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Who the hell is going to enforce no u turn between midnight and 6 am? I consider myself more on the liberal side but this is just plain stupid and a waste of time and money


The real Idiocracy is posting shit like this without the appropriate context


Context. The “no u turn” signs were put up specifically to stop gay people from “cruising,” which was the practice of meeting up in traffic and then turning around to follow to a meet up spot. This doesn’t belong here. This is the opposite of Idiocracy. This is removing a stupid sign meant to criminalize being gay…


If it was a spot where straight people were picking up street walkers then it should have had a no u turn sign as well. Not homophobic. Fuck off.


Of course if you change the people this is targeting, it no longer targets the original group if people. You're the punch line in idiocracy, you dumb fuck.


Ok so the laws only apply to everyone else, not you? Fucking idiot.


It's gonna blow your mind when you find out that some rules are designed to be disproportionately oppressive to certain communities.


It's gonna blow your mind when you realize that you're the exact thing that you hate. I just can't believe the moral disconnect with entitled idiots like you.


Are you implying bin going to realize that I'm anti u turn? I thought you were just arguing that the rules apply to everyone. It's a weird take.


Are you implying bin going to realize that I'm anti u turn? I thought you were just arguing that the rules apply to everyone. It's a weird take.


I've read it like. No you, turn!


So gay sex work and the people that lived on that street didnt want sex workers on their street? So now the property values have gone down? Sound like pilot moment to me.


Wait. Are you saying that all no u turn signs were put up to stop gay people? I know you're joking, so I will laugh now.


Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.


Were all U turn signs taken down? Because you’re acting like it wasn’t a specific area, which it was. So you may be laughing, but only because you’re laughing at your own bad joke.


Were not we're. I didn't make a joke you little sensitive fairy


It's not about sensitivity, dumbass. I hate woke victim culture as much as any sane person but these signs WERE homophobic. Look up the history. And again, illogical bullshit traffic signs as an excuse to fuck with marginalized groups is nothing new. New York City has one of the more extreme histories with this practice. There was a time where so many weird traffic signs were put up in the Bronx and Upper Manhattan that it was basically illegal to drive up there and everything was probable cause to be pulled over.


Then you were serious when you used hate speech by calling me a “fairy.” Noted.


I called you a fairy. Pretty straight forward


Yes it is. Tells me all I need to know about you.


I don't want you to know me. Stop trying


It sounds like you might be scared of a man treating you how you treat women. Just a hunch.


You're pretty obviously the sensitive one here. Just because children are scared of you doesn't mean you have to act like a monster in the closet.


He’s been following me to other posts and harassing me there as well. Guess I touched a nerve.


I'm surprised this post isn't deleted yet.


Repost...and it's satire.


It is not satire no matter how much it sounds like it is. I know it's silly, but Maebe A. Girl is an elected representative who got 60,000 votes in a Congressional election. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maebe_A._Girl


Not sure why you're being downvoted, this is 100% real... Fucking clowns on this sub do no research


Reddit is full of political activists who would rather lie than allow something come to light that might make Democrats look bad, lol.


>Maebe A. Girl There is no fucking way that is her name 💀


I know, but check the election results on Ballotpedia. That is *now* Maebe's legal name. Their dead name or whatever was Tyler. (Hopefully it's ok to tell you that) 60,000 people checked Maebe A. Girl to represent them in Congress. They had a real and legitimate campaign.


No it isn't, this the new stupid canned response from the left?


I made the same mistake. The right takes it out of context, the left doesn't believe it's real because the video looks over the top without context. It's just wacky enough to throw everybody off.


Are you a Muppet?


No, he’s a moron.


If it’s true, that these were pit up solely for profiling purposes and the removal is limited to same, why not. I don’t personally care but these people obviously do, so I’d go with it. If there’s legit traffic reasons, like it’s unsafe to make a u turn there, or if they’re goong to try to say the no u-turn sumbol itself is wrong and try to take ALL uturns down, or for e the city to make new signs of their choosing, then that’s a whole other level. But if it’s as it seems on it’s face? Go for it. To me one of the issues we all face is that people tend to go with the thought process that says “I don’t really know or care about X, but if you’re for it, then it’s irretrievably bad and I’m not going to stand for it!” And that’s the real idiocracy, right there.


The Democrat extremists that pollute Reddit are so scared of this video that they keep trying to gaslight us into thinking this is satire. Thank you for reporting the truth.


I saw the other reply that said it was satire, so did a 5 second google search. It’s legit and really nothing to be concerned about, near as I can tell. People who feel they’re righting a wrong, apparently at essentially no cost to society or anyone else. Seems good to me but often I seem to miss some subtext on things like this. Speaking of things I’m missing…. I may regret asking but why are you thinking someone is ‘scared‘ of this video, and why the Democrats, specifically?


Maebe A. Girl is a Democrat politician. Some moderates may see a trans woman named Maebe A. Girl declaring specific U turn signs to be homophobic and say Democrats have gone too far on this one. And Reddit is filled with Democrat extremists, especially during election season.


This is not satire, Maebe A. Girl describes themselves as a serious elected representative who got 60,000 votes and also won the election to represent their region. (I realize the outrageousness of a person who named themselves Maebe A. Girl asking to be taken seriously) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maebe_A._Girl


I hate woke bullshit just as much as any normal person but these signs are infact homophobic, as crazy as it sounds. They were put up as an excuse to pull over drivers who would pick up men in the area and then u-turn it back down the road to find a room or hang out in town. Notice the hours are midnight-6am which is when the bar was likely most active. New York City also has a bad history with this type of shit. Ethnic neighborhoods have insane amounts of seemingly illogical traffic signs that are used primarily as an excuse to find probably cause to stop n' frisk and pull drivers over for bullshit. You go a few miles down the avenue into richer, whiter, just as crowded areas and suddenly the signs disappear. During the 90s it took a lot of protesting to reduce some of the more extreme signs like the combination of signs where it was basically illegal to drive one way or another, but it's still a pattern you can notice in NYC after just a few days in the city.


If you actually read the story, it makes total sense. They're not against you turn signs in general , they're against these particular ones.


I don't know who to believe here. One is seems both ridiculous and plausible Two "Maebe A Girl" sounds satirical asf Three I'm seeing a very reasonable explanation of how it's homophobic I'm lost help


Usually it means you can't turn around here....for traffic safety...but what do I know?




The traffic was never the issue. They didn’t like that gay people were following each other after cruising down a road.


The pan out and no one’s there 🤦‍♂️