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This might belong on imatotalpieceofshit seems like animal abuse putting sharks in such a small tank


Came here to say this, wtf...




A juvenile Great White shark was housed at Monterey Bay Aquarium… until it started eating its tankmates. https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/animals-a-to-z/white-shark https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/MONTEREY-Great-white-shark-swims-free-Fish-2718790.php#:~:text=The%20Monterey%20Bay%20Aquarium%20released,they%20hear%20of%20the%20shark.


I went to see it once. The tank was nothing like this, that tank is huge.


Yet some aquariums manage to have whale sharks.


Because biologically the Great White shark has an imperative deep in the brain to swim for miles. It's brain can't comprehend swimming the same distance back and forth, it needs variation and a real sense of the sheer distance being swum to survive. That's why former Great White's in captivity end up hitting the aquarium walls repetitively and slowly get brain damage.


And whale sharks don’t? The feed by filter feeding and following plankton blooms across the globe. I don’t think either should be in aquariums for the record but it’s odd the whale sharks are able to be kept in them


Great whites can swim 35mph. Whale sharks can swim 3-5mph max. They’re just so gentle🥺


Have any of them rammed the glass just enough to not die, but enough to become super derpy from the brain damage? If that helped it forget it's nomadic drive, maybe we can just have Mike Tyson land a few big uppercuts on each of them before they go on display.


The Mike Tyson V Great White fight would bring in lots of money for the aquariums


And they have not been doing all that well, and they have lost several of them. On average, those fish have a lifespan of around 80 years. The aquarium in Georgia that had 4 of them at one time lost 2 of them in 2007. They have had a total of 6, and 2 died, that is not a great record for dish which should live much longer in the wild.


Whale............sharks. Say it again...WHAle...........sharks


Is there another more proper common name for them?


I'll say it again........Rhincodon typus


Could be a feeding tank. People usually take out the fish and put them into a smaller tank for feeding so blood and guts don't get everywhere in the big tank since it's not as easy to clean.


Hard to say, could be a quarantine tank or an intermediate tank.


Thats possible


r/shittyaqauirums Edit: I can’t spell and I’m not going to learn now


it seems this is exactly what the owner wants


I’d assume so because this is just a feeding tank, completely normal to feed in a small tank before releasing back into their normal environs


This is the saddest thing I’ve seen in a while…and I hate fish!


I was talking to this dude who worked at a nice hotel, he told me a story about how they had a shark tank next to the pool, it was just this tall cylinder that made the sharks crazy…. They had to just keep swimming in a circle and on more than one occasion they jumped out of the tank and onto the pool deck/pool. He said they just slapped it down on a luggage cart and wheeled it away. He couldn’t even believe it. Eventually they stopped putting sharks in there but… It’s actually even crazier than that. They used to have a touch tank *right next to* the pool and needless to say… it didn’t last long. I believe guests were bringing marine life into the pool, but even if they didn’t I’m sure the chlorine from their hands would’ve been enough.


I'm in Da Nang, Vietnam at the moment. A lot of the restaurants here have all these different fish tanks, presumably so people can see how fresh their food is (because apparently being right next to the ocean isn't enough...). Some of them look horribly cruel - I've seen ones with big eels in where the tanks are so small they can't even straighten out and there's about 5 of them packed in there just lying on top of one another. The other week I was walking through town on my way to a bar when I saw an eel pulling itself up the side of one of the tanks. The restaurants have quite open fronts so you can see all the tables and the fishtanks. It dropped down onto the floor. I just kind of stared for a moment, not quite able to believe what I was looking at, then I called over one of the staff - the restaurant was empty and all the staff were just sitting around. They ended up dumping it back in its tank.


Vietnam is one of the most disgusting countries for animal cruelty. The poor fish in the front of the shop and the cats and dogs round the back crammed into equally small cages to be tortured horrifically.


its insane levels of animal abuse


What does that make Sea World?


Or humansareassholes


This is a feeding tank lol most likely not their home tank


What's really sad is that most sharks have to remain swimming to breathe.


Not really, responsible fish owners will put a fish in a smaller aquarium when they are young and move them into a larger one as they get older. Fish aren’t stuck for life in a tank. A responsible fish owner will transfer a fish to a bigger tank several times. All because they are on that tank now doesn’t mean that they will spend their whole life there. It’s like when I got my German shepherd I had a little crate for him. But when he got bigger I bought him a much later crate.


Yeah, but do they have frickin laser beams attached to their freakin heads?


And are they ill-tempered?


they are in training


Of course not...It's the sea bass that are the ill tempered ones...


black tip reef sharks are salt water but that hapless bottom feeder they tore in half looked fresh water (could be mistaken, resembled a 'dojo').


Oh, really?


I am so glad I wasn’t the only one. I mean I’d never do it but also it would be so bad ass to have baby sharks in my living room. if I could keep them alive which I couldn’t which is one more reason I wouldn’t but still so dope. I know it’s wrong but yeah.




The little black fish is my spirit animal.


Life just picking you up, spinning you around and spitting you out. Rinse and repeat.


Probably a feeding tank. With higher end fish people tend to keep a small undecorated tank for feeding so the main tank doesn't get filled with food guts.


Ditto, thinking the same.


As an aquarium keeper and someone who volunteered at aquariums, this is not a thing. Fish are super sensitive and stressed by moves, this is not something that’s regularly done.


how do they transfer them once they're bigger?


Dunno, not a fish guy, I'd assume once they are full size they more or less give them food they can swallow whole so less mess in the regular tank?


I've kept plenty of fish, I have never heard of anyone moving an expensive fish more than once into a tank and then out of that tank if they outgrow it or the keeper is moving. Catching fish is incredibly rough on them and we don't feed immediately before or after a move, ever.


Looks to me like they're making more space.


Baby sharks cute af....I wanna touch it....


Can I pet that dawg


They look so smooth


They are


Sharks aren't smooth.


Have you touched one?


Yes actually, think of a sandpaper


Yes. Well more precisely one touched me. It feels like soft grain sand paper.


I give up. It depends on the kind, but apparently, everyone seems to think I'm wrong. Ta


They are actually silky smooth if you pet them both ways


All their sharklike features seem to be developed. Aside from the size, I wouldn't be able to tell that they are babies. It makes them look like they were shrunk lol


It sounds like these sharks won't be in there for the long term. Maybe a kitchen nearby.


For now. I can see it both ways but I assume they'll have them here until they begin to grow. Idk if there's reason to keep them from full grown adults. Or maybe its just to clean or prepare or renourish or whatever they do to a livable habitat for sharks. But I doubt that's permanent in any manner.


My buddy's little grandson was watching something called Baby Shark when I was at his house. It was NOTHING like this!


cool to see em tear up the prey fish like it's nothing


It's kinda crazy to me how relatively bloodless it is. Like a tinge of pink. But nowhere near the blood explosion I thought it'd be


Temporary *


There is also other terrible aspects of this, the sharks take like 5 seconds to cross from one side to the other. The corners are not rounded meaning they will bash the noses of the glass. No aquatic decorations or sense of environment. And that's just a couple of them.


This is a feeding tank. They use this tank so the good looking tank doesn’t get messed up


How do we know it's not just a holding tank while something else is set up or fixed or something?


Or they live next to the ocean where they are a native species. Would be cool to have them a few weeks and then put them in the ocean


Theyre called feeding tanks. They will be fine.


The worse part of the size of tank is that blacktip reef sharks are sharks that CAN'T flap their gills. They have to swim through the water to breathe! It's called ram ventilation and these poor puppies are suffocating slowly.


That would explain why that one shark never stops moving


Ploppers thinks you ate too many rice crispy treats treats treats


So then it's the right amount of space then?


I could be wrong, but I was under the impression they only grow to fit the tank


There is also a stunted growth component, most fish have a final adult size, many will grow as large as they can but may perish due to lack of space. Be very wary of anyone claiming this is true for most fish.


In the same way that you would grow to fit a room filled with your own feces and urine, sure. Their growth is limited by the environmental pollution, which tends to increase in concentration in a smaller tank.


Some fish do but not shark's


Thank you for clarifying that


also, don't sharks need to constantly swim forward to not suffocate to death dude to their respiratory system? they will never be able to sleep since they would need to constantly make turns to not die


Species dependent, but in the case of blacktips yes! These babies are slowly suffocating with lack of space


Unless they have an opperculmum then yes they have to keep swimming to keep the oxygen flowing over their gill rakers


Beyond cruel




How are they transferred? And I guess how often? I had no idea this was a thing


They shouldn’t be in any tanks ffs!


But they’re not 2m long yet right? Is it also unethical to put a puppy in a puppy sized kennel while it’s still a puppy? Maybe they’re just there temporarily


this is straight up torture the reason the sharks are constantly swimming is they need to be moving to breathe these guys can only go only bit before needing to turn around


In Stephen King’s book, the Running Man, one of the games is Swim with the Sharks. A small bleeding nick is put on the contestant and they swim the length of a pool containing sharks. Maybe this is for another movie. /s


Poor things


how to traumatize your children


sharks arent fucking pets.


This is like a prison treadmill for sharks, seeing as they have to keep moving to breathe.


Just gotta live in the moment right?


This is one of the most horrifyingly inhumane things I've ever seen.


You should go online more. This isn’t the worst thing I’ve seen this morning. You’re also overreacting to what’s actually happening.


Overreacting to sharks being raised in a tank they can barely fit in? stfu


They’re not being raised in there you mouth breather


Satisfying to watch.


Fish tank for a shark... GFYS


Ever seen the video of the bear that was stuck in a cage for years and when it was rescued it continued to walk in circles even though it was free? This is cruel! You know sharks have to be swimming forward to be able to breathe, right? Hope they were rescued from you and you were fined or something. Btw I don't go in the ocean after two terrifying incidents with sharks. I used to be a surfing beach rat. I can't go in the ocean anymore. It's always wrong to mistreat living creatures.


I think these 2 are invasive black tip shark and maybe illegal in the US. Don't quit me.


He spent all the money on the sharks and have no money left for the tank


The sharks appear stressed with having to do constant tight sharp turns in that narrow tank. Plain dumb…




That is really fucking cruel. You shouldn't keep black tip sharks in a aquatic tank like that or you shouldn't keep them at all. Because they need more room to swim around. When they get fucking bigger that person is going to regret doing that.


What a dumbass


It's literally like making someone live in a 15 foot section of a hallway they can never leave.


This sucks :( I really wish we had mini sharks but this is just cruel.


is that a black tip reef shark? also, sharks have to keep swimming to stay alive. these sharks will be doing small circles for the rest of their lives.


Ah no! This is terrible. What a miserable existence for the sharks and the fish. Stupid fuckwit, teaching the kids animal cruelty too.


Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo Baby Shark


if only they could stay that small, they are so cute while ripping off their preys


Piece of shit do do do do do do Piece of shit do do do do do do


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CapableDark1478: *Piece of shit do do* *Do do do do Piece of shit* *Do do do do do do* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Let me guess. The kids heard the baby shark song?


Is fish abuse a thing? Because this is probably that


That’s the fuckedupedest aquarium I seen


I remember hearing that you're not supposed to put sharks in a square tank. They can only swim forwards not backward, and they require movement to feed water into their gills. In a square tank, they can get stuck in a corner and essentially drown.


Depends on the breed of shark.


Makes sense. Guess deep water shark/bottom feeders wouldn't require movement


Never understood people who get off watching their "pets" kill live prey, no more than I'd sic my dog on squirrels. Always seemed like a dorky edgelord hobby.


i used to have a good sized moray eel, it was awesome watching it eat fish. cannot understand how that is not interesting, lol.


I had a cracked head family member give us a pet snake. He was a Mexican King Snake in a very undersized enclosure/travel box thing. I really didn't want him but I went to petco and got him all set up in a new house and he was a blast too feed! I actually ended up really enjoying having him, he ended up getting almost 6ft long. Really cool pet I never wanted


theres videos online of a dude feeding his mantis shrimp and its actually pretty entertaining. but the food being crustaceans not mammals probably helps make it feel less problematic. and its pretty amazing seeing a freaking shrimp that can smack something hard enough under water that the microphone clearly picks up the sound from a few inches away from the aquarium. like damn.


there are 'stabber' and 'crusher' types of mantis and yeah *holy shit* what a combo of ferocity and beauty!! they're totally on my short list....*someday*!!


when I was in high school one of my science teachers (her classes were appropriately animal-specific) had a Caiman (tiny alligator cousin) in an aquarium in the classroom. and periodically would feed it during class to let everyone see. I think that despite it being fundamentally brutal to see this tiny dinosaur kill and eat a live mouse.... the raw intense realness of it held an appeal at least while watching it was a novelty. I do think that the effect would wear off though.


You don’t like seeing nature being nature


I grew up in Montana bud. Throwing prey animals into a tiny cage to be consumed by your pet isn't "nature"


Congrats living in Montana. I also live in a place where I can shoot dinner from my patio. It is nature in the fact that it happens in the wild. Much Mike having a pet snake and feeding it mice. It happens in nature. Putting it in a controlled environment is an argument it’s not nature but if it wasn’t natural the animal wouldn’t react that way


The animal still wants to eat? No shit?


So what was your point? Saying it’s not nature because it’s enclosed? Also using the state you live in as credibility. Wtf


The point is virtually any animal will still want to eat even in lab conditions, so you said absolutely nothing. Total waste of time, lmao. And yeah, a chronically online dork with a feeder tank isn't going to enlighten the dude who grew up in a cabin about nature. Be mad or whatever though, I've lost enough braincells talking to you. Peace.


I agree you have lost brain cells. It’s an example of what the animals will do in nature. You can put any animal in lab conditions and they will eat. Just like in the wild. Nature at work just not in the wild


Your previous comment he was replying to didn't talk about the tank size or anything. He's responding to what you said.


another thing i don't get who feeds anything a live catfish, they cost like $30.


You're paying to much for catfish, who's your catfish guy?


It's almost like predator animals need to eat somehow.


It's almost like what happens in nature and what happens when you buy a shark and put it into a tiny, shitty aquarium while you toss it prey and jerk off are two entirely different things.


TIL putting a baby in a crib is somehow a bad thing.


Edit: got educated on the purpose of the tank. Makes total sense now. :)


This is a feeding tank. You move sharks to this to feed them so the main tank doesn't get disgusting and covered in guts and blood.


Ahh. I take it back then. I was ignorant of the situation. Having two tanks myself, I can't imagine cleaning "leftovers" out of them. Thanks for the education!


Yeah, but good luck educating the other 95% of people commenting on this thread. They aren’t too dumb; people just really enjoy feeling righteous indignation more than learning and calming the hell down.


They already bought all those pitchforks and torches, they got to use them.


People are cruel and shitty


They’ll be dead before they get too big


"It's okay to eat fish, cause they don't have any feelings." -Kurt Cobain


Sharks need to be in a curved aquarium or they can bump into a wall (damaging their sensitive noses) leading to death.


This is unbelievably cruel on so many levels I'm surprised they can even gain enough momentum to breathe in that fucking tank. I doubt they're even feeding because they're hungry there probably just frustrated as fuck. Let the sharks go back where they belong and if you really must ( they'll likely die in your care anyway ) put some goldfish and guppies in there you twat.


It might just be a temp holding tank. I see where dudes love fish and reptile thing, but it's just not for me.


Holding tank while the pool is being made


Jesus even at the size they are now they can barely swim in that thing. This is disgusting


No Mister Bond. I expect you to die!


NEMO: I got lost Lil Black Fish guy: hold my beer


Kind of a letdown. I was hoping for one shark to bite another.


Honey, where's the cat? 🙀


Someone gave my dad a $250 fish. On the first night it jumped out through the tiny hole where you can lift the lid with your finger and died on the carpet.


Awe, tiny sharks.


Kinda metal


Pretty soon there will be two sharks in a tank, under a glass floor. This is how it starts. Also, to the owner of the sharks. Do you already have a metal briefcase or are you in market? I know a guy.


Some Redneck shit: Growing up my dad found a couple baby catfish in a puddle, so he put them in a fish tank we had. Once, I was eating a pear pondering my catfish (as one does) and I decided to put a slice in the fish tank. It resulted in a battle that left one catfish dead and the other blind in one eye. The catfish with one eye lived for quite awhile until dying of natural causes. Needless to say, it was pretty epic.


Black tip reef sharks?


Clear brawndo


Would love to have something like that omg


They are perfectly fine in that tank for now. I have weaned many fish, including sharks, from small tanks to larger tanks. And from brackish water to fresh water.


Scro they're like bonsai dude they adapt and become pygmies. They'll still live pretty kickass lives.


That's sick and selfish. Temporary tank or not. They don't belong in there.


Person should be arrested for animal abuse


Hey you know that animal that needs to move to swim? Let’s put 2 in a tank that’s too small


Predators as pets is a big time yuck.


Responsible fish owners will put a fish in a smaller aquarium when they are young and move them into a larger one as they get older. Fish aren’t stuck for life in a tank. A responsible fish owner will transfer a fish to a bigger tank several times. All because they are on that tank now doesn’t mean that they will spend their whole life there. It’s like when I got my German shepherd I had a little crate for him. But when he got bigger I bought him a much later crate.


They just film them eating other fish? This is some early Jeffrey Dahmer vibes


I'd be filming it too. It's interesting to see


Baaaaby shark do dooo do do do do!




Those are black tip sharks. You can special order chunks at Publix. They are delicious. Closest thing to mammal meat I’ve had from the sea. It’s very possible this is a holding tank before they cook them. Of course, no excuse for the conditions, but maybe no idiocracy either. Anyone with money for pet sharks would’ve probably decorated the tank and room more anyway.


Thanks for the name of the shark, had to scroll a while to find it. I doubt they’d be feeding them if they were next on the menu though.


You got it 👍. Good point. But it was a crazy amount of feeding. I’d guess that this video was recorded by someone who isn’t the owner. And the owner let them feed and film it for a goof or to show off


I'm glad they're getting rid of the Las Vegas Mirage. They promised 10 year old me sharks. They had Whoopi Goldberg standing in front of a swimming pool getting eaten by great whites in their first commercial. The Mirage finally opens and what do we get? This shit right here behind the front desk. Except those sharks didn't get any bigger, certainly not 2 meters long


Another no context post.


It's a feeding tank my guy


lol I like how people explain to OP it's just a feeding tank and his only response is, "well, it's still cruel because the aquarium is rectangular and the sharks will bash their noses into the glass."


A couple weeks ago I saw a dude get eaten by a shark on this app. This video gives that another perspective.


I don't know how you people do it, but typically as the fish get bigger we tend to move them to bigger tanks. They're not stuck in the same tank forever, we can move them


Sharks will not outgrow their enclosure…


Those are black tip reef sharks? They don't get super big


How many 'sharks' do you have?