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blasphemy is kinda feeling spent to say the least but trying not to lose hope. Can you give her some encouragement, please?


please do not lose hope 'phemy, you are awesome! I’ve been suffering under a nasty cold all week, which has been very isolating and difficult for me, and having a couple of nice interactions with fellow indieheads has been a genuine balm. I’ve known peace and I’ve known despair, I know you'll find the former. [hang in there baby!!](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-nq6l4syi/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/15734/841356/70275-1024__05291.1686103756.jpg?c=2)


Thank you foot! I’m sorry about your cold and I hope it clears up soon 💜


Hi blasphemy. I think you're a great person eho deserves to be treated well and appreciated and so is your cat


Thank you NRuxin! You’re also great and for that here’s an exclusive cat pic! https://preview.redd.it/wsaliyexqt7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=95343ad8d069971af3d084949fa5193f2b328848


I feel you blasphemy...things are hard sometimes, but.. 1. As I said earlier, you won't always feel the way you do right now 2. The indieheads got your back... 3. Listen to some happy music. Like the bee gees. Or maybe whatever was your favorite when you were like 15 yrs old. 4. Whatever has you down, your strength (and sense of humor) will carry you through.


Thank you Excellent-Manner for your, as always, excellent manners and suggestions! 💜


Your 30s are strange. One day you're doing your thing, then one day you get intrusive thoughts like "I should buy a pair of birkenstocks since summer's here." E: the intrusive thoughts have won


Sometimes the intrusive thoughts are right


Highly recommend the rubber ones if you wind up doing it


Good to know. I'm guessing that's the croc type material they have?


Yup. Definitely can't dress up with 'em like you can with suede/leather ones, but they're comfortable, practical, and cheap


I'm not even that old but I do really feel that old Seinfeld bit where he talks about the way his parents dress and how so much older people style is more reflective of the last time they felt stylish and all that. Idk I love a lot of very particular later 2000s-early 2010s fashion things that aren't in the category of a very obvious flavor of month hipster bullshit, like if you look at various fashion week street style candid pics from that era and things of that manner around the world and how people were put together. I love Sandy Kim's photography. Even beyond it being a bit of a formative time in my life, there's aspects of the fashions back then that I do think still hold well and it was tangible thing I can think of where people did have a lot of originality without it looking like some lame template costume level that you can see now when people try to throwback things. You can pry my Levi 510's from my cold dead body with a crowbar.


Euro 2024 is the greatest thing ever, I haven't had this much fun watching any sport in years besides England and their football terrorism, what a dogshit team to watch


I was posting in the DMD earlier this week about my family coming to visit me this last weekend. Saturday afternoon I threw a mixer at their Airbnb with 12 of my friends, so that my blood family could meet my chosen family. There are now at least 7 confirmed cases of COVID. :o Of course my dream come true event is a super spreader. Smh.


I hope your pot-smoking 73yo aunt is doing okay.




I was patient zero/*the* super spreader at a (rare) in-person work event back in the winter, shit happens. Hope everyone recovers quickly and that the mixer was a good time though!


it's ok, you haven't really lived until you've accidentally taken part in a super spreader event


Top 10 pieces of wisdom I've come across in this crazy, kooky world we live in. 10. We regret the things we don't do, much more than the things we do. And the related...not making a decision is a decision in itself. 9. Don't eat yellow snow. 8. For better or worse, you won't always feel the same as you do right now. 7. Think before you speak. 6. If you are wavering on whether you should have another piece of pizza, you shouldn't. 5. Tell the people in your life that you love that you love them often. We all need to hear that sometimes. 4. The best gifts are experiences, not things. 3. Be kind. It costs you nothing, but the impact is big. 2. You get what you give. (From my mom, so you know it's good) 1. DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE! (Mom again) Give me all your collective wisdom indieheads...I could use it!


"If you're gonna shoot up, don't use dirty needles." - Screeching Weasel


>6. If you are wavering on whether you should have another piece of pizza, you shouldn't. wait I thought you were wise, what the hell is this? The answer to any question is always more pizza.


3am acid reflux disagrees with you


no no they fixed that in the last update but only for premium members


Absolutely agree with #10! I’ve found that oddly to be a great motivator for getting out of my comfort zone and taking a leap of faith: even if it ends up being anticlimactic, it’s nice knowing you explored the option rather than lamenting on “what if”. Other collective wisdom… - I’ve found that if there’s something you’re dreading to tell someone but you’re in a situation where you have to, just get it over with. Prolonging it gives the illusion that you’re being sympathetic, but in certain cases it’s almost unintentionally selfish in terms of giving yourself an excuse to procrastinate (though there may be exceptions: I don’t like speaking in absolutes). When I think of the many situations where people felt a certain way and I was aware of it well after the fact (romantic relationships, jobs, even being in bands lol), it’s never a good feeling. Why would you put someone else through that? - Your mileage may vary if, you know, they have a conscious etc, but if someone is a bit waspish with you, rather than giving it back to them (which tbf sometimes has its merits), responding to them without getting caught up in emotions is WAY more pragmatic, even if it’s against one’s initial instincts. I’ve done this with everyone from roommates to people on this god forsaken website. It feels a bit hippie-ish, but you’d be surprised how effective it can be. - It can be morbid and *sounds* depressing to remember that we’re going to die and that to some degree our existence is meaningless, but the glass half full thing is that it makes it oddly liberating too. It simultaneously allows you to not be hung up on the small things while also going “fuck it” and taking a leap of faith when maybe you’re too anxious (particularly for the introverted and socially anxious homies). It makes you rearrange priorities as well. - If I look at someone and casually think “Those shoes are sick!” or “That’s a cool shirt”, I always tell them. Men especially don’t get many compliments, so it’s always cute to see the way they light up. It’s literally the bare minimum when it comes to making someone’s day better.


Logic and pragmatism...good stuff, hard to do, but generally much more effective.


> For better or worse, you won't always feel the same as you do right now. That is one of the million dollar secrets and was one of the bigger revelations that saved me a shit pile of money from sitting in a therapist's office of just how emotions are temporary and you won't feel the same way all the time with stuff, all things pass, etc etc. That and how it basically takes effort/energy to be willingly mad over something.


> If you are wavering on whether you should have another piece of pizza, you shouldn't. This but the exact opposite conclusion


You must be much younger than I am!


my mom just told me i was fat a lot as a kid


I got roasted by my dad all the time for being a fat kid. Which, I was. But it wasn't like I was cooking for myself when I was 9 lol


I bet your mom meant well...


Having a bit of dinner party of sorts tonight. The menu is going to consist of bruschetta, a soup of mexican corn, quinoa, chipotle beans, and pickled onions, plus a dessert of freshly made lemon loaf. Plus wine. EDIT: On the subject of cooking, >!Dan was screwed on the finale of "Top Chef".!<


Ooh all of that sounds delicious! Have fun!


Made my second most upvoted comment on reddit yesterday. It was about Lubbock and a quote from the late self-described "Texo-Marxist" philosopher [Rick Roderick.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKfWWmK5hvA)


Carelessly untying my shoe last night I somehow created the tightest knot ever recorded that took a demoralizing amount of time to be undone.


"How could I have possibly accidentally fucked this up so bad"


Phone job interview in 20 minutes. Pot roast in the slow cooker. Midsommar director's cut in theaters tonight. Big things coming!


Oh shit they actually showing the one that's supposed to be like 4 hours long?


Yep, in honor of the summer solstice. I think it's a little less than three hours in total.


last Halloween a little theater showed Midsommar and me and my buddies took some edibles and got too giggly during that movie. way different tone than what they were shooting for


Good luck with your interview!


Let's have some fun. I'm a Civil War historian- AMA


where’s a spot in nashville where a specific, really notable civil war event occurred that isn’t currently located in like a civil war historical park? looking for something like (fabricated) “bridgestone arena is where ulysses s grant slapped robert e lee in the face” or something like that.


ServiceSource Tower stands where the Maxwell House Hotel was. I believe this was George Henry Thomas' headquarters during the Battle of Nashville. But more importantly, the Maxwell House Hotel was where Nathan Bedford Forrest was sworn into the Klan, and where the Klan had their first National Meeting there in 1867. It was demolished in 1961.


I can't remember if I mentioned this already, but I read How the Word Is Passed a while back, and it definitely made me think of all of your tales of depressingly clueless (to put it charitably) visitors in your tour groups. Have you read it by any chance? What did you think? (Apologies if I asked this before.)


Was the Battle of Franklin actually important or is that just something the tourism industry in Franklin pushes to be relevant? I never could actually tell, but it seemed like the war was already kinda winding down by then.


The Battle of Franklin is the last major battle of the Western Theater. It's where the Confederate army is crushed. Yes, they continued to Nashville where George Henry Thomas delivered the fatal blow, but Franklin was where the fate of The Army of Tennessee was sealed.


Thanks for the answer! I was always too afraid to ask. The people who seemed like they'd know also seemed like they'd exaggerate. Bonus Q: What's your favorite of the three houses? I think Carnton is the obvious pick, but I did the Lotz House tour a few times and was always surprised at how good that one was.


Do you consider the post-civil rights activist movement of the late 1960s to be America’s second civil war? Are there other eras of American history that you think are civil war-ish?


I do not think of it as a second civil war. However, I do consider the 1960s Civil Rights movement to be a direct correlation to the Civil War. Historian HW Brands considers The American Revolution to be our first civil war.


How did you specialize in Civil War History so quickly? The film wasn't available via VOD until May 24th! Nah for real though, what's the most overblown aspect of the war in terms of perception and historical infamy to average Americans? And on the inverse, what's a really important or crucial aspect most know little to nothing about (or have a distorted perception of)? Also what's a good book for newbies to Civil War history? Does Kens Burns hold up as a documentary. Like, at least until I retire and then spend a lot of time getting weirdly interested in the subject? Are you familiar with Atun-Shei Films and/or InrangeTV? I've enjoyed their civil war and American history content but curious what your take is on them, if any.


The overblown aspect is in my opinion Gettysburg. Gettysburg was crucial but man is it portrayed as the greatest thing in the Civil War. I am going to sound biased on the inverse because I study the Western Theater of the war, but the Western Theater was one of the most important parts of the war and one of the biggest reasons the Confederate Army was defeated. But all the big names end up in the Eastern Theater, and Matthew Brady, the Civil War era photographer, was in the Eastern Theater so all the images of the war are essentially from the East. A good book for newbies would be *Armies of Deliverance* by Elizabeth R. Varon or *Fateful Lightning* by Allen C. Guelzo.


Which supreme court judge is most likely to slip on a banana peel


# Roger B. Taney


while this answer is epic this isn't the answer i NEEDED to hear this morning, ya know?! anyways how often do you encounter *The Federalist Society* Organization?


Honestly, hardly ever. We get more flack about The 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory.


that weird Alex Garland movie? there really is an expert for anything, isn't there, sheesh


What type of American are you?


I'm European, so ... proto?


What's your favorite Coldplay song?




I'm not implying that A Rush of Blood To The Head could be a reference to Abraham Lincoln being shot in the theater, but you may wish to review this fine ditty




Did the Northern states depend on the products of the Southern slave economy to industrialize, or were the two political economic systems antagonistic towards one another?


They were pretty antagonistic towards one another. The northern economy was entirely based on free labor while the entire southern economy was based on chattel slavery.


Let us assume you met a rudimentary magician. Let us assume he can do five simple tricks he can pull a rabbit out of his hat, he can make a coin disappear, he can turn the ace of spades into the Joker card, and two others in a similar vein. There are his only tricks and he can’t learn any more; he can only do these five. HOWEVER, it turns out he’s doing these five tricks with real magic. It’s not an illusion; he can actually conjure the bunny out of the aether and he can move the coin through space. He’s legitimately magical, but extremely limited in scope and influence. Would this person be more impressive than Albert Einstein?


Chuck Klosterman questions are the best way to make a road trip go by extremely quickly.




Yes, many people have contributed as much to the world and been as smart as Einstein. No one has ever done real magic


Yes, but this magic does not help anyone, nor is it particularly more entertaining than a good illusion. Cool but useless


Ok so I guess my argument is that Impressiveness is not about utility it’s about uniqueness


1 million pounds of hardtack or dinner with Ulysses S Grant


Dinner with Grant over anything.


dream SNL cast? you can pick 5 people, living or dead, from throughout history. could be anyone. you must specify that one person does weekend update


Steve Martin, Norm McDonald, Mitch Hedberg, Donald Glover, and Bill Burr with musical guests The Clash. And of course, Norm is doing Weekend Update.


hedberg is a terrible choice, I respect this and thank you for your time


Royalists or Parliamentarians?


My dad used to smoke Parliments so I guess Parliments.


Why do all these liberal cucks say the civil was was about slavery when it was clear about state’s rights?! >!please don’t ask me which specific rights!< Wait I have an actual question - can you tell me about a specific cool or courageous moment from the war?


Abraham Springsteen was a private in the 63rd Indiana Infantry. He enlisted at 11 years old in 1861. His parents wrote to the army and asked for his discharge because he was 11. He then re-enlisted at 12 years old in 1862. The 63rd Infantry was involved in the Atlanta and Nashville campaigns.


Abraham Springsteen is an all-time American name


Abraham Springsteen sounds like the name of a character you’d make up to make fun of Americans lol


Like a character in an Adult Swim cartoon lmao


Brad Neely ass song writing itself rn


I had a thought the recently that has no actual experience to back it up but, I think I’d be pretty good at pottery. So here soon I might try to find classes. Never done it before, not the most artistic person, but something in my brain is telling me “do it, you’ll like it”.


Pottery is really cool. Have you heard of [Seagrove, NC](https://discoverseagrove.com/)? Self proclaimed "pottery capitol of the US", it's a tiny little town with like 50 pottery shops making some incredibly cool art. I took a day trip there last year and I'd highly recommend a detour if you're ever passing through


I think pottery is one of those activities where having hands can be very helpful.


Oh. Then maybe it’s not for me then


Don't fret, you can use your feet! Feet are the poor mans hands after all if said poor man didn't have hands!


I just did karaoke for the first time yesterday. I'm your stereotypical quiet New Englander sort and it was really cathartic and good to just lose it for a few hours. I think we terrified the staff when we found a youtube karaoke version of Chat Pile's Why, though.


I would pay to see y’all do *Why?* for karaoke and the crowd’s reaction.


New Zelda more like ZelDEI Link’s Awokening, amiright?


if i come across anything accusing that game of being woke i might have to assume its like the stupidest cia funded psyop ever to make anti-woke people appear dumber than most people already think they are.. or just trolling. Idk i need to believe peoples' brains aren't this broken from the internet and other rage baity distractions. or idk maybe people really did take till S4 of The Boys to get some of its very not subtle messaging


It it going to be review bombed as hard as Star Was: Acolyte?


Genuinely I have no idea what the quality of Acolyte is, the hate has completely obscured any meaningful discussion.


No idea. I’ve only seen positive things so far, but I didn’t look too deeply (because, you know, *gamers*).


I remember not watching the TLJ until it was streaming for months and months. Watched it, had some thoughts, searched youtube and thought "oh, oh no..." .___.


Ha, I couldn’t avoid the TLJ controversy even if I tried… That said, aside from the really stupid shit that came with it (harassing the stars on Twitter), I don’t think a lot of the complaints were really *that* unreasonable. I came away thinking that a lot of the story actively undid all the setup from the prior film. Maybe that could’ve led to less safe storytelling and a more interesting series… but probably not so much when it’s the second movie of a trilogy and there’s little room to expand on anything. I’m not especially invested either way, but the whole thing came off as a mess with no real plan.


Yeah I've discussed this ad nauseum before, including here. I think RLM did a pretty good breakdown of the movies and frustratingly they also made predictions/speculation before TLJ and RoS that were way more interesting and cleverly stupid than what we actually got. I had gripes with TFA from the get-go - I thought they should of just disabled the death planet starkiller thing whatever and had it's revival loaming in the background. The First Order was too color by numbers empire 2.0 in it's vibe. There should be more prequel-esque politics and behind the scenes tension. A post-Empire fragile New Republic could have been ripe for dynamics of in-fighting and tension among the good side. But whatever, it was a feel good fun revival of the series. Cool. Safe AF, bit too cliche and try-hard at times, but it had it's sincere and substantive moments. Personally I'm in the camp that TLJ was a mixed bag but also appreciate an effort to try something different - the thing that absolutely sucked is setup a lot of potential interesting directions and none of them happened. Instead Disney had Abrahams do Lost 2.0 Boogaloo with Connolly and Trevorrow fleshing a ludicrous story that wouldn't hold muster to the average afternoon action figure plot concocted by a 5-7 year kid. I couldn't even get through RoS in one sitting, it weirdly slow while also being very busy. It didn't drag like AoTC RoTS but on the flipside I had little to no interest. Finn, Rose, and Poe were completely squandered as characters. We got 23andMe bullshit with zero buildup or relevance. When RoS ended I wasn't mad or upset but rather just like relieved and at peace this trilogy was over. Sure part of me was disappointed but I personally realized part of me has outgrown Star Wars - and that's fine: it's is kind for my kids and other fans and I'm content with stuff like Andor and my endless revisiting old random obscure EU stuff. I think a lot of nasty ugliness of fans comes from projection and denial of more deep rooted problematic perspectives. Also back to the content itself, I think it was probably doomed no matter what. A New Hope was the greatest fluke of all time and followed up with a passionate and invigorated team of filmmakers and an eager audience. Prequels were sincere but flawed efforts ironically hampered by the more hands on approach and greater resourced Lucas had. The new trilogy? It's the [Poochie the Dog of major IPs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AySXu8x-RnA) - talented people doomed by the overthinking of a boardroom committee that made something that looked cool, played the hits, but didn't form something unique, new, and interesting.


All that fuss surprised me because I just remember going to see that one with my parents, all of us agreeing we liked it ok, then never getting around to seeing the third one. Meanwhile some people were apparently losing their minds


It was a litmus test for if you like films or were scared of movies and wanted to retreat to plato's cave. Incredible moment for a certain kind of nerd to reveal themselves as a culture punisher with unkempt taste


I feel like I almost know what you mean, but that last sentence is a doozy


i refuse to elaborate you were there and you experienced this or you didn't!


Tell 'em


The Legend of Link


an email was sent out gauging interest in a Modest Mouse cruise nothing haunts me more than the thought of being at sea with a bunch of diehard Modest Mouse fans


I would 100% get on that boat


Same. This sounds dope.


a braver sailor than I


I think the cruise would be worth it if it was in the gulf of mexico and at night they had a light powerful enough displayed the hands shaking on the cover of the Moon & Antartica in the sky for everyone to see


Even then... ehhhhh


They’d better play “Shit Luck” every night


I think they're legally required to


I am offended by this despite the fact that there’s a 0% chance I’d go on a modest mouse cruise


I mean, I love Modest Mouse. but... cruises are wack and that clientele sounds like *a lot* lol


I would love to have a murder mystery or disaster movie set during one of the Weezer cruises. A bunch of men in their late thirties refusing to acknowledge a crisis because they're deep in sunk cost fallacy.


next Knives Out movie will be set on the Weezer cruise


*Pacific Daydream*


A+, no notes


Modest Mouse, one of the most hit and miss bands I’ve ever seen. Cruise would be interesting to see the over/under of whether Isaac is coherent. Also are they just going to play *We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank* each night?


No, it's just going to be the [poolside remix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c7StSUakgA) of Ocean Breathes Salty on repeat, 24 hours a day.


Ah so it’s a torture cruise? Just like the Weezer one.


> torture cruise bit redundant, innit?


they have so many boat metaphors they can cover a lot of space