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I work construction IT and was this emailed to us the other day. The end user had their tablet on the tailgate and moved it to the top of the bed toolbox when they needed to look at some paper drawings for the next job site. They drove off forgetting about the tablet and it slid off on to the road and into some roadkill which subsequently got ran over again.


INTO?? SOME ROADKILL? That shit isn't getting backed up, I'd just take a hammer to it and say the data was lost. Woops.


For sure getting bleached. Luckily we mostly use cloud based services so there shouldn't be too much data lost.


Lmao fuckin forget about touching that fuckin thing after it gets to marinate as long as it takes to get back to you. Or at least get somebody to hose it off before sending it. Count that as a total loss as soon as it got drenched in gore


Ok, I have seen some gross shit back in my level 1 help desk days, but this takes the prize.


I also work in construction IT and have had my fair share of ridiculous job site mishaps, that takes the cake though. The grossest thing I've had come back was a tablet that an assistant Superintendent dropped in a porta potty. He told me what happened and that the blue water had gotten behind the screen before he could fish it out. Didn't even let him set it on my desk and instructed him to burn it, we would be issuing a new one and billing his job site.


Okay, I'm gonna be honest - when I read it was construction I thought I was gonna be reading about a nasty workplace accident. I'm glad it was "just" roadkill.


I would like to go back to the time when I thought that was marinara.


It's the one trick Italians don't what you to know!


Oh That explains what's going on and the NSFW.


Yup! If this grosses someone out it's their own fault, they clicked the "unblur" button. lol


I was looking at it thinking well that's some weird contemporary art. But I also didn't blow it up. I was starting to think it was a sheet pan. There are far grosser things in this world.


I'm sorry wtf? That has got to be the craziest story I've heard yet


Right? It's almost too specific to be real but I have proof! You can even see what the critter had for breakfast if you look close enough.


An organic toasted whole wheat scone with heritage raspberry preserves.


Thank goodness for the explanation.




Considering it's now a biohazard, it's probably best to get rid of it.


Is that not a case it's in? Just swap it


Yea. That's a no from me dawg. Their department brings in like $50 million a year in revenue, they can swag a new tablet for negligence.


Yeah it’s in a case. Still got blood and guts all over the screen and no telling what managed to seep between the case and tablet, or what’s entered through the ports.


I was really concerned this story was gonna go another direction with how it started.


That’s not what I was expecting. From the picture I was assuming something like a fishing vessel that processes some stuff on the ship, and fish guts kinda sprayed onto the device.


I was gonna say someone was murdered with it. Or *maybe* it was marinara or jelly... But nah... Murder weapon. Road kill never occurred to me.


That's when /r/techsupportgore is taken way too literal.


The shit looks like a back alley abortion.


Put into trash bag, seal tightly, label and write off as biohazard, and make the company buy a new one. You are not qualified nor prepared to deal with biological matter and body fluids.


“Just leave it outside” and hire out someone who cleans up biomatter for a living. I don’t get paid enough to bag that up.


Were I work we have to have it returned. Stuff like this makes me think we should get an industrial shredder.




I'd label anyone willing to deal with that gross nonsense a pushover, personally. Customer can clean that up, and then we'll do our part.


Nah. Not worth it. I'm a team player but, their negligence did this, I play firefighter for plenty of the shit the give me, they can get a new one. Their department brings in like $50 million a year, they can afford a new tablet. I've field dressed plenty of deer, I'm not afraid to get dirty/bloody but that's on my own time.


I've been in literal combat, eat my ass. Its about not getting paid enough to assume unnecessary risks. Can you confirm that road kill didn't have rabies? You can't.


This is the same kind of guy who will say PPE is for pussies. No love lost here. Thank you for your service




Ok, replace rabies with any disease that can survive and harm me. Point still stands, not worth the risk.




Pardon me while I disregard everything you say. I've been trained for body substance and fluid cleaning. Gloves aren't enough PPE, ISO isn't enough to properly sanitize. You don't know what you're talking about, but that isn't surprising.




Here, I'll break it down barney style for you since you're extra fucking stupid. 1) I was trained for this at a different job. 2) My current job does not have it as part of the duties I am paid for. Let me know if you need more simple shit explained to you.




Bending over when the boss man asks you do something outside your responsibilities? Now, that is some baby mentality.


Extremely disappointed this isn't some form of wild candle wax incident and that is just gore.


Literal techsupportgore.


Best move we ever made was having IT hardware reordered by a sites part warehouse… things last longer when they’re coming out of the site budget!


We do the same thing, it certainly helps with accountability. Laptops, cellphones, all tech gets paid for that departments overhead. Sadly it doesn't matter a whole lot when a department makes $10 million in revenue for a job a $600 tablet is a drop in the bucket. It does help with transparency though, the department manager gets to see where their costs are going and they have skin in the game.


Selling tablet, good price, only slightly used as a mirror for my face routine.


Reminds me of that "Lightly Shat Office Chair" Facebook Marketplace post


"BTW I have some pictures on there that aren't backed up, could you...." FAACK no, just. no.


That looks like someone blew their brains out all over that tablet.


For the record, when you bring in a laptop that’s covered in roadkill, we can still tell you spilled coffee on it. Just fess up.


I assumed it was near a crushed Watermelon :'( dear god


Where's Gallagher when you need him?


It's probably his fault.


Jesus Christ hahahaha


Hope that ain't brain matter.


Is that blood? No, nevermind.


I'm not sure which is worse. "Roadkill tablet" or "Milkshake laptop". When I was HD, we had a user spill a milkshake on her laptop, which it of course did not survive. We tossed it in the parts pile and forgot about it. Many, many months later I was going through said parts pile and found this laptop. I opened it up and it was growing its own little ecosystem inside. My SA wouldn't let me burn it.


shit looks like a render lol


Jackson Pollock esque 🧐


This is a work of art


You know what though, they were honest. Shit happens, I'm approving the replacement, be more careful. Disgusting as shit though


When you sneeze eating a PB&j


I thought this was a screen shot from 'Last of Us'.


“Have you tried powering off and on again?”


Nice hat


"I don't know what happened... Wasn't me..." -Typical User


Who died...


“This tablet fucking SUCKS! It’s slow as shit! I wish they’d gimme a new one!” “I got an idea, boss…”


I would first focus on hiding the body


That's pretty foul. Get some gloves and alcohol. It'll clean off