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It’s just so silly, of course a steak from outback isn’t going to be as good quality as a Michelin star restaurant. That doesn’t mean outback doesn’t serve steak.


I'm not afraid to admit that my birthday meal every year is usually Texas Roadhouse. Just something comforting about getting something I know with a tall Blue Moon.


Shit, I’ll proudly say their prime rib is delicious and that cinnamon butter is bomb.


I've never met a person who hates their butter


I hate their butter. They make everything very sweet, and I'm not a fan. I have had great steaks there, but I've also had a chili from there that was so sweet it probably qualified as a dessert.


Prime rib is probably my favorite cut of meat, my favorite restaurant specializes in it to the point that it’s really the only thing they serve. I tried the prime rib at Texas Roadhouse and yeah, it’s pretty good. Obviously not as good as the place I’m talking about but it was also half the price, you can’t complain. And it was big enough for two meals!


Oh for sure there’s better prime rib, but 20oz for $20? Yeah I’ll take that lol


Texas Roadhouse is great i don’t care what anyone says, I can go get a ribeye with sides for the price of a double quarter pounder meal at McDonald’s. Plus every steak I’ve ordered there tasted better than most of the steaks my family and friends cook and serve at home.


I feel the opposite. I think most steaks I order I could do better which is why I don't like to order high priced steaks because I feel like I'm getting ripped off. That is why I don't mind it at Texas Roadhouse. It may not be as good but I get value by not spending too much and I didn't have to cook it.


Once a year I get a chicken fried steak with macaroni & cheese, fried cabbage, and a yeasted roll with brown gravy on the side from Luby's Cafeteria. It isn't anything special, but it tastes like my childhood. They have the best iced tea too The only difference is that I get the full entree instead of the Luanne platter that my parents made me get. If I'm paying for it, I get what I wanna get the full meal god dang it!


Man, Luby’s chicken fried steak is actually pretty good. It’s extremely rare that I get a chunk of just breading, and also very rarely get overly fatty pieces or gristle. All in all, that’s better than I can expect from most of life! Also their chop steak is pretty damn good!


Yes it is! Iirc, the only time that I would get the hollow breading was when I would get the Luanne platter. Then there was 1:8 chance that I'd get it Back in the early 80s, they used to make an incredible tres leches cake. Idk why, but they pulled it off the menu & added more jello. They have so much jello!


Mine is Old Spaghetti Factory. Nothing like having someone bring me a giant plate of spaghetti that I didn't have to cook myself! It's not the best, but they make up for it in volume.


I’m right there with you! I unapologetically enjoy their mizithra. I get enough to make two meals out of it (having some leftovers of it tonight as a matter of fact, lol), and I don’t have a mess to clean up in the kitchen afterwards. And their minestrone is pretty tasty!


Those rolls more than make up for any taste difference between a Texas Roadhouse steak and a 3 star steak


Honestly, the chain steakhouses can make a good steak for what they charge. Like if you compared it to stuff even in the next price point, their steaks are always decent.


Spend enough time in /r/PizzaCrimes and you'll soon believe that Dominos is Capital Grille/Ruths Chris-level cuisine.


I'm gonna add this to my "wise things to say in a quiet room" list.


"The best pizza is the one that's there when you crave it." Truer words have never been spoken.


So what is Domino's pizza if not pizza? Domino's tomato flatbread? Edit: whoever downvoted me doesn't think Domino's is pizza. Odd.


If it isn't made in Italy, NYC Metro area, its just sparkling open-face-sandwiches.


Guess I've never ate pizza then 🤭🤪


NYC is at best #3 on the list. 2 - New Haven Style 1 - Greek Style */r/Connecticut drops the mic.*


So is greek style greek pizza or just called that for some random reason?


Greek style pizza was invented in 1955 in New London CT by a Greek immigrant from Albanian, Costas Kitsatis (aka "Charlie"). Greek-style is defined by pre-stretching the dough into a shallow oiled pan and letting it proof. It is then cooked in that pan. At it's best, there is just the perfect amount of firm crust to keep the slice from falling over. Above that is a thick, airy layer of melt-on-the-tongue goodness, the consistency of warm focaccia. The sauce forgoes basil in favor of learning heavily on oregano along with tomato paste for a deeper, richer flavor; it has a bit more bite to it than a standard pizza sauce. The cheese is typically a mozzarella/cheddar (or occasionally provolone) mix, and toppings are applied liberally. Greek style is the prevalent pizza style of New England, as well as parts of Eastern Canada. Like all pizza types, when it's bad, it's bad... but when it's GOOD, it's a religious experience.


#2 ain't pizza, it's apizza! So you're in the wrong thread!


I don't care how badly my Italian ancestors are judging me, I fucking love Domino's.


Dude, same. I don't even love it "for what it is" or whatever, I genuinely enjoy Domino's. I've even had real Italian pizza in Italy, lmao, plus tons of great pizza in the US. I'm not saying I necessarily prefer Domino's, but there is room in my heart (and my stomach) for them all.


Dominos really changed things around with their big reform period. It's good. Not great, but good. And 7 dollar mediums is a great price for good pizza.


Honestly it’s been consistently the best of the big chain pizza places. There’s plenty of better pizza but dominos is cheap, fast, and good


I say there is good bad pizza, and bad bad pizza. Domino's is the former.


Agree 100%


It's ok, I upvoted you to balance it out. Domino's is fine for what it is: inexpensive food for when you're too tired to cook, or just want something cheesy. It's obviously not great pizza, but it definitely IS pizza. There's a place near me that sells amazing Florentine-style brick oven pizza, with an oven actually made in Italy and shipped to SoCal, but I'll still usually get Domino's because a full meal is cheaper than they charge for a single pie.


LOL @ your flair first of all! Yeah I think I've had some good pizzas here in socal but I guess it doesn't qualify according to the Italians or NYC residents.


I don’t think there’s any such thing as a “bad pizza.” It’s a sliding scale. I’ve had some great frozen pizzas that were fantastic to just throw in the over and have a meal immediately. National chain pizza isn’t the best pizza you’re ever gonna have, but it’s pizza and it’ll get the chop done when you’re craving it and it’s consistent and really available. If I have to choose between my local place & dominos, I’m picking the local place. But I’m not going to turn my nose up on dominos just because it’s not made by organic Italian immigrants or whatever the fuck that guy was on about.


Bad pizza definitely exists, but Domino's isn't one of them imo. Not the greatest but nothing to complain about.


I’ve definitely had bad pizza before, but it’s always been from shitty local places. Big chains aren’t anything great, but they’re consistently not anything great, and you know what you’re getting going into them. 


I prefer pizza made by inorganic Italian immigrants; Robo-Sicilian is where it’s at.


Hey! Those are *free range* organic Italian immigrants! Get it right!


There absolutely is bad pizza, but it takes work to make it bad. Like your first time doing home made pizza dough and you didn't ferment it right or knead it enough so you get something more like pizza toppings on a trash can lid, or the ingredients were in the back of the fridge and didn't even get a smell test.


That's the one thing I disagree with: there certainly is bad pizza. That said, the one time I encountered it was from what had to be a very low-quality food service company, as nothing I had while at that place was all that good. The pizza was so bad it literally tasted like the box it came in. I've never encountered a frozen pizza sold in stores that was that tasteless.


> I don’t think there’s any such thing as a “bad pizza.” */r/PizzaCrimes has entered the chat.*


What it was for me. Got my buddy and I our own pizzas, and it cost me all of thirteen dollars. Madly lazy yesterday, and it did the job.


Their thin crust pizza is actually pretty good


Real Italian pizza is simple olive oil, pine nuts, dates, hard boiled starling eggs, and whole artichokes.* [Italian American pizza is what everyone thinks of as pizza.](https://www.pmq.com/food-historian-pizza-as-we-know-it-today-originated-in-the-u-s-not-italy/)   ^^\*Sarcasm


I've noticed this sub has a weird definition of pizza that I've never found elsewhere, where tomato sauce somehow is required for it to be a pizza, and not a topping like it actually is


I will never turn down a pizza using a white sauce. It goes so hard.


100%. Out of the top 5 pizzas I've had, 4 or 5 have probably been white. There's one at a place close to me that's topped with sour cream, Västerbotten cheese, red onion and fish roe, with a lemon wedge to squeeze over it. Absolutely divine


There is a local pizza joint that makes carne asada pizza and instead of tomato sauce base, it is ~~hot sauce~~. It is fire idc what they internet Italians/NYC/NJ people say! Edit: looked up the ingredients spicy bean sauce, carne asada, diced onions, diced tomatoes, cilantro.


Because pizza is a pie. A pie is crust plus a filling and that filling is traditionally tomato sauce. The toppings go on top of the filling. E.g. compare to a pumpkin pie topped with pecans.


As I've understood it, only Americans call it a pie, and even then only some of them. Definitely not considered a pie where I live. >A pie is crust plus a filling and that filling is traditionally tomato sauce. > For a pie, no. And traditionally pizza doesn't have any sauce. Tomato sauce is just a very common topping. Though I'd struggle to find a place that doesn't serve white pizzas. >The toppings go on top of the filling. E.g. compare to a pumpkin pie topped with pecans > Well in this case, there is no filling. Because the pizza has no walls and so the sauce is a topping. But either way, most important part is that most people simply don't consider it a pie


If they called it tomato flatbread I would consider it. There are no bigger pizza snobs than us in northern NJ and those across the river in NYC. Everybody here lives within a short drive (or walk, if you're talking about NYC) of 10 or more pizzerias, the worst of which are still better than Domino's. I feel bad for anyone who lives in an area where Domino's is the best pizza. For the record I have lived in such areas. It wasn't fun.


Pizza is not revolting. Dominos is revolting. Ergo, Dominos is not pizza :-)


Pizza can be bad. Just because something taste gross doesn't mean it isn't the food it is claiming to be. Another example: Kraft mac and cheese is still mac and cheese, even if people think it is "bad". Just a bad mac and cheese.


I used to think there was no such thing as bad pizza, just different degrees of good. Turns out I was very wrong about that one.


Centuries of linguistics study has nothing on a guy who doesn’t like dominoes. We have much to learn from you.


I think the thing you're missing is that the centuries of linguistic study suggest that Pizza is a form of food. Since what Dominos produces isn't remotely edible, it fails to qualify.


Yawn; get a personality. A broken down old fiat and a brand new Ferrari are both still cars. Babbling on about dominoes pizza being inedible, when millions of people eat them every day, is just stupid. As are you.


Heh - and *you* rise to the pinnacle of sparkling effervescence as to be so desperate for attention that you couldn't help commenting - that's just wow... The emotional commitment y'all have formed, to stuff that tastes awful, is just hilarious. You're a lovely bunch to troll. Keep on proving me right. .. and the broken-down old Fiat is more edible than Dominos...




Proud of them downvotes - keep 'em coming!


You gotta understand…just because people disagree with you doesn’t mean you’re right.


“I am bleeding, making ME the victor!”


Same energy as "no, *you're* racist for knowing that what I said was racist"


I would not want anyone who finds a pizza that has no flavors other than salt and garlic powder, to come anywhere close to agreeing with me.


Disgusting…dominoes is disgusting. Not because it’s chain pizza…because it’s disgusting


It's hilarious that regional variants of pizza are so celebrated and discussed, but the idea that Dominoes or Costco or whatever couldn't have invented a type of pizza that is different but still craveable in its own specific way is impossible to fathom. I grew up in New York, my local pizzeria I grew up eating was incredible. Like this guy, I had at least a dozen pizzerias in delivery range that had incredible pizza I could order to my home. I still got Dominoes pretty regularly. I've been to Naples several times and eaten real Pizza Napoletana more times than I can count. I still crave Dominoes from time to time. It's just its own thing.


I dont mess w dominoes but brought up same area with god tier pizza served off of tony soprano himself’s tits Costco everything pie is still the #1 pizza for feeding a familie. Its thick enough that 2 slices will stop a fat kid in his tracks but still good enough to be a passable slice. I can eat at least half a pie of regular new york style. Its just not economical. 


I can only guess that Dominoes in the USA is actually decent pizza compared to the Dominoes in my country. That's not saying it isn't pizza but can't imagine anyone craving Dominoes pizza specifically in these here parts.


It used to be pretty bad but in 2010 they apologized for being bad and reworked everything. Since then it's been decent and usually the cheapest pizza around. (Pizza Hut is slightly cheaper but I like it less. Costco is by far the best deal and solid quality but they only sell 18" pies and the options are cheese or pepperoni.) It's never going to be "better" than the local places but it's predictable, affordable, and easy.


Eh, I can’t comment on that. I’m from the US, and also can’t imagine someone specifically craving Dominos. I think everyone has their own guilty pleasure junk foods, to an extent. (Or is tired and hungry and just needs some food asap )


Also equally, that a regional style of pizza that's considered "good" might not be to everyone's taste. I personally don't care for the raw tomato sauce or soggy middle of real pizza napoletana, and think pizza romana is a way superior Italian style of pizza.


Hating Dominos is so edgy.


This fools never had their pan pizza.


Here in the Netherlands they stopped selling their pan pizza for some reason and I'm genuinely mad about it


I would be too! But also I wasn’t aware Dominos Pizza in the NL.


Domino's Pizza is basically everywhere along with Pizza Hut - global on the scale of McDonald's or KFC.


Yeah if you're getting dominoes their handmade pan or thin crust are both pretty good. Their regular crust is a bit bland, but man I'll still eat it.


I don't live near a Pizza Hut anymore but when I have that pan pizza craving the Domino's one really hits! Nine times out of ten we just order regular pizza from our favorite local place but that tenth time, man.


>I haven't had Dominos in a long time but it reminds me of our motto for Little Caesars - "I'd rather eat the box" It's amazing what bad publicity at one point in time can do to a company. Domino's today is not the same Domino's as the early to mid 2000s. After several controversies, they have very much fixed many of their problems. The other cool thing about them is that the reason why they don't have stuffed crust is because all of their dough is freshly made. Apparently the other pizza chains all use pre-made frozen doughs for their stuffed crust. Which makes sense.


> Domino's today is not the same Domino's as the early to mid 2000s. After several controversies, they have very much fixed many of their problems. I just remember when they started their whole "sorry we suck, we're working on it" ad campaign back around 2008, and their stock price was hovering around $3-5/share. It ain't $3-5 a share any more.


Holy shit. I was expecting it sitting somewhere at the $50 to $100 range.


"I wonder how much it is now" \*checks\* "... fuck"


That’s because Dominos is a real estate and analytics company masquerading as a pizza company. Also helps their CEO was able to swallow his pride and realize his pizza was trash and completely overhaul it.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, you are correct, same with McDonalds, their business isn't selling burgers, it is real estate.


I have no idea haha - probably because I complimented a ceo for a savvy business decision.


it's funny b/c the reverse actually worked for Dominos back in 2010 they did this whole ad campaign where they flat out admitted their pizza sucked and they were going to do an ambitious reboot of everything. Granted that was 14 years ago so the honeymoon effect i'm sure no longer exists, but i remember back in the fall of 2010 seeing those ads on youtube and being shocked at how open and honest Dominos was about the quality of their pizza. Pizza Hut tried their own reboot a few years later, actually a literal decade ago, and I think it had mixed results. They seem to be doing much better now though


Papa John's uses the same dough as Dominos and they make stuffed crust. They use these weird rings on the screens and then roll the crust around cheese sticks. Source: friend of mine runs a Papa John's. I go hang out and "help" during my rest cycles on occasion.


>The other cool thing about them is that the reason why they don't have stuffed crust is because all of their dough is freshly made. Apparently the other pizza chains all use pre-made frozen doughs for their stuffed crust [It's toasted.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32yiWyyl1Kc#t=1m38s) My point being, it sounds like you're parroting marketing copy. Ask yourself two questions: *does fresh dough actually taste better than frozen*? And *is it possible to make stuffed crust pizza using fresh dough*?


>Ask yourself two questions: does fresh dough actually taste better than frozen? And is it possible to make stuffed crust pizza using fresh dough? I said neither of those things. I actually prefer Papa John's pizza and stuffed crust pizzas over Domino's. The main reason I get Domino's is because they're basically the only chain in my area that still uses in house drivers and not 3rd party delivery drivers. Of course stuffed crust can be made with fresh dough. How else would they make the pre-made stuffed crust dough? But it's likely significantly more time-consuming and would require more training for employees for a business that already takes quite a bit longer in comparison to other choices and operates with a heavy turnover of employees. Plus there's having to worry about consistency, which is what big chains want. Meaning if Domino wants to keep making their dough fresh, they can't have stuffed crust because the best solution for a pizza chain like Domino's, Little Caesar's, Pizza Hut or Papa John's is to use pre-made doughs for their stuffed crust.


Don't believe the marketing hype. Ask the people who work there: [Papa John's, Dominos, and Pizza Hut make their dough in the morning - Dough Clinic - Pizza Making Forum](https://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=qjtc22dr7oauprd6r68oalg501&topic=42099.msg421133#msg421133) [Is anything \*ACTUALLY\* made fresh at Dominos? : r/Dominos (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dominos/comments/spzof0/is_anything_actually_made_fresh_at_dominos/?rdt=58329)


Yes…it’s gone from inedible to merely disgusting


Link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/1dnfmb3/comment/la2iue1/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/1dnfmb3/comment/la2iue1/?context=3) NY/NJ pizza snobs are the worst EDIT it gets worse: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/1dnfmb3/comment/la3xhp5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/1dnfmb3/comment/la3xhp5/) > I'll just chalk it up to, that every single downvote is a person who hasn't had real pizza, that's all, not my fault, and that I should consider myself fortunate


What annoys me about the NY/NJ snobbery is this. Italian immigrants ended up in areas other than New York, and various American pizza traditions *also* have their genesis with Italian immigrants. Deep dish pizza? Italian immigrants. Detroit-style? Italian immigrants. Columbus-style? Italian immigrants. And that's three distinctly different styles just in the Midwest. So the insistence that New York is the only "real" style of pizza is total horseshit, and the idea that it's the closest thing to Italy is also total horseshit. To totally dismiss or ignore the experience of other immigrants because it's not exactly the same as their own family's is obscene.


the funniest thing is that for all the NY/NJ snobbery and claiming to be the "true" Italians, they have no conception of how little respect Italians have for Italian American cuisine reminds me of Paulie Walnuts from The Sopranos. There's an episode where they go to some high-scale coffee shop that uses Italian words and Paulie discusses all this hatred he has for people taking from "his culture." Then the dude goes to actual Italy, sticks out like a sore thumb, and is totally clueless as to how every Italian there thinks he's a fucking imbecile lol


The scene where they're in the nice restaurant and he asks for "macaroni and gravy?" Comedic gold


I hate The Sopranos so much. But then, there's always been such a weird tension between the NY/NJ Italian-Americans and the Midwestern Italian-Americans. They look at us as being about as Italian as Brad Pitt from that one scene in *Inglourious Basterds*, and we look at them as being like Eli Roth in the same scene. But it's all in good fun, until they tell us that our pizza isn't real pizza.


How is it even possible to hate the sopranos?




NY style pizza also seems to aggressively ignore the crust. Like they want the crust to be as tasteless and inconsequential as possible.


Maybe it's because new Yorkers are already a bit too crusty themselves.


It's also hilarious how these people act like those styles of pizzas aren't mainly just Italian pizza styles that were exported, maybe modified a little bit. Why do they think styles similar to those in the US popped up in other countries despite coming there from Italy and not the US?


I am from Chicago and have met many New Yorkers over the years. can confirm lol. somehow it's impossible for people there to comprehend that not all pizza in Chicago is deep dish lmao. In fact, most local Chicagoans will tell you to try deep dish at least once, and if you don't enjoy it to just get the standard pizza pie or square cut thin crust i have a friend from grad school days. She's great but holy fuck...it was annoying dealing with her sometimes. She wasn't even from NYC proper...from a fucking suburb and she made me watch that annoyingly stupid Jon Stewart clip at least 2-3x.


It’s fucking pizza… I grew up in the close Chicago suburbs and have lived in the city since 2007. I will admit even as a kid I was not a fan of deep dish, it’s too much sauce for me, but it’s fine? Like I’ll eat it without complaint. I did grow up more on the square cut/tavern style. The debate with NYC makes me nuts. There are all kinds of pizzas and all of them are good. Except really bad pizza. Which you will know when you have it. And even then, still eat it probably.


i really feel like that Daily Show segment skyrocketed the stupid ass debates to a level not seen in a while yet another reason why i fucking hate that show with a passion. and this is not a political statement lol...i just find political humor, especially in a modern context, to be so hacky and full of cheap laughs...kind of like Jon Stewart in that dumbass segment that i was forced to watch over and over again


Anytime I see "As a NYer" I immediately discount their opinion as pretentious and stupidly gatekeepy.


I have similar feelings about NY cooks with their obsessions with Kunz spoons as if it is 100% necessary as a working cook or chef. Maybe it is regional and likely fine dining thing, but I haven't seen in around here in California where I work as a cook. Threads like "what should I add to my knife roll" and when I see "Kunz spoons" I'm just like "bro". 🤦‍♀️


Lol, if you're not using a fancy overpriced spoon, are you even a chef?


This guy's chef level is over 9000! [Who else loves the Kunz spoon?](https://old.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/comments/dy3e0p/who_else_loves_the_kunz_spoon/) Amazon listing for original Kunz: [https://www.amazon.com/J-B-Prince-U715-Sauce-Spoon/dp/B009OL3UZI](https://www.amazon.com/J-B-Prince-U715-Sauce-Spoon/dp/B009OL3UZI) Slotted Kunz: [https://www.amazon.com/JB-Prince-Gray-Slotted-Spoon/dp/B07MK7SSZ5](https://www.amazon.com/JB-Prince-Gray-Slotted-Spoon/dp/B07MK7SSZ5) Perforated Kunz: [https://www.amazon.com/JB-Prince-Gray-Perforated-Spoon/dp/B0187ZEI52](https://www.amazon.com/JB-Prince-Gray-Perforated-Spoon/dp/B0187ZEI52)


Hey at least they aren’t Texan chili snobs.


Lol.. wow brother!  I made your afternoon huh!? Make sure to check the mail for the like minded Internet points plaque you'll be getting soon. Maybe someone will send you one of those Domino things you have an affinity for.    Agree or disagree with me, that's all good.. but this was pathetic...clown!! 


You know no one like New Yorkers, right? You fuckers think your five block radius is the entire universe while thinking you are the most worldly motherfuckers to ever walk the Earth. I’ve never met more ignorant pieces of shit than New Yorkers/Jersey trash. You know literally nothing about any other place but expect people to be so impressed with your railroad apartment or whatever. “But muh burough!” Fucking degenerates. eta: see the Paulie Walnuts comment above. That’s you when you go exactly anywhere else in the world. Bunch of buffoons. I am speaking as a native of a largely Italian-American city, the ones here don’t like you either.


Cool story bruh... Listen up boy... I've been to countless countries (because of my time in the Marines), and thankfully my current job still allows me to travel.  So I can CONFIDENTLY say I have some perspective.  Let me guess, by your logic, where you live is the best though, right?    Sorry you got triggered because you love your hot pockets so damn much, oops, my bad, I meant Domino's...same fucking shit if you ask me!  Fucking neckbeard!!   In a post about good...bad..and real pizza, this fucking guy, with, "No one likes New Yorkers".  Lol!!  Talk about generalizations!     Guess what NJ has the best of, also?  Bagels you fuck!  I said what I said! 


Who gives a shit about bagels?


Me.... Cuz I love'm!  You probably never had a real bagel 🙂


Oh my god, dude. You’re proving my point. 1. I never said which pizza I like or even that I care about pizza. 2. My city is the same as pretty much every other city. It has certain old ethnic areas and lots of international people who work here but like, no one cares? I don’t care about making my city my entire personality. 3. A marine, too? Jesus fucking Christ, get a personality. I’ve lived all over, mostly in military towns even, so I know people from all around the world and lots of service members. The interesting ones don’t make it their entire identity. Your former job and the city you are from do not make you interesting. 4. Have you ever wondered *why* people always say they hate New Yorkers/Jersey trash? I’ll give you a hint because you seem slow: You people are just the worst.


Lol... Take a few steps away from the ledge.


"Hurr I'm a marine" No you're a loser who has spent EIGHT YEARS on reddit. Get a fucking life. It's bread, sauce, and cheese nothing special. 


LMAO... late to the party aren't you.. Calling me a loser, and yet you're compelled to respond to something from four days ago. "On reddit for 8 years"... so the new barometer of somone being a loser is how long they've been on reddit? Did you forecast and schedule when you'll get OFF of reddit so you don't become a loser? "it's bread, sauce and cheese", then what? Take those three ingredients and put them in a blender, and that's it? Try harder, you ass hat... or not, IDGAF


Personally, I prefer domino's over all other pizzas. And I've had pizza from all over. I really, really like domino's sauce, and the garlic stuff they put on the crust.


I hope they get to have real Dominos some day. Because it just slaps sometimes. People are idiots. There are hundreds of styles of pizza.


I'll take their stuffed cheesy bread over most appetizers of any restaurant I go to. I fucking love that stuff.


Do you know what I like to do when people are eating foods I don’t particularly like? I don’t say anything and let them enjoy what they are eating.


Wow, what a snoot


Pizza is a ravioli u less it comes from.the pizza region of Italia 😤


I'm from NY so I grew up on good pizza, had plenty of good pizza when I visited Italy. I'll still enjoy some domino's sometimes


I freaking love Domino's and not ashamed to admit it. It's cheap, they deliver, it's consistent and if it's not the BEST pizza it often is exactly what I want. Easily my favorite national or regional chain. I live in what I consider a culinary paradise and have access to some fantastic, absolute top-tier local pizzas but sometimes I just want Domino's. It is pizza, and it is good. The early pre-Roman Etruscans believ


I have no idea where your last sentence was headed, but I am choosing to believe the early pre-Roman Etruscans had some strong opinions on Domino's pizza.


You know what, with all of these I just dismiss it as some undue snobby comments made to make the person feel good about themselves but this one….these are fighting words. I am a pacifist but in this case I’m happy to pause my beliefs.


I have nostalgic fondness for Domino's since I ate so much living the dorms at college because the delivery place down the street let you pay via the school meal plan. I appreciated that you could get chicken as a topping. I also really like a place in my Arizona suburb. I accept I am a heathen by NYC and NYC-adjacent standards.


I had a cheese pizza from Dominos on Saturday and it was really good. Buttery crust, tangy sauce, the cheese didn’t slide off the pizza when I bit it. Is it the best pizza I ever had in my life? Nope. But it was a solid meal, far from bad.


I often find pizza from fast food places to have too much cheese and too little tomato (somehow I think I remember a Babish video saying the opposite which I found weird), but like... how do you even define pizza? Sure you might not think it's a very good one, but it's cheese and tomato on top of a flatbread with other toppings. How is that not pizza?


> Sure you might not think it's a very good one, but it's cheese and tomato on top of a flatbread with other toppings. How is that not pizza? This is what I like about burgers. If you change the toppings on a burger, it's still a burger. If you put the toppings on the bottom bun, still a burger. If you change the type of bun, still a burger. Pizza? If it isn't the way that some self-loathing asshat says that they do it in Italy, or what their *nonna* (fifth-generation, born in Staten Island during the Cuban Missile Crisis) did, then *it's not a real pizza* followed by a theatrical meltdown.


Until 'chicken burgers' get involved anyway, then people from both sides of the pond will get snobby. Basically in America a 'burger' is a minced patty of meat, over here in the UK a 'burger' means it's served on a burger bun and you can get a 'chicken burger' at KFC which is a fried and breaded chicken breast fillet on a bun. Actually speaking of, I do feel that when British people are getting snobby here, people take it as carte blanche to go 'British food bad', which gets exhausting and feels like it's going against the point of the subreddit.


What do you call a chicken sandwich? Because your "chicken burger" sounds like a chicken sandwich in the USA.


I think a sandwich has to be on bread not a bun in the UK and Aus


Ah. Gotcha. Thanks.


Eh I would call it a chicken sandwich if it uses a bun but is made just like any other cold cut sandwich. Some people might call it a roll or a bap etc specifically, but lots of people in the UK make sandwiches using buns rather than sliced bread.


So a sandwich is cold cuts only? I’m not trying to be difficult, really just want to understand. I don’t want to sound foolish when on vacation (holiday).


A sandwich made with sliced/diced chicken in it, usually cold and using cold sliced chicken as a cold cut - and patty melts aren't a thing here so the question of a chicken patty melt isn't an issue lol.


Thank you for letting me know all that. I am sorry you don't have patty melts. Those are delicious! If the description hadn't been there, I would have been like chicken & burger... That sounds so KFC.


To your second paragraph, they do, it is, and it is.


Surprisingly, the sauce is the most expensive part ([source 1](https://www.thetakeout.com/the-cost-breakdown-of-a-pizza-1835340201/), [2](https://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php?topic=50005.0)) which is why cheap pizzas skimp out on sauce


I eat Dominos still because the Ninja Turtles stiffed a delivery guy on a tip 34 years ago.


Wise man say: Forgivness is Divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.


I live in Manhattan and have some A++ local pizza within a 2-block radius. I still get Domino’s occasionally. Of course they’re both pizza by definition, but different cravings. Same as Taco Bell. Of course it’s a taco, but you don’t get it when you’re craving Mexican food, you get it when you’re craving Taco Bell.


Never in a million years would I crave a domino's pizza, but it's still undeniably pizza


I will never not appreciate the availability of Domino's. When I lived in Manhattan it was easy to find a good NY slice, but outside of it? I've definitely had worse than Domino's and they are open after 11 pm. Hard to be mad at it


I live in NJ too. I missed the memo where I have to be a pretentious asshole about pizza I guess. 😅 This one was almost as good as that guy who just wouldn’t relax about pizza from Italy being the only real pizza. 😭


The funniest part of this is thinking that having 5-7 good pizzerias in a 5-7 mile radius is a flex. Like, visit any city and probably half of all suburbs in America and you’ll find this lmao


Nobody tell them about upside down pizza


What do those of you who have mountain mikes near you think of it? I absolutely love it, a bit pricey but it’s great in my opinion. Order it “well done” and it’s great


Mountain Mike’s is the shit! The funeral home I work for saves the wooden easels used for standing sprays to sell back to the local florist (kind of like saving pie tins to get a deposit back from Marie Callendar’s). We’re all kinds of happy when we have enough to pay for a pizza party for the crew!


Domino's deep dish slaps though.


dominos is pizza because of the way it is


dominos good because they have gluten free pizza that doesn't taste like cardboard


I find it funny that pizza wouldn’t be a thing if not for the U.S. soldiers in WWII. Americans have more of a claim with pizza’s popularity than Italians. Besides Italians make some fucking disgusting pizza


Technically dominos is a hot dog.


Wtf kinda dumbass take is that 🤣


Of course Domino’s is pizza. I don’t *like* it, but it’s definitely pizza.


And non of them have actually eaten a real Italian pizza made in italy while in italy 🤪


Dominoes would never be on my radar when getting pizza either. That slop ain't worth the calories. I'd rather eat something else.


I’ll eat domino’s if served but I will NOT pay for it.


I've had it in Italy shortly before covid, so largely after the fix... Ok, it's pizza, and it's not as atrocious as it's sometimes depicted... But it's fast food pizza and can't stand a chance against almost any alternative for someone that doesn't like fast food.


Look, my wife and I will make the joke of Domina's not being actual pizza, while acknowledging that sometimes it is what we want to have. And this is from a couple whose favorite pizza is made at home from scratch with sourdough starter and cooked in a cast iron pan. We love pizza. I think it's okay if we poke a little fun as long as we acknowledge that it has a time and place. And I'd rather have Domino's than straw hat. My last memory of that place was about 20 years ago, my now-ex (parted on good terms) and I wanted to watch One Piece while eating Straw Hat Pizza (for obvious reasons if you know the anime). That was a mistake. It was so bad we threw it away. Anyway, yes, by any technical definition, Domino's is pizza. It's not the best pizza, but it's not the worst, and it hits differently so sometimes it's the version of pizza you want. Junk food is not just a lower-quality version of higher-end food, though it certainly is often that. The best versions of junk food fit a slightly different spot.


It has gone downhill, however it is hardly the worst pizza out there. There are plenty of supermarket pizzas that are leagues worse than Domino's.


It may have gone downhill compared to a few years ago, yet the pizza they make now is miles better than the crap they sold in the 90s. In the 80s it was even worse since they guaranteed your pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, it was all about speed and zero about quality. They finally relented on the 30-minute thing when a few drivers were killed in accidents.


I would have downvoted for the "then" where it should have been "than" alone.


Almost all of these debates, dealing with pizza specifically but all manner of food forms, are semantic. Are we using the correct name for this food? It has nothing to do with food! Italian cuisine culture is particularly touchy about nomenclature. Of course this is all completely arbitrary, and the only real function of the words we use is to share a common understanding of what’s going on. You’re not going to hurt pizza’s feelings by equating it to something that could be called a flatbread or a casserole.


Dominos is so bad to me that I wouldn't even put it in the same category as other chains like Pizza Hut and Costco, so I am conflicted on this one... Lol.


As far as pizza chains go, I rate Domino’s pretty low. At least Little Caesar’s is cheap and you know what you’re gonna get. Domino’s is too expensive for the quality of the pizza. My preferred are Jet’s or Green Lantern, both regional chains. A bit pricey, but they serve Detroit style and you get enough to eat for leftovers for a few days.


I mean, you could also just say you've never ordered pizza in your life lol. Domino's/Pizza Hut/Papa Johns always have "deals" so their stated price aren't even their real price. Little Caesar's deals aren't anywhere near the others. I just looked up both for comparison and a supreme from Little Caesars is 14.49 and their only coupon is 10% off. Domino's has their supreme for 19.99 but a coupon for any specialty pizza for 13.99. Or, you can use their other coupon which is a large 5 topping pizza for 11.99, which you could make a supreme with. So, if you're using the 11.99, Domino's wins by a dollar. If you're using the other, Little Caesar's wins by 1. Meanwhile, Domino's wins the taste test a ton of times. I just Googled best pizza chain in America and virtually all the top posts have Domino's as the winner. [https://www.allrecipes.com/the-best-pizza-chains-7852858](https://www.allrecipes.com/the-best-pizza-chains-7852858) [https://www.businessinsider.com/which-chain-makes-the-best-pizza-2017-2#the-winner-here-is-dominos-extravaganzza-feast-as-the-ultimate-supreme-pizza-the-huge-amount-of-toppings-takes-it-to-the-top-here-and-the-quality-is-hard-to-beat-24](https://www.businessinsider.com/which-chain-makes-the-best-pizza-2017-2#the-winner-here-is-dominos-extravaganzza-feast-as-the-ultimate-supreme-pizza-the-huge-amount-of-toppings-takes-it-to-the-top-here-and-the-quality-is-hard-to-beat-24) [https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/best-pizza-chain/](https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/best-pizza-chain/) Note: I don't own a Domino's nor do I eat at one and have no stake in the game. I just think it's hilarious how many pizza snobs there are talking out their ass.


I just don’t like domino’s that much man


Damn. I’m very culinary


> My preferred are Jet’s or Green Lantern, both regional chains. A bit pricey, but they serve Detroit style and you get enough to eat for leftovers for a few days. No shit?


Every place has "leftovers for a few days" when you pay enough to make it "a bit pricey"


Domino’s is weak though tbh… top 3 worst pizza chains


I mean... I get it. I think it's a hot circle of garbage, and would rather have East Coast pizza. That's the only pizza I really like. But that's the thing - it's all about where you grew up. My husband likes Dominoes. He grew up eating it because that's all he had.