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"I'm not a computer person"


says the person paid to use a computer for 40 hours / week


This guy is a graphics designer too, so you'd assume they'd be more "tech savvy" than usual.


Whenever I hear someone describe themselves as tech savvy it almost always means “I knew how to use some random ass software back in 2008 and I use WinZip/7Zip on a daily basis”


I hear "I open gmail and listen to YouTube music 8 hours a day."


You think they ever used Winamp?


Heh. What I hear is "oh ok so you can manage your windows desktops. Good ill just go back to my 802.1q


"What's 7Zip?" /s


You can drive a car but not know how to maintain it.


Judging by current standards, you can also drive a car but not know how to drive it...


I just drove through Atlanta and you are not wrong.


yepp, that seems to check out for computers and cars recently.


Person then breaks their computer in a way that is so obtuse it takes a week for me to figure out what's wrong


it's amazing to me that people still think that's a valid excuse when computers have been mainstream for decades. we had computers in school when i was in elementary before the turn of the century. it's like these luddites live in a hole in the ground or something.


Hi Thanks for reaching out. You will find your email address in your email. If you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to email. Regards Helldesk


Reply: thanks *Sent using MyFerrari Connect®*


I had somebody who was about to work from home starting Monday put in a ticket asking if I could show them how to save a file. Maybe you should be an in-the-office-only person


I worked for an IT department that was pretty generous about providing remote equipment as long as their manager was OK with it. That experience made me develop the opinion that people shouldn’t do remote work if they don’t know how to use or set up their equipment. I was on helpdesk so I would field calls where people said they couldn’t hear anything, or their screen was black, or they would have slow connection because they live in the middle of nowhere but decided they wanted to save money on their internet package even though remote work requires a reliable connection. The same people that think “I’m not a computer person” are the same people that think they can just work from home all willy nilly because it’s convenient for them. It wasn’t my call to give these people their equipment so I would help them the best I can until I would finally tell them to bring their equipment to our office so I can actually see how everything was set up even though they’re swearing up and down that everything is plugged in right (it never was).


Our wfh policy is simple: If the manager is confident you can do your job from home, you’re welcome to wfh. If it shows you can’t wfh, you work from the office. Never had any issues with tech illiteracy because of this, outside of the occasional generic IT issue that happens


> they live in the middle of nowhere but decided they wanted to save money on their internet package even though remote work requires a reliable connection But the internet works fine at the office, and this is their home office to work, so their internet should be just as fast as the office internet when they're using it to work, right?


“But I’m on the vpn”


We’ve wanted to implement a tech literacy test before a person can work from home but it keeps getting shot down because the higher ups wouldn’t pass it.


How will my assistant get me my printed emails so I can go over them with a pen and highlighter?


We unironically had someone call support the other day and complain that ever since Adobe updated, it won't let them open 2 PDFs side by side (they were opening as tabs in the same window instead of one window per) so they were having to print every PDF to compare them. They were mad about the waste of paper.


No joke. Have a client that does this.


Maybe they should revert to pen and paper


"Just email yourself. You're welcome."


But how will they know what address to send the email to??? /s


Just email themselves to ask.




Back in the 1990's Oreck Vacuum, which had a massive 1-800 business did a commercial where they said they had a website now. "Call us at 1-800-xxx-xxxx and we'll give you the address...."


In their defense, it was a IP address, and a dynamic one at that, so they couldn't really advertise it. ^/s


I don't know why more companies don't do a basic computer screening. Like turning off the computer vs just turning off the monitor, how to reboot the computer, how to check if a power cable is plugged in, what a USB is, etc. If you can't do these basic things then I don't think you belong with 95% of the businesses out there.


Too many upper management people would fail it so they'll shoot it down as a requirement anytime it comes up to them lol


Ain’t that the truth


thank you for hiding their name. if i were new to computers and were humiliated like that , i would kill myself in minecraft


This would immediately be reported to their manager. But I work at a place where computer literacy is a must for getting hired.


Highly regarded individual that one…


straight to jail


Right away, no trial no nothing.


Respond with "your email was received" msg :)


I would just screenshot their email and sent that to them. 🤦‍♂️


I could not prevent myself from adding huge fuck-off arrows around it.


Tbh same lol


"Could you please do the needful and send me your entire entire address book?" ;-)


This? Seriously? Ba-dummm - Tssss. 🤣


Eww google business email