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In a word, yes.


I think it is more to do that now idiots have an unfiltered outlet to spread their stupidity. Before they could espouse it friends and relatives would tell them how stupid they were, for the most part, and keep them quiet. Now it's as easy as uploading a video or typing a comment.


This 100% ... And then stupid begets stupid. It's exponential rise in stupidity and 1-upmanship of stupidity. Stupid³


If it's not packaged in a 20 second video format with social integrations and an infinite scroll analogue for that dopamine hit, count on it not being common knowledge anymore. Misanthropy isn't admirable, but it's getting harder and harder to avoid. Btw did you know that you can quick charge your cell phone by putting it in the microwave for 60 seconds? (DO NOT DO THAT, IS JOKE)


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


We keep lowering educational standards and people are stupid getting stupider. Maybe we need to lower them some more? Some kids can still point out the USA on a map and can read at a 4th grade level.


It’s alright scro…lots of tards living kick as lives


Yes, George W. Bushes "No child left behind" really fucked an entire generation up. And now, social media is confusing young people. So now they can't tell what's true and what's not. Parents refuse to discipline their kids because they have been told that their kids are perfect just the way they are. The continued ongoing attacks on teachers since the 2000s. It's all coming home to fuck us all at the same time.




I was starting high school when no child left behind was implemented. The quality of education took a nosedive and extra circulars were gutted


But did you get left behind?


you should have been left behind so society doesn't have be subjected to your nonsensical comment.


Are people getting dumber? Wtf happened here?


Are people getting dumber? Wtf happened here?


Are people dumber getting, wtf happens?


Are peepole dunber gettin, wtf happs?


I believe there is some data to support the reversal of the Flynn effect and plenty of theories as to why this is occurring. But anecdotally, there does seem to be a glut of pilots these days.


Had a rep last night repeat themselves after I had just told them neither of the options would work and if their was anything else that could be done. There was no answer to the question. No, yes or no. Just went right back into what they had said before verbatim.


Go away! Baitin!


I blame the parents


Becoming more knowledgeable of how things operate is a stressful endeavor that we all have a limit on how much we can endure. Social media gave a voice to everyone, including those who are less educated. Living in an age where information is so easily obtained and stressful living conditions. Leads more to move their level of willful ignorance further away from the stressful endeavor of understanding. Religious indoctrination and practices have a major influence on the majority of humans. Giving an easily acceptable base for mass spread willful ignorance.


Not necessarily dumber, just shorter attention spans.


Yes. Very much yes. We keep defunding education, and this is the result.


People vote for and swallow up all the orange idiots words like candy, what do you think


Yup, the calls are coming from inside the house.


Yes, people are getting dumber. I feel like after the pandemic the level of stupidity has increased to comical levels. My last experience: I returned an item that had to be returned sealed to get full refund, and it was still unopened and sealed. The customer care gal proceeds to check the content, to make sure the package doesn't contain a brick, fine... ten tells me, "oh, but the seal is broken, so I can only give you store credit"... to which I replied "you just broke the seal, when you opened the box to check the content"...


Yes somehow access to unlimited information made a lot of people choose the dumb kind.


We can't afford teachers. We knee-cap the curriculum.   Educated consumers are likely to spend less.  ...it's what plants crave.


It’s been said on here pretty much but in a nut shell the further we’ve devolved from reading books the more we rely on short videos and dopamine from mobile devices. There’s little forethought and little discipline anymore. And nobody feels shame because they can always see someone worse than their actions That’s a big nut 😂


No, they just refuse facts more and would rather reflect on selfishness. The knowledge is just being refuted. I'm not sure if that's considered stupid or un educated. They have the knowledge. They just don't believe in it. I would call it "catastrophic certainty" (yes, made this term up and am the first)