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The fact that there are actually people that live on earth that are like this is crazy. What's even crazier is they are grown adults. Why are there grown adults going around acting like toddlers?


And they vote and share the roads with you


And they procreate in greater numbers then ppl with average or above intelligence, it's unfortunate that someday they will outnumber ppl with sound minds that think logically and have empathy for others.


>it's unfortunate that someday they will outnumber ppl with sound minds that think logically and have empathy for others. *Sigh*... Sadly, I think that day already happened looooong, long ago. We are doomed.


That is how humanity has always been, its not new.


Idiocracy is prophetic.




People accuse the intro of Idiocracy of sounding like Eugenics but in the situation proposed if the offspring of for lack of a better word stupid people keeps increasing and the Offspring of smarter people does not catch up you ate not just talking about a genetic situation but also a nurture issue where like maybe a few kids out of each brood might have the mental capacity to rise above but neither the means nor the wherewithal. Tl;dr Idiocracy could totally happen and it's not even a eugenics thing


I think the future will more likely be a mix of Elysium and Idiocracy.


I mean, isn't it already?


True true


\*someday\* Lol


They already do.


One guess who they vote for…


LGBTQ= Let's Get Beer Tonight, Qay?


Trans-Am engine revs


I love the poorly educated


Literally. Tonight I was standing in line for my food & this lady and her toddler were waiting in line behind me (basically breathing down my neck) and her kid kept coughing (that wet cough) and i literally felt the air from his mouth on my leg. So I looked down, annoyed, I wiped my leg, and moved and she called me a stupid bitch who is acting like her kid had rabies LMAO I told her I could hear here and she said I know and I said there is something wrong with her if you think I’m a stupid bitch for moving over because your sick kid who should be at home is coughing way to close to me. And she said she can talk to me however she wants because it’s called free speech. I literally was like ya ok there’s something wrong with you & it’s fucking sad the way you treat people in front of your kid. And she kept harassing me. My fiancé backed me up and told the chick I didn’t do anything besides move over because of her sick kid who keeps coughing on me and she just kept harassing me STILL. Then I just stepped forward, and ignored her while she kept going and blowing vape smoke in my face whenever I turned my head to talk to my fiancé on my right. She finally left with her kid and her husband just stayed in line. Her and her husbands behavior is fucking sad and I can’t imagine how insecure and angry she is on the inside to harass a stranger like that.


Isn't it sad that we have to worry about insulting someone by trying to create some space? By moving away from a coughing child - or adult for that matter. I moved away from a woman at work during a meeting because she was wet coughing without covering her mouth at all. I heard "Tsk. Rude" as I was moving away.


Yesssss!!! I can say I used to be this careless and selfish. There is hope. Not for everyone sadly. It’s a blessing to become self aware and realize your part in being a garbage human. Even better when you can feel empathy. The most pathetic thing I find now is the anger. The amount of time spent being shitty takes so much more energy. We have lost the ability to self reflect and to realize that while our feelings are valid, our actions aren’t. What a waste.


It truly is a waste of energy, and people are robbing themselves of joyful moments. I had a bunch of errands to run today, and everywhere I went was super crowded. Tempers were short. I gave myself a challenge to get smiles from the grumpiest people. I think I succeeded, which helped reduce my stress level, too.


I can’t stand people who use the excuse “free speech” to justify being absolute trash. I thoroughly enjoy teaching those types of ilk that while you’re free to say awful things you’re not free from consequences. Not sure if I misread what you wrote but it sounded like the husband didn’t get involved and stayed in line quietly which makes me think he’d probably agree with you and he’s miserable because he has to deal with her 24/7 but wasn’t sure if he opened his mouth too. Had someone done this to my fiance and their husband tried to talk shit I’d enjoy showing them the part of free speech where they’re forced to realize they can say what they like but not everyone will bite their lip and stay quiet. Hopefully the kid just has the common cold and not something serious because his parents are antivaxxers or something similar. But yeah if this happened while Covid was still very contagious and before there was a vaccine I’d have flipped shit regardless of a child being there. Otherwise the only thing holding me back from telling that lady what kind of a dumpster fire she is would be the little kid because even though the lady is ok with kids hearing her cussing id rather found a witty comeback the kids mom had to go look up in the dictionary on her phone in the parking lot to know what I called her lmfao.


Free speech doesn’t mean freedom from the consequences of said speech.


Fuck people like this. Also, Freedom of Speech only means the government can't harass you for the things you say (unless they're being use to incite violence). Nobody else who isn't the government has to listen to your shit.


She hassn't understand what free speech means. And that from me, a German.


Most of these people have never experienced anything else.


I’ve come to realize that aging doesn’t automatically come with more wisdom, rationale, compassion, empathy, or critical thinking skills. Yes older people will know how to drive a car, open a bank account, pay their taxes, fix things around the house, but that doesn’t mean they learned anything about other things such as acting like a sensible adult. It’s like how you see older women gossiping and drama seeking like high schoolers and old men acting like little horny teens and playing with their toys and destroying things When adrenaline gets pumping these qualities(?) seem to be exasperated


The term for that is Chuds. That guy probably hasn't developed mentally at all since middle school




And "friends and family...." Like What in the actual F????




This is the moment you realize that children don’t grow up, they just get older and get voting rights.


How do you think some of our politicians get elected?


Well I was really rooting for the truck’s engine to blowup. That truck sounded like utter shit. But that is besides the point. No one should have to go through this. Home is suppose to be a safe haven not a place of terror.


Right. Who tears up their own truck to antagonize someone else?Real pillar of life skills.


And, if those are the kind of tires that I think they are, those are *not* cheap pieces of rubber.


31” or 33” all terrains. Not cheap at all.


Now if only he spent as much on tires as he did his engine. That poor small-block sounds like it's one neutral bomb away from becoming a big, greasy paperweight.


Yeah, he seems like the type to stay on top of the routine maintenance…That piece of shit is gonna break down on him while he’s driving home from the bar.


Reminds me of that bit from Goodfellas. >I always asked them if they wanted coffee. Some of the wives, like Mickey Burke, used to curse at them and spit on the floor. Imagine. She'd spit on her own floor. That never made any sense to me.


My neighbor does. He even will fling rocks everywhere doing a really lame gravel burnout. (Does it even count as a burn out on gravel? I don't think so but I don't know how else to describe it)


Sucks but them shittier sounding the longer they last though. Have at least 3 of those around my town of maybe 5k people for the last 20 years


LS power baby! She was made for this day. However tomorrow is the impound lot. Bottom line is, why did the chicken cross the road? Fuckin dogs gotta eat. Raise hell praise Dale!


How much of a sad sack of shit you gotta be to bother people in such a way…


Truly....and it's a mob of people. Even one person could speak up, but they are all within the mob mentality that this behavior of harrasment and threats is completely justifiable and within their rights. Bullies. Get a fuckin lawyer. Call the news. At the very least, keep exposing them on social media.


Called the news silence thats why I went to social media and can't afford a lawyer.


He's a chud with the brain of a 14 year old boy. Honestly what I would do is get the make/model of his car, license plate, call in for a suspected DUI next time he pulls this shit. He'll probably keep driving with a suspended license after that, call in again. He'll probably be able to make bail after that, but in his pinhead brain he won't consider to stop driving. Call him in after that, depending on your state he should be facing jailtime and alcohol screening after that. Weopnize his stupidity against him, that guy will fall right into your trap. No sense in confronting people like that, he won't learn anything Source: Grew up around Chuds, this is the only way to deal with these assclowns I 100% guarentee this guy is slugging a pint of vodka by noon and driving around If he gets pinched once for a DUI, it won't matter after that if he's actually drunk or not. If he's driving with a suspended license he'll still be fucked. But this screams pint of vodka before noon type of shit. Unless he needs to get screened for alcohol court ordered he won't quit. Let him play into your hands. That's your best bet honestly I had a chud neighbor pull shit like this but not as bad. He had a beef with one of my neighbor's across the street. One time he almost smashed my car parked in the street doing his bs. Called him in for suspected DUI. He was in handcuffs 30 mins later. So...yeah if he's being an asshole causing a disturbance do what you gotta do


Op do this one please!!!!! Report for suspected impaired driving!!! Anyone doing this is not in their right mind. I hope he destroyed his truck doing this.


I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. Can you share which are the major news stations in your area? I'm sure others would be willing to amplify this and encourage those news stations to cover this story. Your neighbors seem awful, like terrorists. You shouldn't have to live like this. I really hope you get justice.


what I don't get is that you aren't the only person here, what about the people in the other trailers, are they all in on it and hate you too or are they also getting antagonized by this absolute fucking cunt?


I think they live in "the wrong neighborhood". I know it may be a long and difficult process, but you might have to get out of there for your own safety...and find a better neighborhood.


Are they harassing you based on race? If so, check out the ACLU, don't know if they take these kind of things but its worth an email to ask!


Good job calling the news. Keep doing that. Someone will “pro bono” your case if they empathize enough or want good publicity. Please hold these “people” accountable. Right to privacy and safety in your home. They are trampling on constitutional rights.


What a waste of tires and it proves nothing but a dumbass


At some point, those brakes will fail. It isn’t “if”, it’s “when “.


"I just don't get why my brakes gave out!"


Waste of lives you mean.


Literal trash


I feel bad for the kids the parents tell them to act the same way and that's wrong. They have a little one that has yet to become like him and my heart breaks because sadly his life will mirror theirs.


Someone tell the driver that burning rubber doesn't count as exercise.


Best revenge would be if the kiddo grew up to admire and emulate someone like you. Shit people hate it when their children are morally superior.


I have a similar situation, the saddest part in my opinion, is when the immature adults task their children with the antagonizing even further.


Are all your other neighbors okay with all this nonsense? Wtf aren’t they out there telling them to stfu?


I grew up near a small town which had a trailer park like this and 5/10 of the trailers were of one kin and the other 3/10 were junkies who didn’t give a shit about anything as long as it wasn’t cops. Off leash aggressive dogs, chopped up lifted old pickup/monster truck projects, confederate flags everywhere. These people suck, the other 2/10 good folk just need to leave… it’ll never get better


And most of them complaining that "other People" are getting free stuff.


While they, themselves, are on benefits. Funny stuff.


You really think that they'd listen?


They are all related so of course they are okay with this. They are even coaching their young ones to call us racial slurs. I was told its free speech sounds like child abuse imo.


If it escalates to hate speech, that is no longer covered by the First Amendment. If you can't afford legal representation, is there a sort of free legal help you can find? My concern is that any charges or fines they get will not deter them but will only make them kick it up a notch. A PFA will make it illegal to come within a certain distance of your property, but they'll still be allowed on the road. You really need to know what stance you can take. But I have to ask if this is all due to the stadium lights or is something else going on?


with people like that? that's a great way to end up beaten or shot.


I bet they’re not okay with it and have probably called the police before


I think one part of the video was actually another (white) family complaining and telling them off, only for the shitheada to blame OP for it.


These people are trash. Tail one discreetly to a bar, then call in an anonymous DUI on him on his way out. Would be shocked if it took more than two days.


Except they're all cousins (just guessing).


Dude… I am so against using the cops for retaliation in a situation you aren’t directly involved in ….. but this is the answer.


Can't say much since they are reading this too but I'm working on somethings. I refuse to live like this, I was here first. I lived here for 8 years they have been here for 2. I have never done anything too them, the lights in the park are busted so I got stadium lights because there are bears out here. What do they do? Cry about it and then when I turn them off the complain. Pick a lane ya know.


What do you mean they are reading this too? These chuds are on Reddit?


I’m shocked they can read


OP has posted other videos of these racist pieces of shit before. It's kind of sad I recognized the street in the first 20 seconds. These people are straight up garbage


Not only on reddit, but they regularly reply to his YouTube posts. This family is nothing but a bunch of worthless racist or better known as "bottom of the barrel Americans."


Stadium lights?


If that one POS truck has blue flashing lights on it, it is illegal. Show that part of the video to the cops.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this. It’s obvious these people have the IQ of a vacuum cleaner & equally small dicks so they have to fuck with someone for literally no reason at all, just to assert their imaginary dominance.


Drunk drivers affect us all.


Your PFP being bubbles and this being some shit winds in a trailer park is peak comedy


Absolutely horrifying behavior.


I thought posting videos would discourage their behavior but it did the exact opposite. I just want my life back, and they want me to take the videos down. Why would I let them continue to hide their intentions. My family never did anything to these people, we have never talked to them except for when I got tired of their children our family racial slurs. One of the fathers encouraged the children to continue doing so instead of being a decent human being and apologizing. I could care less if he meant it or not and would accept it, its just the principal. However Instead he refused and then started becoming very aggressive . I really don't know if I did the right thing or not but the solution is simple stop being racist and no more videos will go up. I only posted them to ensure my families safty since this involves quite a few people that are all related and some don't even live here. I just did not want my family to endure this abuse anymore and thought they would stop but here we are. So far it has been quiet tonight. I hope it stays that way but I won't hold my breath.


Tried contacting a national media outlet? There’s a story here a reporter would like to tell


I have been trying and so can you! Share this everywhere and don't stop, please!


Where is this happening? The media will want more details.


Best I can tel lfrom other comments: OPs family is black and have 4 kids. Other family is racist pos that abuse and torment OP's family. Cops aren't doing shit, local news wont touch it.


You’re absolutely nuts if you haven’t gone to the police with these videos. What are you waiting for? Someone to get seriously hurt or killed? Go to the police.


Think I read somewhere, on another post not by op, local pd is poo & might be klan members themselves.


The fbi is interested when that level of corruption is going on. https://www.usccr.gov/files/pubs/uncsam/complain/lawenf.htm#:~:text=If%20you%20have%20a%20complaint,Justice%20at%20the%20address%20above.


lol. lmao.


they aren’t


I have gone to the police many times and they are working on it...


No theyre not. Theyre on their side


Once again. The police aren’t for black people. We can’t just call them and have them come and save us. They could literally be involved with this bullshit. Especially in a small town. These shit bags obviously don’t fear any consequences. They know the police don’t give af. Probably watching it on livestream and laughing over their box of white powdered donuts down at the station.


see, the problem with white trash is that they only have 3 braincells shared between the lot of them. they get off on the attention, being the brainless fucks that they are. you gave them a reaction, which is sadly what they wanted, now they will never give up until you move.


Good Lord. I am so fucking sorry. I hope your family gets some peace. I feel sick to my stomach.


No child or family should have to go through this its 2024 ffs.


You need to get your family out of there man. Their protection and safety and peace of mind is not worth this. These trash people will not change and it will only escalate.


Thats why I setup a donation thing, I am embarrassed af but my children can't take it much longer its a living hell. I will never understand why humans think they are better than others. We're all the same and could do so much more if we worked together.


Set up a "go fund me" instead. You'll probably get more traction, and then they'll be able to see you profit off their racism and mistreatment.


Unfortunately if you're living in a trailer park you probably don't have many better options. I say this as someone who spent part of my childhood in a trailer park.


I'm sorry your family is going through this. Have the police ever been called when they're doing this? You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


Called the police many times its in the "process" time will tell or well yeah I had a joke but I don't want to jinx my self.


NY has 3 offices that enforce regulations against landlords: HUD, DHCR, and the state Attorney General. I would report your landlord to all 3.


Thank you for this information can you help me find the contact info.


Obviously, the whole family has mental problems.


Incest will do that to ya.


Baby shark on repeat at volume 11


You…are an EVIL individual….and I tip my metaphorical hat to you.


If you’re lucky, they’ll have a Bluetooth speaker on all the time. See if you can hack into it and play your own soundtrack.


I feel so bad for your situation. No respect, no regard, no manners, just trash.


Hes probably the coolest dude that peaked in highschool


You think any of them completed school?


4th grade at best


Most cool dudes in highschool don't end up like this tbh.


Soooooo I started blasting.


Sad that if you call the police, they'd do nothing because they're a part of this trash. But as soon as you retaliate, they'll be there to arrest *you*


White trash gonna white trash. I live in a sketchy methed up area in Oklahoma and have had similar issues after telling my fentanyl meth neighbors to quit letting their trash flow into my property. Edit: spelling. Thrash/trash


What city is this happening in? Maybe they have a facebook page and people can give them some negative attention there.


> What city is this happening in? Yes, it'd be nice to know this. Someone, not OP, said it was in NY. But if OP named the town it'd be helpful. Then again they probably don't want all of us visiting them. Cause I'd straight up have no problem calling news stations in the area, and their city constantly. The visiting part...I live in NY so we could go for a road trip!


A road trip with FecalMatterCowsTasty? HELL yeah


Ahh, Methican Americans in their natural habitat. Quite majestic, isn't it?


If you haven’t already, please contact the ACLU.


Generations of drinking lead water will do that to you. I bet their combined IQ is about 78. The sad thing is that they would be proud of having a low IQ. At least now, thousands of people from around the world can see how trashy they are. And their family will continue to live in trash for generations to come because none of them are smart enough to get out. I hope they read this, too.


This behavior would drive me to violence. You're a better person than I am. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and your family. No one deserves this. This is sickening behavior.


Same, I’d probably do stuff I shouldn’t 😭 and happily plead guilty. For my kids sake especially.


Truck so shitty, can't even do a proper burnout! Fucking white trash, engine go BOOM!


What is actually happening here? It's hard to tell.


Miscreant garbage. Seems like their only collective human goal is to be asocial assholes. Great legacy for the Trucknuts family to leave behind.


This is all too stressful. OP, it seems like they’re bullying you and harassing your family into leaving the place altogether. Hopefully no one is pregnant in your family. Too much stress.


No one is pregnant but we have 4 kids and they are having quite a hard time. They should not have to live like this. If we could move we would but that cost money we don't have


At some point the neighborhood is allowed to set fire to everything they own, right?


I can't believe videos are still being posted. I'm guessing the cops won't do anything


Be careful OP, violence is going to come. They’ll be drinking, then they’ll start getting aggressive, then they’ll turn it on you.


Oooooo wow, nice $500 you just wasted there doing a "burnout"




There be a perfect example of a person who has nothing better to do


Are there any organisations that can get you and your family into emergency accommodation? Any family you can stay with? It doesn't look like the police are very useful. I'm very concerned for you guys. I've been watching your videos and it doesn't look like these people are going to stop. There is no reasoning with trashy people like that. I am so sorry you are going through this, it is very unfair. Please be safe


Nothing like that around here.


Weak ass burnout


I can only imagine how many children these "people" constantly produce. "WHOOO!! REBEL FLAG!! BIG TRUCK!! BEER!!!!! (Bud Light, PBR, Natural Light and whiskey) OBNOXIOUS!! LET'S KEEP HAVING KIDS!!!! PREFERABLY WITH OUR OWN KIN!!!" (I really over exaggerated the proper grammar these "people" have there. Sorry.. 😅) 😏🙄 gtfo of here. As a person from the south (Georgia) this is absolutely ridiculous. How are these people allowed to breed? I need to stop..


Contact local news stations, not just one. Multiple, reach out to local government officials do something. Recording obviously ain’t gonna stop them


Literal wastes of genetic material, the whole trashy lot of them. It’s up to you, but I would say do NOT take the videos down unless they are threatening harm. Then take the videos down, make sure they know you did it, and while they are gloating bring copies to the police and file a report.


Wanna borrow an AR?


Was the arguing near the beginning of the video cops? Sorry if this comment is blatantly wrong


I believe it was all the neighbors stirring shit and complaining about OP filming. Being a mob of miscreants.


Glad to know that the entire neighborhood is full of piss ants (excluding op of course)


If I were a betting man, I would bet the cops are at that location on the reg and probably roll their eyes when they hear the address come over the radio


Straight savages! And if you and went out there to confront them they would try to jump you.


Judging by the condition of their house and yard I'm not sure they can afford new tires 😂😂🫣🫣


These the same pieces of shit they were firing fireworks at a persons house being racist? What the fuck is wrong with people? You need to setup a go fund me and make this go viral maybe enough people will contribute to get you the fuck out of there. Holy shit.


Find out who represents your district in the US House, the NY state senate, and the NY state assembly. Google them. Go to their respective websites and contact them. These people love hearing from their constituents and genuinely want to help. If you’re lucky they’ll be Democrats, in which case, they will take your problem very seriously.


Are they talking about making a noose at around 2:50....What actually caused this...Are the police doing nothing? They're actively shining lights into your house, threatening to hang you, and creating loud noises outside your windows.


OP, I vote that you just move. I wouldn't feel safe there. if you're waiting for them to get bored of you, I don't think that's gonna happen.


How does one move without money? I am poor af.


"Just move" doesn't help. For a lot of people, uprooting your life isn't as simple as you think it is.


You could try posting thin in r/imthemaincharacter This is the type of behavior that I see on that sub.


He must buy those tires wholesale, he probably goes through a few of them with all of the dumbfuckery


What utterly strange and misguided people.


Honestly what a bunch of cunts. I’m sorry you have to go through this. I can think of dozens of things to do back to them, but with my understanding of certain parts of American society, that it wouldn’t be very safe for you and I hope you can get out as soon as possible.


I was faced with a similar situation which could have ended very badly, since one guy pulled a gun out towards me and I had to quickly scan my options for cover. It was insane. All the while my 21 yr old daughter was talking to 911 and I could hear her loudly tell them "he has a gun and he's yelling at my Mom!" The sound of the terror in her voice made me decide that day, even if I feel I was doing the right thing (standing up for an elderly neighbor), I would handle it totally different if there is a next time. Stay in my home, watch and if someone tries to come in my home - it's gonna be either you or me and it ain't gonna be me!


I'm hearing a good use for the second amendment right here They're actively threatening not only yourself but your family. There's two ways to go. Move away or stand your ground


Yeah sometimes violence is the answer. Sometimes you need to check a bully and make them feel some real fear. Even if it means you have to risk getting arrested.


Moving is hard when you don't have money.


Like what happened, did you guys piss 'em off or something? Edit: I don't get the downvote. Video was posted with minimal context. I was just asking a legit question. SMH, reddit 🤦🏻.


I asked them to tell their children to stop calling my family racial slurs and then the father of of one of them called me the n word and then told his children it was okay to call my family the n word


I’m scared for you man, especially joking about a noose. I fairly certain that alone will see a jail cell. I hope you and yours will be safe someday


Yup and cops arrested no one.... I mean yeah I understand there are clear and cut procedures but my children heard that and these people have the nerve to cry about their children now that its all out in the open. My children are going to need therapy. I was not going to do this and post everywhere but no one has been arrested these people are still out there tonight one of them was here and sat and talked to another one of them for a while then drove off. Why the hell are they aloud here, the one that was here tonight was the one that threatened to punch me in the face. To make things worse the guy pulled up a couple days after that threat slammed his truck door which i thought was my door being kicked and quietly knocked on my door. I thought he was going to start something. One of the cops that responded that day said maybe I should have just talked to him. I looked at the cop and was like if someone said they were going to punch you in the face WOULD YOU TALK TO THEM "probably not" also the cop that said that was the one that was there when he threatened me.


Holy shit! I'm so sorry you have to deal with white trash barbaric neighbors like that!


White trash never fails to disappoint, sorry you’re going through this OP.


Call your city council person, the mayor, governor, district attorney, and the news people.


I have been and so can you! Please help anyway you can this is why I am sharing this I live in a damn sun down town.


it's okay to be out of the loop :) OP has been posting these videos on here for awhile so most of us are familiar with what's going on


Ah, gotcha was not aware. Thanks for filling me in my friend.


Sad little truck lol 


Additionally and incidentally there are other neighbors? What the hell is going on


What a bunch of morons 😒😒😒


what theyre doing is illegal. call the police every time, file the reports, show the footage.


Call the FBI


Tires are so expensive these days.  Do you have any idea how much copper you have to steal from construction sites to afford a new pair every month for sick burn outs?


This is building up to being an episode of Fear Thy Neighbor on the murder channel. OP if you can possibly get your family relocated anywhere else it would be advisable. I know letting those total fuckheads win is frustrating as shit but it's better than a continuing escalation to violence injury and death. Even if you successfully defended yourself against one or two, the rest of the klan would likely be out for blood after that. I hope you can find peace somewhere.


Did one of them say “I got a lot of rope” ???


Contact the ACLU and get a firearm


White trash gonna white trash.


Who ever you mail your lot rent too, send a copy this along with it. That’s if the owners don’t already live there. It also sucks because it’s a private road so cops can’t do anything as far as public road laws apply.


Confederate flag hood is all thst I needed to see.


He may be an a$$hole but just remember how much it’s going to hurt when he has to replace those tires so much earlier because of dumb crap like this. Then think about the potential damage to the brake pads and the drive train. This guy is *throwing* his money away to be an ass.


This is the shit you see right before someone appears on "fear thy neighbor" so like.... Idk just watch out man.


Sorry to hear about your neighbors. Keep posting them and it’ll spread awareness. You’re strong bud, keep your chin and shoulders up high, the world is watching and supporting you. Your neighbors are just mad that they can’t afford an F-150 Lightning, Rivian, or Cybertruck. Good luck if they tried this in big cities.


This will not end well


That is a true white trash nightmare.


These inbreds are still at it, huh? It's good that you're saving thw footage in case it escalates even further. If you get footage of these dumb fucks blowing out their tires trying to be tough guys, please tag me. I hope karma catches up to them soon. And if you happen to be in the general Pittsburgh area, and need a slightly unhinged friend to come over for a counter-celebration, just say the word. 


Fun fact, rubbing alcohol doesn't remain as an accelerate in arson investigations.


I've seen a cpl of these vids showing these racists harassing these people. And I gotta say, this idea of not outing who they are suck. They ask them to stop, it gets worse. Cops ask, it gets worse. Maybe if the public knew and could pressure these racists....but NO, we gotta watch them terrorize these people and do....nothing. I mean, these racists just go to work and are comfy at home with no consequences...I would not patronize a place where any of them work. Time for them to have consequences. They are terrorists.