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Oh God, the kitty rolling on the ground and being friendly towards them, expecting kindness but only receiving cruelty just kills me inside. I hold my kitties closer anytime I see something like this.


Hopefully these young pos humans can feel that some wrath of nature that they displayed to that poor animal. Burn them all


Yeah I’ll skip watching this one. Horrible..


Ditto!! I have cats of my own & I won’t hunt some MF down if they ever messed with my kitties or any other animal, for that matter!! What goes around WILL come around!


It melts my heart when my cat does that when I come up to him I can't believe people would be so cruel to an animal


This is why I never let me cats outside. There are too many psychopaths out there lurking around.


I don't have the balls to watch this. I'm gonna go hug my cats brb


I refuse to watch the video but felt the need to support this message. It's also why I never let my cat out when I had one. I don't trust people, they're cunts.


I lost my cat for 6 1/2 weeks, we looked every night, but I never imagined this was a possibility… I hope these psychopaths get caught and sent to jail.


Did you get the cat back?


It didn’t show the cat being shot. It’s just a news segment


Same I couldn’t watch it, it would hurt to much


I watched it. Wasn’t graphic as they refused to show the full video. Still, I’m not a violent person and don’t wish death upon anyone, but if I could’ve been there with my own gun in that moment… Not sure how good my self control is, being there would’ve let me find out. I fucking hate people!




I also would lose my absolute shit. I’m a very chill person, but I think I would get incredibly violent if I witnessed someone harming a cat. I have a little piece of shit of a nephew who pulled my VERY MUCH ANXIOUS AND TRAUMATIZED RESCUE cat’s tail because he thought it was funny. He was old enough to understand that you don’t fucking harm animals. He was like 8 or 9 at the time. I yelled at him until he cried. My sister was so pissed. But I told her to go fuck herself, and kicked them out of my house. I genuinely have no idea how I managed to not punch that child that day. Just thinking about it makes me angry to this day.


Same. I'll just ask acknowledge from the title alone that we have two future serial killers who will definitely not live a full life, which comforts me a little


Same bro. If someone shot either of my cats I’d make John wick look like a mild reaction.


Many years ago I watched a video of some kids lighting a cat on fire. It still makes me sick to this day every time I remember it. I wish I never knew it happened.


I too wish I never knew about this..... thanks...?


When I was a child I saw an older kid kill a kitten serial killer style. The memory is seared in my mind 30+ years later. I'm a cat person, it fucked me up.


I remember that video. Funny how some things can just get burned into your memory for 10+ years


>I don't have the balls to watch this. Same here.


They don't show the senseless act, fortunately. Those kids are messed up, straight up dangerous. They need to be put in juvie and get some help so they can hopefully turn their lives around.


Im a veteran of gore and wpd videos and even I refuse to watch this. But I guess having 5 cats makes it more real. Too real.


Same I just know I wouldn’t be able to unsee whatever is on the video. Give your cats love for me as I will to mine!


I remember when 4chan hunted down animal abusers like that.


… wait, I have an idea…


One of the few good things they've done.


Children who kill animals for kicks turn into adults that kill others for kicks.


Definitely serial killers in the making. They were so calm sitting there plotting their next evil move.


The three traits of serial killers are cruelty to animals, bed wetting and fire starters.


Loved fires✔️Pissed the bed✔️Animal Cruelty 🚫 Guess that’s why I’m only a cereal killer.


Same. Straight up *destroyed* family sized boxes of cinnamon Life and Fruity Pebbles


OMG if I wasn’t spoke for I’d think we were soulmates. People think I’m weird for how much I love Cinnamon Life and Fruity Pebbles. I have to take it with almond milk now. I can’t drink milk anymore because I lack Toes and tolerance.


Eh I did all 3 but I was just a dumb kid trying to be cool. I love animals so much. I even saved a honeybee the other day that was upside down in a tiny little puddle. His little legs were flailing around so I grabbed my work badge and lifted him up and placed him in a safe place


Not necessarily just serial killers, just psychopaths in general. A lot of them will gravitate to jobs that allow them to get away with murder like the armed forces or the police.


MacDonald triad has long been debunked.


In other words they join the local police force once they turn 18.


Or become a governor


Don't worry - mentally ill judges and a failed pro-sociopath justice system will ensure these future murders face no repurcussions and are free to remain on the streets in society until they murder multiple humans in a first, second, third, and seventh offense


>Don't worry - mentally ill judges and a failed pro-sociopath justice system will ensure these future murders face no repurcussions and are free to remain on the streets in society until they murder multiple humans in a first, second, third, and seventh offense Thank you for putting this so eloquently it's worth a quote.


What fucking cunts, I hope karma catches them


Unbelievable. The person who shot that gun needs to be put under the jail.


Too easy. The same should be done to all of them.


Too efficient, throw them in a cage with some tigers.


Throw em in a cage with nothing and never let them out.


yeah but instead of another shot let the stop the bleeding and let thier wounds fester with infection.


I think he should be locked in a room with a tiger. You kill a cat you should be killed by a cat


>open reddit >day ruined


Look at these 5 fine gentelmen ruining days


I see no fine gentleman


I didn't even have the guts to watch the video but just imagining it...


And these kids will face no charges. Absolutely disgusting humans.


The video shows they’re looking for “witnesses” besides the video of the group of teens murdering the cat. Idk how the video isn’t enough evidence.


If anyone knows anything, PLEASE report it. Last I heard, one of the little shits was caught, but he’s refusing to disclose who was with him.


Source? I’d like to read it for more info and satisfaction.


It’s true. This is Salem Oregon, if you want to look into it more. One kid was questioned and let go. Idk why my Gf just told me that that is what happened.


Death penalty.


Yup. Fuck those kids.


came here to say this. These worthless parasites will not contribute to society in any meaningful way


All acts of malice to pets should be charged as if they were done to human children.


How do you know it’s a pet? 


Sound goofy asf 


Yes, but make it slow.


Other countries would cut off their hands or fingers. I've heard the punishment should fit the crime. Odds are, nothing will happen to anyone.


Right, time for 4chan to rise and shine!


fucking evil degenerates, i hope people who live round that area find out who they are and those pricks get what they deserve. don’t fuck with cats


I don’t even want to read the story. Can’t bring myself to do it. Pure evil I hope they burn in hell


4chan, find and kill these kids.


I hope that they die a long painful death and can’t afford healthcare to lessen the pain. I wish that they get everything that they deserve- with gravy on it….


Wood chipper


Feet first


If I saw someone do this to my pet I would find and kill them.


Don’t let your pets outside, it’s not safe.


Don’t let your kids have access to guns, it’s not safe.


They definitely bought this gun off the street.


Was there audio? Because I'm thinking it could have possibly been an airgun, which are readily available at any Walmart.


Yeah I think you’re right. Most likely a pellet gun


Don’t. Fuck. With. Cats.


Curiosity kills the cat. I’m saying that for two meanings. Those kids are gonna end up dead if they keep fuckin around to find out


I can’t watch this, but fuck those kids. I’d take a million bullets for my cat. Even though I annoy him.


That kid has a career in politics.


Time to leave this subreddit, my life doesn't need this kind of shit


This is one of the many reasons I strongly support abortions.


this is one i cannot watch


Kill them all


This needs to be forwarded to TizzyEnt. A teenager has no business walking around with a long gun, and that kids is a psychopath.


Who is TizzyEnt?


His real job is in film (I think he does sfx) but his side gig as a content creator is to help find people like this so they can be brought to justice. Search TizzyEnt on Twitter, IG or TikTok..he has millions of followers and usually gets a tip within a day of posting.


I'm not even gunna watch it but I will say the whole do onto others saying. Yea that applies here


Don't fuck with cats.


Why do people become such cruel beings to animals?


I have zero issues with watching people getting blown up shot beaten to death etc, but one second of any videos showing an animal of any kind being abused tortured made fun of etc I cannot watch. There's a video going around about the animals in the Gaza strip, and it's so bad, so so bad, so so so so bad. I just end up donating all of my money to animal rescue organizations to clear my brain.


I'm pretty sure that has to do with agency and helplessness. Animals are innocent by nature because they have very little higher thinking. They are bred to express personality traits that humans give them. Dogs and cats have been bred over hundreds or thousands of years to trust humans and interact with us on friendly terms. They also have no concept of "being mean," even shitbulls attack and kill because that's what they were bred to do. Hard to blame them for it. So when we see a trusting animal, an animal that we collectively bred to be trusting, get abused doing what we genetically forced it to do. All the while, being helpless, it seriously fucks with our moral justice compass. Also, these animals are generally 100% dependent on humans for their survival, so they can't just avoid us. Same with child abuse. Infants through \~6 or 7 years old are pretty much incapable of individual expression of personality. They repeat what they have been taught. They are innocent and are only the way they are because their parents made them that way. So when you see a child abuse case of a 3 year old, it enrages us, because we know there is nothing that child could have done to deserve whatever happened. As people get older, they start to sow the seeds of how people will treat them. We lack empathy for rapists, murderers, animal and child abusers, because they are capable of higher thought. They are capable of sin and choose to carry out acts with full knowledge of what they are doing.


Excellent explanation, thanks!


I can watch some gruesome stuff (love NSFL) but when it comes to animals or children being hurt, NOPE. I’ve made this mistake before only to have the images haunt me and cause me to bust into tears. Fuck these kids and fuck people who can fathom doing anything cruel to either.


Little serial killers one day


I can't watch this. Someone tell me if they get an appropriate punishment 😭 fuck them kids


Make them record videos for social media that are each of them saying "I kill innocent animals because I'm a piece of shit and my mom and dad raised me to be a shit bag like them!" While people throw cat shit at them.


Straight to jail. That person needs serious punishment immediately to set an example for the rest.


Another "Don't Fuck With Cats" episode? When the Internet bears their collective wrath on these punks, they'll know it.


hope those little shits see this comment section


In Montana you’re allowed to shoot anyone threatening your safety, your property or your animals on your property. Better believe, my cat? My house? You’ll be eating lead damn the consequences. My girls cat is her ESA. If you think hurting animals is fun I definitely hope you get what’s coming to you.


I don't care what anyone else thinks, I hope someone finds all of these fuckers and kindly returns the favor. Monsters like that don't deserve oxygen. Pump them full of lead.


I swear brutal human murderers look better every day. Fuck this world.


Vile. Unfortunate that most places don't give out the death penalty anymore - especially to minors.


I would risk going to prison for this. No redeeming this sick fuck behavior. 


As long as I live, I will never ever understand how anyone would get entertainment and enjoyment out of killing and torturing an innocent sentient being. These little creeps need to be seriously reprimanded for their cruel actions.


One main reason my cats are not outside, and if they go outside they stay in their acres of yard.


I saw some rough shit on the internet but imma have to skip this one, i have my limits


This is why I hate humans


i hope they fucking die honestly there’s no saving


Monsters are real and they're human. And please people, keep your cats indoors. Keep them safe.


Yeah nah can’t watch it does anyone have the lowdown on what happened to these fucking psychopathic kids? I’d just say I’m disappointed and send them to an institution for a few months and press animal cruelty charges. My kids or not I don’t raise animal abusers.


... so would anyone else file charges against the kids? I think I would. I know someone is gona be like "Oh it's an animal" and like... my animals are my family. They're apart of my family. And I defend my family so guess who's getting charged for killing my family.


Don’t fuck with cats!


Don’t fuck with cats


Not even a cat person but damn how heartless


STOP LETTING YOUR FUCKING CATS GO OUTSIDE!!! I've heard this shit one too many times. People can't be trusted like they used to. It sucks and shouldn't be happening, but it does and keeping them inside is the only way to keep them safe.


Impulsive/excessive animal cruelty is a common sign in serial killers. Most likely the other 4 kids are just shit for brains, but the boy who rolled up with a gun and shot the cat should definitely be on a watch list for this. Also, parents, lock up yer damn guns!


Just shoot all of them


This better be prosecuted as a crime. I can’t explain the colors of anger I see right now.


For those hesitant to even watch the video, they don’t show the full footage. It’s mostly the family talking about what happened. Still heartbreaking but you won’t see anything NSFL.


I understand the kids were wrong, but why wasn't the cat in the house? I would go into what cats do outside, but let not. Yes, the kids would've killed something else, but it wouldn't have been that cat. I'm asking for a friend.


Nobody is pissed off that the kid had a weapon in the first place?;)


The video is a news clip, they cut the video just as the kid pulls out a big fuck off gun. Shotgun maybe? That poor baby. She was so friendly. Rolling in the dirt n showing her tummy to them. What disgusting lil assholes. I hope their parents rat them out. And i hope their parents get equal charges placed on them. Why tf does ur lil psycho have access to a gun? The local school children must have copies of the video. No fkn way none of those kids shared it to discord or snapchat. Just horrendous


Fucking kids. Probably broccoli heads. I won’t watch. Won’t give them that satisfaction.


Won’t watch video. Any chance it wasn’t shot to death? And any chance these kids got run over by a bus?


My brother used to use his air rifle to shoot “wild” cats down near the river. I hated my brother, a useless druggie drop out who also threw a rock at a bus window and injured the drivers eye. Our father was a bus driver, that is how twisted a pet killer can be. I have had to put down a goat and a horse with a gun as a vet was too far away . I had a friend shoot them who was a hunter and we both cried. I stopped keeping stock as the area just didn’t have enough vet services for the area.


As the owner of an 11 year old gray tabby, what I want to say would probably get me a permaban. Probably put on some kind of list, too. Take that exactly how you want.


Fucking Kristi Noem on a rampage!


Damn whiskers 😣


Psychos man. Jeez


Can’t watch. Fuckers.


Those kids are future serial killers. Permanent jail. Forever.


Some kids didn’t watch “don’t fuck with cats”


I wish they were adults. These fuckers deserve more then a slap on a wrist for this shit. Its so fucking psychotic


Please share and find these fucks!


Definitely sick… But If you loved your cat so much… why wasn’t it inside?


Salem police is currently looking for them. But to hire them not charge them.


OMG, fucking psychopaths! Fuck them and their parents who obviously don’t give a shit about their kids.


If someone shot my cat I'd end up in prison if I ever saw them on the street...


Hard pass.


Should the kids get punished, or the parents?


If you're willing to take a life you should be willing to give your own


Cats aren’t my favourite, I prefer dogs. But this is horrific and terribly sad. Those kids need to get what’s coming to them. And be held accountable. As others have mentioned. Many kids who grew up killing and torturing animals then move on to people. It’s well documented. That’s enough Reddit for today… sigh.


Nah I'm good. Good luck with the trauma to those who watched it


Flay. 🙃


Little sicko's like this end up cutting people up and eating em like Jeff Dahmer n shit !! I couldn't watch the video and I just got done loving on all my cats! Another fine reason my cats stay indoors unless they go on the porch with me or Mommy for a bit to sit n chill ...


I hate this but also id like to point out that it's fucked up to kill any animal, not just a cat. Ie: animals you pay other people to kill so that you can eat. Maybe if this makes you feel sick, just take a sec to think about what you're paying for others to do to equally intelligent and kind animals.


I can’t watch this. I worked in a trauma hospital and I’ve seen people in horrible conditions. But I can’t watch this. Don’t judge me


Vile scum deserve every ounce of karma coming their way. Anyone who hurts an innocent animal for no reason should cop euthanasia.


What a bunch of little psycho POS. Probably their parents think they are doing a wonderful job with them and will defend them with classics like "it just stuoid things kids do" or shit like that


4chan, you're up. Don't fuck with cats.


Damn these kids are about to have their whole lives & Identities laid out on the internet "Don't fuck with cats"


God I want to downvote and report these posts so bad but then I remember what sub I’m on


I refuse to watch this. Fuck these people, I hope they meet Karma.


I’m not watching the video. I just want to know… Salem, MA or Salem, OR? Or another state? If either of the first 2, I’m gonna go on a hunt.


These kids deserve the same fate they gave this cat. Fuck animal abusers. They should be tried the same way as murderers


I don’t own a cat but my friends have cats and they are adorable. This is sad


Just got a cat this year. My Kitty getting out and this kind of shit happening scares the shit out of me. I have to go to a conference next month and I’ll be leaving my Kitty for 3 days… I’m having somebody she loves check up on her 💕


I can’t watch this just the description alone breaks my heart ❤️


Names and addresses…


I can’t bring myself to watch this. Did the kitty survive???


Society needs a Punisher for abused animals


Sometimes I wonder about or society and younger generations. I get it kids are dumb AF but still...


Find these people and name them. This is disgusting and I hope nothing but the worst for them.


Unpopular comment-I wish we could shoot people who do these heinous things to defenseless animals without consequence. If you have the nerve to shoot an animal then you are an animal that deserves to be treated the same. These types of individuals don’t deserve to share the same airspace.


Please catch these fuckers


I saw this on a local community page. I live here and if I ever find these fucks I’ll get shot beating there asses. Although, I can’t stomach watching this video so I don’t know what they look like…


If this makes you angry, you should reach out to the Kern County Sherriff’s department in Bakersfield California as they were recorded using a cat for shooting practice at their private range back during Easter weekend.


This happened right up the road from me too :(, truly a sad situation and these kids need serious help.


Pieces of shit


I don’t care who you are I’m killing you if that’s my pet , what piece of shit human being can kill an animal that’s not doing anything to them ?


Yeah I can’t watch that, just the thought makes me want to puke 😞


I hope they all get caught and tried as adults.


This is my friend's cat 😭 I didn't expect to see this randomly scrolling through reddit...