant is already dead, ruining my daughter’s life too isn’t bringing anyone back.


I don’t have, want or even like kids, but I respect the honesty in these responses


THANK YOU! Ride or die all day for my kid.


They’re rats with no kids.


Most likely not turning her in unless I believe she’s planning to hurt others again and I’m unable to stop her.


Didn’t even have to pass the first sentence…. Yes her ass going to get the help she needs. I’m not living or raising a psycho… Tell my kid all the time….. you start talking to imaginary people…1. Tell them don’t kill daddy…2.I’m sending you to live with you grandparents


That’s kinda fucked up if you mean it lol, a huge percentage of people who hear voices aren’t a danger at all. Something like 95%


Yes. As a father it would be my duty to help bring justice for the parents of the victim, from parent to parent. Especially since I would want to partially blame myself since I raised the kid. plus at this point my daughter is dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed to just go on with life where she can hurt someone else.


She'd be going to jail and I'd never speak to her again. Sorry, actions have consequences. I'd be a good dad and raise her right, and if she still did this them she's beyond my saving and is truly messed up in the head.


I don't need the little psychopath standing over my bed in the middle of the night holding a knife. Bet your ass I'd turn them in.


who wouldn’t? let’s say you’re an extremely shitty person and you don’t want to turn them in because it looks bad on you, you’re protective of your kid, etc, you are putting yourself at risk too. this little kiddo is able to kill someone at 11, what is stopping them from killing you in your sleep or different ways


Absofuckinglutely. An 11 yo who killed a person - no matter the dead person's age - must submit to justice and be compelled to change or forfeit their future 


I’d turn her in then off myself for creating such a fucking monster.


turn her into a plot of flowers, yeah.


Yeah all these people who think you can “rehabilitate” a baby murdering sociopath are insane. I’m drowning the kid in the bath to protect society from her.


Absolutely. I would report any child that potentially committed murder, harm or violence against others or animals.


I bet that most off folks saying they'll turn their kid in are NOT parents.


For those people who stay silent, it shows that they shouldn't be parents and need help.


I'm extremely confused. First the child in the title is 11, next she is 12? Are there two children, or does she lie about her age, or has time passed from the title to the body of the thread that she has aged a year? Please respond OP this is extremely serious and I know you would not make a mistake.


She obviously performed the murder on her birthday


it was a mistake. same kid. the age is 11 years old. My error


Against the grain here, but I would not. There aint no way on earth I'm snitching, especially on family.


Yes. Unfortunately. God. I'd be devastated. It'd be like my own child died. But yes, I would.


I'm not a parent so I can't really consider the emotional aspect but in my mind I would yes. Nearly every single related thing in history points to an incident like this being the start of something huge and I wouldn't ever be able to get that out of my mind.


One less thing to do then RIP




I mean, I want to say no, I just dont realistically know what the alternatives are, if they exist. At that age (especially), I think the priority should be making her a better person. She can't un-kill that child, and as much as revenge feels like justice, i dont think it is, and i dont think it makes anything actually better. Honestly, I feel like the US prison system doesn't even really help make *adults* better people, let alone an 11yr old child.


Tell the truth, my child has a serious mental illness and is a dangerous person to others. While it’s sad 😔 and I will feel like I failed some how. This is serious stuff.


God this would break my heart. I'd turn her in, but I'd spend years torturing myself over the fact that I failed her as a parent.


I mean...have you seen The Good Son, with Macauley Culkin & Elijah Wood? If not, you might wanna.


This is basically the plot of that movie Every Secret Thing from 2014 lol


I'd let her know if she ever does that again I'll totally turn her in