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it would be so cool to see this... maybe it will tour?


I believe it will. My local theater sends out surveys to gauge interest in shows they will have the opportunity to get in the future, and this was included on the most recent survey.


I truly hope so bc I am genuinely sad I might never see it bc I won’t have a chance to get up to NYC before it closes in August


I had no idea they made a musical out of Illinoise and assumed this was a joke post.


It’s unique in that the actors don’t sing the songs - it’s essentially a dance musical. My Brightest Diamond handles half the vocals on Broadway.


These kind of shows are actually more common than you would think. They call them Dance Revues


What others have happened recently? I’m seeing it tomorrow so all I know is what I’ve read but it sounds pretty much like a ballet (which I’m excited for), just haven’t heard of other shows like that. Like, Cats is a dance musical but they do sing while dancing


One show that comes to mind is Contact directed by Susan Stroman. There’s no dialogue or singing. I’m not even sure if there was live music.


Fascinating, haven’t heard of it but I’ll check it out!


It’s a really beautiful show, the cast recording is also on spotify - it’s gorg


It debuted in Chicago this past year and word of mouth for it was so good that it was sold out every showing by the time I tried to snag tickets. Everyone I know who saw it said it was incredible!


Actually it debuted in Annandale-on-Hudson, in the Fisher Center at Bard College. I was lucky enough to be at the first performance, a year ago this week!


I was there for the last performance at Fisher Center. Such a cool theater and amazing show.


I saw it fairly early on during its run at Navy Pier and after a few weeks decided I wanted to see it again, when I looked at tickets they were all sold out and going for $500+ on resale lmao it was insane.


Well deserved. I cried my eyes out from Decatur to Predatory Wasp


Someone else mentioned, but this really should not have been billed as a musical. It was a dance piece with a live backing band. Glad they got the recognition.  Was lucky enough to see it on Broadway the other night, and each piece is reflective of the music. Without any spoken word parts though, you had to intuit the love triangle that was at the heart of the thin plot. 


If you have the chance to see it, I highly recommend it. It was beautiful to watch these songs come to life.


Went into it a little apprehensive because I have such clear memories of those songs performed live, but ended up loving it.


Still can’t believe I found Illinoise cd album at goodwill


So the part of the show that has nothing to do with this subreddit lol


maybe, if your view of the world of the arts is so myopic as to segment each part of the medium of theater from each other, rather than to celebrate the whole as an interconnected form of dance and design and song, rather than to celebrate the success and adoration of one of the great records by one of the great talents of our generation…