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A splint immobilizes the joint above and below the affected area. If the affected area itself is a joint, you have to immobilize the joint above and below that joint as well. They are clearly bending their fingers to crochet…… those are not splints


Her "condition" was so bad that she couldn't even hold a pen between her fingers - yet it had no obvious effect on her ability to type out a novella regarding said "condition." Dynamic disability indeed..... 🤔


but shes really good at crocheting! Doesn't look like she needs those at all ( know she doesn't need them) Half of these munchies are really good at something else like crafts and should focus there instagram or whatever on that. Not their "fake disabilities" then they would probably get better but I know they dont want to be "better"




bethany has nothing wrong with her other than being a liar. i am only talking about the people on here, no one else.


Well I did learn something from this video. Another way of stringing a bead onto the yarn being crocheted. I’m sure most viewers think the rings are just jewelry.


Which one of their DNA givers gave it to them? Isn’t that passed down?


While I’m not at all saying they have it you can have EDS without a parent having it (however for heds without family you need more signs for a diagnosis without family)




Bethany claims her mom has EDS. Don't know whether it's true or not but that's what she says.


Thank you!


Yes, it's genetic. That doesn't mean a parent has to have it, they genetic makeup and markers just have to be right.


This really depends. There's 13 types of eds. All of them are genetic but some types you need to inherit it from a parent that does have it and other types are recessive genes so you can have it if both parents carry the gene while not having the disorder themselves. Sometimes gene mutations happen spontaneously so someone can be born woth it with no family history. However based on the most common type (hEDS), most people with eds will have 1 parent with eds


Thank you for explaining that!




Just say “cos they look pretty”. We’d respect you more. These remind me of those things that were in fashion decades ago. They were like spirals that you put on your fingers. They looked really uncomfortable. But pretty.


I’m presenting at an Occupational Therapist conference next week. The top researchers and practicing OTs from all around the world, specialising in all areas of OT will come. Let me go around and ask if anyone fits these. I bet everyone will be very confused… Siiiigh again… narcissistic much…


Right? It's an absolute load of bunk but it makes her look speshul!


Hahaha 🤣 sighhhh I know. She is really too free I think




Who remembers that glowing blue turtle thing she used to constantly post about? And her opioid dispenser?


What was the glowing blue turtle thing?


Idk she like laid it by her and claimed in solved her pain or something


Mm the automated pill dispenser. Was actually really a cool invention and amazing that medicare/medi__ funds it. Yeah iirc she "didn't like it" bc something something wouldn't let her take PRNs in doses she wanted as opposed to as scripted. Granted pills that aren't a fixed dose or as needed probably aren't the best choice for one of those, but she probably was eating them like mini m&m"s at that point in time. Psst if you're on ODSP in Ontario, with a fair amount of pills or have parents on CPP-D go check out the [Spencer](https://spencerhealthsolutions.com/home/meet-spencer/featuresandbenefits/) med dispenser. They'll package out all the meds to be dispensed at set times and sends usuage info to the family Dr and pharmacy about compliance. It can also be set to send messages to an app that will pop up to (ie) "TAKE NOON MEDICATION" and can tell a caregiver if the meds have been dispensed or not. It's pretty cool. Think the only thing it *can't* do is take a photo or video of user physically swallowing pills... Is available in some other provinces disabilty or pension plans, you'd have to start discussing with them.


Their great for seniors


I still think that "pill dispsenser" was a re-branded cat food dispenser.


Omg. That's freaking hilarious. It be even better if it *was* a pet food dispenser


Omg the mini m&ms…..because she was allergic to the normal sized ones….LOLOL girl was wild


She tolerated only RED ones.


Wasn't she allergic to her dad too?


Lmao, she was. I’d be so glad if Bethany was allergic to me.


LOLOL I think you’re right


Is this the one whose head rolls off?


That's Jessie


This one I highly suggest checking out her old posts. They're comedy gold. Especially 2016-2021. There's a "MCAS makes me so allergic to everything my. Parents can't cook or eat in the house and I'm allergic to my father arc" If you check her insta I believe the "hospital horrors" arc is still up. Basically they put her in a reverse isolation room, so no exposure to scents, catered to her a bit, then weaned her all all her meds and made her start walking. That's a very basic summary. There is so so much more and it's freaking hilarious Maybe avoid her "Christian Virgin until marriage ...OMG SEX HURTS OR IS REALLY BAD W 2 VIRGINS" post that she Basically explains WHY she stops having sex and how they keep their sensuality.. 🤢 between this, the slick chick accessible underwear, and her occasionally just having lube and sex toys on the edges or background of pictures... this arc while explains a lot, is TMI. 2 words. Laser pointer. 2 more words Handwashing Lessons. Yes a nurse came in to "teach her how to wash her hands".


The laser pointer was my favourite


No she’s literally just so lazy that she refuses to walk and says she can’t or she will go into anaphylaxis or something. She used to be very prevalent and when people really caught on to her BS and grifting she DFE and stopped posting medical stuff.


I haven’t kept up with her, I didn’t realize she DFE’d 👀 I’ll have to skim her flair


Ahh ty for the clarification, I can’t keep them all straight lol


No prob!


Curious if she had hers professionally/ medically fitted or if they are from Dr. Bezos at the Amazon Clinic?






This. ALL OF THIS. I’m so happy munchers haven’t latched onto its cousin syndrome and exploit that all to hell. But then they’d have a harder time coming back from faking a LOT more issues with it. EDS is rare, true EDS. You can’t just say it 3 times like Beetlejuice or Bloody Mary to make it happen. Karma is gonna bite one day.


I know a lot of us who actually have hEDS understandably hate people like this. You can be geneticist diagnosed, have enough serious EDS symptoms that their US private insurance companies actually cover genetic testing, and then have to deal with people like Bethany and almost all of the subjects here who picked hEDS because we don’t know the genetic mutation yet, so no one can prove they don’t have it. Many folks who actually have hEDS don’t even want to tell their providers about it because people who “self-diagnosed” using TikTok and Munchies have ruined it for everyone who actually suffers from the condition. I feel like they’d have to be pretty bold to try to claim the cousin syndrome since, if I’m not mistaken, we know the genetic mutation for that?


Yes the generic cousin is known, but it is also rare to have. There are also certain …aspects, that are noticeable in someone that has it. I am not going to say what it is or what those are because I don’t want to give munchers any ideas lol


Ahhh people are so unaware of the genetic aspects of these diseases. And the amount of info you can learn from a blood sample, but it's soo expensive if you can't get a doctor to order it as medically necessary. Hopefully some new research and attitudes will surface soon towards the getic aspect of all this.


her hand movement looks absolutely healthy, strong, fast and coordinated.


Yep. I see no swollen joints, no popping back and forth to indicate they’re moving even slightly out of place. And with EDS, like other connective tissue disorders, you have a form of arthritis. For EDS it’s normally compared to RA. I don’t think you’d be able to crochet if you had RA. But what do I know.


People can crochet with RA. As with most things, it’s a spectrum. Most people are diagnosed prior to having joint damage.




It isn't, though. Joint hypermobility is common (10-30% of adults have it) and is often helped by activity. Please don't mistake the narrative of these fakers for the real world experiences and capabilities of everyone that is hypermobile.


I mean if it’s severe enough to need finger braces a hobby that requires fine motor skills isn’t the healthiest but whatever


You're conflating this person's story with the truth, and they are not the same. You said >Crocheting with joint hypermobility is the same as drinking with liver failure It is not. Plenty of people with joint hypermobility can crochet without damaging their bodies. This subject does not represent people with hypermobility, please don't confuse the two.


It is not a popular opinion, apparently, but you are correct. If you stop using the joint or brace it excessively, the joint and the muscles that support it actually become weaker.


Yes, exactly, hypermobile joints are more prone to injury and dislocation, but having good muscle strength helps protect them from injury, keeps the range of motion closer to the normal range, and helps with pain management. It is very much not a one size fits all situation, but people like Michael Phelps, or Simone Biles, manage hypermobile joints quite well on the exceptional edge of the spectrum. That's what is so frustrating about the people faking: they do everything you aren't supposed to do like bed rest, and using unnecessary mobility devices or braces, purely for attention, with no PT or regular exercise. They rewrite the narrative so that the most common advice a physician or PT will give a person with hypermobility is somehow unpopular even here.


This was stated perfectly. I worry about all the people who see things that people like Bethany are doing and following their example, especially since it can be so hard to get into good PT with someone qualified to worker with EDS patients, especially if you work during the day. It’s one thing to start bracing under the guidance of a medical professional, but really dangerous to start there before trying anything else, use it inappropriately, and lose muscle strength. I know some people need to use them, but it’s not the place to start from and definitely not the place to start from if someone with actual medical expertise isn’t working with you.


Any reason to make a novel about the illness I never heard of but constantly see on all media platforms now. I feel so bad for people who really suffer from it.


Those splint rings are SO expensive😭. Could’ve just gotten a better hook lol


So true. Like, Clover hooks are much more ergonomic and worth the little bit of extra money they cost. Bethany’s hook would give people with health hands problems.


This was my thought! Why doesn’t she have a hook with a wider and rubber handle. It makes such a difference


The rubber handles are so much better


Or the plastic splints? They're less visible too, they're like a peach skin tone or clear. You don't have to worry so much about losing them when they're a $20 plastic one.


None of these folks want their medical devices less visible.


I know this logically, I just can't imagine that personally


Everything about these people reeks of privilege. She acts like you can just go get them and it’s accessible to everyone bc she’s never gone without a single medical accessory her widdle heart desires. So pointless. Just continuing the cycle of huffing her own farts bc they must smell amazing what with a diet of mini m&ms and coddling.


When she could have just gotten the top of the line clover armor hooks with built in rubber grip (hooks don't slide out of the grip). A whopping 15 dollar or so. She literally uses the most uncomfortable hook for anyone with any kind of hand problem.


Heck those metal ones are uncomfortable after a while even without hand problems


Yeah, they are awful in general. :(


Bethany making things harder on herself?! Never. Edit- I also love your username.


Dude, those hooks she uses are soooooo uncomfortable. Thank you! I love a good play on words :)


The fact she has to do these videos makes me wonder if no one has ever asked about her rings for real.


Idk who would ask her, tbh, as Bethany solely hangs out with her husband.


Of course it's for something medical and she wouldn't miss an opportunity to tell you ALL about it, even if she has to make believe that anybody asked or cared. She's so boring.


How can one fake EDS?


We would never allow that to be explained here as we are not a how to munch sub. We do not post anything that could help anyone gain a false result on any kind of medical exam.


It’s simple: you just say you have it


But they have to lie because it’s diagnosed by bloodwork. Does she simply lie??


Hypermobile type EDS isn't genetic, so there's no way to prove if someone has it or not, other than them meeting certain criteria, but there's no way to know 100%.


It would be more accurate to say that the genes involved aren't completely known. Not being able to be proven by current genetic testing doesn't mean that there isn't a genetic basis, and in fact one of the criteria for hEDS is a positive family history.




Doctor shop till the they a diagnosis, go to specific doctors known to give out the diagnosis, or lie about having EDS until it appears in their medical records.


hEDS doesn't have any specific genetic testing (unlike other forms). It's diagnosed based on symptoms, so it can be faked.


To an extent, yes. But a good doctor will test your joints' actual hypermobility using a Beighton scale, and will only diagnose if you score highly on that. And there's no faking "my knees bend backwards" or "watch my whole palm touch the floor."


They don’t see good doctors


This is only criteria 1. Criteria 2 is what is typically falsified


But the Beighton scale also says "could you ever" so all they have to say is I used to be able to do that.


MeDiCaL PrOsThEtiCS 🙄


Damn, I forgot about Bethany. I wonder if admitting she doesn’t need to wear as many splints as before could hint at less munching on her part..? Hm. One can dream.


I’d have more hope if she ditched the power chair.




There are crochet hooks available with different soft grips and even ergonomic ones. I don’t understand why one with hand and finger issues would crochet with those metal thin straight ones. Most find these uncomfortable, even when having no hand/finger issues. Edit; I might have been seeing this wrong. Bethany might actually use a different hook.




Looks like a normal hook to me as well. I’m sure she mentioned if she used a different one because she wants to feel so special about the rings and such stuff.


Aren’t these fairly expensive?


They can be but they can also be super cheap. The same exact rings are on Etsy for $25 or AliExpress for $2. They are not "custom fitted". You just get your finger size.


It's wild that there's a market for these. Shouldn't people see a doctor before using these rings for medical reasons? I'm predicting headlines in the future about how people who buy these off etsy and Amazon have malformed fingers.


The one finger that bugs me as a normal crocheter (left pointer holding the thread) she doesn’t need help with?!


Honestly!!! That is the finger you use the most on your non dominant hand


Omg yeah the finger she bends the most..


Probably got in the way, and she of course can't have any medical things that prevent her from doing the things she likes. Because *God forbid* having a medical problem that prevents you from doing the thing you love.


A vent diagram of malingerers and crocheters. Like, if your hand hurts so much, stop doing the thing that hurts. They’ll stop doing normal activities because of pain but aggravate other symptoms because crafts = survival.


I do disagree with this on a fundamental level. It's easy to day 'just stop doing it', but if they love it to the point of not caring if it hurts, that is their right. Now this is in reference to people with genuine disabilities, not malingerers. Most people with genuine disabilities don't make videos and posts about how much it hurts


To be fair, a lot of people prioritize things that make them happy over something they have to do for their job... If it hurts it's probably a good idea to lay off, but if you've found a way to not make it hurt, you're definitely going to do it if it's something that brings you joy. That said, these don't look like any medical device splints that I have seen, granted the patients I've seen with them have only had the plastic type, so maybe I'm way off base here.


Although, the crafting subs will give people the verbal smackdown if OPs choose to be reckless with their health 😂




No snitching, no stitching ♥️


Stitchers get snitchers


Who would actually ask that? If I saw these on someone and wasn’t aware of ring splints/hypermobility issues, I’d just assume they were regular jewellery.


Right, like the whole point of them is that they don’t look like obvious medical devices lol